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发布时间:2017-03-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  Digging a Hole in China's Black Gold.

  China's love affair with coal is set to last, but for investors the romance has come out of the relationship.

  For the last few years, investors in China's coal section have been mining a rich seam(煤层). From the beginning of 2005 to the end of 2011, the level Qinhuangdao coal price rose 81%, supporting strong growth in profitability (利润)and enviable degree at mining majors like China Shenhua Energy.

  But as any miner will tell you, the longer you work a seam, the more difficult it is to get value. China's coal prices have fallen nearly 10% in the last three months. A seasonal fall from the winter peak, and a cyclical(周期性的)slowdown brought about by China's slowing construction and money tightening, is only part of the picture. Those effects will fade, but coal miners will still have to battle against structural pressure for lower prices.

  In 2008, China's 60 biggest miners the efficient excellences from a section with 9,000-plus firms accounted for just over half of civil production. Since then, the big have gotten bigger and the small are disappearing. Michael Parker, coal mining analyst at Sanford Bernstein, estimates in 2017 the top 60 miners will account for 80% of output.

  The assumption has always been that it's the very low-cost little mining operations that will go to the wall, pushing prices up. In fact, Mr. Parker argues that it's small industrial operations working difficult seams, and with poor access to convey that will be the first to go. The exit of these high-cost means that spot prices will increasingly be set by bigger more efficient producers and that means pressure for prices to stay low.

  With structural forces against a return to rising coal prices, investors in China's black gold should dig a huge stone hit their foot into a hole.

  1. Which is the general idea of this passage?

  A.Why it is difficult for China’s coal price to increase.

  B. China's 60 biggest miners the efficient excellences.

  C. the romance has come out of the relationship.

  D. the low-cost little operations that will fail.

  2. What is the investors’ attitude to China’s coal?

  A. angry.

  B. disappointed.

  C. not excited.

  D. very excited.

  3.Which is a reason for the last few years’ Chinese investors feeling glad?

  A. poor access to transport that will be the first to go.

  B. investors in China's black gold got much money.

  C. spot prices will be set by bigger producers.

  D. coal price rose 81%.

  4.The cause that led to a cyclical slowdown of coal price was______.

  A. strong growth in profitability.

  B. China's money tightening and slowing construction.

  C. China's 60 biggest miners.

  D. the small are disappearing.

  5. The word “convey” in the fifth paragraph may mean ______.


  B. change.

  C. reduce.

  D. increase.



  2.C。推理判断题。据第一段信息句China's love affair with coal is set to last, but for investors the romance has come out of the relationship. 中国与煤炭的“恋情”将继续下去,但对投资者来说,这段关系已经不能再让人怦然心动了。以此得知其态度是不很兴奋。

  3. D。细节理解题。从第二段信息句For the last few years, investors in China's coal section have been mining a rich seam(煤层). From the beginning of 2005 to the end of 2011, the level Qinhuangdao coal price rose 81%理解得知煤价上升80%是投资者高兴的一个原因。

  4. B。细节理解题。从第三段信息句A seasonal fall from the winter peak, and a cyclical(周期性的)slowdown brought about by China's slowing construction and money tightening, is only part of the picture.理解到电煤需求较冬季取暖高峰期出现季节性的下滑,是由中国不断放缓的建筑施工和货币紧缩措施造成的。

  5. A。词义猜测题。联系前后文理解到本句意为:实际上,帕克说,行业内的小型企业(开采的煤层难度较大、交通不便)将是首先被淘汰出局的。故这里是“运输”的意思。

  阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。

  Now scientists believe that global warming affects hibernating animals, causing them to wake up earlier. While this may seem a little concern, it is in fact a significant environmental problem. The shortened hibernation period could actually lead to significant declines in the population of several species.

  Some of the first concrete evidence of the phenomenon came from Colorado, where researchers at the Rocky Mountain Biological lab have been observing marmot(旱獭)hibernation behavior since the 1970s. In the early days of their studies, marmots generally hibernated several weeks into the month of May. Nowadays, however, temperatures in the area have risen by 2. 5 degrees Fahrenheit, and the marmots wake up about a month earlier.

