2017届《名师A计划》高考英语新人教版一轮复习配套练习:必修5 Unit 4《Making the news》(含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届《名师A计划》高考英语新人教版一轮复习配套练习:必修5 Unit 4《Making the news》(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 4 Making the news


  Part A



  Happy Doctor Monkey & Happy Zoo DX—Study Aid Machines 08 Dec,2015

  Happy Doctor Monkey helps your child learn mathematics in the fun way.The machine tests children on “minus” and “plus” math problems.

  Happy Zoo DX helps your child’s memory and listening ability.The machine plays an animal sound and the child can tell the correct animal.

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  Racing Car Kiddy Ride—Only EURO $1,150.00 06 Dec,2015

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  Virtua Striker 4 ver.2015 has greatly improved the motion fluency and increased the stressed matching atmosphere also.This latest version Virtua Striker has updated the tactics(策略)and football players’ data from the World Cup 2006.It is really an excellent football game,continue your World Cup fever with this latest version—Virtua Striker 2015!!

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  Pump It Up New Xenesis 2 AVAILABLE!! 24 Dec,2015

  Pump It Up New Xenesis(NX) version 2 just released to the market,this is the latest version of PIU series.Player watch and dance steps come up against a background of cartoon & 3D rendered graphics display on a screen.

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  1.Parents who want to help their children with mathematics may buy. 

  A.Virtua Striker 3 ver.2015

  B.Racing Car Kiddy Ride

  C.Happy Doctor Monkey

  D.Happy Zoo DX

  2.If you use Virtua Striker 4 ver.2015,you can. 

  A.feel the matching atmosphere more tense

  B.greatly improve your football skill

  C.change players’ data whenever you want

  D.watch the World Cup 2015 live

  3.Pump It Up New Xenesis can be used. 

  A.to watch a television show

  B.to learn to dance to the beat

  C.to practise singing songs

  D.to give a vivid report

  4.It is obvious that people can read the ads. 

  A.on a board

  B.on TV

  C.in a newspaper

  D.on the Internet


  1.C 细节理解题。由第一则广告中的“Happy Doctor Monkey helps your child learn mathematics in the fun way.”可知,Happy Doctor Monkey可用来帮助儿童学习数学。

  2.A 细节理解题。根据第三则广告“...increased the stressed matching atmosphere also.”可知,借助于第四版虚拟先锋机可感受到世界杯足球比赛的紧张氛围,故选择A项。

  3.B 细节理解题。由最后一则广告中的“Player watch and dance steps come up against a background of cartoon & 3D...”可知,这是一部用来学习舞蹈的机器,故选择B项。

  4.D 推理判断题。由文中的网址链接“more information”可推知,这些都是网络上的广告,应选择D项。 


  Children who read for pleasure at the age of 10 have far higher vocabulary scores by the age of 42.

  Researchers at the Institute of Education(IOE)have found that the most crazy childhood readers score far higher on vocabulary tests 30 years later.The new study suggests that children who read for pleasure carry the intellectual(智力的)benefits with them far into adulthood.

  “The long-term influence of reading for pleasure on vocabulary that we have identified may be because the frequent childhood readers continued to read throughout their twenties and thirties,”says lead author Professor Alice Sullivan at the IOE.Researchers followed 9,400 British people from the age of 10 up to 42.Their vocabulary was tested using a simple quiz which asked participants to match up words to the most similar meaning.

  Those who had regularly read for pleasure at 10 scored 67 percent in the age 42 vocabulary test,while infrequent childhood readers scored only 51 percent.

  The IOE study also found that what people chose to read as adults mattered as much as how often they read.The greatest improvements between ages 16 and 42 were made by readers of “elegant” fictions such as Booker Prize winning novels.And they found that readers of quality newspapers,including online versions,made more progress in vocabulary throughout their lives than those who readtabloids.

  In addition,generally speaking,the adult readers who especially read broadsheets(宽幅印刷品) scored 76 percent on the assessment compared to 57 percent amongst those who didn’t.


