读写任务中,在概括阅读材料的主要内容后,就是要求考生就某主题发表自己的观点。如何在考场中迅速表达自己的观点?可以利用阅读材料中的某些词语!因为阅读材料与写作任务一定有相关性,所以阅读的材料可作为表达观点的素材来源。 但为了避免照抄原文导致失分,建议不要照搬一个句子,而是抓住某些与话题相关的关键词或词组,并进行展开或改写,成为我们自己的新观点。
利用阅读材料中的词语表达自己的观点 (2017广州一模) 读写任务
阅读下面的短文, 然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 [写作内容] 1.以约30词概括上文的主要内容; 2.以约120词就“节俭”谈谈你的想法,内容包括: (1) 对你来说,节俭是什么? (2) 你认为节俭是否重要?为什么? (3) 就生活中如何做到节俭提一些建议。 经典例题 借用阅读材料观点表达自己的观点: 要点(1)可通过改写阅读材料中的关键词waste, budget, unnecessary, to its fullest来完成:
I hold the opinion that thriftiness means taking our budget into consideration and making the best use of money, in which case we are able to avoid waste on unnecessary expenses.
要点(2)可通过改写阅读材料中的的关键词deeply in debt; stressed about money,smart, eco-friendly, responsible来完成: Be thrifty is of great importance in our daily life. First, it enables us to set aside some money for future use. Second, it is wise/sensible of us to be economical so that we will not go into heavy debt or feel stressed about the financial problem. Furthermore, thriftiness allows us to live in harmony with our environment.
要点(3)可通过改写阅读材料中的关键词recycling, teaching, eco-friendly, responsible来完成: In order to do our part, we are encouraged to buy products that are environmentally friendly. We can also recycle or reuse waste in our daily life, and more importantly, we ought to devote ourselves to
shoulder our responsibility to raise people’s awareness of contributing their effort in this way.
我们建议考生拿到试卷后首先浏览作文(基础写作和读写任务),并思考对应的英语;不懂的打上问号,记在心里,然后做其他题,并力求在做其他题时找到适合的词句。这种把其他题目中出现的词汇和句式运用到写作题中,也叫“以题救题”。另外,对一些自己不会表达的或没有把握的,要采取意译,用自己有把握的方式表达出来,用“一句多表”实现“曲线自救”。 读写任务阅读下面短文,然后按要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 [写作内容] 1.以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。 2.以约120个词谈谈你对学习外语的看法,内容包括: (1) 为什么要学习一门外语? (2) 你是如何学习外语的。 (3) 怎样才能够学好一门外语。 即学即用 第一步,读“写作内容”,预测阅读材料内容。 从“以约120个词谈谈你对学习外语的看法”可预测阅读材料的主题也是谈学习外语的。 从所列的(1)(2)(3)三项内容来看,阅读材料可能也是分别讲“为什么要学外语”“学习外语的方法” “怎样才能学好”。 明白了这些后,就开始阅读材料了。 第二步,快速阅读材料,把握主要内容。
根据上一步的预测,快速阅读所给阅读文章,并在阅读中,画出能体现段落或文章主要内容的关键词或句: 1. why (Why do we study a new language?) 2. methods (traditional classes,develop a routine) 3.(never) give up (at any age,good for the health of your brain,don’t worry about the mistakes) 4. never easy (with some work and devotion, make progress) 第三步,用自己的话,概括主要内容。 在读懂文章大意,画出关键词句后,接下来就需要用 自己的话,将其表达出来。 Learners should first know why they want to learn the language. And then they should learn it in proper ways, such as studying regularly. Besides,they must study hard and never give up. 第四步,根据要点顺序,表达你的看法。 1.依照写作要点,依次分为三段。 本文的要点(1)可以这样开头:The reason why I study English is that …/ What I study English for is …/ The purpose of my learning English is... 要点(3)可以这样开头:To learn it well,we should,I think,... 2.借用原文观点,表达自己观点。
如写要点(1)时,从借用原文的“学习或研究的需要 (studies) ”“工作的需要(jobs)”“对异国的文学、电影、音乐感兴趣(interested in the literature,films or music)”。但注意避免抄袭的嫌疑就行了。
Learners should know why they’re learning the language. To learn it well,it is important to use appropriate ways,keep on working hard and never give up.
With the development of the society and economy, it’s necessary for young people to learn at least one foreign language. In fact,if you want to enter a good university and get a good job,you are required to learn a foreign language well. I began learning English six years ago when I entered junior. Together with my classmates,under the guidance of our English teachers,we read aloud in the morning and evening, remembered new words,recited texts and learnt to write essays and compositions. We often discussed grammatical problems among us,even argued with teachers about grammatical rules.
We often told each other stories in English. Practice makes perfect. Try to keep on using the language as often as possible in our daily life, never be afraid of difficulties or others’ laughing at,and devote certain time and energy,and we’re sure to learn well.
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