2017年高考英语精品课堂基础版之自主检测:专题01《great scientist》(新人教版必修5教师版)-查字典英语网
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2017年高考英语精品课堂基础版之自主检测:专题01《great scientist》(新人教版必修5教师版)

发布时间:2017-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  Ⅰ.根据首字母或汉语提示用本单元所学的单词完成下列句子football match.

  4. She was the _______(受害者)of the road accident.

  5. The vote was completed. The chairman a ______the result.

  6. The boy was totally a ______in his picture book.

  7. It’s very dangerous to be e______ to H7N9 patients without any protection.

  8. The baby is well ________(照顾,照料)to in the nursery.

  9. Examine the results carefully, and you will draw a ________(结论).

  10. I applied for a job as a teacher in a local school, but I was r_______.

  11. Loose clothing gives you greater freedom of _______(活动,运动).

  12. John is _________(谨慎的)of making predictions about the programme.

  13. The rural environment has a ________(积极的)effect on the children’s health.

  14. It was generous of her to ________(捐助)such a large sum of money to the earthquake-stricken area.

  15. They are e________ about helping others.


















  4. 我永远不会忘记我第一次遇见他的那一天。(介词+关系代词)

  5. 每次我看到他的时候,他都面带微笑。(every time)


  Only if you have passed the driving test can you be allowed to drive a car.

  I had my wallet stolen yesterday.

  Neither he nor I am going to attend the meeting.

  I’ll never forget the day on which I first met him.

  Every time I see him, he wears a smile.

  Ⅲ.完成下面的句子。( 每个1分,共5分)

  You will get sick if you drink the ________(pollute) water.

  Why do you look so ________(tire)? Do you sleep well these days?

  We were very ________ when we heard the ________ news.(shock)

  Alice got ________(blame) when she lost her money.

  Look! The student ________(seat) at the back of the classroom is ________(bury) in a novel while the teacher is giving a lesson.



  2. tired





  2. –They have discussed the problem for hours.

  -Have they come to a(n)_____?

  A. end

  B. result

  C. opinion

  D. conclusion

  【答案】D考查短语。句意“这个问题他们讨论了好几个小时了。”“他们得出结论了吗?”come to conclusion:得出结论。故该题正确答案为D.

  3. _____Lucy and Tom, I have two more close friends at school.

  A. Apart from

  B. Except

  C. As well

  D. Except that

  【答案】A考查介词(短语)辨析。句意:吃了露西和汤姆,在学校里我还有另外两个密友。该句中的“two more close friends”为该题的直接信息提示,故该题正确答案为A.Apart from“除…之外,(还)”。

  4. –We noticed Tom didn’t _____the lecture.

  -No one had told him about _____a lecture the following day.

  A. attend; there to be

  B. attend; there being

  C. attend; there was

  D. attending; there was


  5. Some very common things such as ______to the sun for a long time will do harm to people’s skin and even cause skin cancer.

  A. exposing

  B. being exposed

  C. having exposed

  D. exposed

  【答案】B 考查非谓语。句意:一些很常见的事,如长时间在阳光下暴晒,会对人的皮肤有害,甚至造成皮肤癌。be exposed to:暴露在…之下,且该空为介词短语such as的宾语,故动词短语要动名词化,所以该题正确答案为B.

  6. What all the experts at the meeting said suggested that the road _____badly damaged and a new bridge ______at once.

  A. should be; be constructed

  B. were; must be constructed

  C. were; should be constructed

  D. was; be constructed

  【答案】D 考查虚拟语气和陈述语气。句意:与会专家所言说明了道路严重受损,他们建议立即建造一座新的大桥。suggest作“建议”讲时,后接的宾语从句用虚拟语气(should)+动词原形,作“暗示;说明”时,后接的宾语从句应用陈述语气,故该题正确答案为D.

  7. Although this medicine can cure you _____ your illness, it has side effects ____you.

  A. for; in

  B. for; on

  C. of; on

  D. of ; at

  【答案】C考查介词短语辨析。cure sb of治愈某人(的疾病);have …effects on:对…产生影响。故该题正确答案为C.

  8. Jenny suggested our going on an outing to the countryside the next weekend, but the rest didn’t sound very _____about the idea.

