2017届《名师A计划》高考英语新人教版一轮复习配套练习:选修7 Unit 3《Under the sea》(含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届《名师A计划》高考英语新人教版一轮复习配套练习:选修7 Unit 3《Under the sea》(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 3 Under the sea


  Part A



  Where should an adventurous tourist go?After you’ve done sightseeing in London,shopping in New York,tasting the local food in Paris and dancing to your heart’s content at the Brazilian carnival,where else can you go?What exotic(异国的) tourist destination awaits you?

  Well,Antarctica sounds like the holiday of a lifetime!It’s considered the last great wilderness on Earth.Just a few scientists in research stations share the icy landscape with penguins and other animals which can cope with the low temperatures.

  Tourism began in Antarctica in the 1950s and it’s still small scale.About 37,000 tourists are expected there this season,but many won’t even leave the boat.

  The BBC’s Juliet Rix visited the frozen continent and asked herself if she should be there at all,causing potential problems to such a sensitive environment.Her tour guide admitted that all visitors leave a footprint and they all go to the same places,the accessible coastline,which is also where the penguins and seals go to breed.

  But some people believe that if carefully controlled,tourism can be good for Antarctica.It has no native population and it needs advocates.Visitors to the icy continent might be ready to support and even to fund its preservation.And they’re likely to engage in the discussion about global warming,which has led to the melting of glaciers.

  According to Rix,guidelines are followed when you’re about to set foot in Antarctica and tourists have to disinfect(消毒) their boots to make sure no alien species are introduced.

  And once on land,there’s no eating or smoking.Rocks,bone fragments—nothing should be taken as a souvenir and nothing should be left behind.Tourists fortunate enough to visit the Antarctica must be aware that this is not their home and keep their fingers crossed that future generations will also be able to enjoy such breathtaking views.


  1.According to the second paragraph,we can learn that . 

  A.Antarctica has become the best place for people to travel

  B.only scientists can be allowed to go to Antarctica

  C.Antarctica is less affected by human activities

  D.no animals can survive in Antarctica except penguins

  2.Juliet Rix’s travel in Antarctica mentioned in the fourth paragraph indicates that . 

  A.governments should take measures to stop tourists from going to Antarctica

  B.whether tourists should go to Antarctica or not should be considered carefully

  C.the animals’ habitat in Antarctica has been seriously affected by tourism

  D.only journalists begin to pay attention to the environmental protection in Antarctica

  3.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

  A.Tourists can eat and smoke in Antarctica.

  B.Tourists can take something they like from Antarctica.

  C.Tourists can throw away something they don’t need in Antarctica.

  D.Tourists can enjoy the beautiful scenery in Antarctica.

  4.Which of the following is the best title of this passage?

  A.Why can’t tourists go to Antarctica?

  B.How can tourists go to Antarctica?

  C.Should tourists go to Antarctica?

  D.Are tourists allowed to go to Antarctica?


  1.C 推理判断题。由第二段第二、三句“It’s considered the last great wilderness on Earth.Just a few scientists...”和第三段第一句“...it’s still small scale.”推断,南极洲为不毛之地、游客稀少,因而受人类活动的影响较小,故选C项。

  2.B 推理判断题。根据第四段第一句“...asked herself if she should be there at all,causing potential problems to such a sensitive environment.”可知,出于对环境的保护,人们是否应该去南极洲旅游,应该认真考虑一下。

  3.D 推理判断题。根据文章最后一句“...future generations will also be able to enjoy such breathtaking views.”可知,在南极洲可欣赏到令人激动的景色,D项与文意相符。

  4.C 标题归纳题。文章围绕应不应该去南极洲旅游这一话题进行讨论,C项最适合作标题。


  Fish species are expected to shrink in size by up to 24% because of global warming,say scientists.

  The scientists believe that global warming has a greater affect on marine ecosystems(海洋生态系统)than previously thought.Previous research has suggested that changing ocean temperatures would affect both the distribution and the reproductive abilities of many species of fish.This new work suggests that fish size would also be heavily affected.

  The researchers built a model to see how fish would react to lower levels of oxygen in the water.They modeled the influence of rising temperatures on more than 600 species between 2001 and 2050.As ocean temperatures increase,so do the body temperatures of fish.But,according to Dr William Cheung,from the University of British Columbia,the level of oxygen in the water is the key.Warmer waters could decrease ocean oxygen levels and significantly reduce fish body weight.On the other hand,rising temperatures directly increase the metabolic rate(新陈代谢率)of the fish’s body function.This leads to an increase in oxygen demand for normal body activities.So the fish will run out of oxygen for growth at a smaller body size.

