2017届高考英语广东版英语测试报高三上学期综合版训练:第8期 A2-3(外研版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语广东版英语测试报高三上学期综合版训练:第8期 A2-3(外研版)

发布时间:2017-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编







  A 难度:★★

  “You’ll never be able to move your arm again.” These are the words that were spoken to my grandpa over thirty years ago in 1984. It’s a tragic(悲惨的) story, but the ending isn’t so tragic.

  It was a normal day at the DANA corp. plant in Lima, Ohio. That day my grandpa was working on one of the factory’s transformers(变压器). He was told to replace the transformer in one of the machines. Normally, this is a two-man job; however, one workmate had a day off, and my grandpa had to remove the huge transformer on his own. As a result, an accident happened. The 682-pound transformer tipped(倾斜) and fell on his left shoulder, pinning(使不能动弹) him against the transformer and the machine.

  My grandpa told me that he could see his left arm on the right side and he knew it was bad but he never panicked because if he had panicked he could have been injured far worse. He pushed the transformer back onto the platform and rushed to the hospital by himself. The doctors took a picture of it. The doctors said his shoulder was torn up. Muscles were torn around his rotator cuff(肩袖), and the doctors operated on it immediately. After surgery the doctor told my grandpa, “You won’t be able to move your arm again.”

  My grandpa said, “I can’t work with one arm,” so he went to physical therapy(疗法). He would go to therapy every day and try to move his arm. At home he would lie on the floor and pull on his fingers to move his arm. He spent all his time on his physical therapy. After two months’ therapy his situation was ameliorated, but the doctors said he wouldn’t be able to lift ten pounds over his head, but after thirty-two years, my grandpa has never had a problem with his left shoulder since. Now he only has a four-inch scar on his shoulder.

  1. The accident might not have happened if ____.

  A. the grandpa had worked for a long time

  B. the grandpa had been much stronger

  C. the grandpa had worked much harder

  D. the grandpa’s workmate had worked

  2. During the accident the author’s grandpa ____.

  A. was in panic

  B. was very calm

  C. shouted for help

  D. thought it was nothing

  3. The underlined word “ameliorated” in the last paragraph can be replaced by ____.

  A. improved

  B. controlled

  C. changed

  D. worsened

  B 难度:★★★

  Of course, it seemed like a good idea at the time. There I was, on my shiny new bike, shaking with fear. My son Ed stood carefully behind me, arms open, ready to grab the seat if wobble (摇晃) threatened to become a sudden fall. “Just take it nice and steady, Mum,” he said. “One foot on the pedal. Look ahead and push forward. Just a little push... you can do it. I’m here, right behind you.”

  Then it struck me: “Hang on a minute!” I thought, “This isn’t right. Isn’t this what I was doing for him, when was it, five minutes ago?”

  Actually it was 31 years ago when Ed was learning to balance on his first two-wheeler. And now the roles are reversed (颠倒).

  It was my sons’ idea that a bike would be good for me. I hadn’t cycled for 20 years, but they clearly remembered riding on the back of my old bike when they were little — a basket on the front, a child seat behind — off we’d pop to the shops, free and easy.

  It was me who taught them to ride on — trikes (三轮车) first, then two wheelers with stabilizers (稳定轮), then that heart-stopping, proud moment when the stabilizers were off, I let go of the back of the seat and watched as my child shot off at speed and in complete confidence.

  My husband David and I taught both Ed and his younger brother Charlie the Highway Rule and the same lessons about the rules of biking that we’d learned as children. Off the four of us would go, parents on the outside, children on the inside, carefully enjoying our family rides together, keeping strong and fit.

  I was good at it, even cycling up hills. I had learned to ride a bike when I was tiny and used to ride around the streets around our house in Yorkshire with other children.

  There were no helmets or knee and shoulder pads (垫) in those days, but then there was hardly any traffic. I did have a few trips to the hospital, however, once with a broken wrist. I also suffered some badly hurt hands and knees over the years before I learned the basic biking rule: never stop at speed using only the front brake (闸,刹车); it tends to throw you over the handlebars. My experience proved it.