  A. enthusiastic

  B. cautious

  C. anxious

  D. secure

  【答案】A考查形容词辨析。句意:詹尼建议下周末去乡村郊游,但是其他人对这个主意听起来并不十分热心。be enthusiastic about:对…热心;be cautious about:对…小心;be anxious about:担心;be secure about:对…自信,对…没有顾虑。根据句意可知,正确答案为A.

  9. –Jeremy rather than his friends _____for the _____river.

  -Absolutely. Jeremy’s chemical works shouldn’t have poured waste water into the river.

  A. are to be blamed; polluting

  B. are to be blame; polluting

  C. is to blame; polluted

  D. is to be blamed; polluted

  【答案】C考查谓语和非谓语。句意:“是吉利米而不是他的朋友们应该为这条受污染的河承担责任。”“确实如此,他的化工厂不应该把废水排进这条河流里。”A rather than B作主语时,句子谓语的单复应和A保持一致。应对某事负责:be to blame for sth;又因为“一条已经被污染了的河流”需要用过去分词polluted表示被动完成,作定语。故该题正确答案为C.

  10. –Flight 331 is being _____. I’d better be on my way. Goodbye.

  -Bye! Safe journey!

  A. appealed

  B. announced

  C. commanded

  D. delivered

  【答案】B 考查动词辨析。句意:“正在通告331航班,我得走了。再见!”“再见!一路顺风!”A. appealed

  “呼吁;吸引”;B. announced“宣告;通告”;C. commanded“命令”;D. delivered“递送;发表,发言;使分娩”,根据句意可知,正确答案为B.


  阅读下面短文。从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Growing up in my Grandma’s house as a boy was an experience that would shape me for the rest of my life. We were poor in everything but

  1 .

  yet I learned so much about life there. My Mom, Dad, Grandma, two

  2 , and I were all


  into a home made from two old shabby cars. I always knew what my next


  would look like because I had seen my older brother


  them the year before, I always knew what we were going to be


  in winter, because I had


  it in the garden during the summer.

  8 , I never felt poor. No king ever ate as good as we did on Sundays after church when Grandma


  her homemade meatballs, spaghetti(意大利式细面条and freshly baked bread.


  we had so little I can still remember Dad, Mom, and Grandma giving so much. We were always


  with others. Everyone who


  our family could expect a


  of spaghetti, or a jar of vegetables, or a flower pot full of fresh flowers. I can still remember my parents’ eyes


  whenever they passed something on to others. We never felt


  than when we shared what we were given. I learned early that the greatest joy comes from giving


  getting. Giving makes your spirit greater.

  Don’t be afraid to


  what you have to others. Share everything you have. If you have a beautiful

  18 , then smile at whoever you come across. If you have a few extra dollars, then give them to the people in need. If you have a


  talent, then share it with others. If you have a heart full of love, then give it to everyone. No life ever truly lives


  it becomes a gift, so make your whole life a gift to the world.

  A. spirit

  B. education

  C. wealth

  D. health

  A. nephews

  B. brothers

  C. sisters

  D. cousins

  A. divided

  B. admitted

  C. locked

  D. crowded

  A. food

  B. room

  C. glasses

  D. clothes

  A. choosing

  B. cutting

  C. wearing

  D. cleaning

  A. doing

  B. eating

  C. 1earning

  D. giving

  A. developed

  B. planted C. polluted

  D. poisoned

  A. Meanwhile

  B. Therefore

  C. Besides

  D. However

  A. cooked

  B. earned

  C. washed

  D. sold

  A. Unless

  B. Since

  C. When

  D. Although

  A. chatting

  B. communicating

  C. sharing

  D. exchanging

  A. visited

  B. warned

  C. supposed

  D. saved

  A. basket

  B. cup

  C. spoon

  D. plate

  A. opened

  B. shone

  C. hurt

  D. glanced

  A. freer

  B. calmer

  C. happier

  D. poorer

  A. less than

  B. fewer than

  C. other than

  D. rather than

  A. take up

  B. pick up

  C. pass on

  D. give in

  A. face

  B. smile

  C. band

  D. figure

  A. convenient

  B. contemporary

  C. vital

  D. special

  A. until

  B. after

  C. because

  D. If






















  B名词辨析。根据下文“because I had seen my older brother


  them the year before, ”可知,和“我”住在一起的除了祖母和父母外,还有我的两个哥哥。所以,选择B.brothers.