  The research team also used its model to predict fish movements as a result of warming waters.The group believes that most fish populations will move towards the Earth’s poles at a rate of up to 36km per decade.

  Taking both the movements and the physiological affects of rising temperatures together,the research team concluded that fish body size would shrink between 14% and 24%,with the largest decreases in the Indian and Atlantic oceans.

  When compared with actual observations of fish sizes,the model seems to underestimate what’s actually happening in the seas.The researchers made actual studies on some kinds of fishes living in the Atlantic Ocean.They found that the recorded data on these fishes showed greater decreases in body size than the models had predicted.

  1.Which of the following can best function as the title of the passage?

  A.Global warming may shrink the fish

  B.Global warming causes fish to move

  C.Ocean temperatures affect fish distribution

  D.Ocean temperatures reduce fish population

  2.The most important factor that affects fish size is . 

  A.metabolic rate of the fish body

  B.the level of oxygen in the ocean water

  C.the normal activities of fish body

  D.higher pressure in the ocean water

  3.According to the group,in 20 years,most fish populations will move about . 

  A.36 kilometres B.70 kilometres

  C.48 kilometres D.100 kilometres

  4.The underlined word “underestimate” is most closest in meaning to “”. 

  A.calculate the value of

  B.have confidence in

  C.make a high assessment of

  D.make a lower judgment of


  1.A 主旨大意题。文章介绍了科学家对600种鱼类进行电脑仿真模拟实验的情况。再结合第一段可明显看出答案为A项。

  2.B 细节理解题。由第三段第四句中“the level of oxygen in the water is the key”以及第三段最后一句可知,海水含氧量的高低是影响鱼类体型大小的关键因素,故选B项。

  3.B 数字计算题。由第四段中的“most fish populations will move towards the Earth’s poles at a rate of up to 36km per decade.”可计算出答案为B项。

  4.D 词义推测题。文章最后一句表明,研究人员对大西洋中的鱼类体型进行研究记录的真实数据,比模拟实验预测的数据要小得多,可见模拟实验低估了鱼类真实的体型缩小程度。据此推断,underestimate应为“低估”之意。


  As all amazing information resource,the Internet 1.(consider) one of the most powerful tools throughout the world.Students,teachers,and researchers use it as 2. investigative tool.Journalists use it to find information for stories.Doctors use it to learn more about unfamiliar diseases and the 3.(late) medical development.Ordinary people use it for shopping,banking,bill-paying,and communicating with family and friends.People all over the world use it to connect with individuals 4. are from different countries and cultures.However,5. there are many positive developments 6.(associate) with the Internet,there are also certain fears and concerns.One concern relates to a lack of control over 7. appears on the Internet.With television and radio there are 8.(edit) to check the accuracy or appropriateness of the content of programs,and with television there are restrictions on what kinds of programs can 9.(broadcast) and at what times of the day.With the Internet,parents cannot check a published guide to determine what is suitable 10. their children to see. 


  1.is considered。the Internet与consider之间为被动关系,且本文的主体时态为一般现在时,故填is considered。

  2.an。由上文中的“one of the most powerful tools”可知,因特网只是众多调查工具中的一种,故此处用an表示泛指。




  6.associated。be associated with“与……有关,与……有关系”。此处用过去分词形式作后置定语,修饰developments。


  8.editors。there are之后缺少主语,且are为复数形式,故填editors。

  9.be broadcast(ed)。programs与broadcast构成被动关系,应用be broadcast或be broadcasted。

  10.for。句意:针对因特网,家长却找不到已公布的相关的指南,以确定哪些内容适合他们的孩子阅读。be suitable for“对……合适”。

  Part B


  Sharks have lived in the oceans for over 450 million years,long before dinosaurs appeared.There are now about 360  1  of sharks,whose size,behavior,and other characteristics differ widely. 

  Every year,we catch and kill over 100 million sharks, 2  for food and for their fins.Dried shark fins are used to make shark fin soup,which  3  for as much as $50 a bowl in fine Hong Kong  4 .Other sharks are killed for sport and out of fear.Sharks are vulnerable(脆弱的) to overfishing because it  5  most species 10 to 15 years to begin reproducing and they  6  only a few young babies. 

