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发布时间:2017-03-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  “America’s No.1 Health Problem.” So reads the headline of an article published by the American Institute of Stress that claims the biggest threat to health today is neither cancer nor AIDS. The report says: “It has been estimated(估计)that 75 to 90 percent of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress related problems.”

  It is no exaggeration(夸张)to say that people today are being attacked by stress. According to the National Consumers League, “Work is the top source of stress for adults who have problems and stress in their lives (39%), followed by family (30%). Other sources include health (10%), concern about the economy (9%) and concern about international conflict and terrorism (4%).”

  However, stress is hardly unique to the United States. A British survey in 2005 estimated that “over half a million individuals in Britain believed in 2004 that they were experiencing work-related stress at a level that was making them ill.” As a result of “work-related stress, depression or anxiety,” there are “an estimated thirteen and a half million reported lost working days per year in Britain.”

  The picture is no less bleak in mainland Europe. According to the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, “work-related stress has been shown to affect millions of European workers across all types of employment sectors.” One survey revealed that there are “about 41 million workers affected by work-related stress each year.”

  What about Asia? A report issued by a conference held in Tokyo concluded: “Job stress is a common concern among many countries in the world, both developing and industrialized countries.” The report observed that “several countries in East Asia, including China and Korea, have rapidly industrialized and economically grown. These countries now have a lot of concerns on job stress and its harmful effects on workers’ health.”

  1. The author quoted “America’s No.1 Health Problem.” (Para. 1) in order to ______.

  A. talk about health problems in America

  B. introduce the topic of stress

  C. emphasize the stress in America

  D. tell readers something about American Institute of Stress

  答案解析:答案为B。本题为推理题。本文的内容是为了揭示世界上人们的工作压力非常大,对健康造成了威胁,因此作者在开头使用“America’s No.1 Health Problem”是为了引入压力的话题,故答案为B。

  2. From the passage we can learn that


  A. both cancer and AIDS are not as serious as the threat of stress to health

  B. stress is mainly from working and living pressure

  C. Americans never care about international conflict and terrorism

  D. people in mainland Europe are more optimistic than English people

  答案解析:答案为B。本题为细节推理题。由第二段 “Work is the top source of stress for adults who have problems and stress in their lives (39%), followed by family (30%). Other sources include health (10%), concern about the economy (9%) and concern about international conflict and terrorism (4%).” 可知,工作和家庭生活中的压力比重最大,故B选项正确,C选项错误。

  由第一段 “America’s No.1 Health Problem.” So reads the headline of an article published by the American Institute of Stress that claims the biggest threat to health today is neither cancer nor AIDS.”可知,癌症和艾滋病没有压力带给健康的威胁那么严重的情况是在美国,不具有普遍性,故A选项错误。第三段揭示了英国人的工作压力非常大,第四段的首句理解是关键 “The picture is no less bleak in mainland Europe.” 意为“欧洲大陆的情况依旧不容乐观”,故D选项错误。

  3. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ______.

  A. Asian people are more willing to develop their countries

  B. the rapid economic development is the main reason for stress

  C. some people in Asian countries have health problems from employment stress

  D. Asian countries have a better situation of stress than Europe

  答案解析:答案为C。本题为推理题。最后一段揭示了亚洲的压力情况,由该段的最后一句话 “These countries now have a lot of concerns on job stress and its harmful effects on workers’ health.” 可知,一些亚洲国家的工作压力也影响了人们的健康,故C选项正确,B选项错误,经济发展不是压力的主要原因,压力来自工作。A、D选项未提,均不选。

  4. What’s the main subject of the passage?

  A. Stress attacking health. B. How to deal with stress.

  C. A survey on working stress. D. Health problems around the world.


  阅读理解 (2017·长春模拟)While tofu is a household name in Asia, it has still not been completely accepted into the Western kitchen. When it arrived in the West, tofu found itself sitting alone in the food playground, ignored by the other kids. And when tofu did make friends, it was only with the open-minded, peace-loving vegetarians sometimes referred to as“hippies”.

  Why is it that such a staple(主要的)ingredient in the East has been subject to(遭受)such discrimination in the West? Well, tofu quite literally(简直)missed the boat. Tofu originated in China some 2, 000 years ago. But when the Europeans first arrived in China they ignored it. While rice was embraced with open arms and brought home with popular acclaim(称赞), tofu followed later and with much less success.