  D 动词辨析。A. divided“分开”B. admitted“承认,准许进入”C. locked“锁”D. crowded“拥挤,挤”,文章此部分主要讲“我”的家经济上并不富裕,所以一家人“挤”着住在一个由两辆破车改造而成的家里。故只能填D. crowded.

  D名词辨析。根据该主句后because引导的原因状语从句“because I had seen my older brother


  them the year before”可知,“我”从“我”的哥哥前一年穿的衣服就知道,今年“我”要穿什么了。所以该空填名词D.clothes.

  C 动词ing辨析。“我”知道“我”将要穿什么衣服,通过看哥哥前一年“穿”什么,故答案为C.wearing.

  B 动词辨析。“我”知道“我们”在冬天“吃”什么,因为“我”在夏天已在菜园里种下了种子。所以,该空选择B.eating.

  B动词辨析。 A. developed“发展,”B. planted“种植”C. polluted“污染”D. poisoned“下毒,毒害”,冬天能吃上的东西,显然是在夏天的时候已经“种”上了,所以答案定为B.planted.

  D副词辨析。A. Meanwhile“同时”B. Therefore“所以”C. Besides“此外”D. However“然而”,此空副词的选择,要考虑上下文的逻辑关系,上文主要讲“我”的家境贫寒,但该句的句意为“‘我’并不觉得穷。”所以,填D.However,表示转折。

  A动词辨析。A. cooked“煮,做饭”B. Earned“赚得,挣得”C. washed“洗”D. sold“卖”,由上文“No king ever ate as good as we did”(皇帝也没我们吃的好),所以该处应是祖母为“我们”“做”的意大利面和现烤的面包。此空正确答案为A.cooked.

  D连词辨析。A. Unless“除非” B. Since“因为,自从…以来”C. When“当…的时候” D. Although“虽然,尽管”,该句的句意为:“虽然‘我们’有的东西不多,但‘我’记得父母和祖母给了‘我’很多。”所以,选 D. Although来引导让步状语从句。

  C动词辨析。A. chatting“聊天”B. communicating“交流”C. sharing“分享”D.exchanging“交换”,该段主要讲述“我们”乐于分享,由该段中“We never felt


  than when we shared what we were given.”(“我们”在分享所被给予的东西时,最为快乐。)可知,该空应填C.sharing.

  A动词辨析。A. visited“拜访,访问”B. warned“警告,提醒”C. supposed“假设,认为”D. saved“救,节省”,根据文意显然是每个“客人”到“我”家都会得到一盘意大利面或是一罐菜或是一个装满了花的花盆。“客人”即everyone who visited our family(拜访我们的人),所以选A.visited.

  D名词辨析。A. basket“篮子”B. cup“杯子”C. spoon“匙,一勺”D. plate“盘子”,根据常识,我们往往用盘子来装意大利面,故选D. plate.

  B动词辨析。A. opened“打开”B. shone“发光,闪耀”C. hurt“伤害”D. glanced“一瞥”,该句讲的是“我”的父母无论何时在给别人东西时,他们的眼神都是明亮的。所以,此空填B. Shone.


  B名词辨析。A. face“面孔” B. smile“笑容” C. band“乐队” D. figure“体型”,该句主句部分讲到要分享笑容,所以if引导的条件句语意应为:“如果你的‘笑容’甜美的话,”故答案为 B. smile.

  D形容词辨析。 A. convenient “方便的”B. contemporary“同时代的,当代的” C. vital“至关重要的”D. special“特殊的”,此空要选一形容词来修饰名词“天赋”,要分享的天赋,自然应是“独特的,特殊的”才有必要与人分享。所以,要选D. Special.

  A连词辨析。A. until“直到…才”B. after“在…之后”C. because“因为”D.if“如果”,该句句意:“生命只有在它成为礼物后,它才算真正地活过。”即“直到…才”,所以答案定为 A. until.


  VI 阅读理解 (共10小题, 每小题2分, 满分20分)

  阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


  When I was ten my dad helped me buy my first ten-speed bicycle from Allen. I put up $60 of my grass cutting and snow shoveling (铲) moneand my dad put up the other half I would pay him back over the next six months. Although it was not in the latest style, it was my ticket to the adult world.

  I spent that summer and autumn riding happily. My sister Liz, a prisoner(囚犯,俘虏) of her five-speed bicycle, never had a chance to keep up. Just before the Christmas deadline to pay my dad back, we were hit with several snowstorms. This allowed me to shovel enough driveways (车道) to pay off my debt was now officially a bike owner; it was a feeling unlike any other.