  7  by movies and popular novels,most people see sharks as people-eating animals.This is far from the  8 .Every year,a few types of shark injure about 100 people worldwide and kill about 25.Most  9  are by great white sharks,which often feed on sea lions and other marine mammals.They sometimes mistake human swimmers for their normal food, 10  if they are wearing black wet suits.If you are a typical ocean-goer,your  11  of being killed by an unprovoked(无缘无故的)attack by a shark are about 1 in 100 million.You are more  12  to be killed by a pig than a shark and thousands of times more likely to get killed when you drive a car. 

  Sharks help  13  human lives.In addition to providing people with food,they are helping us learn how to  14  cancer,bacteria,and viruses.Sharks are very healthy and have aging processes similar to ours.Their highly effective immune system  15  wounds to heal quickly without becoming infected,and their blood is being studied in  16  with AIDS research.Sharks are among the few animals in the world that almost  17  get cancer and eye cataracts.Understanding why can help us improve human  18 . 

  However,we are much more  19  to sharks than they are to us.For every shark that  20  a person,we kill one million sharks. 

  1.A.species B.classes

  C.groups D.names

  2.A.greatly B.popularly

  C.widely D.mostly

  3.A.sells B.donates

  C.buys D.returns

  4.A.supermarkets B.restaurants

  C.offices D.companies

  5.A.spends B.takes

  C.costs D.uses

  6.A.raise B.produce

  C.spot D.hunt

  7.A.Impressed B.Moved

  C.Changed D.Influenced

  8.A.story B.truth

  C.movie D.problem

  9.A.injuries B.deaths

  C.attacks D.causes

  10.A.specially B.especially

  C.mainly D.usually

  11.A.chances B.fears

  C.lives D.percentages

  12.A.likely B.frequent

  C.possible D.lucky

  13.A.avoid B.save

  C.keep D.prevent

  14.A.damage B.destroy

  C.fight D.ruin

  15.A.advises B.allows

  C.forces D.forbids

  16.A.conflict B.cooperation

  C.harmony D.connection

  17.A.never B.seldom

  C.often D.usually

  18.A.analysis B.research

  C.study D.health

  19.A.dangerous B.useful

  C.considerate D.clever

  20.A.barks B.escapes

  C.defends D.bites


  1.A 现在大约有360种鲨鱼。species“种类”;class“班级”;group“组”;name“名字”。

  2.D 每年,我们捕杀一亿多只鲨鱼,主要用于食用和获取它们的鱼翅。greatly“非常”;popularly“流行地”;widely“广泛地”;mostly“主要地,大多数”。

  3.A 由空后的“for as much as $50”可知,此处指鱼翅汤卖50美元一碗。sell“出售”;donate“捐献”;buy“购买”;return“归还”。

  4.B 由bowl可知,鱼翅汤是在豪华餐馆里出售的,应选B项。

  5.B 因为大多数物种需要10到15年开始再生。it takes... some time to do sth.为固定句型。

  6.B 由空前的reproducing和空后的宾语young babies可知,此处指鲨鱼繁殖的幼崽很少,B项顺承前文。raise“饲养”;produce“生育,生产”;spot“发现”;hunt“狩猎,猎杀”。

  7.D 受到电影和流行小说的影响,很多人把鲨鱼看作食人动物。impress“印象深刻”;move“感动”;change“改变”;influence“影响”。

  8.B 由下文可知,鲨鱼通常并不会袭击人类,所以此处表示这远非事实。far from...“绝不是,远非……”。

  9.C 由上一句中的“injure about 100 people worldwide and kill about 25”可知,C项attack(袭击)涵盖了injury和death两种情形,符合文意。下文中的“attack by a shark”也给出了提示。

  10.B specially“专门地”;especially“尤其”;mainly“主要地”;usually“通常地”。尤其,如果他们穿着黑色的潜水服。

  11.D 由1 in 100 million可知,应选D项percentage“比例”。

  12.A 由and后面分句中的“more likely to”可知,A项为正确答案。短语be likely to“有可能”。

  13.B 鲨鱼能帮助挽救人类的生命。根据下文的例子可知B项与文意相符。avoid“避免”;save“挽救”;keep“保存”;prevent“阻止”。

  14.C 除了给我们提供食材外,它们还帮助我们学会怎样战胜癌症。damage“损害”;destroy“摧毁”;fight “战斗”;ruin“毁坏”。

  15.B 它们高效的免疫系统能使伤口不被感染且快速地愈合。advise“建议”;allow“允许”;force“被迫”;forbid“禁止”。

  16.D 此处表示“与艾滋病研究有关”,故选D项。in connection with“与……有关”;in conflict with“与……冲突”;in cooperation with“与……合作”;in harmony with“与……和睦相处”。

