2017届《名师A计划》高考英语新人教版一轮复习配套练习:必修5 Unit 1《Great Scientists》(含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届《名师A计划》高考英语新人教版一轮复习配套练习:必修5 Unit 1《Great Scientists》(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Unit 1 Great scientists


  Part A



  Hi,I’m Pelpina Trip,here for About.com to show you the top restaurants Austin has to offer.

  Authentic cuisine for dinnertime

  Right now,I’m at Fonda San Miguel.This is a beautiful,colorful restaurant with a very elegant setting—a treat for the eyes as well as the taste buds.The restaurant features classic regional Mexican cuisine,prepared with authentic recipes and ingredients from the restaurant’s own on-site organic garden.They offer specials every evening and a large brunch on Sunday.

  Lunchtime in Austin

  If you’re looking for a good place to have lunch,Austin offers a variety of restaurants that can help still your hunger.Annie’s Cafe and Bar is located in the heart of the city.It’s a piece of Europe in Texas:the menu is filled with seasonal farm-to-market food for healthy breakfast and dinners—and even at night,the bar is perfect for cocktails and deserts!

  Austin also offers plenty of mom&pop sandwich shops.Toasties Subs offers a variety of affordable and delicious sandwiches,salads,tacos and pizzas.Enjoy your meal with a freshly squeezed orange juice,smoothie or local beer—or take it along for a picnic at Zilker Park,right next door.

  Austin street food offers various&delicious flavors

  For good,affordable food in Austin,you don’t even have to look further than the streets.Downtown Austin is packed with great food trailers—Llama’s,for example,offers delicious authentic Peruvian dishes—right off 6th Street!They even offer outdoor seating—or just take your meal along a stroll through downtown Austin!

  Thanks for your watching.For more information,visit us at About.com.

  1.Which serves authentic Mexican recipes?

  A.Fonda San Miguel.


  C.Annie’s Cafe and Bar.

  D.Toasties Subs.

  2.Which place offers delicious food with a local flavor?

  A.In the heart of the city.

  B.At Zilker Park.

  C.In on-site organic garden.

  D.Off 6th Street.

  3.You may probably find the passage when. 

  A.you are watching a video online

  B.you are reading a newspaper

  C.you are touring in Austin

  D.you are attending a conference


  1.A 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The restaurant features classic regional Mexican cuisine,prepared with authentic recipes...”可知,Fonda San Miguel提供正宗的墨西哥风味的饮食。

  2.D 细节理解题。由倒数第二段标题“Austin street food offers various&delicious flavors”可知,在奥斯汀的大街上即可品尝到其地方风味的小吃。

  3.A 推理判断题。根据第一段“Hi,I’m Pelpina Trip,here for About.com to show you...”和最后一段“Thanks for your watching.For more information,visit us at About.com.”可推知,这是一则网上的视频文稿,在网上看视频时便可看到,故选择A项。


  Climate change has caused a rise in sea levels.This has increased the amount of salt in fresh water used on coastal farms.As a result farmers are increasingly unable to use fields close to the sea.

  Scientists call this process “salinization”.The term comes from the word “saline”—which means a mixture of salt and water.The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization says salinization is reducing the world’s irrigated lands by 1 to 2 percent every year.

  But a farmer in the Netherlands is now using a mixture of sea and fresh water to grow healthy and tasty vegetables.Marc Van Rijsselberghe started with an experiment.

  “We put a lot of plants in the fields and then,we put them in fresh water and in sea water and all the varieties between it,and then we see which variety is surviving and which variety is dying.”

  Mr Van Rijsselberghe worked on the project with scientists from the Free University of Amsterdam.He divided a farm into eight irrigated areas.Separate pipes pumped fresh and sea water,and a computer program created water with eight levels of salinity.“And then the computer says ‘go’ and then it goes to the fields and dripping irrigation starts to work and we are going to kill plants.That’s it.”

  According to Mr Van Rijsselberghe,he was able to harvest vegetables from most of the eight test areas.The vegetables were smaller than those grown in fresh water,but they have more sugar and salt,thus tasting better.

