2017届高考英语一轮复习《全优课堂》模块知识总复习课件:选修7 unit 3《Under the sea》(新人教版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习《全优课堂》模块知识总复习课件:选修7 unit 3《Under the sea》(新人教版)

发布时间:2017-03-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  【即时巩固】 语法填空 ①When passing by, I saw Tom __________ (beat) by a strong man. ②____________(tease) by others makes one feel uncomfortable. ③The film star wears sunglasses so that he can walk in the street without __________ (recognize). 【答案】①being beaten ②Being teased ③being recognized 2.The water was quite shallow but where the reef ended, there was a steep drop to the sandy ocean floor. 水很浅, 但是到了珊瑚礁的尽头, 就有一个陡坡, 一直下降到满是沙子的海底。 句型提炼:where…there be… 在……的地方,有…… 句中“where…” 为地点状语从句。地点状语从句一般放在主句之后。但在一些谚语或表示抽象意义的句子中,常把地点状语从句放在主句之前,此时where=in/at the place where。另外,wherever“在何处; 无论何处”,也可引导地点状语从句。 【句型剖析】

  The little girl who got lost decided to remain where she was and waited for her mother.那个迷路的小女孩决定待在原地等她母亲。 As far as I'm aware, the boy is free to go wherever he likes in the yard. 就我个人而言, 在院子的这个男孩里愿意去哪里就去哪里。 Where there is life, there is hope.

  留得青山在,不愁没柴烧。 【即时巩固】 完成句子 ①They will go__________________(他们快乐的地方). ②Make a mark __________________(在你有疑问的地方). ③___________ (有水的地方), there is life. 【答案】①where they are happy ②where you have any doubts or questions ③Where there is water (1)urge sb.to do sth. 催促某人做某事 urge sb.into doing sth. 催促某人做某事 urge that…(should) do sth. 极力主张;强调…… It is urged that…(should) do sth. 坚决要求…… (2)have an urge to do sth. 渴望做某事 (3)urgent adj.紧急的;迫切的 (4)urgency n. 紧迫; 急迫; 急事 【知识建构】

  The author urges readers to consider the role of elevators in city development. 作者要求读者考虑电梯在城市发展中的作用。(2017湖北) And the next time you feel the urge to cough in the cinema when someone else does—well, perhaps you'll understand why. 下次在电影院里有人咳嗽你也有这种冲动时,可能你就会理解为什么了。 【即时巩固】 一句多译 老师督促我们及时复习。 ②Our teachers ______ ______ ______ ______ in time. ③Our teachers ______ ______ ______ ______ in time. ④Our teachers urge that ______ ______ ______ in time. ⑤It's urged that ______ ______ ______ in time. 【答案】①be urged ②urge us to review ③urge us into reviewing ④we should review ⑤we should review 3.abandon vt.放弃; 遗弃;抛弃n.放任;放纵

  【考点激活】 ①In each episode(一期节目)of Man vs.Wild, Grylls ____________ in a wild area and has to find his way out. 在每一期《Man vs.Wild》节目中,格里尔斯都被丢在一个荒凉的地方,他自己必须找到出路。(2015北京) (1)abandon one's hope/plan/idea 放弃希望/计划/主意 abandon doing sth. 放弃做某事 abandon oneself to… 沉湎于……;纵情于…… (2)with abandon 放纵地;放任地 (3)abandoned adj.无约束的;无度的;放荡的 be abandoned to 沉湎于…… 【知识建构】

  He shut down the engines to slow the ship making it easier for it to be abandoned. 为了降低船速以便更容易弃船,他关闭了引擎。 The boss urged us to abandon carrying out the plan. 老板督促我们放弃执行这项计划。 They abandon themselves to drinking. 他们沉湎于饮酒。 【即时巩固】 语法填空 The woman ②____________(abandon) by her husband.Eventually the ③____________ (abandon) wife was found wandering in the street, ④__________(abandon) herself to despair.She often danced ⑤ __________abandon for no reason in the public places and often abandoned herself to ⑥__________(drink).

