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发布时间:2017-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编






  Let us begin by saying what does not cause our dreams.Our dreams do not come from “another world”.They are not messages from outside sources.They are not a look into the future,either.

  All our dreams have something to do with our feelings,fears,longings,wishes,needs and memories.If a person is hungry,or tired,or cold,his dreams may include a feeling of this kind.If the covers on your body,such as a quilt or a blanket,have slipped off your bed,you may dream that you are sleeping on the ice or snow.The material for the dream you will have tonight is likely to come from the experience you have today.

  So the subject of your dream usually comes from something that has an effect on you while you are sleeping (feeling of cold,discomfort,etc.) and it may also use your past experiences and the wishes and interests you have now.This is why children are likely to dream of fairies,older children of school examinations,hungry people of food,homesick soldiers of their families and prisoners of freedom.

  To show you how this is happening while you are asleep and how your needs and wishes can all be joined together in a dream,here is the story of an experiment.A man was asleep and the back of his hand was rubbed with a piece of absorbed cotton.He would dream he was in hospital and his charming girlfriend was visiting him,sitting on the bed and feeling gently his hands.

  There are some scientists who have made a special study of why we dream,what we dream and what those dreams mean.Their explanations of dreams,though a bit reasonable,are not accepted by everyone,but they offer an interesting approach to the problem.They believe that dreams are mostly expressions of wishes that do not come true.In other words,dreams are a way of having your wishes carried out.

  【解题导语】 本文是一篇议论文。文章主要针对我们的情绪、思绪对于我们梦到的内容的影响展开叙述,提供了一些有趣的解释,也解释了梦其实是我们内心渴望的反映。

  1.From the passage we know that our dreams


  A.are imagination of our daily life

  gkxx.comB.are man’s curious look into the future

  C.have nothing to do with our feelings

  D.are to some degree connected with our feelings

  解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二段首句“All our dreams have something to do with our feelings,fears,longings,wishes,needs and memories.”可知,我们做的梦与我们个人的情绪有关。故选D。

  2.Older children often dream of examinations probably because


  A.they are interested in exams

  B.they are often worried about their studies

  C.they hope for a better life

  D.they show much interest in their studies


  3.According to the writer,the explanations of dreams that some scientists made


  学习网A.are considered interesting,but unreasonable

  B.give a good answer to the question why we dream

  C.have some value,though not fully convincing

  D.have been proved by the findings of their studies


  4.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

  A.Why People Dream?

  B.New Findings about Dreams

  C.Dream Makes Hopes

  D.What Dreams Mean?

  解析:选C。推理判断题。根据倒数第一段中的“They believe that dreams are mostly expressions of wishes that do not come true.In other words,dreams are a way

  of having your wishes carried out.”可知,做梦也是代表了我们内心的希望。故选C。


  (2016·河南信阳高三模拟)When 15­year­old Louisa Ball takes a nap,she sleeps for days on end,and no amount of shaking can fully wake her up.The British girl has a rare condition called Sleeping Beauty Sickness.Doctors don’t know what causes it or how to cure it—only know that it strikes teenagers and goes away by itself after eight to 12 years.

  Louisa’s mum,Lottie,told NBC News that the girl had flulike symptoms just over a year ago.Shortly afterward,she had her first period of long sleeping.

  She was eventually diagnosed with Kleine­Levin Syndrome,whose victims worldwide may number no more than 1,000.The victims live normally for weeks or months at a time,with normal sleep patterns and normal energy levels.Then,with little warning,they’ll go to sleep for days or weeks at a time.So far,Louisa’s longest period in bed has been 13 days.Victims will wake briefly,but be disoriented and not fully awake.Louisa’s parents force her awake so she can use the bathroom and eat.

  Now,Louisa’s friends can tell when a period is coming on.She stops talking and she may be annoyed easily.That’s when she knows she has to get home to her bed.Louisa has slept through family vacations,the dance recitals (表演会) she loves to perform in,and school tests.Now it becomes increasingly difficult to catch up on missed schoolwork.

  But just as doctors don’t know the cause,they also don’t know why it ends as mysteriously as it began.The illness is unrelated to narcolepsy (嗜眠病),whose victims are constantly tired and drop off for brief periods of sleep at any time.

  It’s so dramatic that some people have accused Louisa of making the false symptoms to get attention.Her father,Richard,thinks that’s absurd.

  【解题导语】 本文属于医学类短文阅读。一个英国女孩儿患上了一种罕见的病症,患有这种病症的人,每次能连着睡几天甚至几周的时间,这种病又叫克莱恩—莱文综合症。人们无从得知,只能等它自行消失。

  5.The underlined “disoriented ” in the 3rd paragraph probably means


  A.embarrassed B.disappointed

  C.confused D.happy

  解析:选C。猜测词义题。根据划线词后的“and not fully awake”可知,患有睡美人症的人,不能完全醒,处于半睡半醒的状态。embarrassed“尴尬的”;disappointed“失望的”;confused“糊涂的”;happy“开心的”。故选C。

  6.We can learn from the passage that


  A.doctors have found the cure for Sleeping Beauty Sickness.

  www.gkxx.comB.some people don’t believe in the truth of Louisa’s symptoms.

