2017届《名师A计划》高考英语新人教版一轮复习配套练习:必修2 Unit 2《The Olympic Games》(含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届《名师A计划》高考英语新人教版一轮复习配套练习:必修2 Unit 2《The Olympic Games》(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 2 The Olympic Games


  Part A



  Indonesia declared its independence from the Netherlands on August 17,1945 in one of the first acts of post-war decolonisation.

  The colorful independence celebrations draw upon the many traditions of Indonesian culture,including bizarre tests of agility(灵活) and strength.

  During World War ,Indonesia had been invaded by Japan and following their surrender Indonesian nationalists declared independence.

  The Dutch tried to resist the independence movement,eventually accepting defeat after four years following pressure from the United Nations.

  One of the most bizarre parts of the Indonesian independence celebrations is the Panjat Pinang competition where men clamber(艰难地爬) up greased poles.

  The Panjat Pinang game was introduced to Indonesia by the Dutch colonists,who placed prizes at the top of the pole during special occasions for entertainment.

  Because the poles are covered in grease or oil,one man is unable to clamber up unaided as they are unable to grip and climb at the same time.

  As a result,the men form teams where they help each other on the understanding that they split the goodies from the top of the pole equally.

  In an amazing feat of strength,one man grapples(抓住) with the base of the pole while his friends use him as a ladder to get to the goodies from the top.

  1.By holding the Panjat Pinang game,Indonesians want to . 

  A.celebrate its country’s independence

  B.test agility and strength

  C.get the prizes at the top of the pole

  D.carry forward the team spirit

  2.The Dutch accepted the independence of Indonesia because of . 

  A.four-year independence movements

  B.pressure from the United Nations

  C.Japanese surrender

  D.Japanese invasion

  3.What can we learn from the passage?

  A.The Panjat Pinang game dates from a tradition of Indonesian culture.

  B.One man isn’t able to get the prizes without help.

  C.The prizes will be given to the one who gets it.

  D.The competitors are unable to grip the pole with grease or oil.

  4.The best title of the passage is . 

  A.The Panjat Pinang game in Indonesia

  B.Indonesian independence celebrations

  C.Indonesia’s independence way

  D.Traditions of Indonesian culture


  1.A 细节理解题。根据第五段“One of the most bizarre parts of the Indonesian independence celebrations is the Panjat Pinang competition...”可知,印尼人通过举办爬杆比赛来庆祝国家的独立。

  2.B 细节理解题。根据第四段“...accepting defeat after four years following pressure from the United Nations.”可知,联合国施压是荷兰接受印尼独立的主要原因。

  3.B 细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中的“one man is unable to clamber up unaided as they are unable to grip and climb at the same time”可知,B项正确。

  4.A 标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了印尼为庆祝民族独立所举行的活动之一——爬杆比赛,包括它的来历以及比赛规则等。故选A项。


  ◆Westminster Abbey,founded in 1065,was the king’s place of residence until the 16th century.Since 1066,the Norman Conquest,it has been the “royal church”—the place where kings and queens are crowned when they take the throne(即位).

  It has also been the site of many royal weddings and funerals.King George Ⅵ,got married there in 1923;twenty four years later,his daughter,Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ married Prince Philip there;on April 29,2011,Prince William also married Kate Middleton there.While fourteen years ago,the funeral service for Princess Diana,William’s mother,took place there.

  ◆It is also famous for its Poets’ Corner,which has been the traditional burial ground of the most famous English poets,writers and playwrights.

  Today it is still a working church dedicated to regular worship and to the celebration of great events in the life of the nation.All are welcome to attend the regular services.