  Growing up in Australia I only had a vague notion of what tofu was. It was just last year, when I lived in the Dutch town of Maastricht, that we were really introduced. In that town, lots of students choose to live in“squats”—old run-down factories rented out for very cheap prices. One of these squats holds a“Vegan Dinner”every Monday. In the dishes served there, tofu was a staple and I found that I quite liked it!

  Slowly but surely tofu is becoming accepted into mainstream Western cooking circles. In March, the singer Justin Timberlake dressed up in a tofu suit for a sketch(短剧)on NBC’s show Saturday Night Live to promote the silky food. And notable UK food experts such as Nigel Slater and Fuchsia Dunlop are singing tofu’s praises as well. As Slater writes in an article published in The Guardian, “I think the Chinese know what they are talking about and I must give their beloved dou-fu(yet)another chance”. He found that when cooked with chilli, garlic and ginger, tofu was a very welcome guest at his dinner party!

  【文章大意】豆腐越来越受西方人的青睐, 它是怎样做到如此受欢迎的呢?

  1. When tofu was introduced to the West, it .

  A. was not accepted, just like rice

  B. was well-received mostly by hippies

  C. was difficult to find things to cook with it

  D. was viewed as a toy instead of food


  2. The phrase“missed the boat”in the second paragraph probably means“ ”.

  A. failed to take advantage of an opportunity

  B. was in the same situation

  C. experienced a big change

  D. drew much attention

  【解析】选A。词义猜测题。上文提到了豆腐在西方遭遇歧视, 而下文又进一步提到了当欧洲人把大米和豆腐先后带到西方时, 大米遇到了优待, 而豆腐则错失良机, 没有那么成功, 所以missed the boat表示“没有利用好机会, 错失良机”, 故选A。

  3. The first time the author tasted tofu in Maastricht, she .

  A. had already eaten it in Australia

  B. developed a love for it

  C. felt it was not her cup of tea

  D. found that she had expected too much from it


  4. By quoting Slater in the last paragraph, the author intends to show .

  A. it is beneficial to eat tofu now and then

  B. a new creative way to cook tofu has been praised

  C. tofu is becoming a staple at Western dinner parties

  D. tofu is becoming popular in the West

  【解析】选D。推理判断题。最后一段的中心句是该段的首句, 下文以Justin Timberlake和food experts such as Nigel Slater and Fuchsia Dunlop为例来说明豆腐在西方日渐流行, 故答案为D。


  If a monkey takes a photograph,who owns the rights to it?The monkey or the owner or the camera?

  That’s the question being discussed all over the Internet about this toothy selfie:a monkey “took” of itself with photographer David Slater’s camera.

  Slater traveled to Indonesia in 2011 to get the perfect image of a black monkey.One of the monkeys came to check out his camera and took hundreds of photos of itself.

  “They were quite naughty,jumping all over my equipment,and it looked like they were already posing for the camera when one hit the button,”Slater said.“The sound got his attention and he kept pressing it.At first it scared the rest of them away but they soon came back—it was amazing to watch.”

  Most of the photos were unclear,but one of them was a cute self­portrait of a monkey appearing to grin.

  Now the image has been uploaded to Wikimedia and Slater is not pleased.He has asked Wikimedia to remove the image from its pages because he owns the rights to it.It is included in Wikimedia Commons that is a collection of over 22 million images and videos that are free to use online and allows other websites to use it free of charge,it is harming his right to make money from “his” photo.

  But Wikimedia says that because the monkey pressed the button to take the photo,Slater does not own the right to the photo and it is uncopyrightable.

  Copyright law states that animals cannot own copyrights.“The term ‘authorship’ implies that,for a work to be copyrightable,it must owe its origin to a human being.Materials produced only by nature,by plants,or by animals are not copyrightable.”

  Slater argues that the image was not produced only by monkey because a monkey pressed a button,but he did all the setting up.

  “If the monkey took it,it owns the copyright,not me;that’s Wikimedia’s basic argument.What they don’t realize is that it needs a court to decide that.I’ve told them it’s not public domain,they’ve got no right to say that it’s public domain.”explained Slater.

