2017届高考英语一轮复习《全优课堂》模块知识总复习课件:必修4 unit 2《Working the land》(新人教版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习《全优课堂》模块知识总复习课件:必修4 unit 2《Working the land》(新人教版)

发布时间:2017-03-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  If so, you don't have to buy anything, but it would be kind if you did. 如果是这样的话,你不必去买一些东西,但如果你去买一些东西那就更好了。(2017辽宁) His children rarely, if ever, see him at his place of work. 孩子们很少在父亲的工作地点看到他。


  将下列句子改为省略形式 ①If it is possible (=_______________ ), I will rid Tom of his trouble. ②Problems, if there are any (=________________), should be solved without delay.

  ③If it is necessary (=_______________ ), you can underline the important sentences in the text. 【答案】①If possible ②if any ③If necessary

  【即时巩固】 语法填空 ②_____________(equip) with new scientific farming methods, farmers have increased the output of rice. ③Without ______________ (equip), we couldn't transport the good to the port.

  ④ She equipped her son ____________ a good education. 【答案】①equipment ②Equipped ③equipment ④with

  3.regret vt.遗憾;惋惜n.遗憾;懊悔 【考点激活】 ①If we fail to do so, we'll live ______ ________ it. 如果我们做不到这些,我们将抱憾终身。(2015课标I)


  He could have gone on regretting it, as too many of us do. 他本可以继续遗憾,正如我们中很多人一样。(2017福建) Much to our regret, he was badly­behaved. 让我们深感遗憾的是,他表现很差。

  【易错点津】 regret后面的非谓语动词的动作先于谓语动词的动作发生时使用v.­ing或having done形式作宾语;晚于谓语动词的动作发生时使用to do sth.作宾语。

  【即时巩固】 语法填空 I regretted ②__________

  (tell) the worker that he had been fired.But it was surprising that he said to me, “I have no regrets.I only regret ③__________

  (take) the wrong job.”

  【答案】①to regret ②to tell ③having taken 4.focus n.焦点;中心点 vt.集中;聚集 【考点激活】 ①College is when we should focus ______ a specific major, but high school is when we have to figure it out. 大学是我们集中精力学习某一特定专业的阶段,而高中是我们弄清楚将来学习哪一专业的时候。(2015湖南) (1)focus on 集中于…… focus attention/eyes/energy on (upon) sth. 集中注意力/目光/精力于…… (2)bring sth.into focus 把某物集中在焦点上 the focus of attention/concern 注意力/关注的焦点 【知识建构】

  The conference may help to focus attention on the economy. 此次会议可能有助于将关注焦点放在经济上。

  【即时巩固】 语法填空 As for him, his son is ②__________

  focus of his life.He seems to have little time for anything else with all his energies ③__________

  (focus) on his son. 【答案】①on/upon  ②the ③focused

  5.reduce vt.减少;减缩

  【考点激活】 ①Repairing our possessions and changing our spending habits may be the best way ________________ the amount of rubbish and take care of our environment. 维修我们的财物和改变我们的消费习惯可能是减少垃圾和保护环境的最好方式。(2015安徽) (1)reduce…to… 减少到…… reduce…by… 减少了…… (2)be reduced to (to为介词) 沦落为……;陷入某种状态 be reduced to despair 陷入绝望 【知识建构】

  A public­health campaign has greatly reduced the number of heart disease deaths by 80 percent over the past three decades. 一项公众健康运动已经使因心脏病死亡的人数在近三十年里下降了80%。(2017湖北) They were reduced to begging in the streets. 他们沦落到沿街乞讨。 【即时巩固】 语法填空 ②According to a survey, the number of farmers has been reduced from 1 billion ____________0.8 billion. ③I was surprised to learn that the honest man was reduced to____________ (steal) money. 【答案】①to reduce ②to ③stealing

  1.build up 逐渐增强;建立;开发

  【考点激活】 ①I actually began to_______________

  my arm muscles(肌肉)shaking my set. 事实上,我开始增强臂部肌肉的力量,摇动电视机。(2015课标Ⅱ) (1)build up one's body/health

  增进健康 build up a business 创办生意 build up a fame/ reputation 建立名声 (2)take up

  拿起;开始;从事 hang up

  挂起来;挂断电话 dress up

  穿上盛装;打扮 show up

  出现;露面 bring up

  抚养;教养 break up

  分裂;打碎 【知识建构】

  It was getting late when she finally showed up. 天色已晚,她终于赶到了。

  Now you're settled, why don't you take up some serious study? 既然你已经安顿下来了,为什么不开始正经地学点东西呢?

