2017届高考英语一轮复习《全优课堂》模块知识总复习课件:必修2 unit 4《Wildlife Protection》(新人教版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习《全优课堂》模块知识总复习课件:必修2 unit 4《Wildlife Protection》(新人教版)

发布时间:2017-03-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  【即时巩固】 语法填空 ② She applied some sun cream over her body to protect her skin _________the strong sunlight. ③Troops have been sent to protect aid workers____________ attack. ④Effective measures must be taken to keep the environment from ____________(pollute). 【答案】①from ②from ③against ④being polluted

  3.pay attention to 注意;留意 【考点激活】 ①We should pay attention to ____________ wildlife. 我们应该注意保护野生动物。

  pay attention to (doing) sth. 注意;留意(做某事) devote one's attention to…把注意力放在…… bring…to one's attention…使某人注意…… call one's attention to… 唤起某人对……的注意 【知识建构】

  fix/focus/concentrate one's attention on/ upon… 注意力集中在…… attract/catch/draw/hold one's attention to… 吸引某人对……的注意 He called their attention to the fact that many files were missing. 他提醒他们注意许多档案已经遗失这一事实。 I tried not to draw attention to the weak points in my argument. 我尽量使人不察觉到我论证中的弱点。

  【易错点津】 pay attention to中的attention没有复数,其前可以用修饰不可数名词的数量词,如much, little, enough等,不能用冠词、所有格等限定词,to是介词,后接名词、代词、动名词作宾语。

  【即时巩固】 语法填空 ②In our childhood, we were often reminded by Grandma ________

  (pay) attention to our table manners. ③Much attention should be paid to ___________ (protect) the polluted water.

  ④As a student, you should fix your attention ______ your study. 【答案】①protecting  ②to pay ③protecting ④on/upon

  1.It shows the importance of wildlife protection, but I'd like to help as the WWF suggests. 这体现了保护野生动植物的重要性,不过,我还是想按照世界自然基金会的建议来帮助你们。 句式提炼: as引导的状语从句 在句中,as引导方式状语从句,意为“按照;如同;像……一样”。作为连词,as的其他的重要用法还有: (1)引导时间状语从句,意为“当……时候;一边……一边……;随着”。 (2)引导原因状语从句,意为“因为;既然”。 【句型剖析】

  (3)引导比较状语从句,常用于as… as… 句型,意为“像……一样”(第一个as是副词,第二个as是从属连词)。 (4)引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然;尽管”(从句必须使用部分倒装语序,即将形容词、副词、名词、动词等提前,而as置其后。当单数可数名词提前时,要去掉冠词)。

  When in Rome, do as Romans do. 入乡随俗。 Difficult as it is to finish the task on schedule, I will try my best. 尽管按时完成这项任务很困难,我还是要竭尽全力。

  【即时巩固】 用as完成句子 ①_______________ (随着时间的推移),he became more and more confident. ② _______________ (虽然他是个孩子), he was brave to face the challenge. ③I have invited all the people ______________________(按照你要求的). 【答案】①As time went by ②Child as he was ③as you asked me 2.This is the only home of the red Colobus monkey but there are very few left. 这里是红髯猴唯一的家园, 但是(现在)它们所剩无几了。

  句式提炼: There be +n.+非谓语动词 (1)在句型There be+ n.+v.­ing/v.­ed中,v.­ing,v.­ed作主语补足语。如果名词与后面的分词存在主动关系, 用v.­ing形式, 如果是被动关系, 则用v.­ed形式。 (2)there be之后如果有几个并列主语时, be动词的单复数要取决于第一个主语是单数还是复数, 即用就近原则。 【句型剖析】

  There are many people succeeding in passing the test. 有很多人成功通过了这项测试。 There are many old books borrowed from the library. 有很多从图书馆借来的旧书。

  【即时巩固】 语法填空 ①Last night, there were millions of people __________ (watch) the opening ceremony live on TV.(2017北京) ②There is a note ____________(pin) to the door saying when the shop will open again.(2017山东) 【答案】①watching ②pinned

  2.affect vt.影响;感动;(疾病)侵袭 ① In spite of all these differences, evidence shows that recent life style changes may be ____________French eating habits. 尽管有这些差异,也有很多证据说明最近生活方式上的变化也许影响到法国人的饮食习惯。 (2017陕西) (1)be greatly/deeply affected by… 被……深深打动 be affected with high fever 发高烧 (2)effect

  n. 作用;影响 have an effect/influence on… 对……产生影响 【知识建构】

  Gregor loved his sister, and her loss clearly still affects him. 格雷戈尔爱他的姐姐,她的去世显然仍令他悲伤不已。


  affect 表示“影响”时是动词,其主语通常是物而不是人,指一物对另一物产生的消极影响 effect 表示“影响”时是名词,常用于have an effect on结构中 influence 侧重在思想、性格、行为等方面所产生的潜移默化的影响,也可指自然力的影响,可作名词和动词使用

  What exactly is the influence of television on children? 电视对儿童究竟有什么影响?