  【答案】①is abandoned ②was abandoned ③abandoned ④abandoning ⑤with ⑥drinking

  4.reflect vi.思考 vt.映射;反射;思考

  【考点激活】 ①That ____________ in an up­to­date dictionary. 那在现代词典中得到了反映。(2015湖南) (1)reflect sb./sth.in sth. (指镜子等)映出某人/物的影像 reflect sth.from sth. 从某物反射…… reflect on/upon sth. 思考某事 (2)reflection n. 映像;倒影

  be lost in reflection 陷入沉思中 on reflection 仔细思考后 【知识建构】

  He wanted the glass surfaces to reflect the sky and the city. 他想用玻璃的表面反射天空和城市。(2017湖北)

  I hope he will reflect on his decision in the years to come. 我希望未来的几年里他会反省自己的决定。 【即时巩固】 语法填空 The student stood there still, ②__________ (lose) in reflection.He was reflecting ③________ the problem why the sunlight could ④__________(reflect) from the water and he could see his ⑤__________(reflect) in the water. 【答案】①is reflected ②lost ③on ④be reflected ⑤reflection 5.scare vt.& vi.恐吓;受惊吓

  【考点激活】 ①If there were anything to be scared ______, you wouldn't have chosen this place. 如果真的有什么可怕的东西,你就不能选择这个地方了。 scaring adj.令人害怕的;吓人的 scared adj.受惊吓的;感到害怕的 be scared of =be afraid of… 害怕…… be scared to do… 不敢做…… be scared that… 害怕…… 【知识建构】

  I got scared and I ran and left her all alone. 我一害怕就跑了,把她一个人扔下了。 People are scared to use the buses late at night. 人们害怕在深夜乘坐公共汽车。 【即时巩固】 语法填空 ②The scene was so __________(scare) that he was scared ________ death. ③Local businesses were scared into ________(pay) protection money. 【答案】①of ②scaring; to ③paying 1.help(…) out帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难

  【考点激活】 ①They follow the rules, help ________, and are concerned about the people they work with. 他们遵守规则,帮助并且关心一起工作的人们。(2017江苏) (1)help sb.with/(to) do sth. 帮助某人某事/做某事 can't help doing sth. 忍不住做某事 can't help (to) do sth. 不能帮忙做某事 can't help but do 只得做;不得不做 help oneself (to sth.) 随便自己动手(夹菜吃、用……等) 【知识建构】

  (2)with the help of sb.=with one's help 在某人的帮助下 without/but for one's help 要不是某人的帮助(常与虚拟连用) He was rushing back to help them out of poverty. 他急速地跑回去帮他们摆脱贫穷。 He is such a selfless man.You can't help but respect him. 他是这样一个毫无私心的人, 你不由得不尊敬他。 【即时巩固】 语法填空 ②It was ________ the help of him that we helped our friends out of trouble. ③But for his help, I couldn't _____________ (accomplish) the task yesterday. ④Hearing the song, he can't help __________(call) up his childhood.  ⑤I am too busy.I am afraid I can't help you ____________ (deal) with the problem tomorrow. 【答案】①out ②with ③have accomplished ④calling ⑤(to) deal 2.be/become aware of对……知道、明白;意识到…… 【考点激活】 ①If she had been ____________ that the mushrooms were poisonous, she wouldn't have picked them for dinner. 要是知道这些蘑菇有毒,她就不会采来做晚餐了。(2015湖北) (1)be aware that… 知道;体会到…… make sb.aware of/that… 使某人注意到……;提醒某人注意…… as far as I'm aware 据我所知 (2)awareness n.意识;认识 develop an awareness of… 培养……的意识 raise awareness 提高认识 lack of awareness 缺乏认识 【知识建构】

  When visiting another country, you should be aware of those differences and respect them. 到其他国家的时候,你应该意识到那些差异并尊重它们。(2017重庆) Everybody should be made aware of the risks involved. 应该让人人都知道其中的风险。 【即时巩固】 完成句子 ②We should ________________________ (让我们的孩子意识到) the importance of protecting the environment. ③________________(我认为), some students aren't __________________(意识到……的重要性) college education _______________ (因为缺乏认识).

  【答案】①aware ②make our children aware of ③ As far as I'm aware; aware of the importance of; for lack of awareness 1.As we drew closer, I could see a whale being attacked by a pack of about six other killers. 随着我们的逼近, 我能看见一条鲸鱼正在被其他六条虎鲸袭击。 句型提炼: see sb./sth. being done 句型“see a whale being attacked”意为“看到一条鲸鱼正在被袭击”。句中的being attacked作宾语补足语,表示动作正在被进行。being done除了作宾语补足语表示被动和正在进行外, 还有以下句法功能: (1)作后置定语,表示被动和正在进行; (2)作宾语,表示被动; (3)作主语,表示被动。 【句型剖析】

  Everyone enjoys being respected by others.

