2017届高考英语外研版一轮复习课时作业:必修4 Module2《Traffic Jam》(含答案)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语外研版一轮复习课时作业:必修4 Module2《Traffic Jam》(含答案)

发布时间:2017-03-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  课时作业20 Module 2 Traffic Jam



  impress destination congested limit exploresolve air­conditioned return receipt registration1.They were marching forward despite the heavy rain because they had to reach the ________ before dark.

  2.They will build another ring road to solve the problem of traffic ________ in the rush hour.

  3.After the accident, the driver drove his car away. Fortunately, video cameras recorded his ________ number.

  4.We are sure that the 28th Olympic Games to be held in Beijing are surely an ________ one.

  5.Welcome to the Blue Sea Hotel. We offer you spacious, ________ and fully­serviced rooms.

  6.I have decided to buy a ________ ticket not a single for it is cheaper.

  7.You should remember to ask for a ________ after you pay for what you buy.

  8.The clever boy came up with a ________ to the difficult problem.

  9.Man has already begun ________ the Mars, hoping to find signs of life there.

  10.This driver was fined because he failed to ________ his driving speed on the high way.

  答案 1.destination 2.congestion 3.registration 4.impressive 5.air­conditioned 6.return 7.receipt

  8.solution 9.exploring 10.limit



  He could ________________ again after the operation.

  答案 get around


  He was really hungry. __________________, he ate up everything on the plate.

  答案 In no time


  I hope you'll be more careful ________ about the things you say.

  答案 in future


  Please ________ the lights ________ as you leave.

  答案 switch; off


  Our new offices are still ________________.

  答案 under construction



  Do's and Don'ts of Donating

  Giving up your unused or unwanted stuff is a great way to make space in your home for the items that you do enjoy on a regular basis. __1__ Here are 4 do's and don'ts of donating your belongings.

  Do Prep Your Clothes

  You've thoroughly cleaned out your closets and drawers, and have a mountain of clothing waiting to be donated. Before you bag up these pieces, inspect each one to ensure that they're in good condition. Make sure all buttons are fastened, and that you can't see any stains. __2__

  Don't Donate Damaged Items

  The number one rule of donating your stuff is to make sure that it's in a good, usable condition. Don't donate clothes or furniture with rips (裂口), chipped dishes, or books that are missing pages. __3__ Find a local company that will recycle these items instead.

  Do Donate More than Just Clothes

  __4__ Stuffed animals, framed pictures, unused candles, small power tools, sports equipment, ornaments, baskets, blenders, dishes, glassware, silverware, pots and pans, curtains, blankets, toasters, mixers, pillows, towels, bed sheets, bikes, and exercise equipment are much sought­after donations.


  With a little common sense it's easy to figure out items that are ideal for donation. But unfortunately some people will throw away the contents of their home without a second thought. As a gentle reminder, it's never a good idea to donate car parts, flammable products, construction materials, weapons, or explosives.

  A. Nobody wants to inherit your damaged belongings.

  B. Food donations are always in need.

  C. Don't Even Think of Donating These Items

  D. Not sure where to start?

  E. Don't Donate Large Appliances

  F. Clothes aren't the only household item that can be donated.

  G. Wash the items to make them fresh and ready for their new owners.


  语篇解读 这是一篇说明文。文章主要说的是捐助时“能做的”和“不能做的”一些事情。

  1.D 结合空前后的内容可知,“不确定应从何开始?”符合语境。故正确答案为D。

  2.G 结合语境可知,捐助物品上要没有污渍,要对它们进行清洗,以确保新主人收到时是干净的。故正确答案为G。

  3.A 根据此段小标题“Don't Donate Damaged Items”可知,不要捐献损坏的物品,同时结合空前的“Don't donate clothes or furniture with rips (裂口),chipped dishes,or books that are missing pages.”可判断出,没有人想要已经损坏的东西。故正确答案为A。

  4.F 根据此段的小标题“Do Donate More than Just Clothes”以及空后内容可知,衣服并不是唯一可以捐献的家居用品。故正确答案为F。

  5.C 根据此段中的“it's never a good idea to donate car parts,flammable products,construction materials,weapons,or explosives”可知,不要捐献这些物品。故正确答案为C。



  Once a farmer's donkey fell into a deep well. The animal cried loudly for hours, but the farmer couldn't figure out what to do __1__ it. Finally, he decided that the animal was old and that the well needed to be covered anyway, so he __2__ (think) the donkey wasn't worth saving.

