2017届《名师A计划》高考英语新人教版一轮复习配套课件:必修2 Unit 3《Computers》-查字典英语网
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2017届《名师A计划》高考英语新人教版一轮复习配套课件:必修2 Unit 3《Computers》

发布时间:2017-03-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 Don’t stand in the way.不要妨碍别人。 By the way,have you seen my umbrella anywhere?顺便问一下,你在什么地方见过我的伞吗? ◆现学活用 用适当的冠词或介词填空 1.In a way,I like this new textbook very much. 2.I’m afraid your bike is in the way. 3.Why don’t you stop by our place on your way to Boston?

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❸with the help of在……的帮助下 After all,with the help of my electronic brain which never forgets anything,using my intelligence is what I’m all about!不管怎样,在我过目不忘的电子脑的帮助下,运用智能就是我的一切!(教材原句P23) My English has been greatly improved with the help of my teacher.在老师的帮助下,我的英语有了很大提高。  ◆拓展延伸 help sb.out帮助某人渡过难关/摆脱困境 help sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事 help (to) do sth.帮忙做某事 help oneself to自用(食物),擅自取用 can’t help doing sth.禁不住做某事 cannot help but do sth.不得不做某事,只得做某事

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆现学活用 用适当的介词填空 1.I’ll never forget Mr Smith,with whose help we had made great progress. 2.I cannot help but admit he is right. 3.My friends help me out when I lost my job.

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❹watch over 看守,监视;照看 It should also watch over my naughty niece,who comes to my house very often.它还要照看我淘气的侄女,她常到我家来。(教材原句P24) Could you watch (over) my clothes while I have a swim?我游泳时你看着我的衣物行吗?  He felt that God was watching over him.他感觉到上帝正保佑着他。  ◆拓展延伸 1.watch out (for) 当心,注意 watch for 等待;留心 2.keep a watch on 监视 under the close watch 在严密的监视下

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆现学活用 用watch的相关短语的适当形式完成句子 1.他们正等待着进一步的发展。 They are watching for further development.  2.小心!汽车来了。 Watch out!There’s a car coming. 

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❶It was/took+一段时间+before...……之后才…… I developed very slowly and it took nearly two hundred years before I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage.我发育缓慢,差不多到了两百年之后,查尔斯·巴比奇才把我制成了一台分析机。(教材原句P18) “It was/took+一段时间+before...”为固定句型,其中before引导时间状语从句。主句是肯定句,与时间段连用,表示“……之后才……”,表示从句发生的动作缓慢。 It was three years before he finished the work.他花了三年才完成这项工作。 重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆拓展延伸 1.It will not be long before...不久就会……(从句常用一般现在时) It will be+一段时间+before...要过多久才……(从句常用一般现在时) 2.It is/has been+时间段+since sb.did sth.自从……以来有一段时间了。 主语+was/were doing...when...(主语)正……这时…… 主语+was/were about to do...when...(主语)正准备……这时…… It+be+时间+that...就是在……时候……(强调句) It was not until...that...直到……才……

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆现学活用 用before,since,when或that填空 1.It was two years before he realized the truth. 2.It has been two years since he lived here. 3.I was doing my homework when she walked in. 4.It was at midnight that he arrived home. 5.It was not until midnight that he arrived home.

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❷as引导时间状语从句 As time went by,I was made smaller.一年年过去,我被做得更小了。(教材原句P18) as意为“随着”,引导时间状语从句。 As time went on,his knowledge broadened.随着时间的推移,他的知识面变宽了。 As we grow older,we get wiser.随着年龄的增长,我们会变得越来越聪明。 ◆拓展延伸 as time goes/went by=with time going by随着时间的推移 1.as是连词,引导时间状语从句。 2.with是介词,后接名词或代词构成with短语或with复合结构。 As time went by,the city became more beautiful.随着时间的推移,这座城市变得更美丽了。 With the time going by,they became close friends.随着时间的流逝,他们变成了好朋友。

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆现学活用 单句填空 1.I couldn’t do my homework with all that noise going(go) on. 2.As children get older,they become more and more interested in the things around them.

