【创新设计】2017届高考英语新人教版一轮复习课堂检测:必修5 Unit 4《Making the news》(含答案)-查字典英语网
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【创新设计】2017届高考英语新人教版一轮复习课堂检测:必修5 Unit 4《Making the news》(含答案)

发布时间:2017-03-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.(2015·四川,写作)I'm eager

  ________ (improve) my English.

  2.(2017·陕西高考)When the delayed flight will take off depends much ________ the weather.

  3.(2015·四川,5)Brian is gifted in ________ (write) music;he is very likely to be a Beethoven.

  4.It was ________ (suppose) to have been sunny today,but it is raining.

  5.(2017·北京,5)I have an appointment ________ Dr.Smith,but I need to change it.

  6.The task will be finished ahead ________ schedule if nothing prevents him doing it.

  7.(2015·北京,31)If accepted for the job,you'll ________ (inform) soon.

  8.(2015·天津,写作)________ there is any demand,I would be very happy to help.

  9.(2017·江苏,27)“Never for a second,”the boy says,“________ I doubt that my father would come to my rescue.”

  10.(2015·北京,24)Opposite is St.Paul's Church,________ you can hear some lovely music.

  答案 1.to improve 2.on 3.writing 4.supposed

  5.with 6.of 7.be informed 8.If 9.did 10.where


  1.Many girls in the poor area is denied the right to be educated.

  2.My father told me that he didn't approve of my leave school this year.

  3.It is difficult to assessing the building's value properly without seeing it.

  4.You can depend on that he will come to your help when needed.

  5.The developers submitted building plans for the council for approval.

  6.I can think of many cases that the media have a strong effect on young men.

  答案 1.is→are 2.leave→leaving 3.assessing→assess4.on后加上it 5.for→to 6.that→where


  Zhou Yang will never forget his first assignment as __1__ reporter in a popular English newspaper.At the office,his talk with his new boss influenced __2__ life strongly.His boss first put him as an assistant to an __3__ (experience) journalist and later allowed him to cover a story and submit the article himself.During the interviews,he had to listen for __4__ (detail) facts and prepare the next question depending on __5__ the person said.__6__the interviewee agreed,he could use a recorder to get the facts straight.The boss also gave him an example of the __7__ (important) of a recorder.Once a footballer was accused __8__ taking money for deliberately not scoring goals to let the other team win.He admitted that someone had tried to bribe him,but denied __9__ (take) money.The recording __10__ (prove) that he was guilty.

  答案 1.a 2.his 3.experienced 4.detailed 5.what

  6.If 7.importance 8.of 9.taking 10.proved



  1.作为一名记者,李强不但有很好的资讯嗅觉,而且具有令人钦佩的专业技能。(not only...but also...倒装句,journalist,admirable,professional)








  5.采访一结束,李强必须准确迅速地写出报道。(the moment...)




  7.再经过后期的技术处理,一篇资讯稿就可以交付印刷了。(technical process,go to press)


  答案 1.As a journalist,not only does Li Qiang have a good nose for news,but he also has admirable professional skills.

  2.Before every interview,he concentrates on preparing for it.

  3.In the process of an interview,he can acquire the information he needs.

  4.Meanwhile he comes up with the next question.

  5.The moment the interview is over,Li Qiang must write out his story accurately and quickly.

  6.Last of all,the chief editor reads it and approves it.

  7.After the last stage of technical process,a story is ready to go to press.



  As a journalist,not only does Li Qiang have a good nose for news,but he also has admirable professional skills.Before every interview,he concentrates on preparing for it.In the process of an interview,he can acquire the information he needs,and meanwhile comes up with the next question.The moment the interview is over,Li Qiang must write out his story accurately and quickly.Last of all,the chief editor reads it and approves it.After the last stage of technical process,a story is ready to go to press.


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