2017届高考英语一轮复习《全优课堂》模块知识总复习课件:必修2 unit 2《The Olympic Games》(新人教版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习《全优课堂》模块知识总复习课件:必修2 unit 2《The Olympic Games》(新人教版)

发布时间:2017-03-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  句型“nor/neither+动词+主语”用于否定陈述句之后,表示“也不”,相当于either用于否定句。 (1)“neither/nor+be(助动词或情态动词)+主语”,表示前面否定的情况也适合于下文另一人或物。当两个主语是同一个人或物时,只能用nor。 【句型剖析】

  (2)“so+be(助动词或情态动词)+主语”,表示上文肯定的情况也适合于下文另外一个人或物。 (3)“so+主语+be(助动词或情态动词)”则表示对前述情况的认同或强调,注意前后是同一主语,意为“的确”,“确实”。 (4)So it is (was) with sb. (sth.)或 It is (was) the same with sb. (sth.)用于前面陈述的是两种以上的情况或既有肯定也有否定。 My mother didn't bargain with the merchant, nor/neither did my father. 我母亲没有与那个商人讨价还价,我爸爸也没有。 —My brother is very hard­working. —So is mine. ——我弟弟很勤奋。 ——我弟弟也是。 【即时巩固】 完成句子 ①John didn't compete in the competition, ___________________ (彼得也没参加). ②My desk mate admitted his mistake, ______________ (我也是). ③If he doesn't go,________ (我也不去). 【答案】①nor/neither did Peter ②so did I ③neither shall I 2.Women are not only allowed, but play a very important role in gymnastics, athletics, team sports and… 妇女们不但被允许参加,而且还在体操、田径、团体运动等比赛项目中起着非常重要的作用……

  句型提炼: not only…but (also)… (1)not only…but (also)… “不仅……,而且……”,是并列连词,主要用来连接两个并列成分(如主语、谓语、表语、宾语、状语),也可以用来连接两个分句,所强调的重点是后者。also有时可省略。 (2)not only…but also… 连接两个主语时,谓语动词遵循就近原则,在人称和数上与邻近的主语保持一致。 【句型剖析】

  (3)not only…but also… 连接两个分句,并且not only置于句首时,含有not only的句子要部分倒装,但but also后的句子不倒装。


  语法填空 ①Not only you but also I ____________(be) planning to go there. ②Not only did he make a promise, but also he ____________(keep) it. 【答案】①am ②kept

  【易错点津】 admit是重读闭音节,现在分词、过去式和过去分词须双写最后一个辅音字母,然后再加­ed,即:admitting, admitted。

  【即时巩固】 语法填空 The man admitted ②____________(take) the book without permission, and he was admitted ③__________ an honest person.Later he was admitted ④____________Beijing University. 【答案】①admitted ②having taken ③as ④to/into

  3.replace vt.取代;替换;代替;把……放回原处 【考点激活】 ①Teachers will never _______________

  by computers in the classroom. 在课堂上电脑永远不会取代老师。

  (1)replace sth.with/by sth. 用……替换…… take one's place=take the place of 代替 (2)in place of=in one's place 代替 【知识建构】

  He was unable to come to the ceremony, but he sent his son to accept the award in his place. 他不能亲自来参加仪式,但派了他儿子前来代他领奖。

  【即时巩固】 一句多译 汤姆将代替约翰去做这份工作。 ②________________________ (replace) ③__________________ (take the place of) ④_____________________ (in place of)

  【答案】①be replaced ②Tom will replace John to do the job. ③Tom will take the place of John to do the job. ④Tom will do the job in place of John.