  一、单句填空 1.(2015·重庆高考改编)(raise) in the poorest area of Glasgow,he had a long,hard road to becoming a football star.  1.Raised。raise在此表示“带大,养大”,和该句主语是被动关系,故用过去分词。此处不能用现在分词的被动式,因为此处养大的动作已完成。 2.(2015·北京高考改编)we understand things has a lot to do with what we feel.  2.How。句意:我们如何理解事物与我们对事物的感受有很大关系。根据语境可知此处应用how引导主语从句。 3.(2017·福建高考改编)For those with family members far away,the (person) computer and the phone are important in staying connected.  3.personal。名词前需用形容词修饰。personal computer“个人电脑”。

  4.(2017·上海高考改编)The customer(give) important health information,but is still free to decide what to choose.  4.is given。此空作谓语,因主语the customer与谓语动词是被动关系,再结合语境可知,应用一般现在时的被动语态。 5.(2017·浙江高考改编)Cathy had quit her job when her son was born that she could stay home and raise her family.  5.so。so that“以致”,引导目的状语从句。 6.(2017·湖北高考改编)The Shard has completely changed the(appear) of London.  6.appearance。此空作宾语,前面有定冠词the,用appear的名词形式 appearance。 7.(2017·湖北高考改编)While intelligent people can often (simple) the complex,a fool is more likely to complicate the simple.  7.simplify。根据空格前的情态动词can可判断此空填动词。句意:聪明人经常会让复杂的问题简单化,而傻瓜更可能将简单的东西弄得更复杂。

  8.(2017·山东高考改编)A number of high buildings (arise) where there was nothing a year ago but ruins.  8.have arisen。表示对现在的影响,应用现在完成时。 9.(2011·广东高考改编)The major challenge of this century is to find ways to meet the needs of growing populationthe limits of this single planet.  9.within。within the limits of为固定搭配,意为“在……限度之内;在……范围内”。 10.Without breathing or making a sound,the two little girls stood still,their eyes(fix) on the visitor.  10.fixed。eyes和fix是被动关系,此处用过去分词fixed作eyes的后置定语。

  二、单元话题微写作 电脑与网络 根据提示,将以下句子连成一篇英语短文。 1.自从电脑在各行各业普及后,人们对网络也非常关注。(all walks of life;attention) 2.目前网络已经成为获取信息的重要来源。网络给学习方式带来了巨大的变化,它使人们能够随时随地想学就学。 (obtain;bring about) 3.与此同时,网络也带来了一些负面影响。许多人,尤其是学生,沉迷网络,浪费了大量时间。 (meanwhile;be addicted to) Great attention has been paid today to the Internet since computers found their ways into all walks of life.At present,the Internet has become the major source of obtaining information in daily life.It brings about great changes in the way of learning,making it possible for people to learn wherever and whenever they want to.Meanwhile,it has some negative effects as well.Some people,especially young students,are easily addicted to the Internet and spend too much time online doing nothing concerning their work or lessons. 

  必修2 课前自主排查 -*- 课文要点回顾 名师高效课堂 课堂限时检测 Unit 3 Computers 必修2 课前自主排查 -*- 课文要点回顾 名师高效课堂 课堂限时检测 Unit 3 Computers 课前自主排查 必修2 课前自主排查 -*- 课文要点回顾 名师高效课堂 课堂限时检测 Unit 3 Computers 课文要点回顾 必修2 课前自主排查 -*- 课文要点回顾 名师高效课堂 课堂限时检测 Unit 3 Computers 名师高效课堂 必修2 课前自主排查 -*- 课文要点回顾 名师高效课堂 课堂限时检测 Unit 3 Computers 课堂限时检测 Unit 3 Computers 重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 1.calculatorn.计算器 calculatevt.计算 calculationn.计算,估算 2.universaladj.普遍的,通用的;宇宙的 universen.宇宙;万物 3.simplifyvt.简化 simplificationn.简单化;单纯化 4.operatorn.(电脑)操作员;接线员 operatevt.操作;运转 vi.动手术 5.logicaladj.合逻辑的;合情理的 logicallyadv.逻辑上;合逻辑地;有条理地 6.technologyn.工艺;科技;技术 technologicaladj.科技的

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 7.revolutionn.革命 revolutionaryadj.革命的 8.artificialadj.人造的;假的 9.intelligencen.智力;聪明;智能 intelligentadj.智能的;聪明的 10.solvevt.解决,解答 solvableadj.可解决的 solutionn.解决方案 11.realityn.真实,事实,现实 12.personaladj.私人的,个人的;亲自的 personallyadv.就个人而言;亲自 13.totaladj.总的,整个的 n.总数;合计 totallyadv.完全地,整个地

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 14.applicationn.应用;用途;申请 applyvt.& vi.应用;申请 15.explorevt.& vi.探索,探测,探究 explorationn.探测,探究 explorern.探测者,探险者,探索者 16.anyhowadv.(也作anyway)无论如何;即使如此 17.goaln.目标;目的;球门;(进球)得分 18.signalvi.& vt.发信号 n.信号 19.typen.类型 vt.& vi.打字 typistn.打字员 20.arisevi.出现;发生 arose(过去式) arisen(过去分词)