  On that Christmas morning, my dad gave me a used portable (便携式的) record player was excited. However, my joy was short-lived after my dad called my sister to the kitchen. “We have one more gift for you. ” he said as he opened the door that led to the garage. There, on the steps, stood a new ten-speed bicycle.

  “It’s not fair,” I complained. “I worked so hard for my bike, and it’s not even new. Then Liz gets a new bike. She didn’t have to do anything for it. ” My dad smiled. “She didn’t have to do anything for it because it’s not really for her,” he said. What did that mean? I didn’t want her bike.

  By spring Liz and I were tiding all over town together now that she could keep up. As we grew, Liz and I became true friends.

  Still I wasn’t smart enough to figure out what my dad meant until years later. That new bike was not a gift for Liz — it was a gift for me. He’d given me the gift of my sister’s company, the ability to stay together rather than drift apart (逐渐疏远 in the face of my ability to travel. He gave me my best friend.

  What do we know about the author’s bike?

  A. It was worth $120.

  B. Allen bought it for him.

  C. It was very fashionable.

  D. He didn’t like it actually.

  Why did the author think he was officially a bike owner?

  A. He had paid off his debt.

  B. He had learned to ride a bike.

  C. He could also own Liz’s bike.

  D. He could sell his bike to Liz.

  Why was the author’s Christmas joy short-lived?

  A. His sister got a new record player.

  B. His father didn’t care about him.

  C. The record player wasn’t new.

  D. His sister got a better gift.

  Hearing his father say “it’s not really for her (Paragraph 4)”, the author probably felt ________.

  A. moved

  B. satisfied

  C. puzzled

  D. disappointed

  The author finally realized that ________.

  A. the new bike actually belonged to him

  B. the new bike wasn’t bought by his father

  C. his father actually gave him a more valuable gift

  D. his father loved his sister more as a matter of fact








  试题分析:“我”和妹妹在圣诞节收到了父亲给的不同的礼物,“我”当时觉得很不公平,随着年岁的增长,A细节推理题。根据第二段“ This allowed me to shovel enough driveways (车道) to pay off my debt was now officially a bike owner;”可推知,在付清欠父亲的钱之后,“我”才觉得自己是车子的正式主人。

  D推理判断题。通过文章第三、四段可知“我”的妹妹Liz 得到了一辆新自行车,她并没为此做出任何努力,所以“我”觉得不公平,而这种情绪终结了“我”圣诞节的快乐。所以,正确答案为D.

  C推理判断题。根据第四段“What did that mean? I didn’t want her bike.”可知,当时,“我”是不明白父亲的用意的。故选C.puzzled.

  C推理判断题。根据文章最后一句话“He’d given me the gift of my sister’s company, the ability to stay together rather than drift apart (逐渐疏远 in the face of my ability to travel. He gave me my best friend. ”可看出,父亲给了“我”妹妹的陪伴、与人亲近沟通的能力及最好的朋友。所以说他给了“我”更有价值的礼物。故正确答案为C.



  Do you love music? I’d like to introduce you to a band today. The Lumineers is a band based in Denver, Colorado. The group released its first album The Lumineers in April, 2017. Recently, the record went gold, meaning 500, 000 copies had been sold. That is really a large number. Critics have mostly praised the album The Lumineers. Some have called the album’s sound “expansive”, and its songs “creative”.

  The most popular song from the album is Ho, Hey. It is Number One on three Billboard singles charts: rock, adult Pop and alternative. A lot of people think of Ho, Hey as a love song. And The Lumineers say it is. But lead singer and guitarist (吉它手) Wesley Schultz says it is also about his personal struggles when he was living and working in New York City

  The three members of The Lumineers were excited when asked to perform at the Grammy nominations (提名) concertBut they were also very surprised when they were named as Grammy nominees. The band is up for(被提名Grammy awards as Best New Artist and Best Americana Album. Drummer Jeremiah Fraites told reporters, “We had no idea. ”

  Jeremiah Fraites and Wesley Schultz grew up in New Jersey and have been playing music together for about eight years. They found cellist (大提琴手) Neyla Pekareka native of Denver, after they moved to that city. Neyla Pekarek told one reporter that the band’s style developed naturally. She said it came from a lot of writing, experimenting and making changes to let the lyrics tell the stories they were meant to tell.

