(2015·浙江省高三第二次五校联考)th is a part of life.
In the game of life,if it often seems like you’re on the losing end of things,you’re not alone.Life can be one giant confusing problem filled with ups and downs.When you feel like you’re experiencing more downs than ups,sometimes it helps to get a little tough love once in a while.That’s why we put together this list of 5 hard truths that will help you grow.
Great accomplishments in our lives normally don’t come easy.And if you think about it,would you have it any other way?There’s a basic psychological principle called instant satisfactionone.
In life,there’s no shortage of doubters,haters,and pessimists.Overcoming this hard truth is simple: don’t listen.Choose to stick with your guns,trust your instincts,and forget about people who don’t support your goals and passions.
Listen,letting go is hard,especially if you’re a gogetter.But if you want to continue to grow,there are times when you need to give up and let things unfold how they’re meant to be,instead of controlling them.This doesn’t mean your mentality for everything should be “wait and hope”.You can still strive for greatness________
Nothing can prepare us for the earthshattering pain of losing a loved one.The hard truth of life is that it’s a viscous cycle.However,there’s something you can do to make losing someone you love a lot less painful: make them a part of your life right now.Don’t put off making that phone call or paying a random visit to a friend or family member you haven’t seen in a while.Treat every moment with your loved ones as if it’s your last,and you won’t have any regrets.
Suffering is part of life.But here’s the cool thing: it makes us stronger.There’s a randomness to how the world works that’s really hard to understand.We see evidence of this every day,and it can really make you question the future of mankind.How you choose to view the world is up to you.Just remember,the truth,however hard,will set you free.
1.解析:选C。根据下文提到Great accomplishments in our lives normally don’t come easy.伟大的成就在我们生活中是来之不易的故选C好的事情不会来的太快。解析:选D。根据下文提到In lifege of doubters,haters,and pessimists.生活中到处充满了怀疑者、仇视者和悲观者故选D不是每个人都支持你。解析:选A。根据下文提到Listen看生活中放手是非常难的尤其你是个志在必得的人有时你需要放手……而不是控制它们。故选A你不能控制一切。解析:选F。根据下文提到Nothing can prepare us for the earthshattering pain of losing a loved one.The hard truth of life is that it’s a viscous cycle.失去爱人的痛苦是我们所没有防备的生活的事实是个循环故选F死是生活的一部分。解析:选E。根据下方提Suffering is part of life.But here’s the cool thing: it makes us stronger.痛苦也是生活的一部分但这些冰冷的事情会让我变得更坚持故选E有时坏的事情会发生在好人身上。B
(2015·浙江省宁波市十校高三3月联考) rewards.
B.Have a self you respect.
C.Turn disappointments into strengths.
D.Become involved in something bigger.
E.Resolve all the problems without delay.
F.Commit yourself to others.
Five Secrets of Living Life to the Fullest
I believe that men and women through the ages who have led successful lives have captured these five secrets of living life to the fullest.
1.________This means having a deep sense of responsibility for your thoughts and actions.It means keeping your word,and being faithful to yourself,family and work.It means believing in what you do and working hard.It means setting your own internal standards,and not comparing yourself to others.It’s not a question of being better than someone else;respect and honesty demand that you be better than you thought you could be.________ Believe in others,and take time to achieve their dreams.A wise man said,“If you want one year’s prosperity,grow grain.But if you want ten years’ prosperity,grow men and women.” You can build into the lives of your family,friends and colleagues by providing nutrients of gratitude and encouragement,and by investing your time and energy in their aspirations.
3.________ Individuals who live with abandon have discovered that personal trials make them more sensitive and loving,while building endurance and character.They have learned that achievements worth remembering are stained with the blood of diligence and etched(铭记) with the scars of disappointment.The pages of history are filled with the heroic stories of courageous men and women who triumphed over disabilities and adversities to demonstrate victorious spirits.________ We live in a goaloriented society that wants problems resolved now.We want threeminute oatmeal,onehour dry cleaning,and instant success.But to live with abandon,we must live one day at a time,enjoying the little victories,realizing that life is an endless journey in selfdiscovery and personal fulfillment.It means taking time to hug your kids,kiss your spouse,and let the other fellow ahead of you on the freeway.
5.________ I do not believe you will live happily if you set out to live life for yourself alone.Choose a cause bigger than you are and work at it in a spirit of excellence.It will become a part of you as you see your goals through to the end.Measure success not by what you’ve done,but what you could do.
【解题导语】 本文主要描述了5个可以丰富生活的法则。关注自己、忠于他人、化失望为力量、享受过程、追求更高的目标。解析:选B。由本段的信息This means having a deep sense of responsibility for your thoughts and actions.It means keeping your word可知作者强调的是要对自己的思考和行为负责对自己、家人、工作也是这样。也就是B中的尊重自我故选B。解析:选F。由本段信息Believe in otherso achieve their dreams.可知要相信他人帮助他们去实现梦想。由You can build into the lives of your family可知可以通过感激、鼓励和家人、朋友、同事处理好关系建立自己的生活故选F。解析:选C。由本段最后一句The pages of history are filled with the heroic stories of courageous men and women who triumphed over disabilities and adversities to demonstrate victorious spirits.可知历史的书页上记载了勇敢战胜挫折和磨难展现胜利精神的男士和女士的故事故选C。解析:选A。由本段信息But to live with abandon可知我们每天都在过日子明白生命是一趟不断发现自我获得个人满足感的旅程故选A。解析:选D。由本段信息Choose a cause bigger than you are and work at it in a spirit of excellence可知选择更高的目标然后为之不断奋斗故选D。C
[2015·浙江省温州市高三第二次适应性测试(二模)]f technology.
