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发布时间:2017-03-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  Please follow the following suggestions:

  Make sure you're well prepared before filming your movie, as not being prepared might just waste your resources, such as your video tapes.

  Before shooting a scene, make sure that your video camera is charged up and is ready to run. Having a spare battery is a good idea.

  If you are bad at introductions and conclusions, then think of the end first, and begin the movie in the same place, or vice-versa(反之亦然).

  Add music, but not illegally. In other words, you can put music in, but don't give out copies. If you do, you will have to use non-copyrighted material or contact someone to get permission. No matter where you are there is always independent musicians that would love to have their songs in your movie. and lighting is very important: Good sound (easily understanding the person speaking without hearing the photographer breathing, or street noise, for example) is critical. Good lighting makes the video/movie watchable. Excellent "Predicting lighting " include: Dusk or early morning, a foggy or overcast day, and shade (but only when there is a darker background.) A white poster board can be used to bounce(弹回) light to the shaded side of the face.

  Here are a few camera pointers to consider: Vary the shots for interest, but vary the type of shots, between wide, medium and close-up(特写). Too many close-ups in a row is in disorder. Start with a wide Establishing Shot (so the audience knows where the action is taking place and what time of day, year or millennium(千年期)it is), then vary medium and close-up shots. Keep strange point of view (POV) shots to a minimum unless you are trying to surprise the viewer. 280

  1. Which one is the best title for this passage?

  A. To add music, but not illegally.

  B. Some camera pointers to consider.

  C. Some advice on filming a movie.

  D. To try to surprise the viewer.

  2. The word charged up may mean______.

  A. To count cost.

  B. To put electricity into a battery.

  C. To accuse.

  D. To check out.

  3. Why do we add music illegally? Because

  A. Music is illlegal.

  B. Music is owned by the government.

  C. Any music isn’ t allowed into it.

  D. It is involved in the copyright problems.

  4. Why is lighting very important?

  A. Lighting gives people electricity.

  B. It makes films appear watchable.

  C. Lighting gives people light.

  D. Lighting can make more films.

  5. The reasons for not using too many close-ups in rows is______..

  A. It makes no sense.

  B. It is very tiring.

  C. It can be used once.

  D. It can cause confusion.


  1. C。主旨大意标题题。本文大意为:就拍摄电影提出相关的建议,如在摄像机充电、插入音乐、照明、想好开头和结尾等方面的建议。故答案选C;其余选项只表达了文章的部分内容。

  2. B。词义猜测题。联系上下文理解到本句句意为“在拍摄电影之前要确保摄像机充好电预备使用”;特别是联系Before shooting a scene和Before shooting a scene理解到此处意思为“充电”。故答案选B。

  3. D。推理判断题。据信息句If you do, you will have to use non-copyrighted material or contact someone to get permission.推断这因为牵涉到版权问题。故答案选D。

  4. B。细节理解题。从倒数第二段信息句Good lighting makes the video/movie watchable理解得知照明使得电影更具有观赏性。故答案选B。

  5.D。细节理解题。从最后一段信息句Too many close-ups in a row is in disorder.理解到过多地使用特写镜头会引起混乱。故答案选D。

  阅读理解Amy Pankratz spent a few nights in the hospital with her daughter, Isabella, who caught a bad flu. “Lying in bed beside Isabella, I could hear the cries of children in pain, ”says Amy. “It completely broke my heart. ”

  When Isabella was getting well and could leave her room, she wore her prized possession—a“superhero cape(短斗篷)”Amy had sewn to encourage her—and walked into the hallway. The pink cape was an instant hit with the other young patients, who were doing exercise around the nursing station. “Then, all the kids were taking turns wearing the cape, giggling, ”Amy says. “These were some of the same children I had heard crying the night before, and here they were playing and having fun—kids just being kids! ”

  From that moment on, Amy began making Comfort Capes for little ones battling with serious illnesses. “I felt God presenting an opportunity, ”she says. “I hoped Comfort Capes can help these kids feel brave, to lift some of the fear away. ”

  Since then, Amy has made and donated more than 5, 000 capes in the United States. Amy usually pays for materials herself, although she accepts donations.

  The capes she makes for kids in treatment are different from those her own children have. Before Amy starts to sew she learns what image or character the little boy or girl connects with. “I choose the pattern, color and theme specifically for each child, ”explains Amy.

  When she is not sewing, Amy is raising awareness of childhood cancers and looking into ways to get Comfort Capes to more kids who need them. “If a cape can help a child, even only for a moment, forget his illness, it’s worth the time spent sewing, ”she says.