  Address Westminster Abbey,Parliament Square,London,SW1P 3PA

  Nearest Tube Stations ■Westminster ■St.James’s Park

  Opening Times ■Monday to Saturday:9∶30 am-4∶30 pm

  ■Wednesday:9∶30 am-7∶00 pm (last admission 6∶00 pm)

  ■Saturday:9∶30 am-2∶30 pm (last admission 1∶30 pm)

  Tickets Individuals:Adults £18.00 ■Over 18 students:£15.00 (on production of a valid student card)

  ■Schoolchildren (11-18 years) £8.00

  ■Child under 11 free accompanied by an adult

  Do pay a visit to the Poets’ Corner,where are tombs and memorials for such well-known writers as Geoffrey Chaucer—father of English Literature,Charles Dickens,and Thomas Hardy (Refer to next page for more or surf its official website:www.westminster-abbey.org).The Grave of the Unknown Warrior is an attractive story of a body brought back from France after the First World War.College Garden is thought to be the oldest garden in England at nearly 1,000 years old.

  1.What can be inferred from the passage?

  A.Westminster Abbey has been the king’s residence for over 1,000 years.

  B.About fifty years after Queen Elisabeth Ⅱ got married,Princess Diana died.

  C.All famous English poets,writers and playwrights can be buried in the Abbey.

  D.From Monday to Saturday,one can visit the Abbey at any time in the day.

  2.How much will a couple with two children (aged 17 and 19) at least pay for a visit to the Abbey?

  A.£62. B.£59. C.£50. D.£48.

  3.Famous sights in the Abbey are recommended to see EXCEPT. 

  A.the Poets’ Corner

  B.the Grave of the Unknown Warrior

  C.College Garden

  D.St.James’s Park

  4.This passage is most likely from a(n). 

  A.advertisement B.website

  C.guidebook D.poster


  1.B 细节理解题。由相关时间推算可知:伊丽莎白二世大约于1947年结婚;威廉王子于 2011年4月结婚,而14年前(1997年)其母亲戴安娜王妃的葬礼也在此举行。由此可推断,伊丽莎白二世结婚50年后,戴安娜王妃去世。故选B项。

  2.B 数字计算题。从表格中的票价可知:18×2+15+8=59英镑。故选B项。

  3.D 细节理解题。根据最后一段的相关描述可知,并未推荐参加St.James’s Park。故选D项。

  4.C 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Refer to next page for more or surf its official website:www.westminster-abbey.org”可推断,本文出自旅游指南。故选C项。


  Do you know the famous Icehotel at Jukkasjarvi in Sweden?Every year a team of builders and artists from 1. over the world come to the little village of Jukkasjarvi and build 2. hotel out of snow and ice.In the spring it 3.(melt) and the next year they start all over again.The hotel is a short drive from the airport,and is 4.(suit) for most people except families with very young children. 

  5. late December and early January ice rooms will be ready for guests 6. other parts of the hotel will be unfinished.If you come at this time you will be able to watch the artists 7.(make) their sculptures.If you prefer to see the hotel once everything is completed,then the best time to travel is from the middle of January.Various activities 8.(organization) for guests at the Icehotel.There are guided tours of the hotel in English and Swedish at various times of the day.You’ll also have the chance to make your own ice sculpture.Classes begin at 11 am daily.The hotel provides all the ice and tools you need and hot drinks—you just bring your ideas.There are also two different trips,both quite 9.(reason) priced.10. is a climbing trip to the top of Mount Puimonen.The other is a 5 km cross country skiing trip.A driver takes you out and then you ski back to the hotel.It is a good idea to book these activities at least three weeks before your arrival as they fill up quickly. 


  1.all。固定搭配all over the world意为“全世界”。


  3.melts。到了春天冰雪会融化,这里是陈述一个客观事实,所以用一般现在时,并且主语it指代上文的“a hotel”,故谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。

  4.suitable。固定搭配be suitable for意为“适合……的”。



  7.making。watch sb.doing sth.“看到某人正在做某事”。

  8.are organized。此处指各种活动被组织,所以用一般现在时的被动语态,故填are organized。


  10.One。根据后面的The other,可知此处填One。固定搭配one...,the other...意为“一个……,另一个……”。

  Part B


  Where do you go when you want to learn something?School?A friend?A tutor?These are all 1 places of learning.But it may well be that the learning you really want 2 somewhere else instead.I had the 3 of seeing this first hand on a 4 . 

