2017届高考英语外研版一轮复习课时作业:必修4 Module6《Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World》(含答案)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语外研版一轮复习课时作业:必修4 Module6《Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World》(含答案)

发布时间:2017-03-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  课时作业24 Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World



  likely exist predict disappear mystery reputation identity fierce generous evolve

  1.He is interested in the ________ of the computer over the past 20 years.

  2.His father died of a ________ disease.

  3.The ________ of the killer was still unknown.

  4.The wind was blowing ________ outside.

  5.She has already begun to establish a ________ as a good writer.

  6.Her sudden ________ was very worrying.

  7.Mary might come this evening, but it is very ________.

  8.The weather in this area is very ________.

  9.I'd like to thank Simon, who's been very ________ with his time.

  10.Peter acts as if I don't ________ at times.

  答案 1.evolution 2.mysterious 3.identity 4.fiercely 5.reputation 6.disappearance 7.unlikely 8.unpredictable 9.generous 10.exist



  The tool isn't of ________________________________________________________________________.

  答案 any use


  Your investigation has __________________ this question.

  答案 thrown light on


  Many old customs are gradually ________________________________________________________________________.

  答案 dying out


  I saw him __________________ with his classmates when I returned.

  答案 playing basketball


  Respect is __________________ teachers.

  答案 due to



  How to prepare a lecture

  Being invited to give a lecture is an honor. It means that people regard you as an authority in the given field, subject, or issue. It means you are worth listening to. __1__ You have to make sure your lecture is interesting, and full of wisdom, from which the audience can take valuable insights. This is why it is important for you to prepare your lecture well.

  1. Think of a good topic.

  You most likely will be assigned to talk about a certain topic. If that's the case, you only need to make an outline and do some research. But in some cases, you will have to think of your own topic. Although it gives you more freedom to do it, thinking of a topic can be tricky. __2__ Or pick a topic that is timely and socially relevant.

  2. Make an outline for the lecture.

  Start by writing down the points that you will discuss, and then fill in each point with supporting ideas. If necessary, make a research about your topic. __3__ But if keeping doing so, you end up with a very long outline. Figure how you can shorten the topic or cut where cutting is needed.

  3. __4__

  Statistics, figures, medical information, historical accounts, and similar information should all be checked and it will save your credibility as an authority on the subject you are talking about.

  4. Add humor.

  Don't engage your audience in a dragging soliloquy (独白). __5__ Humor will interest your audience. Of course, make sure the elements in your lecture are in line with your main topic and are not nonsense, racial, and offensive jokes.

  A. Check your lecture for accuracy.

  B. Giving a lecture is challenging, though.

  C. If necessary, provide your contact information, such as an email address or blog site.

  D. Instead, make your audience smile, or burst into laughter at certain points in your discussion.

  E. To make it easier, consider what will interest your audience.

  F. It should summarize your whole talk in one sentence.

  G. Don't be afraid of exploring the topic, as this will allow you to discover other points that need discussion.


  语篇解读 本文是一篇议论文。如何准备一场演讲?要确保演讲有趣、充满智慧,且观众可以从中获得有价值的见解,所以好好准备演讲很重要。

  1.B 后面说“你必须确保演讲有趣且充满智慧,且观众从中可以获得有价值的见解”,故B项“但是,演讲是很有挑战性的”符合语境。

  2.E 空后说“或者选择一个有时效性且与社会相关的话题”,再结合本段的小标题“Think of a good topic”可知,E项“说得简单些,就是考虑什么样的东西会吸引观众”符合语境。

