全优课堂2017届高考总复习当堂过关微测:必修4 unit 4《Body Language》(新人教版含答案)-查字典英语网
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全优课堂2017届高考总复习当堂过关微测:必修4 unit 4《Body Language》(新人教版含答案)

发布时间:2017-03-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  第一部分 必修4 Unit 4


  1.Take that easy! There is nothing serious with your car.


  2.Ten students will take part in the contest represented their schools.


  3.This was a good approach to increase understanding.


  4.Don't be afraid of losing your face if you want to improve your oral English.


  5.They took up their arms in the defense of their country.


  【答案】1.that→it 2.represented→representing

  3.increase→increasing 4.去掉第一个your 5.去掉the


  1.He used a ____________ name to get the job.

  2.On ____________ them, we saw it was a mother whale with her baby.

  3.Green was a color that ____________ the hope and joy of spring.

  4.Too much TV has been ____________ with violence, overweight and loneliness.

  5.Stephen Hawking believes that earth is not____________ to be the only planet where life has developed gradually.

  6.Begin explaining the basic ____________ of money by showing how people trade money for goods or services.

  【答案】1.false 2.approaching 3.represented

  4.associated 5.likely 6.function


  defend against,

  in general,

  on the contrary,

  feel at ease,

  lose face,

  turn one's back to

  1.At first we didn't__________________

  before the interviewers.

  2.It is likely to __________________ the enemies' attack.

  3.If Tom doesn't keep his promise, he ____________.

  4.When I entered the classroom, I found Tom__________________ John.

  5.For example, in American culture the smile is __________________ an expression of pleasure.

  【答案】1.feel at ease 2.defend against 3.will lose face

  4.turning his back to 5.in general



  Out of curiosity, all other students ____________________ why the teacher praised me.

  【答案】were curious to know


  If you are the last student __________________, remember to turn off the lights.

  【答案】to leave the classroom


  The boy has had the ability____________________ by using body language.

  【答案】to express his feeling


  ________________________________________________________________________next Monday.

  【答案】This famous lawyer is likely to defend him


  __________________, most of the boys like playing football.

  【答案】In general/Generally speaking/As a general rule


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