2017届《名师A计划》高考英语新人教版一轮复习配套练习:选修7 Unit 2《Robots》(含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届《名师A计划》高考英语新人教版一轮复习配套练习:选修7 Unit 2《Robots》(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 2 Robots


  Part A



  Most people agree that honesty is a good thing.But does Mother Nature agree?Animals can’t talk,but can they lie in other ways?Can they lie with their bodies and behaviors?Animal experts may not call it lying,but they do agree that many animals,from birds to chimpanzees,behave dishonestly to fool other animals.Why?Dishonesty often helps them survive.

  Many kinds of birds are very successful at fooling other animals.For example,a bird called the plover sometimes pretends to be hurt in order to protect its young.When a predator(猎食动物)gets close to its nest,the plover leads the predator away from the nest.How?It pretends to have a broken wing.The predator follows the “hurt” adult,leaving the baby birds safe in the nest.

  Another kind of bird,the scrub jay,buries its food so it always has something to eat.Scrub jays are also thieves.They watch where others bury their food and steal it.But clever scrub jays seem to know when a thief is watching them.So they go back later,unbury the food,and bury it again somewhere else.

  Birds called cuckoos have found a way to have babies without doing much work.How?They don’t make nests.Instead,they get into other birds’ nests secretly.Then they lay their eggs and fly away.When the baby birds come out,their adoptive parents feed them.

  Chimpanzees,or chimps,can also be sneaky.After a fight,the losing chimp will give its hand to the other.When the winning chimp puts out its hand,too,the chimps are friendly again.But an animal expert once saw a losing chimp take the winner’s hand and start fighting again.

  Chimps are sneaky in other ways,too.When chimps find food that they love,such as bananas,it is natural for them to cry out.Then other chimps come running.But some clever chimps learn to cry very softly when they find food.That way,other chimps don’t hear them,and they don’t need to share their food.

  As is mentioned above,animals behave dishonestly for survival.Is it OK to lie for us human?


  1.The writer uses the three questions at the beginning of the passage to . 

  A.ask the readers to answer the questions

  B.draw the readers’ attention to the topic

  C.seek answers to the questions

  D.show he is at a loss about the questions

  2.Which of the following is not an example of animal’s dishonest behaviors?

  A.The plover pretended to have a broken wing to protect its baby birds.

  B.A scrub jay dug out its buried food and reburied it somewhere else.

  C.The adoptive parents feed their baby birds of cuckoos.

  D.A losing chimp starts fighting again after taking the winner’s hand.

  3.The underlined word “sneaky” in Paragraph 5 most probably means . 

  A.selfish B.friendly

  C.entertaining D.dishonest

  4.What is the common reaction of most chimps when they find their favorite food?

  A.They let out a loud cry.

  B.They cry in a very low voice.

  C.They hide their food immediately.

  D.They share their food with other chimps.


  1.B 推理判断题。文章开头提出几个与主题相关的问题,又一一作出回答,可见作者意不在问,而是为了吸引读者的注意。

  2.C 细节理解题。文中第二、三、五段举例说明了plover,scrub jay和chimp使用欺骗手段取得自保的做法,因此选择C项。事实上,把蛋下在别的鸟巢里才是欺骗手段,而喂鸟并不是。

  3.D 词义推测题。结合第一段倒数第三句中的“from birds to chimpanzees,behave dishonestly to fool other animals”,第二段第一句以及划线词sneaky前的also一词可知,此处指猩猩和鸟类一样,也会表现得不诚实,故选D项。

  4.A 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第二句和第三句“When chimps find food that they love,such as bananas,it is natural for them to cry out.Then other chimps come running.”可知,当猩猩们找到自己喜欢的食物时,往往会大声叫喊,呼朋引伴,故选A项。


  Even though it doesn’t have a head,you can still tell what kind of animal it is:the robot is definitely modeled upon a cat.Developed by EPFL’s Biorobotics Laboratory(Biorob),the “cheetah-cub robot,” a small-size quadruped prototype robot,is described in an article appearing today in the International Journal of Robotics Research.What is special is the design of its legs,which makes it very fast and stable.

  This robot is the fastest in its kind.During tests,it showed its ability to run nearly seven times its body length in one second.In addition,the robot is extremely light and can be easily made from materials that are inexpensive and readily available.

  The machine’s strengths all lie in the design of its legs.The researchers developed a new model with this robot,one that is based on the careful observation and faithful reproduction of the cat-like leg.The number of segments(分段)—three on each leg—and their proportions(比例)are the same as they are on a cat.Springs are used to reproduce tendons(肌腱),and actuators—small motors that turn energy into movement—are used to replace the muscles.

  Biorob director Auke Ijspeert said,“It’s still in the experimental stages,but the long-term goal of the cheetah-cub robot is to be able to develop fast,agile,grounded machines for use in exploration,for example for search and rescue in natural disaster situations.Studying and using the principles of the animal kingdom to develop new solutions for use in robots is the nature of our research.”

  1.Which of the following can best function as the title of the passage?

