(新课标地区)2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:选修8 Unit3《Inventors and inventions》(新人教版)-查字典英语网
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(新课标地区)2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:选修8 Unit3《Inventors and inventions》(新人教版)

发布时间:2017-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  单句语法填空/完成句子 ①Unless ________ (invite),he will not come back to the company. ②After ________ (complete),the airport will have above 50% plants coverage. ③Film has a much shorter history,especially when ________ (compare)to such art forms as music and painting. 答案 ①invited ②completed ③compared

  知识运用 知识梳理 Ⅰ.核心单词→识记·思考·运用 一、单词拼写 1.*(2015·江苏,阅读B)Individuals can reduce their contribution by creating less waste at the start—for instance,buying reusable ________(产品)and recycling. 2.(2015·湖南,写作Section A)English is a ________(充满活力的;发展变化的)language that admits new words and recognizes changes in meaning,spelling,and usage of familiar words. products dynamic 3.(2015·江苏,任务型阅读)For any individual,of course,the boundaries of these two classes are not ________ (稳固的;稳定的). 4.*What ________ (标准)are used for assessing a student’s ability? 5.Understanding the instructions requires a ninth grade reading __________ (能力). stable criteria competence 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1.*(2017·重庆,完形)Also be ________(caution) about expressing emotions. 2.(2017·天津,阅读D)The car is a _________ (convenience) means of transport,but we have made it our way of life. 3.He wished to forget everything ________ (associate) with his former life. 4.(2015·江苏,阅读C)Consistent with the researchers’ ___________ (expect),they found a positive correlation (正相关)between the strength of role identity and the length of time people continued to volunteer.

  cautious convenient associated expectations 5.(2015·北京,阅读A)The first thing he did was to find shelter from the ________ (freeze) wind and snow. 6.(2015·湖北,阅读D)One of the families moving in was the Brenninkmeijers,________ (current)the wealthiest family of the Netherlands. 7.*(2015·湖南,阅读B)This of course created a new problem: dirt _________ (practical)buried the first floors of every building in Chicago.

  freezing currently practically 8.The bus came to an________ (abruptly) stop,making many passengers fall off their seats. 9.The workman cleared up the ________ (messy) before he left. 10.In my opinion,only by facing difficulties bravely and________ (seize)opportunities can one succeed. abrupt mess seizing

  三、开心词场 Mr.Jackson was a cautious businessman who got a patent for his company.But in an abrupt

  accident,he found his production wasn’t stainless and didn’t live up to its criteria.He seized it to find out valid ways to solve the problems and not to take passive action.He expected that his products would be practical.

  【联想·积累】 ❶三个特殊的名词单复数 ①标准criterion(单数),criteria (复数) ②媒体medium (单数),media ③细菌bacterium (单数)bacteria

  (复数) ❷“警告、提醒、禁止、要求与命令” ①caution小心;cautious小心的

  ②attention注意 ③forbid 禁止


  ⑤remind提醒 ⑥warn警告

  ⑦look out 当心 ⑧take care小心 ⑨watch out当心;注意 ⑩command要求 ⑪demand 要求 ⑫force强迫


  ⑭request请求 ⑮require要求

  ⑯requirement要求 ⑰ask for要求 ⑱call for要求,需要

  ❸高频词链条 ①product n.产品→produce vt.生产→production n.产量 ②practical adj.实际的;实用的→practise vt.练习→practice n.练习,实践 ③caution n.小心,谨慎→cautious adj.小心的;谨慎的→cautiously adv.小心地;谨慎地