  1.Why did frequent childhood readers have higher vocabulary scores?

  A.Because they are born intelligent.

  B.Because they formed the consistent reading habit.

  C.Because they were crazy about pleasure.

  D.Because they had a comfortable childhood.

  2.What may not affect the adult readers’ vocabulary scores?

  A.The contents of reading.

  B.The designs of the page.

  C.Versions online or not.

  D.The frequency of reading.

  3.What does the underlined word “tabloids” mean in the passage?

  A.Newspapers of low quality.

  B.Newspapers of high quality.

  C.Elegant fictions.

  D.Large vocabulary.

  4.What does the passage mainly tell us?

  A.Intelligence has a great influence on vocabulary.

  B.Reading materials matter much for children.

  C.Broadsheet newspapers are best for boosting vocabulary.

  D.Children who read for pleasure have larger vocabulary as adults.


  1.B 细节理解题。第三段第一句提到,快乐阅读会对词汇的掌握情况产生长期影响,原因是他们到二三十岁时仍然坚持阅读,即养成了长期阅读的习惯。故选择B项。

  2.C 推理判断题。由第五段最后一句“...readers of quality newspapers,including online versions,made more progress in vocabulary...”可知,阅读读物是否是网络版本对读者的词汇掌握没有什么影响。

  3.A 词义推测题。第五段阐述的是阅读内容的优劣也会对读者的词汇掌握产生影响。分析该段最后一句可知,“those who read tabloids”与“readers of quality newspapers”形成对比,故划线词“tabloids”即指“低端的报纸”,故选择A项。

  4.D 主旨大意题。本文为研究报告,第一段点明主题,下文以实例予以说明,应选择D项。


  There are many kinds of reports.A report is 1. account of something that has happened.The 2.(common) of all are news reports.We get them in newspapers,over the radio 3. on television.Sometimes cinemas also show us newsreels. 

  The main purpose of a newspaper is to provide news.If you examine a newspaper 4.(close),you’ll find that there are all types of news:accidents,floods,fires,wars,fashions,sports,books,etc.The news covers everything 5. happens to people and their 6.(surround).Sometimes there is news which is very interesting. 

  A news report is usually very short,except when it is about something very important,but it 7.(contain) plenty of information.It is also written in short paragraphs.The first paragraph is 8. fact a short summary of the whole news.It gives all the necessary information,what,when,where,how and why.The other paragraphs give full details of the subjects.There may also be interviews with people.The words actually 9.(speak) by them are within inverted commas(引号).10.(interest) people,the publishers often print pictures to go with the news. 


  2.commonest。由范围of all可知,应用common的最高级形式。

  3.and。此处in newspapers,over the radio及 on television为并列关系,应用and连接。





  8.in。此处为固定搭配in fact,意为“事实上,实际上”。


  10.To interest。此处指“为了引起人们的兴趣”,应用动词不定式表示目的。

  Part B


  Susan Boyle was once a Scottish church volunteer.She decided to  1  a competition named “British Got Talent” at the age of 47.On April 11th 2009,when Susan  2  on stage to sing,the audience was  3  by her age and simplicity. 

  Middle-aged women were not the  4  type of competitor on the show and the audience was shocked when she said before starting to sing that she wanted to become a  5  singer.To them she looked well  6  such possibilities.However,she amazed everybody with her  7  voice and became an overnight singing star.It was reported that the audience all stood up and clapped  8  and that within 9 days,100 million people had  9  her performances and interviews on the Internet. 

  This was a lot of  10  for an unemployed woman who lived alone with her cat.Most of her life had been  11  looking after her mother who had died aged 92,two years earlier.She had never  12  or in her words,“been kissed”.Susan had learning difficulties and had only once been  13  as an assistant cook. 