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 21.electronicadj.电子的 22.appearancen.外观;外貌;出现 appearvi.出现;显得;好像 23.charactern.性格;特点 characteristicadj.特有的,独特的

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 1.from...on 从……时起 2.as a result 结果 3.so...that...如此……以至于…… 4.in a way 在某种程度上 5.with the help of 在……的帮助下 6.deal with 处理;安排;对付 7.watch over 看守,监视

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 1.我发育缓慢,差不多到了两百年之后,查尔斯·巴比奇才把我制成了一台分析机。 I developed very slowly and it took nearly two hundred years before I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage. 2.一年年过去,我被做得更小了。 As time went by ,I was made smaller. 3.我的存储量变得如此之大,甚至连我自己都不能相信! And my memory became so large that even I couldn’t believe it!

  I began as a 1.calculating(calculate) machine in 1642.Although I was young I could 2.simplify(simple) difficult sums.Two hundred years later,I was built as an analytical machine,which was programmed by an 3.operator(operate) who used cards with holes.I could “think ” and “answer” 4.logically(logical).At that time it was considered a 5.technological(technology) revolution and the start of my “artificial intelligence”.In 1936,Alan Turing wrote a book and made me work as a “universal machine” to solve any difficult mathematical problem.From then 6.on,I grew rapidly in size and in brainpower.As time went by,I was made smaller as a 7.personal(person) computer(PC) and then as a laptop.As 8.a result,I totally changed my shape.In the early 1960s,my designers gave me a family connected by a network.Since 1970 many new applications have been found for me.I became important in communication,finance and trade.I have been used to make mobile phones and put into space rockets and sent to explore the Moon and Mars.Anyhow,my goal is 9.to provide(provide) humans with a life of high quality and I am truly filled with 10.happiness(happy). 

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❶solve vt.解决,解答 In 1936 my real father,Alan Turing,wrote a book about how I could be made to work as a “universal machine” to solve any difficult mathematical problem.1936年,我真正的父亲艾伦·图灵写了一本书,讲述了怎样使我成为一台“通用机器”来解决任何数学难题。(教材原句P18) ◆常见用法 solve a problem解决问题 solve a crime 破案 It is Tom who have solved the problems.是汤姆解决了问题。 

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆拓展延伸 1.solvable adj.可解决的;可解释的;可解答的 2.solver n.解答或解决问题者 3.solution n.解决;答案;溶解 solution to sth.某事的解决办法 ◆现学活用 用solve的适当形式填空 1.It was clever of you to solve the problem.  2.He’s a good problem solver. 3.She can find no solution to her financial troubles. 4.These are problems that are not immediately solvable.

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❷explore vt.& vi.探索,探测,探究 I have even been put into space rockets and sent to explore the Moon and Mars.我甚至被放入太空火箭里,并被发射去探索月球和火星。(教材原句P18) ◆常见用法 explore sth./sp.探索某物/某地 explore for搜寻;勘探 We explored several solutions to the problem.我们探讨了几种解决该问题的方法。 ◆拓展延伸 exploration n.勘探,探测;探索,探究 explorer n.探测者;探险者;探索者,探究者

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆词义辨析 1.explore指通过科学方法或旅行去发现尚未知晓的领域或地方,表示“探究”的意思。 Scientists launched rockets to explore space.科学家们发射火箭来探测太空。 2.uncover意为“揭去……的覆盖物,使露出,揭露”。 Agents have uncovered a plot against the President.特工发现了一个反对总统的阴谋。 3.discover指发现原已存在但未被人知道的事物,作“发现,发觉”解。 Columbus discovered America but did not explore the new continent.哥伦布发现了美洲,但没有考察这块新大陆。 ◆现学活用 用explore的适当形式填空 1.Christopher Columbus was seen as one of the greatest explorers. 2.An astronaut will give a speech about his space exploration in the hall this weekend. 3.Please explore all the possibilities before you make a decision.

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❸anyhow adv.无论如何;即使如此;至少 Anyhow,my goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality.无论如何,我的目标是给人类提供高质量的生活。(教材原句P18) ◆常见用法 1.anyhow表示“无论如何”、“不管怎样”、“总之”、“反正”等意思时,可放在句首或句末,表示前面所说过的某种情况并不重要,重要的是下面要说的话。 2.anyhow表示“随随便便”,此时不能与somehow互换。 It was raining,but I didn’t want to go out anyhow.天正下着雨,不过我本来就不想出去。 I’ve tried,but I can’t open it anyhow.我已经试过了,但无论如何也打不开。 Anyhow,I will see you tonight.无论如何,今天晚上我要见你。 He leaves his books about anyhow.他把书随便乱放。