  A.A robot that runs like a cat

  B.How robots are widely used

  C.The development of robots

  D.A newly discovered animal

  2.According to Paragraph 1,the robot is special for . 

  A.its head B.its size

  C.its model of a cat D.its design of the legs

  3.The robot may be described as . 

  A.fast,kind,strong and long

  B.fast,light,stable and cheap

  C.friendly,light,available and strong

  D.friendly,long,stable and available

  4.What’s the attitude of Auke Ijspeert towards the future of the cheetah-cub robot?

  A.Negative. B.Indifferent.

  C.Pessimistic. D.Optimistic.


  1.A 主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了研究人员新开发的一种四条腿的、像猫一样可以跑得又快又稳的机器人。

  2.D 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“What is special is the design of its legs...”可知,机器人的特别之处在于对它腿部的设计,D项符合文意。

  3.B 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“...which makes it very fast and stable.”和第二段内容可知B项正确。

  4.D 观点态度题。根据最后一段中的“the long-term goal...in natural disaster situations.”可知,此种机器人将会应用于很多领域,所以前景乐观。


  On receiving my learner’s permit a couple of months ago,I started driving lessons straight away.However,it wasn’t until two days ago 1. Dad finally allowed me to drive on the motorway.Our destination was Orewa,2. seaside town. 

  That morning I made sure I had enough to drink and went to the toilet about three times 3. we left.I thought I was totally prepared 4. the journey,but nothing could have prepared me for my family’s complaints. 

  “Relax!Don’t hold the steering wheel so 5.(tight),”called a nervous voice from the backseat. 

  “Speed up.70km/h isn’t fast enough.You are holding up the traffic,” another voice ordered from the seat next to 6.(I). 

  How 7.(annoy)!To content them,I 8.(step) hard on the accelerator,and within a second,an angry voice began to yell again. 

  “Stop!Slow down!Are you crazy?Did I tell you to go above 100km/h?”

  Finally I drove into the city,where the speed limit was 50km/h.

  My family seemed relieved and stopped 9.(tell) me what to do.On our way home,the journey was much 10.(easy) than before as everyone else fell fast asleep.So,I just took my time and enjoyed the drive. 





  4.for。be prepared for“为……做准备”。





  9.telling。由relieved可知,家人们不再吩咐“我”怎么做了,应用动名词telling。stop doing sth.意为“不再做某事”。


  Part B


  Around three years ago,I was at a stop sign when I heard slight barking coming from a car parked on the street near me.It was very  1  and the dog was trying to get some of the cooler fresh air outside the car.Without thinking I  2  my car and got out to help him. 

  There was no way to  3  the dog because the car was locked.Thinking of the irresponsible owner I became  4 .I didn’t know if I should  5  the window and take the dog or try to contact the owner.Just then,I  6  a police car on the opposite side of the street.I ran out to seek for help. 

  When the police officer helped open the door,the dog  7  both of us and ran quickly behind the house the car was parked in front of.We  8  the dog to make sure he was OK.Then we saw  9  the dog had run:The dog’s owner was  10  in the middle of his garage. 

  Obviously the man had a condition that caused him to have a(n)  11 .This one was particularly  12  and required medical attention.After the incident I learned that had I not  13 ,both the dog and the man would likely have died.I was overcome with  14  and my eyes swelled up.I realized how much of an effect you can have on other people’s lives by doing the  15  thing.I was so quick to  16  assuming the dog’s owner ignored his pet.And had the police officer not been around I may have just left a(n)  17  on the car after I took the dog. 

  I cannot  18  what I would feel if I knew that man had died because of any number of things that may have gone  19 .It made me understand that things are not always as they  20 ,and there are always several sides to every story. 


  1.A.quite B.dark

  C.hot D.dry

  2.A.drove B.parked

  C.took D.looked

  3.A.save B.feed

  C.walk D.touch

  4.A.sad B.bored

  C.puzzled D.angry

  5.A.open B.break

  C.clean D.replace

  6.A.hit B.called

  C.noticed D.stopped

  7.A.disappointed B.frightened

  C.excited D.surprised

  8.A.looked after B.went after

  C.shouted at D.pointed at

  9.A.why B.how

  C.when D.where

  10.A.working B.sleeping

  C.standing D.lying

  11.A.attack B.rest

  C.opportunity D.fight

  12.A.important B.strange

  C.bad D.clear

  13.A.known B.continued

  C.stayed D.helped

  14.A.uncertainty B.anxiety

  C.exhaustion D.emotion

  15.A.risky B.hard

  C.right D.big

  16.A.judge B.act

  C.blame D.agree

  17.A.address B.note

  C.mark D.number

  18.A.believe B.face

  C.imagine D.remember

  19.A.quickly B.differently

  C.perfectly D.smoothly

  20.A.seem B.happen

  C.expect D.prefer


  1.C 根据下文“...to get some of the cooler fresh air outside the car.”可知,天气很热。

  2.B 没有多想,“我”便把车停了下来,下车去帮助它。

  3.A 车门锁着,没办法救这只狗。由上文“...got out to help him.”及下文“...take the dog or try to contact the owner.”可知,“我”在试图救这只狗,所以选A项。

