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发布时间:2017-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1.(2016·浙江高考)I made up my mind I would find out________ was good in my present situation.

  2.(2016·浙江高考)College is________you meet your bridesmaids,neighbors,and potential bosses.

  3.(2016·江苏高考)It is often the case ________anything is possible for those who hang on to hope.

  4.(2016·天津高考)The manager put forward a suggestion


  we should have an assistant.There is too much work to do.

  5.(2016·北京高考)Your support is important to our work.________you can do helps.

  6.(2016·北京高考)The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is ________one can be entirely dust.

  7.(2016·四川高考)Dreaming about whether you would want to read minds,see through walls,or have superhuman strength may sound silly,but it actually gets to the heart of

  ________ really matters in your life.

  8.(2016·全国Ⅰ)We now realize ________ important family is and how important to be near them, especially when you’re raising children.

  9.(2016·全国Ⅱ)Members leave books on park benches and buses, in train stations and coffee shops.________ finds their book will go to the site and record where they found it.

  10.(2016·全国Ⅱ)The journey was intended to achieve more than ________Captain Robert Falcon Scott had done.



  After a decade at the publishing company, I was fired.I had worked so hard for so long.I was always doing my job

  ,clawing my way up the ladder.And

  ? Doing these things had


  me.in the end,very little of lasting value.I wondered what would happen if I let it all go—didn’t look for a job,didn’t keep my


  My husband thought it was a great idea.“Just

  ,” he said.As a serious windsurfer, he suggested I try the sport as a path to clarity.I had windsurfed before , but only in

  water.I didn’t like high winds.I didn’t like going fast—that was

  .But I wanted to abandon the past.My

  was to do nothing but read and windsurf every day.I wanted to feel the fear and do it anyway.I wanted to learn how to ride the currents,and I couldn’t think of a better way than to

  myself to the invisible,ever-shifting wind.

  I decided to sail at Swell City, a favorite outpost on the Washington side of the Columbia.That July

  to be one of the windiest months on record.I grew to find that what I was doing did

  for my standing in the world.It won me no friends.Then again,I was


  One day, a friend and her l5-year-old son came,and after I explained my

  , he said the simplest.but most profound thin9:“It’s all in the

  .” This kid had windsurfed only three times ,

  he knew the secret.“If you go out there knowing you’re going to

  it,you will,”he continued.“But if you go out there afraid you’ll get hurt , you will.” I smiled at him.Wasn’t that

  the same problem I’d encountered in life? I’d always been terrified l wouldn’t reach the goal or


  the job.I knew I had to let that fear go.And slowly I did.

  The wind wanted nothing from me.It cared not at all about my ambition or accomplishments.It

  me that the beauty of life is in the trying.And that’s where I am:still trying for the turnaround.in life and in the


  .A.breathlessly B.hopelessly C.aimlessly D.carelessly

  .A.what for B.how come C.so what D.why not

  .A.encouraged B.praised C.impressed D.earned

  .A.modest B.secret C.previous D.frustrated

  .A.continue B.stop C.travel D.read

  .A.violent B.deep C.calm D.icy

  .A.scary B.tough C.boring D.amazing

  .A.promise B.job C.regret D.plan

  .A.devote B.help C.treat D.limit

  .A.turned out B.set out C.picked out D.carried out

  .A.anything B.everything C.nothing D.something

  .A.satisfied B.terrified C.touched D.embarrassed

  .A.problem B.guilt C.dream D.fantasy

  .A.health B.action

  、 C.attitude D.behavior

  .A.so B.yet C.or D.for

  .A.shake B.make C.name D.serve

  .A.merely B.precisely C.approximately D.rarely

  .A.lose B.quitC.offer D.land

  .A.warned B.reminded C.challenged D.puzzled

  .A.marriage B.family C.sky D.wind



  【重庆市南开中学2017届高三7月月考】“Mommy! Call I go and play outside with Danny? Please? I promise l will only play in the shade!” Kelly said.