  4. What did Ed’s words remind the author of?

  A. She remembered she just taught Ed to ride five minutes ago.

  B. She recalled how she taught Ed to ride the bike 31 years ago.

  C. She realized the way of riding that Ed told her was wrong.

  D. She found the way she passed her son was misunderstood.

  5. Which order shows how Ed and Charlie learned to ride?

  A. Trikes — a bicycle with stabilizers — a bike without stabilizers.

  B. A bike with stabilizers — a bicycle without stabilizers.

  C. A bicycle without stabilizers — trikes.

  D. A bike without stabilizers — a bicycle with stabilizers — trikes.

  6. From the sixth paragraph, we can know that ____.

  A. bicycling was the only traveling way of the author’s family

  B. bicycles hold happy memories of family life for the author

  C. the author’s family was too poor to afford a mobile vehicle

  D. the author’s family members kept strong and fit by bicycling

  7. It can be inferred that the author ever ____.

  A. rode on the back of her son’s bike when she was a young mother

  B. led all the other children riding around the streets as a little girl

  C. stopped a bike at speed using only the front brake and hurt herself

  D. hoped that she would have a helmet and knee and shoulder pads

  C 难度:★★★★

  As a saying goes, “Don’t use a lot where a little will do.” I recently saw a reality show about helping change struggling restaurants. The premise (前提) is that an expert comes in to help save a family business, and in the process helps the owners rebuild their relationships and their lives. In the beginning, the expert suggested the family reduce their menu from multiple pages to just one. They originally created a massive list of selections because they assumed this created more value. But in many instances, less is more.

  This is a big part of the philosophy behind Tiny Buddha. I publish one post from the community every day, which allows me to spend a great deal of time with writers. Traditional wisdom of the web suggests that more content leads to more page views, which eventually creates a successful site. Yet I’ve found the opposite can be true.

  Having a lower quantity allows more time to focus on quality, and also allows more time for connection through comments. In this way, it抯 not about building a large community; it抯 about developing and improving an engaged ( m使用中的) one. As far as I’m concerned, there’s no greater success than that. Regardless of your project or dream, the “less is more” philosophy can go a long way in creating value and enabling progress.

  You may not have a large number of hours to commit, but this means you are encouraged to prioritize (划分优先顺序) your goals, and that just may help you focus and become the most effective. You may not have abundant resources, but this means your passion and purpose may be your greatest possession, and there’s no limit to what you can accomplish when you invest yourself in a vision (构想) that moves and inspires you. You may not have countless readers or customers, but this means you can focus on providing excellent service, which can be far more valuable than dozens of cursory (粗略的) connections and standard experiences.

  Most importantly, when we focus on doing less and doing it well, instead of doing more and assuming it’s better, we’re less scattered (分散的), more deliberate, less harried, and more attentive. And really, isn抰 that what we want? It抯 not just the goals and

  the outcomes we imagine; it’s the happiness and satisfaction we imagine we’ll experience when we get there. It may be the biggest advantage to do less: we create more space to enjoy those things now.

  8. Which word can take the place of the underlined word “multiple”?

  A. Only.

  B. Little.

  C. Many.

  D. Thin.

  9. How does the author develop Paragraph 4?

  A. By making lists.

  B. By making assumption.

  C. By making comparison.

  D. By analyzing reasons.

  10. What will we face when we focus on doing less?

  A. Being less considerate.

  B. Being more careless.

  C. Being more harried.

  D. Being more concentrative.

  11. What’s the best title of the passage?

  A. Tiny Wisdom: When Less Is Less

  B. Tiny Wisdom: When More Is More

  C. Tiny Wisdom: When Less Is More

  D. Tiny Wisdom: When More Is Less

  D 难度:★★★

  It’s Michael’s fourth birthday. Six of his friends arrive eager to play. Immediately, Michael goes into hyper(亢奋的) drive. He pulls out all his toys and shows them to his friends. Suddenly, Mom hears Michael screaming from his bedroom. He wants the boys to build a Lego spaceship, they refuse, and he breaks down(失声痛哭).