  【即时巩固】 语法填空 ②Modern farming methods can have ______________ effect ______________ the environment. ③His first music teacher was _________ _____ major influence in his life. 【答案】①affecting ②an;on ③a

  3.appreciate vt.欣赏;感激;意识到 【考点激活】 ①When you look people in the eye, they feel you____________ what they are saying. 当你看着人们的眼睛时,他们感觉你对他们说的话很欣赏。(2015安徽)

  (1)appreciate+n./pron./v.­ing 重视/感激…… I would appreciate it if … 假如……,我将不胜感激 (2)appreciation n.欣赏;感激 show/express one's appreciation for… 对……表示感激 【知识建构】

  We would appreciate you letting us know of any problems. 如有任何问题,请告诉我们。

  【易错点津】 (1)appreciate作“感谢;感激”讲时,其宾语不能是人,只能是事物。 (2)appreciate之后不能直接跟if引导的宾语从句,若接if从句时,要借助于it。类似用法还有:like,hate,dislike等动词之后的if,when从句。

  【即时巩固】 语法填空 ②I would appreciate ____________ if you paid in cash. ③I appreciate you______________(help)me solve the physics problem. 【答案】①appreciate  ②it ③helping

  4.succeed vi.成功;继承 vt.接替;继任 【考点激活】 ①Our mother taught us that _____________ we must have unity, and to have unity we must have peace. 妈妈教给我们:为了成功我们必须团结一致,为了团结我们必须和睦相处。(2015安徽)

  (1)succeed in (doing) sth. 成功地做某事 succeed to sth. 继承…… succeed sb.as  接替某人成为…… (2)successful adj. 成功的 be successful in (doing) sth. 成功地做某事 successfully adv.成功地


  (3)success n.[U]成功;成就;[C]成功的人或事物 achieve great success 取得巨大的成功 Who succeeded Kennedy as President?

  接替肯尼迪任总统的是谁? 【即时巩固】 语法填空 ②He had hoped to succeed _______ a violinist. ③Mr.John hoped to be a____________ (success) businessman.With great efforts he succeeded

  ____________ dealing with financial difficulties and became ____________ great success in his field.

  【答案】①to succeed  ②as  ③successful;in;a

  5.relief n.(痛苦或忧虑的)减轻或解除;减轻痛苦的事物 【考点激活】 ①Much ____________

  ,the car was not damaged. 令我非常庆幸的是,车并没有损坏。

  (1)in relief 如释重负;松了口气 (much) to one's relief 使某人放心/宽慰的是 feel a sense of relief 如释重负 (2)relieve vt. 解除;缓解;换班 relieve sb. of sth. 减轻/解除…… relieve anxiety/guilt/stress/traffic congestion 消除焦虑/内疚;缓解压力/交通拥堵 【知识建构】

  Being able to tell the truth at last seemed to relieve her. 能够最后讲出真话,似乎使她感到轻松。

  【即时巩固】 完成句子 ②When knowing he came back safe and sound, _________________(我如释重负). ③_________________(让我们欣慰的是), the medicine ________________________ (已经减轻了这个孩子的疼痛).

  【答案】①to my relief  ②I felt a sense of relief ③To our relief;has relieved the child of his pain

  6.harm vt.& n.损害;危害 【考点激活】 ①There is a general awareness that smoking is ___________________ health. 人们普遍认识到吸烟有害健康。

  (1)do sb. harm=do harm to sb. 对……有害 There is no harm in doing sth. 不妨做某事 (2)harmful adj.有害的 be harmful to=do harm to 【知识建构】

  There is no harm in trying it. 不妨试一试。

  【即时巩固】 语法转换 ②Being exposed to violence is harmful to a child's growth. =Being exposed to violence _____________

  a child's growth. 【答案】①harmful to ②does harm to 1.die out 绝种;灭绝;熄灭;(风俗、习惯等) 逐渐消失;灭亡 【考点激活】 ①This species has nearly______________ because its habitat is being destroyed. 因栖息地正受到破坏,这一物种已濒于灭绝。 (1)die away (声音;光线等)逐渐消失 die down 减弱;平息 die off 相继死亡 die of/from… 因……而死 (2)be dying for 很想要;渴望 【知识建构】