  My daughter plays on a recreational soccer team.They did very well this season and so 5 a tournament,which normally was only for more skilled club teams.This led to some 6 experiences on Saturday as they played against teams 7 trained.Through the first two games,her 8 did not get one serious shot on goal.As a parent,I 9 seeing my daughter playing her best, 10 still defeated. 

  It seemed that something clicked with the 11 between Saturday and Sunday.When they 12 for their Sunday game,they were 13 different.They had begun to integrate(融合)the kinds of play and teamwork they had 14 the day before into their 15 .They played aggressively and 16 scored a goal. 

  It 17 me that playing against the other team was a great 18 moment for all the girls on the team.I think it is a general principle. 19 is the best teacher.The lessons they learned may not be 20 what they would have gotten in school,but are certainly more personal and meaningful,because they had to work them out on their own. 


  1.A.public B.traditional

  C.official D.special

  2.A.passes B.works

  C.lies D.ends

  3.A.dream B.idea

  C.habit D.chance

  4.A.trip B.holiday

  C.weekend D.square

  5.A.won B.entered

  C.organized D.watched

  6.A.painful B.strange

  C.common D.practical

  7.A.less B.poorly

  C.newly D.better

  8.A.fans B.tutors

  C.class D.team

  9.A.imagined B.hated

  C.avoided D.missed

  10.A.if B.or

  C.but D.as

  11.A.girls B.parents

  C.coaches D.viewers

  12.A.dressed B.showed up

  C.made up D.planned

  13.A.slightly B.hardly

  C.basically D.completely

  14.A.seen B.known

  C.heard D.read

  15.A.styles B.training

  C.game D.rules

  16.A.even B.still

  C.seldom D.again

  17.A.confused B.struck

  C.reminded D.warned

  18.A.touching B.thinking

  C.encouraging D.learning

  19.A.Experience B.Independence

  C.Curiosity D.Interest

  20.A.harmful to B.mixed with

  C.different from D.applied to


  1.B 根据常理可知,去学校、求助于朋友和家教都是传统的方法。

  2.C 句意:但你想学的事物可能存在于其他地方。lie意为“存在于”。

  3.D 根据下文可知,“我”观看了女儿的比赛。故此处是指“我”有一次在周末观看女儿比赛的机会。

  4.C 根据第6空后的“on Saturday”可知,该处填weekend。

  5.B 由于女儿所在的球队踢得很好,且下文讲述了比赛的过程,故该处是指进入了(entered)锦标赛。

  6.A 根据“ 8 did not get one serious shot on goal”可知,“我”女儿所在的球队在周六比赛中并没有进球,因此是种痛苦的(painful)经历。 

  7.D 上文提到锦标赛是技术精湛的队伍参加的,因此女儿的球队是与训练有素的对手相逢。

  8.D 句意:前两场比赛,女儿所在的球队没有进一个球。

  9.B 作为父母,“我”不愿意看见孩子拼尽全力,却还是被打败。

  10.C 见上题解析。

  11.A 对于女孩们来说,事情似乎从周六的失败转变为周日的胜利。

  12.B 当她们出现(showed up)在周日的赛场上时,表现得完全(completely)不一样。

  13.D 见上题解析。A项意为“轻微地”;B项意为“几乎不”;C项意为“基本上”;D项意为“完全地”。

  14.A 句意:她们把踢球与团队精神融合到比赛中去,这种团队精神是她们在前一天所见证过的。

  15.C 见上题解析。

  16.A 句意:她们进攻猛烈,甚至进了一球。

  17.B 固定句型It strikes/struck sb.that...意为“使某人想到……”。

  18.D 句意:这就让我想到跟其他队伍比赛对于全队所有的女孩来讲都是一个学习的时刻。

  19.A “我”认为经历(experience)是最好的老师。

  20.C 她们通过经历所学的可能跟在学校所学到的没什么不同,但却更有意义。be harmful to意为“对……有害”;be mixed with意为“和……混合”;be different from意为“不同于”;be applied to意为“被应用于”。


  Seven ways to find out what you really want in life

  Be good to yourself.