  【即时巩固】 赏句猜义 ②It was Tom that played a key role in building up the company.() ③There is no doubt that doing exercise helps us build up our body.() ④Hard living conditions can build up one's character.()

  ⑤Greenhouse gases continue to build up in the atmosphere, causing the global temperature to go up.() 【答案】①build up ②(逐步)建立 ③增进;锻炼 ④磨炼 ⑤聚集

  2.lead to 导致;造成(后果) 【考点激活】 ①These results, once again, lead __________

  concrete advice. 这些结果又一次带来了具体的建议。(2015江苏)

  (1)lead…to 引导……到…… lead sb.to do sth. 使某人做某事 lead/live a…life 过……样的生活 lead the way 引路;带路 (2)in the lead 领先;处于首位 take the lead 带头;领先 【知识建构】

  This has led scientists to think out other solutions to the problem. 这就使得科学家不得不想其他解决问题的方法。 With him in the lead, all the others followed quickly. 在他的带动下, 别的人也很快跟上来了。

  【温馨提示】 lead to中的to是介词,后面可接名词、代词或动名词。

  【即时巩固】 语法填空 ②You may wonder how paving(铺砌) a road can lead ____

  less usable fresh water.(2017安徽)

  ③Thanks to the good policy of the Party, we are leading __________ happy life now. ④The discovery of new evidence led to the thief__________

  (catch). 【答案】①to ②to ③a ④being caught 1.He would much rather keep time for his hobbies. 他宁愿把时间花在自己的爱好上。

  句型提炼: would rather do


  We would rather our daughter stayed at home with us, but it is her choice, and she is not a child any longer. 我们宁愿女儿和我们一起待在家里,但是这是她的选择,她已不再是小孩了。(2017陕西) I would rather have referred to the problem, but I forgot it. 昨天我本来想谈及这个问题的,但是我忘了。 【即时巩固】 单句填空 ①I would rather I ___________________ (make) comments on his speech a few days ago.  ②His parents would rather that their son _______

  (focus) on his study in the coming week. ③ Rather than ______________ (get) money in a dishonest way, I would lead a poor life. 【答案】①had made ②focused ②get

  2.If so, what did you do to grow them?


  句型提炼: if so if so “如果这样的话”,是if引导的条件状语从句的省略形式,表示肯定意义;如果表示否定意义,则用if not。常考的类似省略形式还有: if ever 如果有过/发生过的话 if any 如果有的话 if possible 如果有可能 if necessary 如果有必要 【句型剖析】

  Unit 2 Working the land

  话题·关注农业 假设你是李明。上周末你的美国网友Jack在给你的电子邮件中问你打算在大学里学什么专业。请你根据下面的提示,给他回一封100词左右的邮件。

  1.礼节性的开头语并引出问题。 2.首先打算学农学。理由是: (1) 农业是人类生存的基础; (2) 还有很多人在挨饿; (3) 你的雄心壮志。 3.学医也行;希望Jack提供建议。

  First, I intend to choose agriculture science.Why? Because food is fundamental to our existence.However, food shortage is severe in many countries where many people are going hungry and every second there are people starved to death.It is my hope that I can feed the world well through my research on organic farming.

  Secondly, medicine is also one of my considerations, which I think is another worthy way to save lives.Can you give me some advice? I am looking forward to your reply. Best wishes. Yours, Li Ming

  ★话题词汇 1.famine n. 饥荒 2.starve vi.&vt. (使)饿死;饿得要死 3.fundamental adj. 基础的;基本的 4.agricultural products 农产品

  5.rural population 农村人口

  6.food shortage 食物短缺

  ★话题佳句 1.There is no dying the fact that agriculture plays a vital role in the development of a country. 毋庸置疑,农业对一个国家的发展起着至关重要的作用。

  2. There would be no modernization of a country without the agricultural modernization. 没有农业的现代化就没有一个国家的现代化。 3.Whoever makes great contributions to the development of agriculture deserves to be respected. 任何对农业发展做出贡献的人都应该受到尊敬。 Ⅰ.单词速忆. 1.__________ vt.集中;聚焦n.焦点;中心点 2.__________ vt.减少;减缩 3.__________ vi.& n.斗争;拼搏;努力 4.__________ vi.&vt.表达意见;作出评论n.评论;议论 focus

  reduce struggle comment

  5.__________ vt.&vi.使变大;伸展 6.__________ adv.因此;所以;因而 7.__________ vt.&vi.配备;装备 →__________ (过去式)

  →__________ (过去分词) →__________

  n.设备(不可数) expand therefore

  equip equipped equipped equipment 8.__________ vt.使迷惑;使为难 →__________

  adj.令人迷惑的 →__________

  adj.感到迷惑的 →__________

  n.迷惑 9.__________ vt.&vi.输出;出口 →____________(反义词)vt.&vi.输入;进口 10.__________ n.遗憾;懊悔vt.遗憾;惋惜 →__________ (过去式) →__________ (过去分词) confuse confusing confused confusion export import regret regretted regretted 11.__________n.饥饿;欲望 vt.& vi.(使)饥饿