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆拓展延伸 与anyhow意思相近的词或短语有: at least至少 anyway无论如何,不管怎样;至少 in spite of this即使如此 somehow=someway 以某种方式;不知怎么地 ◆现学活用 单句改错 1.It’s possible that I’m not fit to be a teacher just as you say,but somehow,I’ll have a try.(somehow改为anyhow) 2.—Would you like me to help you with those heavy bags? —I can manage myself.Thank you someway.(someway改为anyhow/anyway)

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❹signal vi.& vt.发信号 n.信号 For example,I have learned to signal to my teammates in computer language to give me the ball when I am open and have a good shot for a goal.例如,当我前面没人防守有机会射一个好球的时候,我已经学会了用计算机语言向队友示意把球传给我。(教材原句P23) I’ve called several times,but I keep getting a busy signal.我打了好几次(电话)了,可是一直是忙音。 We live too far from the city to get a strong television signal.我们住的地方离城市太远,不能收到很强的电视信号。 The submarine signaled for help.潜水艇发出求救的信号。

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆常见用法 1.signal to sb.向某人示意 signal sb.that...示意某人…… signal (to) sb.to do sth.示意某人做某事 2.a danger signal危险信号 traffic signal交通信号 digital signal 数字信号 The police signaled the traffic to move forward slowly.警察向来往车辆打信号,示意其缓慢前行。  A red lamp is often a danger signal.红灯常常是危险的信号。 

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆现学活用 用signal,sign,symbol或mark的适当形式填空 1.There are signs of political unrest in the country. 2.A red lamp is often a danger signal. 3.The trade mark is an intangible asset of every company. 4.She had a silver peace symbol hanging on a chain around her neck.

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❺arise vi.出现;发生 Then she prepares reliable moves to use if a new situation arises.然后她(程序员)把在新情况下能用得上的可靠动作准备好。(教材原句P23) A new difficulty has arisen.出现了新的困难。  ◆常见用法 arise from/out of由……引起,由……产生 Accidents arise from carelessness.疏忽大意往往会引发事故。  ◆词义辨析

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆现学活用 用arise,rise或raise的适当形式完成句子 1.这东西太重,我举不起来。 This thing is too heavy.I can’t raise it. 2.突变的计划可能会导致严重的纠纷。 Serious complications may arise from this sudden change of plans. 3.河水上涨了好几米。 The river has risen by several meters.

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❶as a result结果 As a result I totally changed my shape.结果我的形状完全改变了。(教材原句P18) He made a big mistake,as a result,lost his job.他犯了个大错,结果丢了工作。  ◆常见用法 as a result of 意为“由于……”,后接名词、代词、动名词或what引导的宾语从句。 The flight was delayed as a result of fog.因有雾该航班晚点了。 

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆词义辨析

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 We helped each other in studies and as a result we became good friends.我们在学习上互相帮助,结果我们成了好朋友。 He was late as a result of the heavy snow.由于大雪他迟到了。 His carelessness resulted in his failure.他的粗心导致他的失败。 His failure resulted from his carelessness.他的失败源于他的粗心。

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆现学活用 用result的相关短语的适当形式完成句子 1.他们没有弄到足够的钱,因此,只好放弃那项计划。 They didn’t get enough money.As a result,they had to give up the plan.  2.由于车祸,杰克逊不能再工作了。

  As a result of the car accident,Jackson couldn’t work any longer.  3.很多头发问题都是由饮食引起的。 Many hair problems result from what you eat.  4.这起事故导致两名乘客丧生。 The accident resulted in the death of two passengers. 

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❷in a way 在某种程度上,从某种意义上说 In a way our programmer is like our coach.从某种程度上来说,我们的程序员就像是我们的教练。(教材原句P23) In a way,his English has improved.从某种程度上来说,他的英语有进步。  ◆拓展延伸 in the way 造成阻碍;挡道 in no way 决不 on the/one’s way (to) 在(去……)的路上 by the way 顺便提一下 all the way 自始至终;完全地 in this way 用这种方法 必修2 课前自主排查 -*- 课文要点回顾 名师高效课堂 课堂限时检测 Unit 3 Computers 必修2 课前自主排查 -*- 课文要点回顾 名师高效课堂 课堂限时检测 Unit 3 Computers 课前自主排查 必修2 课前自主排查 -*- 课文要点回顾 名师高效课堂 课堂限时检测 Unit 3 Computers 课文要点回顾 必修2 课前自主排查 -*- 课文要点回顾 名师高效课堂 课堂限时检测 Unit 3 Computers 名师高效课堂 必修2 课前自主排查 -*- 课文要点回顾 名师高效课堂 课堂限时检测 Unit 3 Computers 课堂限时检测


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