  每个人都喜欢被他人尊敬。 The young man being questioned by the policeman is his brother. 那个正在被警察询问的年轻人是他的哥哥。 Being recognized wherever you go is the price you pay for being famous. 出名所付出的代价是不管你走到哪里, 都会被人认出来。 Unit 3 Under the sea 话题·自然环境 (2016广西四市高三联考) 假定你是李华,家乡有一片湿地(wetland),每到春天,有很多鸟类,包括一些珍稀、濒危鸟类。请根据下列要求和你的想象给WWF(世界野生动物基金)写一封信。 1.鸟类经常受到伤害; 2.湿地面积减少; 3.提出你的建议。 【晨背范文】 Dear WWF, There are wetlands in my hometown.And every spring, many birds come to live here, including several rare and endangered ones.With various birds everywhere, my hometown looks very beautiful.However, the birds are being badly affected by our human activities. The harm to the birds is various.Eggs are often picked up.Worse still, people even catch or poison birds for meat.The size of the wetlands is becoming smaller and smaller due to farming.Pollution from chemical factories is also a big problem.Fewer birds arrive here each year! I strongly suggest taking actions to save the birds.A wetland reserve should be set up to make sure no one shall harm the birds.We human beings should live with birds peacefully and happily. ★话题词汇 1.surroundings n.环境 2.conservation n.保护 3.advocate v.提倡 4.take responsibility for 对……负责任 5.environmental awareness 环保意识 6.keep ecological balance 保持生态平衡

  ★话题佳句 1.When haze comes, the whole city will be covered with dust and smog, causing serious problems to our health. 当雾霾来临的时候,整个城市笼罩着灰尘和烟雾,对健康造成很大的危害。 2.I hold the firm belief that with our joint efforts, our society will become a more enjoyable place in the near future. 我坚信在我们的共同努力下,我们的社会在不久的将来会变成一个更加宜人的地方。 3.More and more cars will give out poisonous gases and cause air pollution, which does great harm to the environment. 越来越多的汽车将释放出有毒气体,导致空气污染,对环境造成极大损害。 Ⅰ.单词速忆 1.________vt.当场见到;目击n.目击者;证人; 证据 2.________vi.&n.暂停; 中止 3.________vt.拖; 拉; 扯 4.________n.目标; 靶; 受批评的对象 5.________adj.相对的; 相反的 prep.在……对面 witness

  pause drag target opposite 6.__________adj.浅的;肤浅的;浅显的 7.__________vt.催促;极力主张;驱策 8.____________adj.好的; 整齐的; 匀称的 9.____________vt.放弃;遗弃;抛弃 →____________ adj.放纵的;堕落的 10.________vi.思考vt.映射;反射;思考 →____________ n.映像;思考;反映 shallow urge neat

  abandon abandoned reflect reflection 11._______vi.逃避; 逃跑vt.逃离 →________ (过去式)

  →________ (过去分词) 12.________ vt.恐吓vi.受惊吓 →__________ adj.恐惧的;害怕的 →__________ adj.引起恐慌的 13._______________n.住所;住宿 →_______________ v.提供住宿 flee fled fled  scare scared scary accommodation accommodate 14.____________n.保护;保存 →____________ vt.保存;保护 15.____________ adj.好吃的;有品位的 →__________vt.品尝 →____________ adj.无味的;粗俗的;无鉴赏力的 16.__________ adj.意识到的;知道的 →____________n.意识 conservation conserve tasty taste tasteless

  aware awareness 17._______ adj.锐利的;锋利的;敏捷的 →__________v.(使)锋利;(使)锐利 18.________ adj.狭窄的;有限的;狭隘的 →__________ adv.仅仅;勉强地 19._______ adj.每年的;按年度计算的n.年刊;年鉴 →_________ adv.年度地;每年地 sharp sharpen narrow

  narrowly annual

  annually Ⅱ.短语快译

  1.__________________对……知道、明白;意识到…… 2.__________________帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难 3.__________________吓死了 4.__________________ 瞄准 5.__________________举起;抬起;支撑;阻挡;使延误 be/become aware of