  The farmer grew carrots,cabbage,onions and beetroot.But he found that potatoes grew better than the other vegetables in the combination of sea and fresh water.Mr Van Rijsselberghe says four kinds of these potatoes were recently sent to Pakistan,where thousands of hectares of land have been damaged by salinization.Farmers in Pakistan hope to see if they can be grown in those fields.

  1.What is preventing farmers from making full use of coastal fields?

  A.Salinization. B.Saline.

  C.Irrigation. D.Farming.

  2.Which shows the correct order of the experiment by Marc and the scientists?

  a.creating water with eight levels of salinity

  b.starting dripping irrigation

  c.dividing the farm with plants into 8 irrigated areas

  d.pumping fresh and sea water through separate pipes

  A.c—a—d—b B.d—c—a—b

  C.d—c—b—a D.c—d—a—b

  3.Dutch potatoes were sent to Pakinstan mainly because. 

  A.the potatoes can be farmed in Pakistan on a large scale

  B.Pakistan has complete irrigation systems for this kind of plant

  C.Pakistan farmers want to test the potatoes in their salinized fields

  D.Pakistan farmers are more experienced in growing potatoes

  4.Which can be the best title for the passage?

  A.Dutch farmers deal with climate change

  B.Dutch experiment shows farming with salty water possible

  C.Climate change increases the risk of reducing Dutch coastal farms

  D.Climate change makes farmers skilled in farming


  1.A 细节理解题。根据前两段内容,尤其是第一段的最后一句“...farmers are increasingly unable to use fields close to the sea.”和第二段的首句“Scientists call this process ‘salinization’.”可知,导致农民难以在沿海农田里耕作的是“盐碱化”。

  2.D 细节理解题。根据第五段可知,试验的程序是:将种有农作物的农场划分为8个灌溉区域,用不同的管道来输送淡水和海水,之后用电脑程序生成8种不同浓度的盐水,最后进行滴灌。

  3.C 细节理解题。由最后一段内容可知,荷兰的土豆最近被送到巴基斯坦,是因为那里有数千公顷土地被盐碱化,巴基斯坦的农民想用这种土豆进行试验,看是否能在这些盐碱地上生长。

  4.B 标题归纳题。本文是一篇关于荷兰农民使用海水和淡水的混合物来种植健康美味蔬菜的相关介绍,B项符合题意。


  Tim Cook,the CEO of Apple,showed off their newest device,the Apple Watch.Mr Cook said it was the most 1.(person) device Apple had created. 

  The Apple Watch is a very small computer a person wears on his or her wrist.It can do many of the same things 2. an iPhone.The apps are customized(定制) for the watch.It is different from just seeing 3. is on your phone. 

  Like a phone,you will be able to receive 4.(call) on your wrist.Mr Cook smiled while 5.(describe) this.“I’ve been wanting to do this since I was five years old,”he said.“The day is 6.(final) here.” 

  The watches arrived in stores 7. late April.They are sold at different prices,beginning at $349.Mr Cook said the high-end model,the one 8.(make) of 18-karat gold,is thousands of dollars. 

  One problem with Apple Watch is that you need 9. iPhone on your body,or nearby,to get this watch to function fully.Like a phone,it also needs to be charged each night.It remains to be seen whether people really want to carry both a smart phone 10. a smart watch. 



  2.as。句意:苹果手机的很多功能苹果手表都具有。固定搭配the same...as...“与……同样的……”。





  7.in。月份词汇之前的介词用in。in late April意为“在四月下旬”。

  8.made。句意:库克先生说,含有18克拉黄金的高端型的手表售价数千美元。the one与make之间为被动关系,应用过去分词made作后置定语。



  Part B


  How many hours do you spend sitting in a chair every day?Eight hours in the  1  plus three hours in front of the TV after work is  2  as the norm for many people. 

  You  3  don’t need an expert to tell you that sitting too much is not  4  for your health—from a(n)  5  risk of heart disease and obesity in the long term,to reduced cholesterol(胆固醇)maintenance in the short term,not to  6  the strain(负担)on your neck and spine. 

  To make matters worse,many researches show regular  7  and a good diet can’t reduce the  8  effects of sitting too much. 