  Ⅱ.重点短语→识记·思考·运用 一、补全短语 1.ring ________ 挂断电话 2.*set ________ (to do)开始(做);陈述;阐明

  3.decide ________ 决定 4.get rid ________ 摆脱 5.________ caution 小心地 off out on of with 二、短语填空 1.Your letter ________ the days when we worked together on the farms fifteen years ago. 2.Having made up his mind,he ________ carrying out the plan. 3.It’s the love and responsibility that have driven him to __________ many hardships and survive. 4.If you ________ for a while ,I will go and see if I can find your mother. call up;set about;dive into;hang on;get through;ring back;now and then;out of order calls up set about get through hang on 5.*I checked the files and some of the papers were __________.You had better sort them out. 6.When you were out,John rang up,and he wanted you to ________him ________. 7.I saw him _________ the river to save a drowning child. 8.He went to see his grandmother _____________. out of order ring back dive into now and then 【联想·积累】 ❶“动词+out”短语全接触 ①bring out


  ②drop out 退出 ③cut out 停止;剪下

  ④let out 放出 ⑤back out 决定不履行(允诺的事) ❷“out of+名词”短语汇集 ①out of breath上气不接下气 ②out of balance 失去平衡 ③out of stock脱销

  ④out of date 过时 ⑤out of patience 不耐烦

  ⑥out of control

  失去控制 ⑦out of style 过时,不时髦

  ⑧out of work 失业 ⑨out of question没问题

  ⑩out of the question不可能

  Ⅲ.经典句式→识记·思考·运用 1.The first thing I did was to see if there were any products that might help me,but

  ___________________ powders designed to kill snakes.

  我所做的第一件事就是看看有没有现成的产品能帮助我,但是,看来只有一种毒杀蛇的药粉。 2. _________________________________ can you say that you are truly an inventor. 只有在得到这种认可之后,你才可以说自己是一个真正的发明家。 3.The criteria are ______ strict ______ it is difficult to get new ideas accepted unless they are truly novel.(评定)专利标准非常严格,除非新想法真的很新颖,否则它们很难被接受。

  there only seemed to be Only after you have had that recognition so that 【联想·积累】 牵手seem 句式 (1)The house seemed very quiet after he had left.

  →The house seemed to be very quiet after he had left.

  →It seemed that the house was very quiet after he had left. (2)York seems like/as if/as though a nice place to live.

  Ⅳ.单元语法→识记·思考·运用 过去分词作定语、表语和宾语补足语 单句语法填空 1.We believe the time and hard work ________(involve) in completing such an important project are worthwhile. 2.My doctor advised me to reduce the amount of the sugar ________ (add)to the milk I drink. 3.The guests left most of the dishes ___________ (untouch),because they did not taste delicious. 4.Cleaning women in big cities usually get ________ (pay)by the hour. 5.Please remain ________(seat); the winner of the prize will be announced soon.




  paid seated 【学法·点拨】 过去分词常考警示 ❶vi.的过去分词常表示 “完成”的动作,而不表示“被动”意义。 boiled water (开水); fallen leaves (落叶) the risen sun (升起的太阳)等。 ❷过去分词作表语并无“完成”或“被动”之意,而是表示主语的状态或思想感情等。 He looked worried after reading the letter. [单 词 点 睛] 1.bear vt.(bore,borne)忍受;忍耐;负担;生育

  [高考例句](2015·安徽,阅读B)They could not bear to work in the family business.


  (1)can’t bear doing/to do sth不能忍受做某事 can’t bear sb/sb’s doing/to do sth不能忍受某人做某事 (2)bear a heavy burden

  肩负重担 bear responsibility/the blame承担责任/受责备 (3)bear/keep sth in mind记住…… bear/keep in mind that...记住……

  单句语法填空/完成句子 ①Reasonable as the opinion sounds,________________ the test through analysis.

  虽然这个观点听起来有道理,但是它经不住分析。 ②He can’t ________________ while he’s eating.

  他受不了有人在他吃饭的时候吸烟。 ③________________,she has to work hard to bring up her children.

  肩负重担,她必须努力工作抚养孩子。 答案 ①it cannot bear ②bear people smoking

  ③Bearing a heavy burden

  2.associate vt.联想;联系

  [高考例句](2017·湖北,阅读C)They don’t associate with the knowledgeable individuals.