  What hurt her mother was only being able to stand aside when her daughter needed her most.“Kelly…I’m really sorry.You can’t go.I’m too concerned about you. You might accidentally go in the sun,which means we have to get you to hospital again.”Kelly was allergic to the sun.The doctor said it was incurable.

  Kelly looked outside where her brother Danny was playing.Why did she have to be allergic to the sun? Why?

  Kelly’s mother closed her eyes and she pointed upstairs where Kelly’s bed was.“Go to bed.”she said.Kelly had tears in her eyes.She forced her legs up the stairs and buried her face in her pillow.She wanted Danny to come back , for he could tell her stories about birds and squirrels.She waited,and soon he did come and told her about a blue bird he had seen.Kelly often wondered what a bird looked like.She was really curious about the birds in the yard.Maybe she could find out herself someday.

  The next day, Danny entered Kelly’s room again to tell her what he had seen.She wasn’t there.He called again and again but no one replied.He searched anxiously around and saw a body.His eyes widened.It couldn’t be.Was it what he thought it was? Was it…Kelly? With shaking hands,Danny turned over the body.He screamed.It was Kelly.Her skin was swollen and had ugly rashes(皮疹)all over.She was holding a pencil in her right hand.And in her left hand was an almost finished picture of a bird , below which he found some words which read:“I finally get to see you.I will always remember you and love your nature no matter what.”

  1.Why did Kelly want to go outside?

  A.To take pictures.

  B.To tell stories.

  C.T0 100k at animals.

  D.To walk in sunshine.

  2.Where did Danny possibly find Kelly the next day?

  A.In the yard.

  B.In the kitchen.

  C.In the basement.

  D.In the living room.

  3.Kelly can be best described as __________.

  A.innocent and helpful

  B.delicate and cautious

  C.curious and determined

  D.sensitive and thoughtful


  【2016·广西桂林、崇左市高三下学期4月联合考试】A recent survey in the United States showed that the average family spent more money on its pets than on its children.Although rather shocking,it should not surprise anyone who has seen the doggy parlours(客厅) where loved pets rest.Are Americans unique in treating their little friends in this way?

  No,the English,too,pay more attention to their pets.

  This can clearly be seen when we look at pet foods,which often contain more vitamins than human food.They certainly cost much.Last year the British public spent two hundred million pounds on pet food alone,to say nothing of veterinary bills or animal furniture.It is difficult not to feel angry about this when considering what the same amount could do for victims of starvation and poverty,so it’s not unusual for me to get hot under collar when I read an old man left all his money to his dog instead of his children.

  There are a variety of reasons why I find pets-raising alarming.They cause physical problems.An example of this is New York where they have great difficulty getting rid of the mess that dogs leave on the streets.Many people find this funny,but in a number of large cities it is a major problem.Animals can cause disease,too.It is the threat of babies—a disease with no known cure.

  Another problem is the carelessness of pet owners.Most little children want a dog or a cat,and they continually push their mothers and fathers until they get one.It is only when the “sweet little thing” has been brought home that the parents realize how much time and money must be spent on “Rover” or “Bonzo”.Then they just abandon it.As a result,they are allowed to run free.English farmers lose hundreds of sheep a year,killed by someone’s pet and you must have read of children being hurt by some pets of their own.

  Lastly,I would only suggest that we have got our priorities wrong and that something should be done about it.In my view,it’s time we stopped being sentimental about pets.I can see no reason why we should get upset when animals are cut up for medical experiments.This will lead us to discovering cures for serious human diseases,then I say,“keep cutting!”

  .The doggy parlours are mentioned in the 1st paragraph to show ________.

  A.what costly lives the pets are living

  B.where Americans keep their pets

  C.why children love their pets so much

  D.how much pets depend on their masters

  .In the second paragraph “to get hot under the collar” probably means ________.

  A.getting quite hot

  B.becoming excited

  C.feeling extremely angry

  D.receiving a fashionable shirt

  .According to the author,in which field can animals be most useful?





  .What is the author’s attitude towards pets-raising?






  【安徽省“皖南八校”2016届高三第二次联考】 Victoria Avenue School supports the Walking School Bus initiative(倡议) a safe,healthy and fun way for children to walk to and from school, guided by a registered group of parents. If you and your child would be interested in joining one of our buses we would love to hear from you.