  Though kids are thrilled when it is their birthday, they are often not sure how to handle being the center of attention. As a result, a child might become shy and even hide under his bed. Other kids become wild and race through the house. Many get super bossy, like Michael. The expectations and emotions are so high for some kids, that they simply can’t manage the situation.

  Parents also have high expectations about the day. They are excited for their child and want the event to be perfect. Parents can get very embarrassed, disappointed and even angry if their child becomes unmanageable. They can’t understand their child’s reactions. The best way to handle birthday parties is to plan ahead — be your child’s ally(支持者) and help him to manage his feelings.

  Involve your child in the planning. Where does she want to have the party? What activities would she like to include? In this way, you can help her meet her expectations. However, if your child wants the kind of party her friend had, and it is either beyond your budget or something that you do not approve of, set a limit, explain your reason and talk about a viable(可行的) alternative.

  Keep the party relatively short whether you are at a hotel or at home. Design a clear plan for the events of the party with your child. If he knows exactly what will be happening next and what he has to do, he will feel less anxious. If you decide to have the party at home, for instance, you might set aside a half hour for games and then let the children participate in a joint activity. The more structured the party is, the calmer everyone will be.

  12. What makes Michael broken-hearted?

  A. Having no toys on birthday.

  B. No friends’ company.

  C. Friends’ rejection to his advice.

  D. Her mother’s rejection to his advice.

  13. Para. 2 mainly tells us on their birthday, kids ____.

  A. become happy and lose control easily

  B. always expect to get the center of attention

  C. will become more disappointed

  D. don’t know what to do easily

  14. If parents find it hard to manage their kids on their birthday they would be less likely to ____.

  A. be optimistic

  B. be ill at ease

  C. be disappointed

  D. show anger

  15. According to the passage, the author considers the party should ____.

  A. be held at home

  B. be well arranged

  C. satisfy kids’ requirement

  D. last half an hour

  第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


  Unexpected habits of happy people

  Everybody wants to be happy. Here, we offer a list of habits employed by those who’ve gained happiness.


  One study found that people who live in cities with more green space feel better than those surrounded by man-made materials. How much better? The happiness jump associated with green space is equal to about one-third the improvement in well-being that people get from being married. Similarly, another study found that a five-minute stay in the nature improves self-esteem (自尊); green areas with water were found to be the most beneficial.

  They have satisfying jobs — and if not, they quit. It’s no surprise that workers who are happy with their work are happy with their lives. And in fact, a study found that workers who were happily busy with work and enthusiastic about work were the happiest in life.


  They smell the flowers. Much research has been conducted on how floral scents (花香) can influence moods and behaviors. In one set of experiments, researchers found that a floral-scented room led to increased happiness and friendliness. “


  Floral scents promote social interaction (互动), social approach kinds of behaviors,” said Jeannette Havilland-Jones, of Rutgers University.


  We know you didn’t want to hear that, but read on. The good news is that middle-aged women don’t have to run marathons or go all-out for the emotional benefits of physical activity to kick in. And in fact, a study found that moderate intensity (中等强度的) exercise caused more women to report later that they were in a better mood and to have greater feelings of energy and psychological well-being.

  They don’t try to be happy. A study shows that making happiness a personal goal will actually stand in the way of your achieving it. Researchers found that women who valued happiness more reported being less happy and more frustrated than women who didn’t place much importance on the goal. Wanting to be happy can make you less happy.


  If you really want to be happy, try forgetting about it.

  A. The floral scents can make you happy.

  B. They go to parks.

  C. So don’t purposely focus on happiness.

  D. They try their best to find happiness.

  E. Being unemployed is happier than having a terrible job.

  F. They practice different cultures.

  G. They exercise.

  第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


  Most people view wheelchairs as a symbol of disability. But 29-year-old Quan Peng is proving the


  . Now he has been using his wheelchair to realize his dream of backpacking in China.

  He began his


  from Beijing on August 31, 2017, spending 566 days on the road before reaching Fuzhou city. So far he has


  a total of 2,800 km, but his trip is far from


  . He still plans to cover another 1,700 km to Sanya.