  At least the marmots are still hibernating. Several other animals have not been hibernating at all recently. Brown bears in the Spanish Cantabrian Mountains did not hibernate last year. In parts of the United States, chipmunks(花鼠)also skipped the hibernation period. The bears seem to have survived without losing many individuals. The chipmunks, however, were not so lucky. Many of the animals died of starvation during the winter.

  The problem with animals waking up early, or skipping hibernation altogether, lies with the creatures’ metabolism(新陈代谢). When the animals hibernate, their metabolism drops significantly. The animals’ heart rate slows, and they require very little energy to live. When the animals awake from their winter slumber, their metabolism returns to normal.

  But while their metabolism may be as active as it was before hibernation, food sources aren’t as available as they were before. A marmot may wake up when temperatures get warmer, thinking it’s spring, but plants will not have got the amount of sun they need to signal their spring period of growth. So until the plants grow, the marmots have no reliable food source.

  Many scientists believe the problem will continue to get worse. In addition to changes in hibernation patterns, some believe that other animals will also begin to change their migration patterns or begin to give birth earlier. For many biologists, that’s a scary prospect. Terry Root, an animal expert at Stanford University, said, “I do think what we will be facing is the extinction of many species. ”

  【文章大意】全球变暖带来的连锁反应是多方面的, 其中之一就是导致一些冬眠动物的冬眠期缩短, 这会给这些动物带来巨大的影响。

  1. What is the viewpoint of the writer?

  A. Global warming will continue to get worse as time goes on.

  B. Global warming will lead to shortened hibernation of some animals.

  C. Shortened hibernation will result in declines in the population of animals.

  D. Some animals will skip hibernation altogether.


  2. The writer sets the example of the marmot so as to .

  A. explain that global warming influences animals’ hibernation

  B. indicate that the weather gets warmer and warmer now

  C. show that the weather in the United States is quite different

  D. say some animals do not hibernate now due to warm weather


  . The underlined word“slumber”in the fourth paragraph means“ ”.

  A. weatherB. activityC. nestD. sleep

  【解析】选D。词义猜测题。联系本句中的awake from可知答案为D项。

  . Why can’t marmots find enough food when they wake up?

  A. Because there are too many marmots in the wild now.

  B. Because plants haven’t received enough sunlight for spring growth.

  C. Because winter days end much earlier than before.

  D. Because more and more animal species skip hibernation now.

  【解析】选B。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的but plants will not have got the amount of sun they need to signal their spring period of growth可知答案为B项。

  9. Terry Root holds a(n) attitude towards the future of animals.

  A. optimistic

  B. doubtful

  C. pessimistic

  D. sensitive

  【解析】选C。观点态度题。根据文章最后一句话I do think what we will be facing is the extinction of many species. 可以看出他是持悲观态度。

  Peanuts to This

  Proudly reading my words, I glanced around the room, only to find my classmates bearing big smiles on their faces and tears in their eyes. Confused, I glanced toward my stone­faced teacher. Having no choice, I slowly raised the report I had slaved over, hoping to hide myself. “What could be causing everyone to act this way?”

  Quickly, I flashed back to the day Miss Lancelot gave me the task. This was the first real task I received in my new school. It seemed simple: go on the Internet and find information about a man named George Washington. Since my idea of history came from an ancient teacher in my home country, I had never heard of that name before. As I searched the name of this fellow, it became

  evident that there were two people bearing the same name who looked completely different! One invented hundreds of uses for peanuts, while the other led some sort of army across America. I stared at the screen, wondering which one my teacher meant. I called my grandfather for a golden piece of advice: flip(掷)a coin. Heads—the commander, and tails—the peanuts guy. Ah! Tails,my report would be about the great man who invented peanut butter, George Washington Carver.

  Weeks later, standing before this unfriendly mass, I was totally lost. Oh well, I lowered the paper and sat down at my desk, burning to find out what I had done wrong. As a classmate began his report, it all became clear,“My report is on George Washington, the man who started the American Revolution.” The whole world became quiet! How could I know that she meant that George Washington?