  Even though Susan did not win the “British Got Talent Show” and took second  14 ,two years later,she already released two successful albums.Many people are touched by her  15  because Susan Boyle is like each of us in one way or another—full of  16 ,often disappointed and laughed at by others. 17 ,unlike many of us who usually  18  too soon,she had the determination to fight for her  19 .Susan Boyle started her successful music career at the age of 48 and you too can still  20  your dream.Just take courage. 

  1.A.judge B.enter

  C.quit D.cheer

  2.A.passed B.faded

  C.appeared D.behaved

  3.A.embarrassed B.inspired

  C.annoyed D.shocked

  4.A.usual B.reasonable

  C.interesting D.absolute

  5.A.part-time B.professional

  C.amateur D.complex

  6.A.within B.through

  C.beyond D.over

  7.A.free B.secure

  C.convenient D.wonderful

  8.A.warmly B.coldly

  C.hurriedly D.passively

  9.A.questioned B.watched

  C.spotted D.missed

  10.A.regret B.confidence

  C.progress D.sadness

  11.A.taken B.cost

  C.devoted D.spent

  12.A.married B.disturbed

  C.defended D.directed

  13.A.operated B.employed

  C.valued D.ordered

  14.A.rank B.effect

  C.place D.mark

  15.A.appearance B.marriage

  C.age D.story

  16.A.weaknesses B.advantages

  C.challenges D.anxieties

  17.A.Therefore B.However

  C.Besides D.Otherwise

  18.A.run out B.show off

  C.give up D.turn down

  19.A.honor B.promise

  C.courage D.dream

  20.A.achieve B.destroy

  C.benefit D.deserve


  1.B 从下文内容可看出,苏珊·博伊尔在47岁报名参加了选秀节目《英国达人秀》。judge“判断,判决”;enter“报名参加”;quit“中止”;cheer“欢呼,为……加油”。

  2.C 此处指苏珊“登上舞台演唱”,应选C项。pass“经过”;fade“消退,褪色”;behave“表现,守规矩”。

  3.D 从第二段中的shocked可看出,观众对她的年龄和质朴感到非常吃惊。embarrassed“尴尬的”;inspired“受鼓舞的,有灵感的”;annoyed“恼怒的”;shocked“震惊的”。

  4.A 中年妇女不是参加达人秀常见的选手。reasonable“合理的”;absolute“绝对的”。

  5.B 根据文章倒数第二句“Susan Boyle started her successful music career at the age of 48...”可知,苏珊的理想是当一名专职歌手。part-time“兼职的”;professional“专职的,专业的”;amateur“业余的”;complex“复杂的”。

  6.C 由下一句中的“However,she amazed everybody”可知,苏姗开口演唱之前,观众认为,她当职业歌手是完全不可能的。C项“超出,在……所不及处”符合文意。

  7.D 由下文成为一夜成名的歌坛新星可推知,她“美妙的”(wonderful)嗓音令听众感到震惊。D项符合语境。

  8.A 据报道,观众全体起立为她热情鼓掌。warmly“热烈地”;coldly“冷淡地”;hurriedly“匆忙地”;passively“被动地”。

  9.B 由下文的状语“on the Internet”可知,很多人在网上观看(watch)了她的演出视频。

  10.C 句意:这对一位独自与猫相伴的失业女性来说是一次巨大的进步。progress“进步”。

  11.D spend time doing sth.“花时间做某事”。此处使用了该结构的被动式。

  12.A 由前文“who lived alone with her cat”和“She had never...‘been kissed’.”推知,苏珊一直未婚。应选A项。

  13.B “an assistant cook”是一种职业身份,故B项符合语境。be employed as...为习惯搭配,意为“被雇用为……”。

  14.C 尽管她在《英国达人秀》比赛中屈居第二名,但两年后她就成功发行了两张个人专辑。take (the) second place“获得第二名”。

  15.D 由because后的内容可知,感动人们的是苏珊的“事迹”(story)。

  16.A 根据“often disappointed and laughed at by others”可知,应选择贬义色彩的词汇,A项符合语境。weakness“弱点,不足”;advantage“优点”;challenge“挑战”;anxiety“忧虑”。

