小学英语分类词汇表 20-查字典英语网
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小学英语分类词汇表 20

发布时间:2009-07-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编
all the time 总是,一直
fall down下落
put on穿上
the Great Wall长城
get in 进入
get off下车
had better最好
have no idea不知道
listen to 听……
look up查……,向上看
next time下次
Don't worry别提心
after class下课后
take some medicine吃药
say hello to sb向某人问好
Tian An Men Square 天安门广场
yesterday morning昨天早上
all right整夜
at the weekend在周末
every day每一天
Who's on duty谁值日
Follow me. Please跟我读
get home到家
go for a walk去散步
go for an outing外出
go shopping去购物

on duty值日
I'm tired我累了
Let me try让我试试
in the world在世界上
Good morning/早上/
How are you 你好吗
Fine , thank you.很好,谢谢
Not bad , thank you.不太糟,谢谢
Welcome come back to school欢迎回学校
Happy birthday!生日快乐
What's you name, please
Your name, please 请问你叫什么名字
My name is….I'm …. 我叫……
This is Miss/Mr/Mrs….这是……
This is my friend.这是我的朋友
Come and meet my friends.来见我的朋友
How do you do 你好
Nice to meet/see you很高兴见到你
Good night!晚安
How old are/is … ……几岁
Thank you./Thanks.谢谢你
You're welcome.别客气

That's all right.不用谢
I'm sorry.我很抱歉
Sorry, I don't know.对不起,我不知道
Excuse me.打扰了
May I come in 我可以进来吗
Come in, please.请进
Have some bananas, please.请吃些香蕉
It's time for lunch.该吃午饭了
May I use your pen 我可以用一下你的钢笔吗
Can I have two cakes 我可以吃两个蛋糕吗
No, you can't.不,你不行
Can I have one, please 我可以吃一个吗
Yes. / All right.当然可以
Here you are.给你
Can I go with you 我可以和你
Are you sure 你肯定
Yes, I'm sure.是的,我肯定
You're wrong.你错了
You're right.你对了
I like it very much.我非常喜欢它
I like drawing pictures.我喜欢画画
Can I help you 我能帮助你吗

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