  1.We can infer that a monkey took photos of itself


  A.for pleasure

  B.on purpose

  C.by accident

  D.with the help of Salter

  2.What made Salter angry with Wikimedia?

  A.It uses images without paying money for their owners.

  B.It collects images and videos without his permission.

  C.It connects an image library to other websites.

  D.It allows people to use the monkey’s selfie for free.

  3.Salter claimed the right of the monkey’s selfie because


  A.he created a background for the monkey to take photos

  B.he taught the monkey how to press the button correctly

  C.he prepared the camera for the monkey in advance

  D.he guided the monkey to take a photo of itself

  4.The last paragraph implies that


  A.Wikimedia isn’t available for everyone

  B.Slater may seek law to win his rights

  C.the monkey has right of the selfie image

  D.the copyright matters a lot to public domain







  “I don’t speak English”—these are the first words I learned when I came to America.Soon I was able to pronounce the four words clearly,and said them whenever an American tried to talk to me.This answer was very effective(有效的)at ending our conversation and saving me from another uncomfortable situation,or I would have to communicate in a language that I was not familiar with.

  Before coming to the States,I thought I knew English pretty well.But the truth is that the grammar and vocabulary-based English that is taught in schools overseas(海外的)is not the English people speak in America.

  But fear not!Once you are in America,you can immediately begin to bridge the gap(弥补差距)between the learned English that you already know and the spoken English that is all around you.To do this,first of all,it is important not to fear when you realize that you may not be as prepared for daily communication as you thought.For me,as soon as I stopped worrying about my accent and started speaking,I made rapid progress.Often the people didn’t notice my mistakes because they were so glad to finally be able to communicate with me.

  Another good idea is to listen carefully and pay attention to the way in which ideas are expressed.For example,if you are working hard and you want to stop working and rest for a little while,you can either say “I would like to stop working and rest for a while” or “I want to take a quick break from work.” The first sentence,I quickly learned,sounds dry and too formal for any kind of communication,while the second is an idiom(成语)that is widely used in American English conversation.

  Finally,use what you already know—the vocabulary,the grammar and the spelling.Try to use these into the spoken language for more impressive and accurate(精确)speaking results.


  1.What’s the main idea of this passage?

  A.You’d better say “I don’t speak English” in the USA.

  B.How you can improve your spoken English in the USA.

  C.Idioms are widely used to express your ideas in the USA.

  D.Listening is the best way to improve your spoken English in the USA.

  解析:主旨大意题。文章一、二两段提到很多初次来到美国的人都会遇到的问题:他们以前学习的英语不同于在美国实际听到的英语。本文就是教给读者如何“bridge the gap”.为此,作者提出三点建议:去除恐惧心理;细心听;利用已有知识。所以本文主旨是improve your spoken English。


  2.At first the writer preferred to use the sentence “I don’t speak English” to  . 

  A.admit he is a foreigner

  B.save much time for himself

  C.prevent himself from being laughed at

  D.avoid getting upset in communicating with others

  解析:细节理解题。由文章第一段“This answer was very effective(有效的)at ending our conversation and saving me from another uncomfortable situation...”可知,告诉别人“I don’t speak English”可以让自己避免与人交谈以免陷入尴尬。


  3.What’s the problem with the English taught outside the English-speaking countries?

  A.It is quite different from what the natives speak.

  B.It is taught in boring and wrong grammar.

  C.It has nothing to do with English.

  D.It has too small a vocabulary.

  解析:细节理解题。由文章第二段“...the grammar and vocabulary-based English that is taught in schools overseas(海外的)is not the English people speak in America.”可知,以前以语法和词汇为核心的英语不是美国人说的英语。B、D两项中的boring and wrong grammar和too small a vocabulary文章未提及;C项明显错误。


  .When did the writer make rapid progress in spoken English?

  A.As soon as he paid attention to the way Americans spoke.

  B.The minute he found what has been learned useless.

  C.The moment he got rid of the fear of speaking.

  D.Immediately he arrived in the USA.

  解析:细节理解题。由文章第三段“...as soon as I stopped worrying about my accent and started speaking,I made rapid progress.”可知,一旦不再担心自己的口音并大胆开口说,英语进步很快。



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