  4.charge vt.& vi.收费;控诉;充电 n.费用;主管

  【考点激活】 ①Police have charged Mr.Bell __________ murder. 警方已经起诉贝尔先生犯有谋杀罪。

  (1)charge sb.for sth. 为某物向某人收取费用 free of charge 免费 (2)charge sb.with (doing) sth. 控告某人(做)某事 (3)take charge of 掌管;负责 in charge of 控制;管理 【知识建构】

  There was a very naughty boy in the nursery and a teacher who was generally very confident with the children was asked to take charge of him. 在保育院里有一个淘气男孩,一位对孩子们很自信的老师被派去管他。(2017湖北)

  【易错点津】 (1)charge和accuse都有“指控, 控告”之意, 但是charge常与with搭配, 而accuse常与of搭配。 (2)in charge of表示主动,主语往往是人;in the charge of表示被动,主语一般是物。

  【即时巩固】 句型转换 ② My father took charge of the supermarket. =My father was________________ the supermarket. =The supermarket was_______________

  my father.

  ③She charged him with lying. =She accused______________________. 【答案】①with  ②in charge of;in the charge of ③ him of lying

  5.deserve vi.& vt.应受(报答或惩罚);值得;应得 【考点激活】 ①The report ______________ careful consideration. 这报告应该给予认真考虑。

  deserve to do 应该/值得做…… deserve doing=deserve to be done 值得被做 deserve consideration/attention 值得考虑/注意 【知识建构】

  These patients deserve a chance at a normal, happy future and they rely on the kindness of the strangers to make that happen. 这些病人值得拥有一个正常的,快乐的将来,他们依靠陌生人的善良来实现这个将来。(2017福建)

  【易错点津】 deserve后跟v.­ing的主动形式表示被动意义, 相当于接动词不定式的被动形式, 即deserve+doing=deserve to be done(有同样用法的动词还有: need, want, require)。 【答案】①deserves

  ②consideration;to be considered;considering 1.take part in参加;参与 【考点激活】 ①How many countries _______________

  the last Olympic Games? 有多少国家参加了上届奥运会?

  (1)take part 参加 take an active part in 积极参加…… (2)play a part in 在……中起作用;在……中扮演角色 【知识建构】

  In order to enrich your school life, you should take an active part in out­of­class activities. 为了丰富学校生活,你应该积极参加课外活动。 【词义辨析】 take part in 指参加群众性活动、会议等并在其中起作用 join 指加入某个组织并成为其中一员 join (sb.) in 指参与某项活动,口语中常与take part in通用 attend 是正式用语,指参加会议、婚礼、典礼,或听报告、讲座等。一般指成为观众或听众 【即时巩固】 用join,attend,take part in,join in的适当形式填空 David is an active boy, who ② ___________ all kinds of useful social activities.Last year he ③______ the Party.The other day he ④________ an international meeting.At the end of the meeting, he ⑤__________the audience in reading a poem.

  【答案】①took part in ②takes part in  ③joined ④attended ⑤joined

  2.as well 也;还

  【考点激活】 ①Are they coming ______________? 他们也来吗?

  (1)as well as后接名词、代词、动名词、形容词、介词短语等,意为“和;既……又……” (2)as well as表示“除……之外”时,相当于besides,in addition to (3)as well as的同级比较结构,表示“和……一样好” (4)may/might as well do sth.=had better do sth.做……倒也无妨;只好做(某事) 【知识建构】

  It has really helped me to improve my confidence and social skills as well as

  my school grades and I was voted most improved pupil at school in August. 它的确帮我提高了学业成绩、自信心和社交技巧,而且在八月份我被投票选为学校进步最大的学生。

  If no one else wants it, we might as well give it to him. 如果没人要这个,我们不妨给他吧。 【易错点津】 as well as连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数与前一个主语保持一致。

  【即时巩固】 语法填空 My good friend as well as his sisters ② _______ (learn)Chinese for three years.He is fond of collecting stamps as well as③ ____________ (play) piano.In addition, he can sing Chinese popular songs as ④____________ (good)as I. 【答案】①as well  ②has been learning/ has learned ③playing ④well 

  3.stand for代表;象征;表示;主张;支持 【考点激活】 ①I don't know what EU_______________ . 我不知道EU代表什么。

  stand (doing) sth. 忍受(做)某事 stand by 袖手旁观;无动于衷;支持 stand out 出色;杰出;显眼

  stand aside 靠边站 【知识建构】

  I can't stand the sight of blood. 一看见血我就难受。 【即时巩固】 用stand相关短语的适当形式填空 ②The letters “WHO”______________ the World Health Organization. ③The lettering _______________

  well against the dark background. ④How can you ________________ and see him being charged with something he didn't do?