  →__________adj.饥饿的;渴望的 12.__________ n.发现;发觉

  →__________ vt.发现;发觉 13.__________ n.总结;摘要;概要

  →__________ vt.总结 14.__________ adj.引起烦恼的;令人不安的

  →__________ adj.扰乱的

  →__________ vt.扰乱;打扰 hunger hungry discovery discover summary summarize disturbing disturbed disturb Ⅱ.短语快译 1._____________ 导致;造成(后果) 2._____________ 逐渐增强;建立;开发 3.____________ 集中(注意力、精力等)于 4._______________ 对……感到满意

  5._______________ 摆脱;除去

  6._________________ 使……免受(影响、伤害等);使……不含(有害物) 7._______________ 宁愿;宁可

  8._______________ 幸亏;由于;因为 lead to build up focus on be satisfied with rid…of keep…free from/of

  would rather thanks to

  Ⅲ.句式仿写 1.If so, what did you do to grow them? (if so) 仿写:如果是这样的话,我宁愿选择历史。 _______________ , I would rather choose history. 【答案】If so

  2.Yuan Longping grows what is called super hybrid rice.(what引导宾语从句) 仿写:众所周知,我们生活在所谓的信息时代。 As is known to us, we now live in ________________ Information Age. 【答案】what is called 3.In 1973,he became_the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output.(the+序数词+名词+to do) 仿写:我想采访袁隆平,因为他是第一个激发我重视农业的科学家。(2015安徽) I want to interview Yuan Longping, because he is _________________________

  me to pay attention to agriculture. 【答案】the first scientist to inspire 4.This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce 20% more of the crop in the same fields.(make it+adj.+to do) 仿写:我已经把将要学习的东西课前预习这种做法当作了一种习惯。 I ___________________________ what will be learned before class. 【答案】have made it a rule to preview Ⅳ.单元语法 动名词作主语和宾语 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.The use of the fertilizer leads to ________ ______ (increase) the output of crops. 2.I had trouble ____________ (focus) on my study with so much noise around. 3.It's important to learn from the failure, for it's no use ___________ (regret) having making mistakes.

  4.I remembered________________ (take) to the cinema last year by my mother. 5.As we all know, ____________ (kill) pests is very necessary for ____________ (grow) crops. 【答案】1.increasing 2.focusing 3.regretting 4.being taken 5.killing;growing Ⅴ.教材活用 根据课文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式 Dr.Yuan Longping was 1._________ pioneer of agriculture in China, who 2.__________ (graduate) from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953. Since then he devoted his life to 3.__________ (find) ways to grow more rice.

  The rice farmers are now producing harvest 4.__________ (two) as large as before by 5.__________ (grow) his kind of rice.However, he was not satisfied with his work.6.__________

  now he leads a rich life,he still7.__________ (carry) on with his work to develop his rice.I think his work is 8.__________ (real) important to the world. Because of his hard work, the production of food 9.__________ (increase) and the problem of hunger can be solved.Thanks to Yuan Longping's great work, millions of people can benefit from 10.__________

  he has done.

  【答案】1.a 2.graduated 3.finding 4.twice 5.growing 6.Although 7.carries 8.really 9.has been increased 10.what 1.struggle vt.& vi.& n.斗争;拼搏;努力;挣扎 【考点激活】 ①Robinson suggested that may be because parents themselves struggle __________ the tasks. 罗宾逊暗示那可能是因为父母自己努力地理解这些任务。(2015陕西) (1)struggle to do sth. 努力做某事 struggle for… 为……而斗争 struggle with/against… 与……作斗争;同……搏斗 struggle to one's feet 挣扎着站起来 (2)without/with a struggle (不)费劲地;(不)努力地 【知识建构】

  With more and more fast­food concepts reaching the market, the Sparrow menu had to struggle for attention. 随着越来越多的快餐概念进入市场,斯帕罗的菜单必须争夺注意力。(2017山东)

  【即时巩固】 语法填空 In order to struggle ②__________ a better life, they had to struggle ③____________the terrible conditions.However frequently they failed, they struggled ④____________ their feet bravely.They knew only ⑤ ____________struggle could they a lead a happy life. 【答案】①to understand ②for ③with/against ④to ⑤with 2.equip vt.& vi.装备;配备 【考点激活】 ①In addition to their simple beauty, what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their ability to “air condition” a house without using electric ____________. 除了它们的简洁美之外,使这些土坯房令人钦佩的是不用电力设备就能调节房屋温度的能力。(2015课标 Ⅱ) (1)equip…with… 用……装备…… be equipped with 装备着…… be well/poorly equipped 设备精良的/较差的 (2)equip sb.for… 使某人为……具有…… equip…for sth./to do sth. 为了某事/做某事而有所准备 (3)equipment n.设备 【知识建构】

  Inside a DC­8 aircraft, there is a fully­equipped teaching hospital with television studio and classroom. 在DC­8飞机中,有一个装备完全的医院,这个医院带有电视和教室。(2017江西) It is often said that human beings are naturally equipped to speak. 据说人们天生就具备说话的能力。

  【温馨提示】 equip的名词为equipment, 意为“装备;设备”, 为不可数名词,如表示一件设备,需用a piece of equipment。


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