  17.A 鲨鱼是世界上少数从不得癌症和白内障的动物。never“从不”;seldom“很少”;often“常常”;usually“通常”。

  18.D 理解其中的原因能帮助我们改善人类的健康。analysis“分析”;research“研究”;study“学习”;health“健康”。

  19.A 下一句句首的for表明,本句应与下一句意思一致,即我们对鲨鱼造成的危险要远比它们对我们的大。故应选择A项。

  20.D 此处应与后面分句中的kill相匹配,故选D项。bark“吠叫”;escape“逃脱,逃避”;defend“防卫,保卫”;bite“咬,咬伤”。


  Five things ambitious people never say

  ●“I can’t do this—it’s too hard.”

  Ambitious people never limit themselves or undervalue hard work with these words. 1   

  ●“I’m not good enough.”

  Ambitious people never say they are not good enough.Saying you are not good enough holds you back. 2  The most successful people in the world are not quitters.They are determined who believe in themselves and their abilities.Be confident and believe in yourself,or no one else will. 

  ●“I won’t make it through the obstacles.”

  Challenges and obstacles are tests of your resolve and desire to succeed. 3  They say they will make it because they know better things lie ahead—the sun always shines after the storm. 

  ● “ 4  ” 

  The only time people won’t take you seriously is if you don’t take yourself seriously.Insisting that people won’t take you seriously is an excuse not to do what you know you should do.Ambitious people never say these words.Start respecting yourself and honoring what you do and people will respect and take you seriously.

  ●“I’m going to fail for sure.”

  5  It can teach you valuable lessons and redirect you to the right path.Ambitious people don’t say they are going to fail and let that stop them from trying.They challenge the fear of failure by taking calculated risks because they know the only time you are truly defeated is when you don’t try at all. 


  A.People won’t take me seriously.

  B.People think me impossible.

  C.Ambitious people say they can do everything well.

  D.Ambitious people never say they won’t make it through the hard times.

  E.It also makes you easy to quit when things get a little rough.

  F.Failure is not entirely bad.

  G.They tell themselves they can do it however difficult.


  1.G G项“他们会告诉自己,无论多难他们都可以做到”与有抱负的人从不说的第一句话“I can’t do this—it’s too hard.”含义相反,所以应选G项。

  2.E 由下文中的quitters“放弃者,半途而废者”可知,E项顺承文意,即“在事情变得棘手的时候,说自己不够好只会让自己轻易地放弃”。

  3.D D项与本部分中心句“I won’t make it through the obstacles.”含义一致,均表示“没办法渡过难关”,应选D项。

  4.A 该部分指出了认为“别人不会重视我”的原因及怎样受到别人的重视,由文中多次出现的“take you seriously”可确定答案为A项。

  5.F 由文中最后一部分中的fail,failure和defeated可知答案为F项。


  Nowadays much people have realized the importance of learning English and they spend much time learn.However,they can’t learn English well,which makes them worried.So how one learn English well?Some people think one must master English grammar if one want to learn English well while other believe that one should remember as many words and phrases as possible.

  In my opinion,motive and effective methods are of great significant.Motivation is that what makes one want to learn English well:Learning English is not just for a exam.So when learning English,try to have fun with the language,such as enjoy English songs and learning about another culture.The best way to learn English is to use English,especial listening,speaking and reading more.



  2.第1句:learn→learning。spend time doing sth.“花时间做某事”。



  5.第4句:other→others或在other后加 people。other单独使用时只能作定语,表示“其他人”用others或other people。

  6.第5句:significant→significance。of great significance = very significant。



  9.第7句:enjoy→enjoying。such as表示列举时,其后常用名词短语或动名词短语。

  10.第8句:especial→especially。listening,speaking and reading在此为现在分词,应用副词来修饰。副词especially用在句中,表示强调,意为“特别是,尤其是”。


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