  【答案】①stands for  ②stand for  ③stands out ④stand by

  1.No other countries could join in, nor could slaves or women!

  其他国家都不能参加, 奴隶和妇女也不能参加!

  句型提炼: nor /neither+系动词/助动词/情态动词+主语 Unit 2 The Olympic Games

  【晨背范文】 Last summer, I had an English match on environmental protection at the Youth Club of my city.

  When chosen to attend the match, I felt nervous at first, for my English was not good.But after thinking deeply, I made a decision that I should go for it.That was a very good opportunity for me to improve my English and know more about the environmental protection which is of great importance to us human beings.I began to learn English very hard, which was hard work, but I enjoyed it.

  To my great delight, the first prize came to me.I knew no matter you are a loser or a winner, the process is more valuable than the result.

  ★话题词汇 1.refresh v.使恢复精力;重新振作 2.enthusiastic adj.热情的;热心的 3.champion n.冠军 4.a close game 势均力敌的比赛 5.break the record 打破纪录 6.go all out 全力以赴

  ★话题佳句 1.There is no denying the fact that the 2008 Olympic Games held in Beijing was a great success. 不可否认,2008年在北京举行的奥运会是一届成功的奥运会。

  2.I have made it a routine to strengthen both my mind and my body by doing exercise. 我已经养成了通过运动来锻炼我大脑和身体的习惯。 3.It's believed that sports and games are of great benefit to character­building. 大家都认为体育运动有利于性格的培养。 Ⅰ.单词速忆 1.__________ vt.取代; 替换; 代替 2.__________vt.&vi.收费; 控诉n.费用; 主管 3.__________ vi.&vt.应受(报答或惩罚);值得 4._______vt.做东; 主办; 招待 n.主人 replace charge



  5.__________ vt.&vi.自愿n.志愿者; 志愿兵adj.志愿的; 义务的 6.__________ vi.讨价还价; 讲条件n.便宜货 7.__________ adj.物理的; 身体的 8.__________ adj.快的; 迅速的 9.__________

  vt.& vi.容许;承认;接纳 →__________

  n.准入;准许 volunteer


  physical swift

  admit admission


  vi.比赛;竞争 →___________

  n.比赛;竞争 →___________

  adj.竞争的;有竞争性的 →___________

  n.竞争者 11.__________

  vt.&vi.做广告;登广告 →____________

  n.广告商 →____________

  n.广告 compete competition competitive competitor

  advertise advertiser advertisement 12.______

  adj.规则的;定期的;常规的 →__________ adv.定期地;有规律地 →__________

  n.规则;规章制度 13.________

  n.基础;根据 →__________

  pl.基础;根据 →__________

  adj.基本的;基础的 14.___________

  n.责任;职责 →__________

  adj.有责任心的 regular regularly regulation basis bases basic responsibility responsible Ⅱ.短语快译 1._______________ 参加;参与

  2._______________ 代表;象征

  3._______________ 与……讨价还价 4._______________ 拾起;捡起 5._______________ 与……比赛 6._______________ 改变主意 7._______________ 也;还

  8._______________ 主管

  9._______________ 陆续地 take part in stand for

  make a bargain with pick up

  compete against change one's mind as well in charge one after another

  Ⅲ.句式仿写 1.No other countries could join in,nor could slaves or women! (nor引导的倒装句) 仿写:他不喜欢踢足球,打篮球也不会激发他的兴趣。 He isn't fond of playing football, _______________

  motivate his interest. 【答案】nor will playing basketball

  2.Women are not only allowed, but play a very important role in gymnastics,athletics,team sports and…(not only…but also…不仅……而且……) 仿写:这种测试不仅能预测重大疾病和食物偏好,而且还能提示合理的锻炼方式。(2015广东)