  When the applause had died down, she began her speech. 掌声平息后她便开始演讲了。

  【易错点津】 die为不及物动词,不用于被动语态,也不能与表示时间段的状语连用;dead为形容词,表示状态,可与表示时间段的状语连用。

  【即时巩固】 完成句子 ②I don't know how the dinosaurs _______________

  (灭绝). ③To be honest, _____________________ (我渴望收到你的来信). 【答案】①died out ②died out ③I am dying to hear from you 2.protect…from… 保护……不受……(危害) 【考点激活】 ①We should take effective measures to protect the extinct animals __________ being killed. 我们应该采取有效措施来保护这些濒临灭绝的动物不被杀害。


  Many policies do not protect you against personal injury. 许多保单都列明不保障人身伤害。 Nothing would prevent him from speaking out against injustice. 什么都不能阻止他鸣不平。

  【易错点津】 句型prevent/stop…from doing sth.中的from在主动句中可以省略,而在被动句中不可省略。keep…from doing sth.中的from在任何情况下都不能省略。 Unit 4 Wildlife protection 话题·环境保护 (2017重庆) 调查显示,中国长江江豚(finless porpoise)受人类活动影响而濒临灭绝,目前总数不到1000只。假设你是李华,现请用英文给WWF(世界自然保护基金组织)写一封信,请他们关注这一状况并提供帮助。内容应包括:

  ●说明写信目的 ●简述江豚现状 ●希望WWF如何帮助(比如:资助江豚保护项目等) ●表示感谢并期待回复 It's because of human activities that finless porpoises are endangered.It's astonishing that there are merely less than 1, 000 finless porpoises living in China.Thus, it's high time that immediate measures should be taken.Don't you think so? If possible, I hope you can help us by funding our project aimed at protecting finless porpoises.

  With your financial aid, I am convinced more finless porpoises will survive.I would appreciate it greatly if you could consider my proposals. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua ★话题词汇 1.overlook vt.忽略;眺望 2.conservation n.保存;保护;管理 3.urgent adj.紧急的 4.be aware of 意识到 5.in harmony with 与……和谐相处 6.arouse one's awareness of environment protection 提高人们的环保意识 ★话题佳句 1.There is no denying the fact that it's everyone's responsibility to protect the environment. 毋庸置疑,保护环境是每个人的责任。 2.If we didn't take urgent action to live in harmony with nature, we would have nowhere to live in the future.如果我们现在不采取紧急措施与大自然和谐相处,将来我们将无处生存。

  3.With time going by, more and more people are aware that the present environment has much to do with what we have done to the earth. 随着时间的推移,越来越多的人意识到目前的环境与我们对地球的所作所为有很大的关系。 Ⅰ.单词速忆 1.__________ vt.鉴赏; 感激; 意识到 2.__________ vi.&vt.减少; (使)变小; 变少 3.__________

  vt.检查; 视察 4.__________

  n.事件; 事变 5.__________

  n.损失; 遗失; 丧失 appreciate decrease

  inspect incident loss 6.__________

  n.保护区 7.__________

  adj.安全的; 可靠的


  adj.凶猛的; 猛烈的 9.__________ vt.&vi.咬; 叮; 刺痛 →__________ (过去式)

  →__________ (过去分词) 10._________ vt.影响;感动;侵袭 →__________


  reserve secure fierce bite bit bitten affect affection 11.__________

  vi.成功vt.接替;继任 →__________

  n.成功 →__________

  adj.成功的 12.__________

  vt.包含;容纳;容忍 →__________

  n.容器 13._________


  →__________ n.雇主 →__________

  n.雇员;雇工 succeed success successful contain container employ employer employee

  14.__________ vi.回答;响应;做出反应 →__________

  n.回答;反应;回应 15.__________

  vt.&n.损害;危害 →__________

  adj.有害的 →__________

  adj.无害的 respond response harm harmful harmless


  n.保护 →__________

  vt.保护 →__________

  adj.保护的;防护的 17.__________

  n.仁慈;宽恕;怜悯 →__________



  adj.残忍的 protection protect protective mercy merciful merciless Ⅱ.短语快译 1._______________ 灭亡;逐渐消失 2._______________ 注意 3._______________保护……不受……(危害) 4._______________ 突然笑起来;大声笑了出来 5._______________ 形成;产生 die out pay attention to protect…from

