2017届高考英语外研版一轮复习课时作业:必修5 Module5《The Great Sports Personality》(含答案)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语外研版一轮复习课时作业:必修5 Module5《The Great Sports Personality》(含答案)

发布时间:2017-03-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  课时作业29 Module 5 The Great Sports Personality



  up to tough take advantage of pick up succeed rise to one's feet perform compete against retire at just the right time

  1.How many runners will be have to ________ in the marathon?

  2.The big hall can seat ________ 500 people.

  3.I managed to ________ an American broadcast.

  4.I'm sure you'll ________ if you work hard.

  5.Mike ________ and ran towards the window.

  6.I've never see Othello ________ so brilliantly.

  7.He ________ when he was 65.

  8.The reporters were asking a lot of ________ questions.

  9.Don't lend them the car, because they're ______________ you.

  10.The pay rise came ________.

  答案 1.compete against 2.up to 3.pick up 4.succeed

  5.rose to his feet 6.performed 7.retired 8.tough

  9.taking advantage of 10.at the right time



  The teacher came in, ________________________________________________________________________.

  答案 with a book in his hand


  ________________ books on women published in China ________________ growing.

  答案 The number of; is


  What __________________ that we shall succeed?

  答案 are the chances


  Tom ____________ his parents ____________ gone to the Great Wall.

  答案 together with; has


  Five children ________________ the race.

  答案 competed in



  Welcome to the Electronic Village to explore new ways of language teaching and learning.

  Electronic Village Program

  (Thursday, June 18, 2015)


  9:00 am to 10:00 am

  Room 501

  Nearpod is a software program that creates a rich context (语境) for students to learn vocabulary. The presenter will show how to use it. TEO

  2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

  Room 502

  Our students come from different backgrounds but have the same desire to learn on­line. The presenter will use examples from his first on­line class to explain how any teacher can begin teaching on­line with TEO.


  10:30 am to 11:30 am

  Room 601

  Kahoot software can be used to create grammar tests which can be graded on a network. It can provide students with instant feedback (反馈), including reports about their strengths and weaknesses. Prezi

  3:30 pm to 4:20 pm

  Room 602

  Uses of Prezi in listening and speaking courses draw students' attention to speaking more fluently. The presenter will show how students can use Prezi to confidently present on a variety of topics, including introducing family, friends, and hobbies.

  语篇解读 本文是应用文。文章主要介绍了Electronic Village项目提供的语言教学的四种安排。

  1.Nearpod can be used to ________.

  A. offer grammar tests

  B. teach listening on­line

  C. help vocabulary learning

  D. gain fluency in speaking

  答案与解析 C 考查细节理解。从文中涉及Nearpod的教学计划安排中的“creates a rich context(语境)for students to learn vocabulary”可知答案应为C项。其他三个干扰项在Nearpod中均未提及。

  2.If you want to improve your speaking skills, you can go to ________.

  A. Room 501

  B. Room 502

  C. Room 601

  D. Room 602

  答案与解析 D 考查细节理解。由文中关于Prezi的叙述“Room 602”,“Uses of Prezi in listening and speaking courses draw students' attention to speaking more fluently”可知答案为D项。

  3.Which of the following can assess your grammar learning?

  A. Nearpod.

  B. Kahoot.

  C. TEO.

  D. Prezi.

  答案与解析 B 考查推理判断。在Kahoot部分中,Kahoot软件可以用来在网上对语法测试进行评分,故可以推断出Kahoot可以对语法学习进行评估。

  4.A teacher who wants to learn on­line teaching is expected to arrive by ________.

  A. 9:00 am

  B. 10:30 am

  C. 2:00 pm

  D. 3:30 pm

  答案与解析 C 考查推理判断。文中只有TEO谈及了网络教学,而其时间是下午两点到三点,故可以推断出想学习网络教学的老师应该在下午两点之前抵达。



  As a child, I started learning to play the piano, my favorite musical __1__, but I was forced to give up when I started my middle school __2__ I could concentrate more on my studies.

  It's one of my biggest __3__ to stop practising the piano when I recall sadly today. During the following years, I kept telling my piano teacher that I would __4__. However, I didn't keep my promise because I was __5__ with my study. __6__ I lost touch with my teacher. Some years later, my teacher died. I was very sad because I lost such a good teacher. She was a very warm and gentle person. It hurts me to think she may have been __7__ that I never returned. I haven't taken lessons since then but to be honest, I __8__ to. Sitting at the piano, I couldn't help recalling many __9__—time of my practising at home and playing before my teacher and one time my teacher __10__ me after I played an entire piece of music wrong in front of her colleagues. I was so __11__ that I could hardly say anything. But her __12__ helped ease my shame. These memories, __13__, good or bad, never caused my __14__ for playing the piano again.

  This thought then led me to think that __15__ is like music, and that we all try to play different __16__ in the instrument of our life. Sometimes the pitch (音高) is __17__ when we play it well, but sometimes we are out of tone. However, we all continue to create our own __18__ style of music. No matter what style our music is, it is __19__ that we sing the songs of joy, quietness and love. Though I may never make it back to piano lessons, it doesn't __20__ that I've stopped making music.