  We leave you with one of those stories. This is Stubborn Love from the album The Lumineers. Hope you’ll enjoy their staging.

  What do we know about the album The Lumineers from Paragraph 1?

  A. It includes some old songs.

  B. It didn’t sell well at first.

  C. It was released recently.

  D. It is a great success.

  By listening to Ho, Hey, we can learn something about ________.

  A. Wesley Schultz’s struggles in New York City

  B. the happy times of Wesley Schultz as a singer

  C. three Billboard singles charts in New York City

  D. a touching love story that happened in New York City

  What is implied about The Lumineers in Paragraph 3?

  A. They didn’t expect they would be nominated Grammy awards.

  B. They didn’t want to perform at the Grammy nominations concert.

  C. They were very calm when told they were nominated Grammy awards.

  D. They were surely to win the Grammy award for Best Americana Album.

  What is this passage mainly about?

  A. People’s opinions on the album The Lumineers.

  B. The struggles of a band named The Lumineers.

  C. A song from a famous band in the United States.

  D. A band that has been nominated Grammy awards.

  Where is this passage probably taken from?

  A. A newspaper.

  B. A radio program.

  C. A magazine.

  D. A textbook







  A推理判断题。根据第三段的对该乐队所用的描述性的语句“…excited when asked to perform at the Grammy nominations (提名) concert. …very surprised when they were named as Grammy nominees. The band is up for(被提名) Grammy awards as Best New Artist and Best Americana Album. Drummer Jeremiah Fraites told reporters, “We had no idea.”,此间出现重点词汇告诉我们,乐队对被格莱美奖说提名感到“吃惊”,此前他们“没想到”会得到提名;而对于被邀请在格莱美提名音乐会上演出,他们感到“激动”。所以,正确答案为A.

  D主旨大意题。针对该题,一是要立足全文的角度考虑文章大意,二是要寻找选项的中心词(A. opinions



  C. A song

  D. A band)。通读全文可知,文章主要讲的是The Lumineers这个乐队,故正确答案为选项中心词为band的D.选项。

  B推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“We leave you with one of those stories. This is Stubborn Love from the album The Lumineers. Hope you’ll enjoy their staging.”语意:“在结束之际,我们为大家奉上The Lumineers专辑里的一首歌--固执的爱,希望你能喜欢。”,这显然是电台用语,所以文章出处应选B.A radio program.


  VII.书面表达 以英文报纸为主; 偶尔简单的故事书……;几乎没有经典类的英语读物

  原因分析 1. 阅读时间少;

  2. 没有养成阅读英语的习惯;

  3. 词汇量小, 认为经典类太难, 没有尝试或不感兴趣……

  未来打算 ……

  注意:1. 根据所给提示, 适当发挥, 要求内容充实, 语意连贯。

  2. 词数120-150。开头和结尾已经写好, 不计入总词数。

  3. 参考词汇:

  英语课外阅读 English extracurricular reading;

  经典英语读物classic English books.

  Dear John,

  Thank you for your email. Now I would like to tell you something about my English reading in senior high school. ____________________________________________________________________________________


  Best wishes!


  Li Hua


  One possible version:

  Dear John,

  Thank you for your email. Now I would like to tell you something about my English extracurricular reading in senior high school. Usually I am only asked to read some newspapers. Sometimes I just read some simple English stories or magazines to relax myself. But I have never read classic English books.

  Do you know why?The reasons are as follows. First, since entering senior high school, I have been burdened with so much homework that my reading time is very limited. Besides, I haven’t formed a habit of reading English. Lastly, the number of the English words I have mastered is less than 3000. I think the classic English books are too difficult to understand and so I even haven’t had a try.

  However, reading is important for our English learning. It can not only enlarge our English vocabulary but show us a colorful world. Especially it helps us to think better in English and learn English better. So I decide to read English widely, ranging from simple English stories to classic English books.



  Besides,Lastly的准确使用使文章条理清楚、逻辑性强。难能可贵的是文章使用了“as follows”,“have been burdened with”,“ the number of …is limited”,“too difficult to understand ”,“reading is important for…”,“not only enlarge … but show …”,“…, ranging from simple English stories to classic English books”,大量短语、固定句式和多变的句式彰显了该生扎实的基本功和较高的语言应用能力,为文章增色不少,自然会增加不少得分点。


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