2017届《名师A计划》高考英语新人教版一轮复习配套课件:必修1 Unit 5《Nelson Mandela-a modern hero》-查字典英语网
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2017届《名师A计划》高考英语新人教版一轮复习配套课件:必修1 Unit 5《Nelson Mandela-a modern hero》

发布时间:2017-03-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❸turn to求助于;致力于;翻到;转到;变成 Why did Nelson Mandela turn to violence to make black and white people equal?为了让黑人和白人平等,为什么纳尔逊·曼德拉求助于暴力?(教材原句P35) We can turn to him for help.我们可以求助于他。  I tried to stand on my own feet rather than turned to my parents.我设法自立而不求助于我的父母。  ◆拓展延伸 turn up出现;把(开关)开大 turn down拒绝;调低 turn (...) into...(使)变成;翻译成

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 turn in上交 turn off/on关上/打开(收音机、电灯等) turn over翻转;移交 turn out结果是,证明是;在场;露面 turn around/round转身;调头 The company turned down his proposal.公司拒绝了他的建议。 Can you turn the letter into French? 你能将此信译成法语吗?

  I can’t hear the radio very well.Could you turn it up a bit? 我听不太清楚收音机(的声音),你把声音开大点行吗? 重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆现学活用 用适当的介词填空 1.She’s having a lot of trouble with the new computer,but she doesn’t know whom to turn to. 2.She kept turning over the events of the day in her mind. 3.Despite our worries,everything turned out well.

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❶only位于句首的倒装 ...only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.……只有在那时,我们才决定用暴力反抗暴力。(教材原句P34) 当“only+状语”位于句首时,句子要用部分倒装形式,即把谓语的一部分提到主语前面,即构成“Only+状语+助动词/系动词/情态动词+主语+其他”。Only后接的状语可以是副词、介词短语或状语从句。 Only in this way can we learn English well.只有这样,我们才能学好英语。 I failed in the final examination last term and only then did I realize the importance of studies.上学期期终考试我没有及格,只有那时我才意识到学习的重要性。 Only when he arrived did we feel calm.只有他来了,我们才能安心。

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆特别提醒 1.only在句首修饰主语时,语序不倒装。 2.若位于句首的不是“only+状语”,而是 “only+宾语”等,则通常无须倒装(但有时也可以倒装)。

  Only one thing can make him change his mind.只有一件事能使他改变主意。 Only a policeman the children saw in the street.孩子们在街上只看到一个警察。

  Only one more point will I make.我只会再说明一点。 重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆现学活用 完成句子 1.你只有在阅览室才能找到他。 Only in the reading-room can you find him.  2.只有到那时我才明白她的意思。 Only then did I understand what she meant.  3.只有到我离开父母去意大利时我才意识到我有多么爱他们。 Only when I left my parents for Italy did I realize how much I loved them. 

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❷should have done本应该做某事(实际上未做) He taught us during the lunch breaks and the evenings when we should have been asleep.他在午餐后的休息时间以及晚上本来该睡觉的时间教我们学习。(教材原句P38) should have done表示本来应该做某事,而实际上并没有做。should not have done sth.表示本来不该做而实际上做了某事,含有指责对方或自责的意味。能用于这种结构中的情态动词有need,should,could,would,might,ought to等。 1.must have done表示对过去情况的肯定推测,意为“一定做过某事”,该结构只用于肯定句。 2.can have done表示对过去行为的怀疑,用于疑问句,译成“可能做过……吗?”。can’t have done表示对过去情况的否定推测,意为“不可能做过某事”。 3.could have done表示对过去情况的假设,意为本来能够做某事而没有做,是虚拟语气。

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 4.may have done表示对发生过的事情的推测,意为“可能已经”或“也许已经”,用于肯定句中。 5.might have done表示对过去事情的推测,might与may意思相同,但可能性更小。多用于虚拟语气结构中。 6.would have done表示对过去情况的假设,意思是“本来会做”,虚拟语气。 7.ought to have done表示过去应该做而实际并没有做,意为“理应做……”,往往表示遗憾。与“should have done”用法基本一样。 8.need have done表示本来需要做某事而没有做。needn’t have done表示本来不需要做而实际上做了某事。 It must have rained last night,for the ground is wet.昨晚一定下雨了,因为地面还是湿的。 Mr Smith can’t have gone to Beijing,for I saw him in the library just now.史密斯先生不可能去北京了,我刚才还在图书馆见过他。