  A 2010 study of nearly 9,000 Australians  9  that for each additional hour of television a person  10  per day,the risk of dying  11  by 11 percent.Another study  12  the health of 123,000 Americans between 1992 and 2006.The death  13  for men who spent six hours or more per day sitting was about 20 percent  14  than for men who sat for three hours or less.The death rate for women who  15  for more than six hours a day was about 40 percent higher. 

  In other words,sitting is  16  us.So what can we do about it?Health experts suggest we break up those many hours spent sitting with more hours spent  17 .The researchers believe that even small  18 ,like standing while talking on the phone,going over to  19  to a colleague rather than sending an e-mail,or  20  taking the stairs instead of the elevator,will help. 


  1.A.house B.cinema

  C.office D.hall

  2.A.turned B.served

  C.acted D.accepted

  3.A.necessarily B.probably

  C.reasonably D.doubtfully

  4.A.creative B.cautious

  C.bad D.good

  5.A.reduced B.deleted

  C.increased D.approved

  6.A.mention B.suspect

  C.expose D.blame

  7.A.job B.figure

  C.education D.exercise

  8.A.limited B.positive

  C.fixed D.negative

  9.A.announced B.instructed

  C.found D.foresaw

  10.A.ordered B.watched

  C.forecasted D.completed

  11.A.rose B.declined

  C.improved D.faded

  12.A.constructed B.tracked

  C.affected D.changed

  13.A.rate B.control

  C.fear D.prediction

  14.A.lower B.higher

  C.greater D.fairer

  15.A.sat B.slept

  C.practiced D.worked

  16.A.disturbing B.killing

  C.saving D.refreshing

  17.A.standing B.relaxing

  C.complaining D.speaking

  18.A.challenges B.purposes

  C.adjustments D.entertainments

  19.A.listen B.turn

  C.refer D.talk

  20.A.directly B.basically

  C.simply D.plainly


  1.C 由下文中的“after work”可知,此处指的是坐办公室8个小时,故选择C项。

  2.D 对很多人来说,标准答案就是上班时间再加上下班后在电视机前度过的3小时。accept sth.as...“认可某事为……”,be accepted as the norm意为“被认为是正常现象”。

  3.B 句意:你可能不用专家来告诉你久坐对于健康的危害。necessarily“必要地,必然地”;probably“也许,很可能”;reasonably“合理地,适度地”;doubtfully“怀疑地,含糊地”。B项符合语境。

  4.D 从下文示例可看出,久坐对健康无益,应选D项。be good for sth./to sb.“对……有益处”。

  5.C 从长期来看,久坐会增加心脏病发病率并导致肥胖;短期来说,则会导致“好胆固醇”含量减少;reduced“减少的”;deleted“删除的”;approved“经核准的,被认可的”。increased表示“增强的;增大的;增加的”,符合语境。

  6.A 联系上文列举的久坐带来的种种更为隐秘的危害,可推知此处指“更不用说它会压迫颈椎和脊椎这点了”。not to mention为固定结构,意为“更不用说,更不必提及”。

  7.D 句意:而更糟糕的是,很多研究表明,健康饮食和规律锻炼并不能减少久坐带来的危害。此处应与a good diet并列,故D项切合文意。

  8.D 第二段开头提到久坐对健康无益,所以此处应选择表示贬义色彩的D项。limited“有限的”;positive“积极的,肯定的”;fixed“固定的,稳固的”;negative“负面的,消极的”。

  9.C 2010年时对将近九千名澳大利亚人参与的一项研究发现,每天多看一小时电视,死亡风险就会增长11%。announce“宣布,通告”;instruct“命令,指示”;find“发现”;foresee“预见,预知”。表示研究的结果应“发现”,C项符合语境。

  10.B 此处“a person  10  per day”为定语从句,先行词是television,应选择B项与之搭配。 

  11.A 文章讲的是久坐对健康的危害,所以自然是引起死亡率“上升”。rise“上升,增长”;decline“下降,衰退”;improve“改善,提高”;fade“逐渐消逝,衰落”。A项顺承文意。