  burst into laughter

  come into being

  6._______________ 如释重负;松了口气 7._______________ 和平的;和睦的;安详的 8._______________ 在危险中;垂危 9._______________ 按照;根据……所说 in relief in peace

  in danger (of) according to

  Ⅲ.句式仿写 1.It shows the importance of wildlife protection,but I'd like to help as the WWF suggests.(as引导方式状语从句) 仿写:如果你按照我说的去做,你的普通话会得到提高。(2015四川) Your Mandarin will be improved if you do ____________________________________. 【答案】as I suggest 2.They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long before humans came into being.(before引导的时间状语从句) 仿写:在去英国之前,我想了解你们课程的详细信息。(2017课标Ⅰ) I want to know the detailed information about your course _______________________. 【答案】before I go to Britain 3.They learned this from_the_way the bones were joined together.(以the way为先行词的定语从句) 仿写:我们都很钦佩老师在课堂上解决这个问题的方法。 (2015湖南) We all admired the way _________ ________________ in class. 【答案】(in which/that) our teacher solved the problem

  4.This is the only home of the red Colobus monkey but there are very few left.(There be…left) 仿写:快点!剩下的时间不多了。

  Hurry up!_____________________. 【答案】There is little time left Ⅳ.单元语法 现在进行时的被动语态 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.—Can I use your computer?  —Sorry, it ________________(repair). 2.Now the people's attention __________ ______ (pay) to the Asian Games. 3.We can't choose that road to save time because the bridge to it____________ (build). 4.With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth ________________ (wash) away each year. 5.—By the way, have you moved into the new house?  —Not yet.The walls ___________ (paint). 【答案】1.is being repaired 2.is being paid 3.is being built 4.are being washed 5.are being painted Ⅴ.教材活用 根据课文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式 Not long ago there was a girl 1.__________

  (call) Daisy, who went to see the animals giving fur to make her sweater 2.__________

  the help of a flying carpet.In Tibet, she saw an antelope with a sad face 3.__________

  (look) at her, who told her that they were killed for the wool taken from under their 4.__________ (stomach).

  Every year over 29,000 of them5.________ (kill), with only 72,000 left.In Zimbabwe, the elephant Daisy saw they were endangered there.Farmers used 6.________

  (hunt) them because they were considered to have destroyed the farms.Later, the government tried to help the farmers by asking the tour companies to bring 7.________ (many) tourists to the area and setting the number of animals to be hunted, 8._________

  brought the farmers a lot of incomes. As 9.__________

  result, farmers started to protect them.In the thick rainforest, Daisy saw a monkey 10.__________ (rub) an insect over his body to protect against mosquitoes.With all her experience, Daisy had learned how to work with WWF to protect wildlife.

  【答案】1.called 2.with 3.looking 4.stomachs 5.were killed 6.to hunt 7.more 8.which 9.a 10.rubbing 1.contain vt.包含;容纳;克制(强烈的感情等);抑制 【考点激活】 ①After the meal,she placed a little box ____________ an old pen in my hand. 饭后,她在我手里放了一个含有一枝旧钢笔的小盒子。 contain oneself 克制自己 container n.容器;集装箱;货柜 He was so angry that he just couldn't contain himself. 他气愤极了,简直无法克制自己。 【知识建构】

  【词义辨析】 include

  表示“包含;连……在内;计入;算入;包括”,只能用于表示所包含之物中的一部分,其后的宾语往往是主语的一部分。常用 “including+被包括部分”或“被包括部分+included” contain 表示“包含,含有,容纳,里面装有”,指的是包含的全部内容或容量,也可指里面所含的成分。其宾语与主语常是同位关系,不用于进行时态 hold 表示“容纳;盛有……”;表示“里面装有……”时,可与contain互换 【图解助记】

  【易错点津】 contain不用于进行时;表示“容纳”时,可与hold, admit, seat互换。

  The meeting room can contain/admit/hold/seat 100 people. 这个会议室可以容纳100人。

  【即时巩固】 用 contain和 include的适当形式填空 My friend offered me a container ②__________ many kinds of fruits, bananas ③_________.But I refused to accept it.He was so angry that he couldn't ④____________himself and threw it away.What he did surprised all the people present, ⑤____________ me. 【答案】①containing ②containing ③included ④contain ⑤including


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