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 He could have passed the exam,but he was too careless.本来他能够通过考试,但是他太粗心。 She might have achieved greater progress,if you had given her more chances.如果你多给她点机会,她可能已经取得更好的成绩。 I would have told you all about the boy’s story,but you didn’t ask me.我本来会告诉你这个小男孩的故事,但是你没有问我。 I needn’t have bought so much wine—only five people came.我本来没有必要买这么多酒,只来了五个人。

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆现学活用 完成句子 1.你本不应该休班,这给其他人都造成了负担。 You shouldn’t have taken the day off from work,which created a burden for everyone else.(take)  2.他不可能走远,因为他的手机还在这里。 He can’t have gone far,for his mobile phone is still here.(go)  3.没有你的帮助,我不会取得如此大的成绩。 Without your help,I wouldn’t have achieved so much.(achieve)  4.他或许会多给你一些帮助,即使他很忙。 He might have given you more help,even though he was busy.(give) 

  一、单句填空 1.(2015·湖南高考改编)Only after talking to two students I discover that having strong motivation is one of the biggest factors in reaching goals.  1.did。“only+状语”位于句首,引起部分倒装。句意:直到与两名学生交谈之后我才发现,具有强烈的动机是达成目标的最大因素之一。 2.(2015·天津高考改编)Tom had to turn down the (invite) to the party last weekend because he was too busy.  2.invitation。所填词前面有the修饰,此处应用名词作宾语。 3.(2015·湖北高考改编)Don’t worry.I’m sure your missing glasses will turn sooner or later.  3.up。句意:别着急,我相信,你丢失的眼镜迟早会被找到的。这里用turn up表示“出现,(被)找到”。 4.(2015·福建高考改编)—Sorry,Mom!I failed the job interview again. —Oh,it’s too bad.You should have made full (prepare).  4.preparations。此处表示“做好准备”,应用名词形式。 5.(2015·四川高考改编)Out of (breathe),I swung open the door and got a blast of cold air that instantly cooled me off.  5.breath。out of breath为固定搭配,意为“喘不过气,上气不接下气”。 6.(2017·陕西高考改编)Ralph W.Emerson would always set new ideas that occurred to him.  6.down。此处指艾默生总是将脑海里一闪而过的主意记下来,set down为固定搭配,意为“记下”。 7.(2017·新课标全国卷Ⅰ改编)He had a deep voice,which set himself apart from others in our small town,he was strong and(power).  7.powerful。此空作表语,与strong并列。用power的形容词形式powerful。

  8.(2017·天津高考改编)If you are trouble,Mike is always willing to lend a hand.  8.in。固定短语in trouble,意为“有困难;处于困境中”。句意:如果你遇上麻烦,Mike总是乐意帮助你。 9.(2011·广东高考改编)In homes with cats and dogs living(peace),researchers observed a surprising behavior.  9.peacefully。修饰动词live要用peace的副词形式peacefully。 10.They have arrived at lunchtime but their flight was delayed.  10.should。根据语境可知此处应用should have done表示“应该做过某事,但实际上没有”。

  二、单元话题微写作 英雄 根据提示,将以下句子连成一篇英语短文。 1.Dave是一名熟练的打字员。由于老板很苛刻,所以Dave一直想转行。(skillful;strict;have a keen interest in) 2.一天Dave在回家的路上很意外地制止了一场斗殴,经记者报道后他成了英雄。(accidentally;fight) 3.被解救的人中有一名是导演,他的新电影需要一个不平常的英雄角色。(unusual;character) 4.Dave参演了这部电影,赚了很多钱。(get involved in;raise) 5.Dave变得自负,飘飘乎不知所以然。(get a feeling of soaring into the sky)

  Dave,was a skillful typist,had a keen interest in changing his career due to his strict boss.One day,on his way home,Dave accidentally stopped a fight and became a hero after being reported by journalists.Fortunately,Dave saved a director,whose new movie needed an unusual hero character.Dave got involved in the movie,and then raised a lot of money.Soon afterwards Dave was far too confident,and got a feeling of soaring into the sky. 