  _____________________________ serious illnesses and food preference, but also present people with proper ways to exercise. 【答案】Not only can the test predict/The test can not only predict

  3.There's as much competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals.(as much+不可数名词+as…) 仿写:人们普遍认为,教学既是一门科学,也是一门艺术。 It's generally believed that teaching is___________________ it is a science. 【答案】as much an art as 4.This is important because the more you speak English, the better your English will become.(the+比较级,the+比较级意为“越……越……”) 仿写:你练习得越多,你的普通话就变得越好。(2015四川) ____________ you practice, ____________ your Mandarin will become. 【答案】The more;the better Ⅳ.单元语法 一般将来时的被动语态 用所给动词的适当形式填空

  1.The wet weather will continue tomorrow, when a cold front(冷锋)_______(expect) to arrive. 2.Come on.The hard work that you do now __________ (repay)later in life. 3.I am more than happy to hear that you ______________ (offer) a job next week.

  4.The 2022 Winter Olympics are ________ ________ (hold) in Beijing and Zhangjiakou. 5.If your homework ______________ (finish) tomorrow, you won't get punished. 【答案】1.is expected 2.will be repaid 3.will be offered 4.to be held 5.is finished

  Ⅴ.教材活用 根据课文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式 Pausanias and Li Yan are talking about the similarities and 1.__________

  (different) between the ancient and modern Olympics.The ancient Olympic Games were first held in Athens, in 2.__________

  only men from Greece had the right 3.__________ (compete). The champions were awarded olive wreaths as prizes.The modern Olympics started in 1896.Since then, athletes from all over the world 4.__________ (come) to take part in the games every four years.There are two sets of Games—the summer and the winter Olympics.All countries can take part 5.__________ their athletes reach the standard to be admitted 6.__________

  the games. There are over 250 sports.7.__________ (host) all the competitors, a special village is usually built, with a stadium, a very large 8.__________ (swim) pool, a gymnasium as well as seats for those who watch the games.The winners of the first three places 9.__________

  (award) gold, silver and bronze medals.The motto of the Olympic Games is:10.__________

  (swift), Higher and Stronger.

  【答案】1.differences 2.which 3.to compete 4.have come 5.if 6.to 7.To host 8.swimming 9.are awarded 10.Swifter 1.compete vi.比赛;竞争 【考点激活】 ① Young children will usually compete __________

  their mother's attention. 小孩子通常都会在母亲面前争宠。 (1)compete in 参加……比赛;在……方面竞争 compete for 为……而竞争 compete with/against…for… 为争取……而与……竞争 (2)competition n.比赛 competitive adj.有竞争力的 competitor n.比赛者;对手 【知识建构】

  As a long distance swimmer, she would compete against herself and the obstacles presented by distance, danger, cold, and exhaustion. 作为一个长距离的游泳者,她将与自己以及由距离、危险、寒冷和疲劳所引起的障碍抗争。

  【即时巩固】 语法填空

  As the youngest ②__________(compete), I had to compete ③__________ the competition ④_________ other top students ⑤____________ the annual singing award.In order to be the winner, I must be very ⑥____________ (compete). 【答案】①for ②competitor ③in ④with/against ⑤for ⑥competitive

  2.admit vt.& vi.容许;承认;接纳;容纳 【考点激活】 ①It was, as Mr.Holden______________, “a minor miracle (奇迹)”. 就像霍尔登先生承认的那样,这是一个“小小的奇迹”。 (2015陕西)

  (1)admit+n./doing (having done)/that… 承认某事/(已经)做了某事 admit sb./sth.to be… 承认某人/某物…… It is admitted that… 人们公认…… (2)admit…as 接纳……作为…… admit sb.to/into … 准许进入;准许加入;准许入学 (3)admission n.准许进入;入场费;承认 【知识建构】

  Alice put it in the newspaper, admitting that though she liked it, she didn't know where it came from or what it really meant. 爱丽丝把它登在报纸上,承认虽然她很喜欢它,但是她不知道它来自哪里,它真正意味着什么。(2017广东)


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