  他们不与知识渊博的人交往。 (1)associate sb/sth with sb/sth把……和……联系在一起;由……联想到…… be associated with...和……有关 associate with sb与某人交往或打交道 (2)association n.联合;联想;交往;协会;团体 in association with... 与……合伙/合作 单句语法填空/完成句子 ①I feel honored to have the chance to live,work and ____________.

  我觉得很荣幸有机会和他们一起生活、工作和相处。 ②(2017·辽宁,七选五)The first step to making friends is ________________(associate)with other people.

  交朋友的第一步就是要跟他人联系。 ③We are working in ________ (associate)with a local company to raise money for the homeless.

  我们正联合一家当地的公司,为无家可归的人筹款。 答案 ①associate with them ②associating/to associate  ③association

  3.seize vt.抓住;捉住;夺取;攻占

  [高考例句](2017·重庆,阅读D)The elephant seized a nearby branch and put it into her mouth.

  大象抓住附近的一个树枝,把它放进嘴里。 seize sb by the collar/the arm 抓住某人的衣领/胳膊 seize up

  停止运转,发生故障 seize a chance to do...抓住机会做…… seize on/upon利用,抓住(可利用的事物) 单句语法填空/完成句子 ①The rumours ________________by the local press.

  当地报纸迫不及待地对这些传闻加以炒作。 ②The engine suddenly________________.

  发动机突然发生故障。 答案 ①were eagerly seized upon ②seized up

  [短 语 点 拨] 1.set about 开始,着手(后接动词-ing形式);出发;动身

  [教材原句]I set about researching the habits of snakes to find the easiest way to trap them.


  [易混辨析] set off “出发”,侧重于去某个地方 set out “出发,开始”,侧重于开始做某事,还有“规划,展现”的意思,后加不定式 set about “开始,着手”,与set out意思相近,后加v.-ing形式 单句语法填空/完成句子 ①That evening he ________________ a report on pollution.

  那天晚上,他开始写一篇关于污染的报告。 ②If you want to catch that train,we’d better________ for the station immediately.

  如果你想赶上那班火车,我们最好现在马上出发去火车站。 答案 ①set about writing ②set off/out

  2.get through完成;通过;接通电话;度过(时间)

  [教材原句]I can’t get through.

  我接不通电话。 get along with sb与某人相处;进展 get away with sth携某物潜逃;不因某事受惩罚 get down to sth/doing sth开始做某事;认真处理某事 get over

  爬过……;克服(困难);从……中恢复过来 写出下列句中get through的含义 ①I managed to get through the game and the pain was worth it in the end. ②I’ve got through the driving test recently. ③I tried ringing you several times yesterday but I couldn’t get through (to you). ④As soon as I get through with

  my work I’ll join you. 答案 ①设法做完 ②通过 ③打通电话 ④做完

  [句 式 透 析] ※[教材原句]Between the outside and the inside walls of the bowl there is some jelly,which freezes when cooled.


  这里的when cooled是一个省略结构,相当于when it (the jelly)is cooled。


  (1)时间状语从句的省略。这类从句主要由when,while,as soon as,once,until等引导。如: When (he was)still a boy of ten,he started working to support himself. (2)地点状语从句的省略。主要由where,wherever引导。如: You can add some words to your composition where (it is)necessary. (3)条件状语从句的省略。主要由if,unless,once引导。如: Once (it was)published,his work became famous for the absence of rhyme at the end of each line.

  (4)让步状语从句的省略。主要由though,although,however,whatever,even if/even though,no matter how/what引导。如: Though (he had been)defeated many times,he didn’t lose heart. (5)原因状语从句的省略。主要由because引导。如: He decided not to watch the football match because (he was)not himself.

  (6)比较状语从句的省略。主要由as,than引导。如: In winter it is much colder in Beijing than (it is)in Shanghai. Mary is not so shy as (she was)a year ago when I first met her. (7)方式状语从句的省略。主要由as,as if/as though引导。如: The old man sat at the corner alone,as/as though if (he was)thinking of something. English is not so difficult to learn,as (it is)generally supposed.


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