全优课堂2017届高考总复习当堂过关微测:必修4 unit 3《A taste of English humour》(新人教版含答案)-查字典英语网
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全优课堂2017届高考总复习当堂过关微测:必修4 unit 3《A taste of English humour》(新人教版含答案)

发布时间:2017-03-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  第一部分 必修4 Unit 3


  1.Unfortunate, the boy lost a leg in the accident.


  2.I am convincing that he will explain the case to us clearly.


  3.The boss was very content with what the secretary has done.


  4.All the students reacted to the thing properly up to now.


  5.This is a ordinary computer.It's not expensive.



  2.convincing→convinced 3.very→well

  4.reacted前加have 5.a→an



  1.The man ____________ the money from a lady quickly into his pocket.

  2.Some people may have a bad ____________ to those chemicals when they eat the crops.

  3.A good organizer should be able to help them ____________ their weaknesses.

  4.For several days, I heard his Mum ____________such words as “hopeless”, “pitiful”, and “dying”.

  5.Lucy has a great sense of humour and always keeps her colleagues ____________ with her stories.

  6.We always____________ ourselves that life will be better after we get married.

  7.Besides relaxing with these more common ________, astronauts can simply enjoy the experience of living in space.

  【答案】1.slided 2.reaction 3.(to) overcome

  4.whispering 5.amused  6.convince 7.entertainments


  (be)particular about, up to now, be content with, pick out, cut off, cut out

  1.She has already tried her best.Please don't be too ______________ her job.

  2.______________, the program has saved thousands of children who would otherwise have died.

  3.Having been ______________from the outside world for a week, they have lost the last hope of surviving.

  4.Just go along the line and ______________what you want.At the other end they'll tell you how much you have to pay.

  5.You have done it very well.I ______________ it.

  【答案】1.particular about 2.Up to now 3.cut off

  4.pick out 5.am content with



  __________________, the performer was very depressed after the accident.

  【答案】As you can see


  The ordinary actor will star in the film, ____________________.

  【答案】which astonishes us a lot


  I ____________________________ the messy room.

  【答案】find it difficult to clean


  It looks as if he________________________ the result.

  【答案】is not content with


  I __________________you will ________________ that you are faced with.

  【答案】am convinced that; overcome the difficulty


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