E.Set a goal to encourage yourself.
F.Treat yourself in one way or another
How to Train Yourself to Read More
Between work,a social life,your family,television and the Internet,it can be difficult to find time to read more.Reading is important,however,for a range of reasons: It improves cognitive(认知) abilitys of strategies,exploring a way to train yourself to read more.
You don’t need expensive training programs or software to train to read more; all you really need is a timer.Consider how much free time you have in a day,then set aside part of that time for reading.Make sure this is a feasible(可行的) goal—start smalltes.As weeks go by,continue adding the same small amount to your reading time.Before you know it,you’ll be reading for two or three hours per day.
Before you begin training to read more,take a week or two to measure how many pages you read on average per week.Once you’ve gotten an idea of your baseline reading amount,increase it slowly.Try to read at least an additional 5—10 pages per week.You’ll probably be able to sneak these pages into your normal schedule without too much effort.You could,for example,read when you find yourself waiting or during meals if you’re alone.Or you could try turning off the television a little earlier each day.Keep track of how many pages you’ve read each week so you can see your progress.
Technology doesn’t have to be the enemy of the written word; in fact,you can make use of your electronic devices.Invest in an ereader,if you can,or use a tablet to read books.This will save you having to carry around a heavy book,and because you can put multiple books on an ereader or tablet,you’ll always have plenty to read.You can also load books onto your smart phone so that you can read when you have a few spare minutes.
Although you might begin training to read more with excitement or enthusiasm,these can quickly disappear if you don’t devise a method of rewarding or motivating yourself.These rewards don’t have to be large or expensive.You could reward yourself with something,such as chocolate or a small gift,each time you hit a reading goal,whether this is number of pages or amount of reading time.Or,if you’re feeling charitable(有善心)________
Reading is mainly an individual activity,but there are social sides you can tap into to keep you motivated to read more.Join a local book club,and if your library or town doesn’t have one,start your own.Share with other book lovers or learn more about your favorite books by joining sites such as Goodreads,PaperBack Swap or BookLamp,if you decide to participate in websites for book enthusiasts.However,be sure that your reading time isn’t eaten up by surfing the Internet.
【解题导语】 本文为说明文主要介绍了如何能够读更多的书。解析:选B。空格下段的大意如timer,reading与B项中的keep a record of your
time对应故选B。解析:选A。空格下段的大意是记住你读书的页数与A项中的“Track your page count”对应故选A。解析:选D。根据下段讲述的是阅读的方法technology和D中的关键词technology对应可知选D。解析:选E。根据下段的大意:当自己取得进步时适当鼓励自己和E中的encourage相对应。故选E。解析:选C。考查上下文顺承关系。根据下段的段意是阅读可以是与团队一起的与C项中的team up相关联故选C。D
(2015·严州中学高三仿真考试)rom nervousness
B.Body movement should command attention
C.Use images with a few words for notes
D.Make a video of the presentation
E.Make quick improvement
F.Try to gesture naturally
Improve the Public Speaking With Body Language
A successful public speaker does not only focus on what to say,but the physical message of presentation.Some call this “body language”.It includes posture,eye contact and gestures—how you move your hands or arms.Charles LeBeau,a professor of public speaking tells about how to do it well.
1.________.Presenters may not feel at ease because they’re doing a presentation.They may worry about their poor Englishall kinds of difficulty doing presentation,and also controlling their body.They may move from side to side.Besides,it’s not a good idea for a presenter to stand perfectly still.In fact an audience can lose interest in a speaker who does not move.
2.________.With posturether than talking to the audience.Same thing with eye contact.Besides,some experts advise moving your body to a different place for each idea.Stay in place until you finish making that point.Then move to the next place on the stage or in the room.
3.________.Images should help communicate the point you want to make.Writing a few words with the image on your slide instead of sentences helps you remember that point.If you can figure out what images to use that will communicate your messageimages will communicate faster and more clearly than words.Then you can look at the audience while speaking.
4.________.Holding on to notes makes it more difficult for a speaker to have a proper gesture.Mr.LeBeau’s bookes this.He says gestures should support the point the speaker is making.For example,when talking about three ideas,hold up three fingers to introduce them.Then hold up one finger while explaining the first idea,two fingers for the second,and so on.
5.________.It can help you see from a different angle:“Oh!I had no idea that I looked like that!My posture!I’m moving all over the place.Look at my hips.It’s going back and forth and back and forth.And my eye contact!All of these other goofy things that and see that you can make quick improvement.
An important part of public speaking is practice.When you practice remember these important tips: Be aware of your posture,eye contact,and gestures.Record yourself using a phone,tablet,or camera.Watch yourself and plan what you will do to improve.
【解题导语】 本文写了如何让你的报告更加出色可以加入肢体动作、图片和视频等。解析:选A。由后文Presenters may not feel at ease because they’re doing a presentation.They may worry 以及They’re having all kinds of difficulty...controlling their body.They may move from side to side.可知不合适的肢体动作是由紧张导致的故选A。解析:选B。由In fact an audience can lose interest in a speaker who does not move...They don’t catch the audience’s attention.可知合适的肢体语B。解析:选C。后文提到了图片可知此处应该有介绍故选C。解析:选F。由后文的介绍可知应该自然的表达故选F。解析:选D。由后文的介绍可知这里会有一个视频的介绍故选D。