  Then, the farmer invited some of his neighbors to come over and help __3__ (he). They all took a shovel (铁铲) and began to put dirt into the well.

  At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried __4__ (pitiful). Then, to everyone's surprise, the donkey became quiet. A few shovel loads later, the farmer looked down into the well and was astonished at __5__ he saw.

  Each shovel of dirt hit its back, but the donkey was doing something __6__ (amaze). It was shaking the dirt off and taking a step up. __7__ the neighbors continued to put more dirt on top of the animal, it would shake the dirt off and take one more step up.

  Pretty soon everyone was surprised as the donkey stepped up over the edge of __8__ well and ran off happily!

  When life sometimes __9__ (put) dirt on you, the best way of getting out of the well is to shake the dirt off and take a step up. Each of your troubles is a stepping stone. You can get out of the deepest well just __10__ never giving up!


  语篇解读 只要不放弃,就能走出困境,驴如此,人更应该如此。

  1.with 考查常用搭配。do with表示“处理,应付”。

  2.thought 考查动词的时态和语态。文章是在讲述一个故事,再结合语境可知,此处应用一般过去时。he与think为主谓关系,故填thought。

  3.him 考查代词。那个农民邀请一些邻居来帮“他”。此处用宾格人称代词him指代the farmer。

  4.pitifully 考查副词。此处应用副词pitifully来修饰动词cried。

  5.what 考查宾语从句。what在此引导宾语从句,作saw的宾语,起双重代词的作用。

  6.amazing 考查形容词。驴在做一些令人吃惊的事。amazing表示“令人吃惊的”,符合语境。

  7.As 考查连词。此处as(随着)引导时间状语从句,强调主从句动作相伴发生。

  8.the 考查冠词。此处用the表示特指。

  9.puts 考查动词的时态和语态。从句主语life与put为主谓关系。且此处说的是一般情况,故用puts。

  10.by 考查介词。by意为“通过”,表示方式。



  Dear Tom,

  How are you getting along with your studies?

  I am such glad that you are planning to take a summer course in China. Our school runs summer Chinese language courses at three level, from beginning to advanced. Both the courses start in earlier July. The lessons will be giving in small classes of no more than ten students. You will get a lot practice in the class. The experts with rich experience in teach foreign students will act for your teachers. Classes meet five days a week—Monday through Friday. If you decided to come or need any further information, do let me to know.


  Li Hua


  Dear Tom,

  How are you getting along with your studies?

  I am

  glad that you are planning to take a summer course in China. Our school runs summer Chinese language courses at three , from beginning to advanced.

  the courses start in

  July. The lessons will be

  in small classes of no more than ten students. You will get a lot

  practice in the class. The experts with rich experience in

  foreign students will act

  your teachers. Classes meet five days a week—Monday through Friday. If you

  to come or need any further information, do let me



  Li Hua










  High school is a golden time in one's life with great fun and fond memories. ________________________________________________________________________




  High_school_is_a_golden_time_in_one's_life_with_great_fun_and_fond_memories. In the school, my school friends and I work hard together. I'll never forget those days when we enjoyed ourselves in all kinds of activities, such as the sports meeting, Science Week and Art Festival. Meanwhile, we have developed our abilities and harvested valuable friendships. More importantly, I am lucky to have met many lovely teachers, who teach me not only how to study, but also how to be a good person in society. As a student of Senior 3, it won't take long before I graduate. I'd like to express my gratitude to my teachers and parents, with whose help I've grown up, benefited a lot and made great progress in every way.


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