  必修1 课前自主排查 -*- 课文要点回顾 名师高效课堂 课堂限时检测 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 必修1 课前自主排查 -*- 课文要点回顾 名师高效课堂 课堂限时检测 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 课前自主排查 必修1 课前自主排查 -*- 课文要点回顾 名师高效课堂 课堂限时检测 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 课文要点回顾 必修1 课前自主排查 -*- 课文要点回顾 名师高效课堂 课堂限时检测 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 名师高效课堂 必修1 课前自主排查 -*- 课文要点回顾 名师高效课堂 课堂限时检测 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 课堂限时检测 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 1.qualityn.质量,品质;性质 2.meanadj.吝啬的;自私的;卑鄙的 vt.& vi.意为;打算 n.平均数;中间 3.activeadj.积极的;活跃的 activityn.活动 4.generousadj.慷慨的,大方的 generouslyadv.慷慨地 generosityn.慷慨,大方 5.Self n.自我;自身 selfishadj.自私的 selflessadj.无私的,忘我的

  selflesslyadv.无私地,忘我地 6.devotevt.(与to连用)献身;专心于 devotedadj.忠实的;深爱的

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 7.foundvt.建立,建设 8.peacefuladj.和平的;平静的 peacen.和平;安静 peacefullyadv.和平地;平静地 9.guidancen.指导;领导 guidevt.引导,带领 10.legaladj.法律的,依照法律的 illegal(反义词)adj.非法的,违法的 11.votevt.& vi.投票;选举 n.投票,选票;表决 12.attackvt.进攻,攻击;抨击 13.violencen.暴力,暴行 violentadj.暴力的;猛烈的

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 14.equaladj.相等的,平等的 equallyadv.相等地,同等地 equalityn.平等 unequal(反义词)adj.不平等的 15.unfairadj.不公正的,不公平的 fair(反义词) adj.公正的,公平的 16.escapevt.& vi.逃脱,逃走;避开 17.educatevt.教育;训练 educatedadj.受过教育的;有教养的 educationn.教育;培训 educationaladj.教育的,有教育意义的 18.begvi.请求,乞求

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 19.rewardn.报酬;奖金 vt.酬劳;奖赏 20.sentencevt.判决,宣判 n.句子 21.opinionn.意见;看法,主张

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 1.devote...to... 致力于…… 2.out of work 失业 3.as a matter of fact 事实上 4.blow up 使充气;爆炸 5.in trouble 在(危险、受罚、痛苦、忧虑等)的处境中 6.turn to 求助于;致力于 7.lose heart 丧失勇气或信心 8.come to power 当权;上台 9.set up 设立,建立 10.be sentenced to 被判处……(徒刑)

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 1.……只有在那时,我们才决定用暴力反抗暴力。 ...only then did we decide to answer violence with violence. 2.他在午餐后的休息时间以及晚上本来该睡觉的时间教我们学习。 He taught us during the lunch breaks and the evenings when we should have been asleep.

  Elias,who is a poor black worker in South Africa,had very little 1.education(educate) because his family could not continue to pay the school fees and the bus fare.After trying hard,he got a job in a gold mine.However,he would become out of work because he did not have a passbook to live in Johannesburg.2.Fortunately(fortune),he met Nelson Mandela,a kind black lawyer,who often offered 3.guidance(guide) to poor black people on their legal problems.Nelson Mandela told Elias how to get the correct papers to stay in Johannesburg,4.which made Elias become more hopeful about his future. 5.As a matter of fact,black people could not vote or choose their leaders.They could not get the jobs they wanted and even they were sent to live in the 6.poorest(poor) parts of South Africa.There wasn’t a stage where they had rights at all.Elias joined the ANC Youth League,7.organized(organize) by Nelson Mandela.“...we were put into a position in which we had either to accept we were less important,or fight the government.We chose to attack the laws.We first broke the law in a way which was 8.peaceful(peace);when this was not allowed...only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.” said Nelson Mandela.Elias was happy 9.to help(help) Nelson Mandela blow up some government buildings even if he could be put into prison.He knew it would help them achieve their dream 10.of making black and white people equal. 