  help (…) out

  (be) scared to death aim at hold up 6.______________整理;选出;解决 7.______________靠近 8.______________上下翻转 9.______________在此期间;与此同时 10._____________优于;在……前面 sort out get close to upside down in the meantime ahead of Ⅲ.句式仿写 1.It was a time when the killer whales, or “killers” as they were then called, helped the whalers catch the baleen whales that were on their annual migration.(a time+when引导的定语从句) 仿写:这个老人曾一度领不到养老金,这让他非常愤怒。 There was ________________________ pension, which made him very angry. 【答案】a time when the old man couldn't get 2.We ran down to the shore in time to see an enormous animal opposite us throwing itself out of the water and then crashing down again.(see…doing…看到……正在做) 仿写:刚才我看到我的朋友汤姆在公园里慢跑。 I ________________ in the park just now. 【答案】saw my friend Tom jogging 3.As we drew closer, I could see a whale being attacked by a pack of about six other killers.(v.­ing的被动式作宾语补足语) 仿写:当我到达汽车修理店的时候,我发现我的汽车正在被修理。

  When arriving at the garage, I___________________________________. 【答案】found my car being repaired 4.I'm sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and reflecting on the day—a day of pure magic!(with的复合结构作状语) 仿写:我看到老师手里拿着一副中国地图走进了教室。 I saw the teacher enter the classroom ___________________________________. 【答案】with a map of China in his hand 5.The water was quite shallow but where the reef ended, there was a steep drop to the sandy ocean floor.(where…, there be…“在……的地方有……”) 仿写:众所周知,有志者事竟成。 As we all know, ______________, there is a way. 【答案】where there is a will Ⅳ.单元语法 v.­ing形式的被动语态 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.The old man is afraid of ______________ (abandon) by his son. 2.______________ (expose) to violent programs will be bad for children. 3.He said that he didn't mind ______________ (tease) in public. 4.We should take some measures to prevent the river ______________ (pollute). 5.Just now I saw the boy ______________ (beat) by his father when I passed by. 【答案】1.being abandoned 2.Being exposed 3.being teased 4.being polluted 5.being beaten Ⅴ.教材活用 根据课文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式 One day, a sailor was just sorting out his accommodation when he saw a killer whale 1.________(throw) itself out of water and crashing down.2.________the old sailor knew, the killer whale 3.________(name) Old Tom was suggesting there was a whale 4.________(wait) for them. So all the sailors drove the boat leaving the bay and heading 5.________the destination.With Old Tom showing the way, the sailors soon saw a huge whale6.________(be) attacked by a group of killer whales.And those killers seemed to know how to work as 7.________team.Some used their body to stop the whale breathing, and others managed 8.________(stop) it diving or fleeing out to the sea. After arriving at the spot, the sailors9.________ (take) their position to stab the whale.Then the whale was dragged into the 10.________(deep) of the sea, enjoyed by the killer whales. 1.witness vt.当场见到;目击n.目击者;证人;证据

  【考点激活】 ①Three weeks ago, I __________a small near­disaster a few miles west of here. 几天前,在这儿西边几英里处,我目睹了一件差一点成为灾难的事件。(2015湖北) (1)witness to sth./doing sth. 作证证明某事/做某事 witness for 为……作证 (2)a witness to sth. 某事的证人/证明 bear/give witness to sth. 为……作证;证明 【知识建构】

  This time as an expert witness, he used environmental protection laws to explain restrictions on development in and around wetlands and the knowledge of wetlands ecology to help improve the development. 这一次,作为鉴定证人,他运用环保法解释了在湿地内和湿地周围限制发展的原因以及利用湿地生态学帮助发展的知识。(2017湖南) The passer­by witnessed to having seen the man fleeing from the shop. 路过者作证说,他看到此人从商店逃跑。 【举一反三】 英语中常使用拟人修辞手法的句子,主语通常是表示时间、地点或心爱之物,如车、船等的名词,谓语动词常为witness, see, find等。 The past ten years has witnessed/seen the great changes in China. 过去的十年见证了中国发生的巨变。 【即时巩固】 用witness的适当形式填空 ②The last Spring Festival ____________ too many traffic jams on the express way. ③The two __________ who __________ to having seen Tom break into the house gave __________ to the police. 【答案】①witnessed ②witnessed ③witnesses; witnessed; witness 2.urge vt.催促;极力主张;驱策 n.强烈的欲望;冲动

  【考点激活】 ①A student whose friends are good at academics may __________to study harder and get good grades. 如果一个学生的朋友学业成绩好,他或她有可能被督促更加努力地学习,取得好的成绩。(2017江苏)


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