  17.B 由unlike可知,此处前后文为转折关系,应选B项。

  18.C 句意:我们很多人往往很早就放弃了,与我们不同的是她却坚定决心为实现自己的梦想而奋斗。run out“耗尽,用完”;show off“炫耀”;give up“放弃”;turn down“调低,拒绝”。与the determination to fight对应的是give up,故选择C项。

  19.D 文章倒数第二句中的dream暗示应选D项。

  20.A 由successful可知,这里指“实现(achieve)梦想”。destroy“摧毁”;benefit“有益于”;deserve“应受,值得”。


  Once you conquer a mile or two,you may feel an urge to run longer distances.Six miles,just 0.2 miles short of a full 10K,is a goal that almost anyone can master with patience and proper training. 1  The following tricks,however,can help you achieve the distance. 

  Run and walk.

  When you set out for your 6 miles,choose a pace that feels comfortable—not like you are sprinting or running a race. 2  When you walk for 30 to 60 seconds at regular intervals,you rest your running muscles so you feel less tired at the end of your 6-mile run.Walk breaks also keep your mind occupied so the distance flies by faster than if you try to maintain a steady slog. 


  Instead of thinking you have to run 6 miles straight,break it up into more manageable segments. 4  Thinking of your total 6 miles as a sequence of smaller goals helps you feel accomplished when you finish each section and can help keep the distance from seeming overwhelming. 

  Bring a friend.

  Find a running buddy to join you on your long runs.Keeping a lively conversation going will ensure you are not going too fast and can help the time pass quickly. 5  You need someone to encourage you through the last miles on the long runs,not tempt you to quit. 

  A.Try to find someone who runs about your pace and is accustomed to the mileage you are going.

  B.You may face physical and mental obstacles along the way.

  C.When you head out,think of it as two 3-mile jaunts or three 2-mile loops.

  D.Break it up.

  E.Taking more rest days from running will enable you to feel stronger at each session.

  F.By taking walk breaks throughout your runs,you’ll avoid slowing down overall and be able to sustain longer mileage.

  G.Rest enough.


  1.B 由下一句中的however可知应选择表示“你可能会在长跑途中面临身体和心理障碍”的B项。

  2.F 第二段介绍的是通过步行休息的方式来进行调节,F项中的“walk breaks”与标题“Run and Walk”含义吻合。

  3.D 根据第三段第一句“...break it up into more manageable segments.”可知D项应为该段的标题。

  4.C 联系空处前一句和后一句中的“Thinking of your total 6 miles as a sequence of smaller goals”可知,C项符合语境。

  5.A A项中的“find someone”与最后一段中的“Find a running buddy”,“You need someone”及该段的标题“Bring a friend”相呼应,为正确选项。


  A person should always be honest.An honest person is trusted and respected in society and a dishonest person is disbelieved and hated by all.In a fact,the people who cheat in their work or life always get punished in the end,no matter how clever his cheating methods seem to be.

  Once I asked for twenty yuan from my mother,promised her that I would buy an English book.Gladly my mother agreed and give me twice the amount I had asked for.However,I bought a birthday gift for one of my good friend.Shortly afterwards,my mother learned the truth.She said to me calm,“You should told me the truth and you also need to know how hard your father and I work for you and this family.” With tears on my eyes,I realized my mistake and determined to be an honest man from now on.


  2.第3句:删除fact前的a。in fact“事实上,实际上”,为固定搭配。




  6.第6句:friend→friends。one of...后的名词应用复数形式,表示“……之一”。one of my good friends意为“我的其中一位好朋友”。


  8.第8句:在should后加have。should have done表示“过去本该做某事而实际上未做”。


  10.第9句:now→then。from now on意为“从现在开始”,所在句常用将来时态;from then on“从那时起”,谓语常用过去时态,该短语与本句时态匹配。


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