  C.Kleine­Levin Syndrome has no effect on Louisa’s study and life.

  D.the narcolepsy victims sleep longer than those with Kleine­Levin Syndrome.

  解析:选B。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“It’s so dramatic that some people have accused Louisa of making the false symptoms to get attention.”可知,因为克莱恩—莱文综合症的病因尚不明确,有些人就认为是Louisa捏造了虚假的症状获得关注。由此可知,一些人并不相信克莱恩—莱文综合症。故选B。

  7.What can we learn about Louisa?

  A.Louisa is fond of dancing.

  B.Louisa can still manage finish her schoolwork without difficulty.

  www.gkxx.comC.Louisa is a British girl who likes sleeping.

  D.Louisa’s longest sleeping period is 8 years.

  解析:选A。判断正误题。根据第四段中的“Louisa has slept through family vacations,the dance recitals (表演会) she loves to perform in,and school tests.”可知,Louisa平时喜欢跳舞和参加舞蹈表演。故选A。

  8.What is the best title of the passage?

  A.What is Narcolepsy

  B.How Louisa Overcame the Difficulty

  C.Rare Illness Turns a Girl into a “Sleeping Beauty”

  D.The Latest Research on Kleine­Levin Syndrome.




  In the Garden Hotel,every bedroom has its own bathroom,telephone,and furniture in the local style.In the Mistu Restaurant,you can choose from a lot of 1.

  (dish),both Eastern and European.In the Beach Bar,you can drink with your family and friends in air­conditioned comfort,and listen to the music of 2.

  (internation) known artists.Or you can take your drink outside into the beautiful garden 3.

  gives the hotel its name,or to the table 4.

  (surround) by the swimming pool.Throughout the hotel,you will find the service is 5.

  friendly and efficient.

  高中学习网 www.gkxx.comBy day the pool is alive 6.

  the holiday spirit and the happy shouts of children and by night,soft lights and music make it 7.

  perfect place for a party,or simply for an after­dinner drink and conversation.

  The Garden Hotel has 8.

  own minibus service.Give us a ring 9.

  we will arrange to pick you up at the airport or in the city center.Every day a bus 10.

  (leave) the hotel for day trips up into the hills to see the city or the villages and temples of the people,or along the seashore to the seaside towns.

  答案:1.dishes 2.internationally 3.that/which 4.surrounded 5.both 6.with 7.a 8.its 9.and 10.leaves








  Not only our parents give us endless love,but they also give us enough support,always sharing their happiness and sorrow.I'm very grateful to my parents.They give me so much love and spare no efforts to support me.I still remembered once I was seriously ill,they were so worrying and almost accompanied me the whole night.Besides,they are considerate.Now I'm the Senior 3 student.Lucky for me,my parents can understand my stressful condition and often talk to me by encouraging words.Furthermore,I am given enough personal space,what I appreciate so much.

  Now I have made up my mind to study hard.When I grow up,I will try my best to make my parents to live a happy life.


  Not only

  our parents give us endless love,but they also give us enough support,always sharing

  happiness and sorrow.I'm very grateful to my parents.They give me so much love and spare no

  to support me.I still

  once I was seriously ill,they were so

  and almost accompanied me

  whole night.Besides,they are considerate.Now I'm the Senior 3 student. for me,my parents can understand my stressful condition and often talk to me

  encouraging words.Furthermore,I am given enough personal space, I appreciate so much.

  Now I have made up my mind to study hard.When I grow up,I will try my best to make my parents to live a happy life.



  1.众所周知,1969年美国航天员踏上了月球。然而,一些学者根据登月照片和影像,认为美国人登月存在种种谜团。(be known to; land; conclude)


  3.从照片看,背景是漆黑的夜空,理论上应该有行星,但从照片上看却没有。(in theory)


  5.由于缺乏合理的解释和足够的证据,这次登月之旅仍是个“惊天之谜”。(adequate evidence; remain)

  One possible version:

  As is known to all,in 1969 American astronauts landed on the moon,but some scholars conclude that it holds the following puzzles after studying the photographs and images taken from the moon.

  Since the moon has neither atmosphere nor wind,it is groundless that the American flag is waving in the wind.There should be stars in theory but in fact there is no star in the picture.Furthermore,the astronaut has his own shadow while the flag doesn’t.

  Lacking reasonable explanations and adequate evidence,the trip to the moon remains a total mystery.


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