  【文章大意】本文讲述Amy在女儿生病的时候为女儿缝制了一件短斗篷, 就是这件斗篷为医院里生病的孩子带来了欢乐。由此, Amy产生了灵感决定通过为生病的孩子缝制斗篷, 让孩子们暂时忘却疾病带来的痛苦。

  1. What made Amy feel sad when she was staying with her daughter in the hospital?

  A. Her daughter’s serious illness.

  B. The tiredness from sewing the cape.

  C. The crying of children in pain.

  D. The illness of children in her daughter’s room.

  【解析】选C。细节理解题。从文章第一段“I could hear the cries of children in pain, ”. . . “It completely broke my heart. ”得知, Amy因为听见孩子们在痛苦中哭泣而感到心碎。故选C。

  2. What purpose did Amy have when she began making Comfort Capes for sick children?

  A. To make them feel warm.

  B. To make them happy and fearless.

  C. To find friends for her daughter.

  D. To raise the awareness of children’s illness.

  【解析】选B。细节理解题。由第三段“I hoped Comfort Capes can help these kids feel brave, to lift some of the fear away. ”可知Amy缝制“安慰斗篷”是为了让孩子们快乐, 忘掉病痛带来的折磨, 更勇敢地面对疾病。

  3. According to the passage, we can get that the author’s attitude towards Amy’s behaviour is .

  A. supportive B. neutral

  C. negative

  D. indifferent

  【解析】选A。观点态度题。作者以平铺直叙的方式为我们讲述了一位伟大的母亲的行为, 字里行间流露出对Amy的赞扬之情。supportive给予支持, 鼓励的, 符合题意。

  4. Which of the following can be the best title of the text?

  A. Amy: a Considerate Woman

  B. How to Treat the Sick Children

  C. A Strong Mom Who Helps Others

  D. Turning Sick Kids into Superheroes

  【解析】选D。主旨大意题。根据文章的内容可知, 一个母亲为生病的孩子缝制了一件超级英雄的斗篷, 从这次的经历中她获得了帮助更多人的灵感, 她决定帮助更多生病的孩子, 使生病的孩子快乐而勇敢, D项正确。

  It is not unusual to see your deskmate yawn(打呵欠) as he complains that he didn’t have a good sleep the night before.Many teens don’t get enough sleep because they have too much homework,which keeps them up at night.Some teens cannot sleep at night even when they want to.

  Studies show that during your teenage years,the body’s biological clock is reset,telling you to sleep later at night and wake up later in the morning.

  But changes in the body clock aren’t the only reason teens lose sleep.Lost of people have insomnia(失眠).The most common cause of insomnia is stress.But all sorts of things can lead to insomnia.These include physical discomfort,emotional troubles and even sleeping environment.It’s common for everyone to have insomnia from time to time.But if it lasts for a month or more,go and see a doctor.

  Some people have a condition that causes stomach acid(酸) to move backward towards the chest.This produces the uncomfortable,burning feeling called heartburn.So even if the person doesn’t notice the feelings of heartburn because he is sleeping,he may feel tired the next day.

  Most teens have nightmares sometimes.But,if they are frequent,a person’s sleep pattern can be seriously affected.The most common cause of nightmares is emotional problems,such as stress(压力) or anxiety.If you have them a lot,it’s a good idea to talk to a doctor.

  Doctors encourage teens to make lifestyle changes to develop good sleeping habits.You probably know that coffee can keep you awake,but did you know that playing video games or watching TV does the same?

  1.The main idea of the first paragraph is


  A.teenager can’t get enough sleep at all

  B.sleeping problems have different causes

  C.yawning is a good way to get rid of sleep

  D.teenagers care too much for homework

  2.The teenagers’ biological clock


  A.easily makes teenagers lead to insomnia

  B.is the origin of their insomnia

  C.provides them with plenty of time at night

  D.is helpful to improve their concentration

  3.Which way can help to get rid of insomnia?

  A.Drinking some coffee before going to bed.

  B.Playing video games or watching TV often.

  C.Turning to a doctor for help.

  D.Eating much medicine for insomnia.





  Camilla Tadich (An Exhibition At Dianne Tanzer Gallery+Projects)

  Sat,28 January,2017—Sat,3 March,2017 10:00 am—5:00 pm

  Dianne Tanzer Gallery+Projects,108—110 Gertrude St Fitzroy,VIC

  Camilla Tadich’s practice focuses on the night Australian landscape and explores spaces within darkness.Senses are enhanced as we traverse the darkened landscapes of these paintings.

  FREE diannetanzergallery.net.au

  Healing the Bay

  Tue,31 January,2017—Tue,27 March,2017 10:00 am—6:00 pm

  Galleon Cafe,9 Carlisle Street,St Kilda

  This exhibition brings artistic concern for the health of Port Phillip Bay and in particular the coastal stretch of the City of Port Phillip.The works in a number of media will bring public insight and inspiration to a range of issues that are putting pressure on our bay,including sea level rise,environmental concerns,coastal development and sustainability.