  3.G 空前说“必要时可以对你的话题做些研究”,G项“不要害怕探究这个话题,因为这会让你发现其他需要讨论的要点”与其意思一致。

  4.A 空后说“统计资料、数据、医疗信息、历史记录,以及类似信息都应该被核查”,所以A项“核查你的演讲(内容)的准确性”适合作为本段的小标题。

  5.D 本段的中心为“增加幽默感”,再结合空前的内容“不要让观众觉得你一个人在那里说”可知,D项“相反,在讨论某些观点时要让观众微笑或大笑”符合语境。



  A 24­year­old Long Island man was charged early Thursday morning after crashing his car and killing his girlfriend while driving over the speed limit. Kevin Daly __1__ (sentence) to nearly three years in prison after losing control of __2__ partner Alice Hicks' car on a country road __3__ 80 mph. She was a passenger in the Mini­cooper and was thrown from the car __4__ he crashed into another vehicle __5__ (move) in the opposite direction. Daly, 24, denied causing __6__ (die) by dangerous driving and was found guilty by a jury (陪审团) at Taunton Crown Court. The court heard that neither Daly __7__ Miss Hicks, 22, was wearing the seatbelt at the time of the collision that happened on November 17, 2011. NBC New York reported Kevin Daly had been driving on County Road 83 when the road was blocked by a truck that was waiting __8__ (turn) right. Witnesses described __9__ Daly had little or no chance of stopping behind the still traffic and he turned to avoid the van __10__ hit a Mazda on the other side of the road.


  语篇解读 一个24岁的男子因为超速撞车而害死了自己的女朋友,最终他被判处三年徒刑。

  1.was sentenced 考查时态和语态。根据上下文可判断出,此处应用一般过去时;又因主语Kevin Daly和sentence之间是动宾关系,故此处应填was sentenced。

  2.his 考查形容词性物主代词。此处his作定语,相当于Kevin Daly's。

  3.at 考查介词。表示“以……的速度”应用介词at。

  4.when 考查时间状语从句。when(当……时)在此引导时间状语从句。从句谓语动词为非延续性动词。

  5.moving 考查非谓语动词。another vehicle和move之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系,且此处表示动作正在进行,故应填现在分词moving作定语。

  6.death 考查词类转换。由causing可知,此处用名词作宾语。

  7.nor 考查固定结构。neither...nor...意为“既不……也不……”,是固定结构。

  8.to turn 考查wait的用法。wait to do(sth.)意为“等着去做某事”,是固定用法。

  9.that 考查宾语从句。that在此引导宾语从句,不在从句中作成分,仅起连接作用。

  10.but 考查连词。并列连词but在此处表示转折关系。



  One day, I was walking home after school when an old man fell heavy onto the snow­covered road. Many people passed by, and no one took an action. Some of them said it was none of their business; others worried that if they helped him, they might got into a difficult situation. Seeing what had happened, I called 120 immediately. While waiting the ambulance, I took down my coat to keep the old man warm. In no time did the ambulance came. Having helped the doctors carry him into an ambulance, I felt relieved. In my opinion, this is our duty to help those who are in troubles.


  One day, I was walking home after school when an old man fell

  onto the snow­covered road. Many people passed by,

  no one took an

  action. Some of them said it was none of their business; others worried that if they helped him, they might

  into a difficult situation. Seeing what had happened, I called 120 immediately. While waiting

  the ambulance, I took

  my coat to keep the old man warm. In no time did the ambulance . Having helped the doctors carry him into

  ambulance, I felt relieved. In my opinion,

  is our duty to help those who are in .



  假定你是李华,你所喜爱的校英语选修课——英语电影欣赏(English Film Appreciation)向同学们征集意见。请你依据以下内容用英文给你校英语教研组写一封信,内容主要包括:







  Dear Sir/Madam,

  I'm Li Hua, one of the students who attended the course English Film Appreciation last term. ________________________________________________________________________




  Sincerely yours,

  Li Hua



  I'm_Li_Hua,_one_of_the_students_who_attended_the_course_English_Film_Appreciation_last_term. I like it very much mainly for the following two reasons. First, in the class, we are exposed to different kinds of English films, which help us improve both our English listening and speaking skills. Another attractiveness is the amazing stories of the heroes, because they show us that a person can work hard to make a difference.

  As a young student, I suggest that the teacher choose some more films that appeal to us teenagers, thus making the course more interesting. Besides, more activities should be included so that we can have more chances to practice our English.

  I'd appreciate it if you could take my suggestions into consideration. I hope that the course will become more popular.




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