  4.D 因为想到狗主人不负责任,所以“我”应该很生气。

  5.B 前文提到车门锁着所以“我”在想是不是要“打破”车窗救狗。

  6.C 就在这时,“我”“注意”到在街道对面有一辆警车。C项顺承文意。

  7.D 狗被救出后竟然跑走了,这让“我”和警察很“吃惊”。

  8.B “我”和警察为了确保狗的安全追了上去。look after“照顾,照看”;go after“追逐,追赶”;shout at“对……大喊”;point at“指向”。

  9.A 下文“The dog’s owner was  10  in the middle of his garage.”告知了狗突然跑到屋后的原因,应选A项。 

  10.D 狗的主人正躺在车库内。由下文“...required medical attention.”可知应选择D项。

  11.A 很显然,这个人是因为突发某种疾病而晕倒的。attack“(疾病)突然发作”。

  12.C 由下文“...required medical attention.”以及“the man would likely have died”可知,狗主人的病情非常严重。bad“严重的,厉害的”,在此相当于serious。

  13.D 如果“我”当时不施以援助的话,狗和狗的主人都可能会死去。D项符合文意。

  14.D 根据下文“my eyes swelled up”可知,“我”情绪失控,应选D项。overcome“控制(感情)”。be overcome with emotion意为“激动得难以自持”。

  15.C 由上文可知,“我”做了“正确的”事,救了狗和狗的主人,对别人的生活产生了巨大的影响。

  16.A 根据下文中“assuming the dog’s owner ignored his pet”可知,“我”很快做出判断,认定狗的主人失职。

  17.B 如果当时没有警察在场,“我”可能会在救出狗之后,在车上留张便条,从而错失救狗主人的机会。

  18.C 由would和if可知,这里指如果狗的主人死去,“我”会有什么样的感受,这是无法想象的。C项符合句意。

  19.B 此处指很多事情的结果都会有所不同,B项符合文意。go differently“结果不同”。any number of“许多”。

  20.A 根据下文和“我”的经历可知,很多事情并不总是像“看上去”那样。


  Tips for choosing a summer camp for your teen

  Sending your teenager off to a summer camp?Here are things to keep in mind when picking the right camp.


  How can you find a camp that specializes in and appeals to teen campers?Well,search for camps through Care.com,the American Camp Association and the Better Business Bureau.Learn about different camps’ history programs,staff and so on.

  Include your teen in the process.

  2  Communicate with your teenagers and ensure that they are happy with the final decision.Plus,most teen programs have the teen campers sign a camp contract,so make sure the camp is something your child is interested in. 

  Attend a camp fair.

  Camp fairs often provide a great forum (论坛). 3  Search for a camp fair near you through the American Camp Association. 

  Think carefully about your teen’s interests.

  Should you send your teens to a traditional camp or a more specialized summer program?Are they in need of an academic improvement summer program?Would a community service-centered camp make them better understand the world? 4   

  Visit the campgrounds and facilities(设施).

  Meeting the camp staff is necessary,as they are the professionals who can help your family to have a positive summer camp experience. 5  Are teens mixed in with kids younger or older than themselves? 

  Give yourself enough time to help your teens find the right camp and make sure they are on their way to an exciting summer experience.

  A.Explore your choices.

  B.Look for teen camps.

  C.Choosing a camp should be a team decision.

  D.Would your kids do a good job at travel camps?

  E.These are important questions you should ask yourself.

  F.Is the camp set up with activities that are interesting for teenagers?

  G.Therefore,you can check out a variety of summer programs in one location all at once.


  1.B 根据本条建议中的“find a camp”及“search for camps”等可知,本段针对如何寻找青少年夏令营这个问题给出了建议。

  2.C 本段建议家长让孩子参与到选择夏令营的过程中,也就是说“选择夏令营应该是大家一起做的决定”,故选择C项。

  3.G 博览会和论坛往往围绕一个主题提供多种选择,G项中的“check out a variety of summer programs in one location all at once”符合博览会和论坛的这一特点。

  4.E E项是对本部分前面的内容做出的小结,其中的These questions指的就是本空前的三个问题。

  5.F 去营地考察的目的之一是看看“夏令营的活动是不是青少年感兴趣的”。故选F项。


  My favorite sport is football.I was a member of our school football team.We practise for three times every week and often watch football match on TV together.Play football not only makes us grow tall and strong but also give us a sense of fair play and team spirit.We must keep in mind that we play for the team instead ourselves.Also,the sport teaches us the important of obedience(服从).Each player must obey a captain,which is the leader of the team.And they must not break the rules too often if we want to win the game.



  2.第3句:删除for。此处three times作状语,其前不用for。

  3.第3句:match→matches。由“often watch”可知,match 应用复数形式,指多次比赛。


  5.第4句:give→gives。本句主语为playing football,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。

  6.第5句:在instead后加of。instead为副词,通常用在句末;instead of为介词词组,其后跟宾语,意为“而不是”。

  7.第6句:important→importance。此处作宾语补足语,应用名词importance,teach sb.sth.为固定搭配,表示“教会某人某事”。





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