  “This is the 22nd city I have


  during my trip.” Quan said. “


  wanting to see the world, I want to show people the importance of having barrier-free facilities.” In each of the cities he has visited, Quan documents the type of facilities available for


  people. Sadly, he finds that in most places conveniences of people with disabilities don’t



  Quan lost the use of his legs at 17 when he underwent (经历) a(n)


  to remove a tumor (肿瘤). The procedure


  his nerves (神经), permanently paralyzing (使……瘫痪) his legs. But he


  to give in, choosing to move to Beijing in 2017 to make a



  He started off working in customer service and spent his spare time


  a Taobao online store, but his dream was to see the world. Although initially doubtful about traveling in a wheelchair, Quan


  decided to do it. His first day on the road was far from


  . He developed a sharp pain in his shoulders the next day, but giving up was never a


  , so he just pushed through it.

  Quan also fell down from his chair six times during his trip.


  he got used to it eventually, and after the first 500 km he started to enjoy the journey and all the experience it presented, from the


  to the enjoyment.

  Through his story, Quan hopes to


  people and make them see that being in a wheelchair does not necessarily have to stop a person’s



  21. A. thought

  B. theory

  C. determination

  D. opposite

  22. A. risk

  B. journey

  C. effort

  D. search

  23. A. traveled

  B. recorded

  C. reached

  D. walked

  24. A. dangerous

  B. boring

  C. over

  D. exciting

  25. A. got through

  B. lived through

  C. looked through

  D. passed through

  26. A. Instead of

  B. Regardless of

  C. Along with

  D. Together with

  27. A. old

  B. disabled

  C. sad

  D. unlucky

  28. A. exist

  B. develop

  C. work

  D. form

  29. A. treatment

  B. accident

  C. operation

  D. change

  30. A. calmed

  B. controlled

  C. protected

  D. damaged

  31. A. happened

  B. refused

  C. pretended

  D. prepared

  32. A. career

  B. fortune

  C. difference

  D. success

  33. A. renting

  B. managing

  C. selling

  D. guiding

  34. A. quickly

  B. gradually

  C. eventually

  D. firmly

  35. A. satisfactory

  B. famous

  C. perfect

  D. easy

  36. A. challenge

  B. choice

  C. match

  D. case

  37. A. And

  B. So

  C. But

  D. Or

  38. A. unpleasure

  B. worry

  C. pressure

  D. disappointment

  39. A. excite

  B. greet

  C. persuade

  D. inspire

  40. A. routine

  B. ambition

  C. activity

  D. imagination


  第二节 语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


  I still remembered that there was a certain gentleman 41.______ came to my rescue and helped me make the right decision.

  When my father 42. ______ (pass) away I was in college. I had another year in front of me in order to be called 43. ______ graduate. The trouble was that I could not concentrate 44. ______ my studies anymore. I even wanted to quit 45. ______ (study) and stay at home to help my mother. We two were the only ones left and it seemed as if my spirit 46. ______ (die). Whenever I tried to open my books to study, tears would block my view. One evening, one of my father’s 47. ______ (friend) visited us and asked about my studies. I told him I couldn’t go to college because I didn’t want to study. He asked, “Do you want to be called a 48. ______ (fail)?” I wept 49. ______ (sad). The gentleman gave me all the encouragement I needed to be able to carry on. Finally I decided 50. ______ (complete) my study, realizing my father’s dream.

  41. _______________

  42. _______________

  43. _______________

  44. _______________

  45. _______________

  46. _______________

  47. _______________

  48. _______________

  49. _______________

  50. _______________

  第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)






  1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。

  2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

  Dear Sir,

  I’m writing to become one of the host family of the British students. We have a large and clean house, where lies in the center of the city. I’m good in English and my parents are all English teachers. Therefore, we won’t have any difficult communicating with English speakers. My father is an excellent driver but we can show foreign students around some places of interest in our own car. Last month we received two American students. We had a great fun together. Besides, my mother cooked well, so the students will enjoy delicious Chinese food. I would greatly appreciate if I could have the chance to make friends with them. I am looking forward to hear from you.


  Li Hua

  第二节 书面表达 (满分25分)




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