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❶devote vt.献身;专心于 A great person is someone who devotes his/her life to helping others.伟人是把他/她的一生都致力于帮助他人的人。(教材原句P33) ◆常见用法 devote sth.to (doing) sth.把时间(钱,精力等)用于(做)某事 devote oneself to (doing) sth.献身于/致力于…… After he graduated he continued to devote himself to research.毕业之后他继续致力于研究工作。  He devoted himself to helping the poor.他致力于帮助穷人。  He has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind.他把一生都献给了造福人类的事业。 

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆拓展延伸 1.devotion n.奉献;忠诚;专心 devotion to 对……的忠诚/关爱 2.devoted adj.忠实的;深爱的 be devoted to (doing) sth.献身于/专心于…… He was still devoted to the study of chemistry.他仍致力于化学研究。 The students are devoted to their studies.学生们专心于学习。 ◆现学活用 单句填空 1.We appreciated his devotion(devote) of time and money to the project. 2.The woman scientist was so busy that she could hardly devote time to her children. 3.He devoted his whole life to doing(do) scientific research.

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❷vote vt.& vi.投票;选举 n.投票;选举;表决 Black people could not vote or choose their leaders.(当时)黑人没有选举权,他们无权选择他们的领导人。(教材原句P34) The law was passed on a second vote.此法在第二次表决时通过。 ◆常见用法 1.vote to do sth.表决做某事 vote for投票赞成 vote against投票反对 vote on/upon就……投票表决 vote through 投票通过 vote sb.out of office 通过投票表决把某人赶下台

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 2.get one’s vote获得某人的选票 pass a vote 通过决议 put...to the vote付诸……表决/裁决 the right to vote选举权,投票权 have a vote有表决权 We are going to vote on the plan.我们打算就这一提案进行表决。  I may vote for her at the next election.下届选举我可能选她。  Parliament voted the bill through without a debate.国会未经辩论就投票通过了这项法案。 Only members of the team have a vote.只有这个团体的成员才有表决权。  ◆拓展延伸 vote for表示“投票赞同”;vote against表示“投票反对”。类似的结构有:be for/against“支持/反对”,fight for/against“为……而战斗/为反对……而战斗”。

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆现学活用 用vote的相关短语完成句子 1.在中国,未满18岁的人没有选举权。 In China,people aged under 18 don’t have the right to vote.  2.既然我们没有办法达成一致,现在我们就这个问题进行投票表决。 Since we can’t reach any agreement,now we vote on/upon the problem.  3.我呼吁大家反对杀害野生动物。 I urge everybody to vote against the killing of wild animals. 

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❸equal adj.相等的,平等的;胜任的 vt.比得上;等于 But I was happy to help because I knew it would help us achieve our dream of making black and white people equal.但是,我很乐意帮忙,因为我知道这有助于我们实现黑人与白人平等的梦想。(教材原句P34) ◆常见用法 1.be equal with...与……平等 be equal to (doing) sth.等于;能胜任;经得起……的 be equal in在……方面相等的 2.equal in在……相等 equal with与……平等 equal to等于,相当于

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 Not all men are equal in ability.人的能力并非都是一样的。  In many respects Asian women see themselves as equal to their husband.在很多方面,亚洲女性都认为自己和丈夫是平等的。  No one equals him in strength.论力气,无人能和他相比。 ◆拓展延伸 equally adv.相等地,平等地 equality n.平等 反义词:unequaladj.不平等的 ◆现学活用 单句填空 1.As is often pointed out,knowledge is a two-edged weapon which can be used equally(equal) for good or evil. 2.I’m not equal to the position.

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❹escape vt.(从……)逃脱,逃离;躲避;使免于 vi.逃脱,逃走;泄露 n.逃走;泄露 It was a prison from which no one escaped.那是一座任何人也逃不出去的监狱。(教材原句P38) ◆常见用法 1.escape doing sth.躲避做某事 escape from 从……中逃出(脱) escape being done逃过被…… escape prison逃脱牢狱之灾 escape from prison越狱 escape with one’s life逃命 escape without harm 安然逃脱 重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 2.an escape from...从……逃离 make one’s escape逃走,逃离 a narrow escape九死一生,幸免于难 We were lucky to escape being punished.我们很幸运,没有受罚。  The criminal escaped from prison,and the policemen were running behind.犯人从狱中逃跑,警察在后面追。  The man managed to escape without harm.那个男人安然逃脱。  The thief jumped into a car and made his escape.小偷跳上汽车逃走了。  I congratulated myself on my narrow escape when a billboard fell from a high building.当一块大的广告牌从一座高楼掉下来时,我暗自庆幸自己死里逃生。 