  You can’t pinpoint(准确指出) exactly what you want in life.You’re constantly sacrificing your time and dreams for other people. 1  Ask yourself:if you weren’t tied down by your job,family,or anything else,then what would you be doing right now? 

  Regret nothing.

  To be good to yourself is not selfish.It’s your life.It’s time for you to live it exactly the way you want to.If you constantly regret things you did or didn’t do in the past,then you won’t be able to move forward. 2   

  Figure out what you need.

  Sometimes it’s hard to figure out what you need.Sit down and think about what you need most.The freedom to express yourself?Love?Financial security?Something else?If it helps,you can make a list.Also think about the kind of legacy(遗产) you want to leave behind.


  You can fly only by pushing back against something you don’t want.Figure out what upsets you,and be specific about it.Don’t just say that you hate your office job.Pinpoint exactly why you hate it.Could it be your strict boss?Your workload?Your meaningless job title?Or all of the above?

  Determine what makes you truly happy.

  There’s no life to waste if you’re happy with living it.Think about what makes you happy.Being around children?Is it traveling?Owning a successful business?Financial freedom? 4   

  Let people around you know what you’re trying to achieve.

  Don’t keep your goals and desires to yourself.Voice it all out!If you tell people what you’re trying to accomplish,they will most likely support you and give you new ideas.Sometimes mother does know best!

  Stay positive.

  Life doesn’t always go as you want.Don’t feel discouraged as your plans stray(偏离).Take control.Instead of being anxious,try your best to advance with the changes.You will get there someday. 5  You’re just taking a little detour. 


  A.Determine what really bothers you.

  B.You should think of things positively.

  C.Determine what you are going to do next.

  D.Don’t live in the past but live in the present!

  E.Sometimes a positive attitude is all you need to keep going.

  F.You have to put yourself first,because if you don’t,then no one else will.

  G.Once you pinpoint the one thing that makes you happy the most,you’ll have a pretty clear idea of what you should struggle hard to get in your life.


  1.F 本段主要讲述要对自己好点,上句提到总为别人着想,下句提到抛开其他因素,想想自己最想做什么。所以此处应选F项“要把自己放在第一位”,承上启下。

  2.D 本段主要讲别留遗憾,上句说“如果你总对过去所做的事感到遗憾,就不会前进”,所以D项“不要总活在过去,要活在现在”承接上文,为正确选项。

  3.A 根据下文“Figure out what upsets you,and be specific about it.”可知本段主要讲找到真正困扰你的东西,A项点明本段大意,总领下文,应作为本段的段落标题。

  4.G 根据段落标题及前文可知,这里是进一步说明确定快乐的源泉对于生活的意义,G项内容符合语境。

  5.E 本段小标题指“保持积极的态度”,E项内容符合语境。


  This afternoon I went to see my grandfather by a bus.It was very crowded and I had to stand.Besides me,there was a woman hold a little boy in her arms.In front of her,a young man occupies two seats,pretending to be sleeping.I heard the little boy curious asking his mother,“What’s wrong with the uncle?” I had thought if perhaps the woman would blame the man.Beyond her expectations,the woman answered with a smile,“Be quiet.This uncle must very tired because of hard work.”The young man must have heard the word.His face turned red but offered one seat to the woman at once.


  1.第1句:删除a。by bus“坐公交车”,为固定短语。


  3.第3句:hold→holding。固定句型“there be+名词+V-ing”“有……正在……”。woman是hold的动作执行者,两者为主动关系,故应用现在分词作定语修饰woman。









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