  History And Heritage—Melton Photography Exhibition

  Wed,15 February,2017—Sun,26 February,2017 9:00 am—5:00pm

  323 High Street,Melton,VIC

  The History and Heritage of Melton Photography Exhibition is a community driven project that promotes the exchange of material,research and participation.This “grass roots” approach to the development of this exhibition ensures that there is a sustainable preservation of culture and active engagement with local history.The History and Heritage of Melton and District Newsletter evolved from this exhibition and this publication was a Sustainable Cities Awards Finalist in 2011.

  Conservatory Of Singular Specimens—An Environmental Art Exhibition

  Thu,16 February,2017—Sun,26 February,2017 9:00 am—5:00 pm

  Bolin Bolin Gallery,6 Manningham Rd West,Bulleen

  Sanctum Theatre’s Conservatory of Singular Specimens is an “ark upon which Sanctum artists attempt to rescue some of our most significant species”.Artworks will include sculptures,paintings,drawings,puppets and installations.This exhibition will be opened on Gaia night,23 Feb—see separate listing for details.This event will raise funds for Sustainable Gardening Australia.

  1.We can infer that Camilla Tadich may be


  A.a historian

  B.a painter

  C.a photographer

  D.an environmentalist

  2.If you visit Gallen Cafe,you are interested in


  A.enjoying the night scenes

  B.learning about the history

  C.protecting the environment

  D.saving the species of plants

  3.According to the text,Melton Photography exhibition


  A.is promoted by active photographs

  B.is a project to record local history

  C.is to spread culture between communities

  D.is developed through the efforts of local people

  4.To collect money for a project,you may choose


  A.Camilla Tadich

  B.History And Heritage

  C.Healing The Bay

  D.Conservatory Of Singular Specimens






  In parts of Africa, the sky is filled with a dark cloud. But this is no rain cloud. It is a living cloud made of billions of locusts that are traveling across the continent eating everything in their path.

  And in the battle to stop this disaster, a radio station in Senegal, West Africa, is offering listeners 50 kilograms of rice if they can catch and kill 50 kilograms of locusts. The radio station is in one of Senegal’s worst affected regions.

  This is West Africa’s biggest locust disaster in 15 years, and it is moving east, causing huge damage to crops. As they move, they breed, and increase their number and will soon threaten Sudan in the northeast of Africa. Some say it could reach Asia.

  Experts say the great damage to crops in areas already suffering from food shortages and war could cause many people to go hungry. Governments in the region are not well equipped to fight the pest.

  Although leaders of 12 countries have agreed on a plan, it is not expected to be enough. “We are now treating 6,000 hectares per day with pesticide, but we need to treat 20,000 hectares per day in order to have any hope of controlling this disaster,” said Mohamed Abdallahi Ould Babah, director of locust control in Mauritania.

  Requests are being made for international aid, which is the only way to limit the crisis, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization warned.

  1. The purpose of offering people rice for catching locusts in Senegal is ________.

  A. to get more people to eat rice so as to leave less for locusts

  B. to get more people involved in the war on the locusts

  C. to prevent more people from starvation

  D. to get more people to listen to the radio report on locusts

  2. Which of the following is not the reason for West Africans going hungry?

  A. Locust disaster causes the great damage to crops.

  B. Food supply is far from the need of the people.

  C. These regions are affected by the war.

  D. Governments are unwilling to fight the pest.

  3. It can be concluded that, in order to end the locust disaster, ________.

  A. leaders of 12 countries in West Africa should call on their people to take action

  B. insects experts should be sent to these regions

  C. other countries outside Africa should keep close watch on their own lands

  D. Help from all over the world is in urgent demand

  4. What does the passage mainly talk about?

  A. Food shortage in Africa.

  B. International aid to Africa.

  C. The insects attack on Africa.

  D. Terrible storm in Africa.

  1. B 推测题。根据第二段意义,广播电台向听众悬赏捕杀蝗虫。可推测出其目的是让更多的人参与到救灾行动中来。

  2. D 细节理解题。根据第四段意义:专家称一些地区本来就食品匮乏,并饱受战火之苦,而灾害给农作物产量造成的损失更是雪上加霜。许多人因此而挨饿。

  3. D 推理题。根据短文最后一段的意义:国际社会施以援手是抑制灾情的唯一方法。由此推理可得“国际援助迫在眉睫”。

  4. C 主旨题。根据短文第一段的描述及下文的阐发可看出本文的主题是“非洲西部的虫灾”。


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