  1.A. instrument


  C. room

  D. stage

  2.A. because

  B.so that

  C. now that

  D. for

  3.A. successes


  C. decisions

  D. hobbies

  4.A. play


  C. leave

  D. return

  5.A. occupied


  C. satisfied

  D. patient

  6.A. Actually


  C. Suddenly

  D. Gradually

  7.A. astonished


  C. disappointed

  D. amazed

  8.A. liked


  C. wanted

  D. decided

  9.A. dreams


  C. words

  D. memories

  10.A. instructed


  C. punished

  D. respected

  11.A. frightened


  C. embarrassed

  D. excited

  12.A. happiness


  C. comfort

  D. sigh

  13.A. instead


  C. therefore

  D. however

  14.A. hope


  C. feeling

  D. effort

  15.A. life


  C. attitude

  D. enjoyment

  16.A. cards


  C. roles

  D. games

  17.A. hard


  C. surprising

  D. complex

  18.A. unique


  C. common

  D. similar

  19.A. necessary


  C. possible

  D. important

  20.A. matter


  C. report

  D. appear答案与解析 

  语篇解读 本文主要介绍了作者学习弹钢琴的经历,并告诉我们:人生就像音乐,无论我们的音乐风格是什么,唱快乐、平静和爱的歌才是重要的。

  1.A 孩提时,“我”开始学习弹奏我最喜欢的乐器(instrument)——钢琴。但是,当“我”上中学时,为了(so that)能够更加集中注意力学习,“我”被迫放弃了。performance“表演”;room“房间”;stage“舞台”。故A项正确。

  2.B 参见上题解析。because“因为”;now that“既然”;for“因为”。故B项正确。

  3.B 今天,当“我”悲伤地回想时,停止练习钢琴是“我”最遗憾的事情之一。success“成功”;regret“遗憾”;decision“决定”;hobby“业余爱好”。故B项正确。

  4.D 在随后的几年里,“我”一再告诉“我”的钢琴老师“我”会回来(return)。play“玩耍”;graduate“毕业”;leave“离开”。故D项正确。

  5.A 然而,因为忙于学习“我”食言了。angry“愤怒的”;satisfied“满意的”;patient“有耐心的”。be occupied with“忙于……”,故A项正确。

  6.D 渐渐地(Gradually),“我”与老师失去了联系。actually“实际上,事实上”;constantly“始终,一直”;suddenly“突然”。故D项正确。

  7.C “我”从没回来过,可能她会感到失望。astonished“吃惊的”;glad“高兴的”;disappointed“失望的,沮丧的”;amazed“惊奇的”。故C项正确。

  8.C 从那以后,“我”没有上课,但是说实话,“我”想(wanted)去。like“喜欢”;need“需要”;decide“决定”。故C项正确。

  9.D 坐在钢琴前,“我”不禁想起许多记忆(memories)。dream“梦”;expression“表达”;word“单词”。故D项正确。

  10.A 有一次,当“我”在她同事面前错误地弹完一首曲子后,她指导(instructed)了“我”。hurt“伤害”;punish“惩罚”;respect“尊敬”。故A项正确。

  11.C “我”感到如此尴尬以至于一句话都说不出来。frightened“害怕的”;moved“感动的”;embarrassed“尴尬的”;excited“激动的”。故C项正确。

  12.C 但是,她的安慰(comfort)帮助缓解了“我”的羞愧。happiness“快乐”;satisfaction“满意”;sigh“叹气”。故C项正确。

  13.D 然而(however),这些或好或坏的记忆却从来没有激起“我”再次弹钢琴的勇气(courage)。instead“反而”;meanwhile“与此同时”;therefore“因此”。根据句意可知前后形成对比,故D项正确。

  14.B 参见上题解析。hope“希望”;feeling“感情”;effort“努力”。故B项正确。

  15.A 这种想法使“我”认为人生(life)就像音乐,而且我们所有的人都在努力扮演不同的角色(roles)。learning“学习”;attitude“态度”;enjoyment“享受”。故A项正确。

  16.C 参见上题解析。card“卡片”;sport“体育运动”;role“角色”;game“游戏,比赛”。故C项正确。

  17.B 有时,当我们演奏得好时,音高是精彩的(wonderful)。hard“困难的”;surprising“令人惊奇的”;complex“复杂的”。故B项正确。

  18.A 然而,我们继续创造着我们自己独特的(unique)音乐风格。boring“令人生厌的”;common“普通的”;similar“相似的”。故A项正确。

  19.D 不管我们的音乐风格是什么,我们唱快乐、平静和爱的歌才是重要的(important)。necessary“必要的”;strange“陌生的”;possible“可能的”。故D项正确。

  20.B 尽管我可能从来没有回来学习钢琴,但并不意味着(mean)我已经停止创作音乐了。matter“有关系,要紧”;report“报告”;appear“出现”。故B项正确。


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