  12.B 由下文的时间状语“between 1992 and 2006”可知,这是一项追踪(track)式的研究。B项符合句意。

  13.A 由下文“The death rate for women”可知,此处指男性的死亡率,故选择A项。

  14.B 久坐者的死亡率应当更高(higher),B项顺承上文。

  15.A 文章讲久坐的危害,此处自然应当表示“坐”(sit)得更久。

  16.B 上一段以实验说明了久坐致人死亡概率更高的情况,由空前的“In other words”可知,本句是对上文的概括,B项符合语境。

  17.A 下文中的“like standing while talking on the phone...”表明这里指的是“应多站(stand)少坐”,故A项正确。

  18.C 打电话由坐着改换为站立,这是一种姿势的调整(adjustment),下文中的“instead of”也提示C项符合语境。

  19.D 句意:不发邮件而是走过去和同事面对面交流。talk to与send an e-mail匹配。

  20.C directly“直接地”;basically“主要地,基本上”;simply“仅仅,只是”;plainly“明白地,朴素地,坦率地”。根据上文的“even small 18 ”可知,此处表示“只是爬爬楼梯”,C项符合语境。 


  The scientific method is a process for experimentation that is used to explore observations and answer questions. 1  Here are steps of the scientific method. 

  Ask a question.The scientific method starts when you ask a question about something that you observe:How,What,When,Who,Which,Why,or Where?And,in order for the scientific method to answer the question it must be about something that you can measure,preferably with a number.

  2  Rather than starting from scratch in putting together a plan for answering your question,you need to use library and Internet research to help you find the best way to do things and make sure that you don’t repeat mistakes from the past. 

  Construct a hypothesis. 3  You must state your hypothesis(假设)in a way that you can easily measure,and of course,your hypothesis should be constructed in a way to help you answer your original question. 

  Test your hypothesis by doing an experiment.Your experiment tests whether your hypothesis is supported or not.It is important for your experiment to be a fair test.You conduct a fair test by making sure that you change only one factor at a time while keeping all other conditions the same. 4   

  Analyze your data and draw a conclusion.Once your experiment is complete,you collect your measurements and analyze them to see if they support your hypothesis or not. 5  This starts the entire process of the scientific method over again.Even if your hypothesis is supported,you may want to test it again in a new way. 

  A.Do background research.

  B.Scientists use the scientific method to search for cause and effect relationships in nature.

  C.Communicate your results.

  D.You should also repeat your experiments to make sure that the first results weren’t just an accident.

  E.If not,construct a new hypothesis based on the information you learned during your experiment.

  F.A hypothesis is an educated guess about how things work.

  G.Throughout the process,keep a journal containing all of your important ideas and information.


  1.B 空格前后两句均出现了“the scientific method”,B项与之内容一致。

  2.A 第三段介绍的是进行背景调研的目的及具体做法,A项涵盖了该段段意。

  3.F 第四段主要介绍了构建假设应该注意的事项,F项符合语境。

  4.D 第五段介绍了如何用实验来验证假设,D项内容与之相关;另外,“also repeat your experiments”与本段开头的“doing an experiment”和“Your experiment”相呼应,故应选择D项。

  5.E 前句提到,“实验完成后要进行分析和评估,来验证测评数据是否能够支撑早先提出的假设”,只有E项“否则的话,就要依据实验中得知的相关信息构建新的假设”顺承上文。


  My deskmate always praises me for my fluent English.His words always make me to feel encouraged.One day everything unexpected happened.While learning the new word “abnormal” in class,we were asked to make a sentence with them.Without a second thought,I stand up and said,“My deskmate is an abnormal boy whose clothes never fit him.” Hearing this,the whole class burst out laughter and my deskmate’s face turned red.Latter,I learned from the teacher that my mindless words hurt him deep.He would have dropped out school if he hadn’t been helped by others.

  Not until then did I realize words could be power in both positive and negative ways.We should avoid hurt others when we speak.



  3.第4句:them→it。此处代指的是the new word “abnormal”,应用代词的单数形式。


  5.第6句:out→into或laughter→laughing。表示“突然大笑起来”,用burst into laughter或burst out laughing。



  8.第8句:在out后加of。drop out of school“辍学”,为固定搭配。




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