  Obviously, my grade was awful. Heartbroken but fearless, I decided to turn this around. I talked to Miss Lancelot, but she insisted: No re­dos; no new grade. I felt that the punishment was not justified, and I believed I deserved a second chance. Consequently, I threw myself heartily into my work for the rest of the school year. Ten months later, that chance unfolded as I found myself sitting in the headmaster's office with my grandfather, now having an entirely different conversation. I smiled and flashed back to the embarrassing moment at the beginning of the year as the headmaster informed me of my opinion to skip the sixth grade. Justice is sweet!

  1.What did the author's classmates think about his report?




  .Why was the author confused about the task?

  A.He was unfamiliar with American history.

  B.He followed the advice and flipped a coin.

  C.He forgot his teacher's instruction.

  D.He was new at the school.

  .The underlined word“burning”in Para. 3 probably means ________.




  .In the end, the author turned things around ________.

  A.by redoing his taskB.through his own efforts

  C.with the help of his grandfatherD.under the guidance of his headmaster


  . B 推理判断题。根据第一段内容我们知道,由于作者对美国历史的无知,弄混了乔治·华盛顿的身份,所以同学们听了作者写的报告忍不住大笑起来。“bearing big smiles on their faces and tears in their eyes.”可知大家觉得这个报告很荒谬。controversial有争议的;ridiculous荒谬的,可笑的;boring无聊的;puzzling迷惑的,不解的。

  . A 推理判断题。 根据第二段“Since my idea of history came from an ancient teacher in my home country”可知,作者是从别的国家初到美国,所以对美国历史不了解而闹了笑话。

  . D 词义猜测题。 根据全文叙述可知,作者是通过投掷硬币来决定的答案,因此犯了常识错误。第三段中“I was totally lost.”说明作者不明就里,所以当其他同学读报告时,作者渴望知道为什么。annoyed 烦恼的;ashamed羞愧的;ready准备好的,情愿的;eager渴望的。

  . B 细节理解题。 根据第四段“Consequently, I threw myself heartily into my work for the rest of the school year.”可知作者是通过throw oneself into(积极从事)而实现转变的。所以选B。文中老师并没有给作者机会重做,所以A错误;从祖父那里得到建议是在选择华盛顿身份时,所以C错误;而校长是在作者成绩提高后才接见的,所以D错误。Two years ago my grandmother was going to turn 75.My family discussed what the best way to celebrate was.Should we throw her a party?Should we take her on a trip?We remembered that she had touched so many people’s lives,and there were so many people for her to consider.Then someone got the idea that we should include everyone in the celebration by turning it into a tribute(献礼) to my grandmother.

  We secretly sent out letters to the people in grandmother’s address book and asked them to send a letter with a memory that they had shared with her.People sent us letters with poems,stories and pictures.The deep feeling that was shared through the response surprised us.We compiled(编纂) these letters into a memory book and amazed her with it on the morning of her birthday.

  The unusual thing about my grandmother’s friends was not the number that she had,but the connection they shared.In many ways this book of friendship was the greatest achievement of my grandmother’s life.

  I believe that developing true friendships is one of the most important things that anyone can do in one’s lifetime.It is not a matter of the number of friends one has,but the quality of the bonds.If one has had at least one true friendship before dying,then one can say he has lived a successful life.I have made many friends and I believe I have begun to develop the same types of friendships my grandmother kept up over her lifetime.I only hope that I will be as successful as she has been.

  1.How did the author’s family celebrate the grandmother’s birthday?

  A.They took her on a trip across the country.

  B.They gave her a memory book of friendship.

  C.They invited all her friends to her birthday party.

  D.They asked all her friends to send her cards.

  2.When receiving her birthday gift,the author’s grandmother probably felt

  A.disappointed and lonely

  B.sorry and sad

  C.surprised and pleased

  D.nervous and excited

  3.The underlined word “bonds” in the last paragraph probably means “






  4.According to the passage,the author probably agrees that

  A.the more friends you have,the better

  B.friends are more important than family

  C.understanding leads to greater success

  D.true friendship is very important to us






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