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆词义辨析 1.escape指脱离或避开即将来临或近在眼前的伤害、危险、灾祸,常作借喻用。 He narrowly escaped being drown.他险些被溺死。 2.flee表示“逃跑”,强调动作,不强调结果。相当于run away from。 The enemy soldiers were fleeing in all directions,but few of them could escape.敌兵四处逃窜,但很少能逃出去。 3.avoid强调有意识地躲避不愉快的或可能发生危险的事物或情况。 I cannot avoid meeting her.我怎么也避不开她。 ◆现学活用 单句填空 1.In the accident,he was lucky to escape being killed(kill).  2.The soldier escaped from the enemy’s prison.

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❺sentence vt.判决,宣判 n.句子;判决 sentenced to five years’ hard labour for encouraging violence against anti-black laws因为鼓励反抗黑人法律的暴力行为而被判处5年劳役(教材原句P39) ◆常见用法 1.sentence for 因……而判刑 sentence (sb.) to判处(某人) be sentenced to...被判处……(徒刑) be sentenced to death被判死刑 2.under sentence 被判刑 make a sentence/sentences (with) (用……)造句

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 Ten army officers were sentenced to death.十名军官被判处死刑。  The judge sentenced him to do hard labor.法官判他服劳役。  Please make a sentence with the following words given.请用下面所给的词造句。  ◆现学活用 单句填空 1.The murderer was sentenced to death for having killed his wife. 2.Have you gone through these sentences(sentence)?

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❶out of work 失业;出故障 Sadly I did not have one because I was not born there,and I worried about whether I would become out of work.糟糕的是我没有这个证件,因为我不是在那里出生的,我很担心我是不是会失业。(教材原句P34) ◆拓展延伸 out of breath上气不接下气 out of control 失控 out of sight看不见 out of order出故障;乱七八糟 out of danger脱离危险 out of date过时的,过期的 out of place位置不当 重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 out of question毫无疑问,的确 out of the question不可能 The instrument went out of order.这个仪器发生故障。 Gosh!My weight is out of control.天哪!我的体重失控了。 So far there has been no news about whether he is out of danger.到现在为止还不知道他是否脱险。 ◆现学活用 用out of的相关短语完成句子 1.展出的服装都过时了。 The dresses on show are out of date.  2.我已经失业3个多月了,我迫不及待想开始新工作。 After out of work for over three months,I am anxious to start my new job. 

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❷in trouble 在(危险、受罚、痛苦、忧虑等)的处境中 Elias went to see Nelson Mandela when he was in trouble.当伊莱亚斯处于困境中的时候他就去求助纳尔逊·曼德拉。(教材原句P35) Do as you’re told,otherwise you’ll be in trouble.叫你怎么做就怎么做,否则会有麻烦。  He is always ready to help those in trouble.他总是乐于帮助那些处境困难的人。  ◆拓展延伸 1.make trouble 惹是生非,制造麻烦 get into trouble遇到麻烦;陷入困境 ask for/look for trouble找麻烦 have trouble (in) doing sth.做某事有困难 have trouble with sth.对……有麻烦 take (the) trouble to do sth.尽心尽力做某事 重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 put sb.to the trouble of doing sth.=trouble sb.to do sth.麻烦某人做某事 put sb.to trouble给某人添麻烦 2.“in+名词”构成的短语: in danger处于危险中 in peace 处于和平状态 in control在控制下 in place在适当的位置 in battle在战斗中 重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆现学活用 单句填空 1.For example,if we notice a group of teenagers who seem to be looking for trouble,or someone destroying property,we report to the police. 2.Do you have any trouble learning(learn) English? 3.Nothing gives him more pleasure than helping someone in trouble.

  必修1 课前自主排查 -*- 课文要点回顾 名师高效课堂 课堂限时检测 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 必修1 课前自主排查 -*- 课文要点回顾 名师高效课堂 课堂限时检测 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 课前自主排查 必修1 课前自主排查 -*- 课文要点回顾 名师高效课堂 课堂限时检测 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 课文要点回顾 必修1 课前自主排查 -*- 课文要点回顾 名师高效课堂 课堂限时检测 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 名师高效课堂 必修1 课前自主排查 -*- 课文要点回顾 名师高效课堂 课堂限时检测 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 课堂限时检测


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