  Bell Road route

  This is a morning bus with over 30 walkers! The route is as follows: Starts at 14 Bell Road, down Scherf Road, crosses Portland Road into Ingram Street, left into Spencer Street then to school. Please call Vanessa McNaught at 5234529.

  Lingarth / Mahoe route

  This bus runs morning and afternoon. It departs from the corner of Combes Road and Lingarth Street at 8:10 am. There are two routes-one goes along Lingarth Street and the other along Mahoe Avenue and Manawa Road at 8:25 am. The bus continues up Manawa Road, turns right into Victoria Avenue, and goes down Dragon Drive. At the end of the school day all walkers meet at the bottom of Dragon Drive, leaving school at approximately 3:10 pm.

  Please contact Toko Kofoed tokofoed@gmail. com.

  Shore Road route

  We gather together at Hapua Reserve at 8:15 am and depart at 8:20 am. We walk along Shore Road to Stirling Street and then up Stirling Street to school. Please contact Nicky Hall nicky. hall@simpsongrierson. com.

  Spencer Street starwalkers

  The route begins at the crossing of Aldred Road and Spencer Street leaving at 8:20 am.The bus then crosses Glenbrook Street and continues along Spencer Street reaching the school.

  Please contact Victoria Nicholls victorian@ pascoes. co. nz.

  Shera Road route

  Currently this bus is not running.

  Those living in Shera Road, Leys Crescent and Portland Road are welcome to register your interest in taking this bus. We hope to have the bus running in the autumn, when it will travel along Portland Road, up Ingram Street and left into Spencer Street. Pease call Vanessa McNaught at 5234529.

  8. Part of Bell Road route is similar to


  A. Lingarth/Mahoe route

  B. Shera Road route

  C. Shore Road route

  D. Spencer Street starwalkers

  9. In the afternoon,

  a student taking the bus of Lingarth/Mahoe route may go along _


  A. Combes Road

  Lingarth Street

  Mahoe Avenue

  Manawa Road

  B. Combes Road-

  Mahoe Avenue

  Manawa Road

  Dragon Drive

  C. Dragon Drive

  Victoria Avenue

  Manawa Road

  Mahoe Avenue

  D. Dragon Drive

  Manawa Road

  Victoria Avenue

  Lingarth Street

  10. Who might be most interested in the text?

  A. Bus drivers.

  B. Local walkers.

  C. Tourists.

  D. Parents.


  You know that you have everything to be thankful for:a loving family,a pretty good job,and a healthy working body.Still,you keep feeling that what you have just isn’t enough.Sure,you can be happier by making some life changes.

  It will make you more likely to start enjoying that sunshine instead of complaining about sunburn.

  Live in the present.

  The people who are the happiest with their lives are able to enjoy and embrace the present moment.

  Focus on what the day will bring you instead of what happened yesterday or what you’ll be able to change about tomorrow.

  Though your life may not be perfect in the moment,there are surely some things that you can be very grateful for,whether it’s your loving family,your amazing friends,your health,your cool new job,or your amazing home.You probably don’t have all of these things but surely there are a few things you can remind yourself to be grateful for every single day.

  Stop comparing yourself to others.

  Stop thinking about how big your neighbor’s house is,how great your friend Jack’s job is,or how perfect your best friend’s relationship is.You’ll never get anywhere if you compare yourself to others.

  Hang out with people who are content with their lives.

  Surround yourself with people who are good influences.They will show you that there are a variety of ways to be happy,and will maybe even give you some tips for how to approach difficult situations.

  They are more likely to come up with some reasons to be unhappy.

  A.Be grateful for what you have.

  B.What if there is a major obstacle standing in your way?

  C.Take some time to enjoy exactly what you’re doing right now.

  D.The easiest way to be content with your life is to adj ust yourself positively.

  E.Avoid people looking for reasons to be upset with their life.

  F.But if you drop comparing completely,you’ll only be doing yourself a favour.

  G.Get regular exercise with friends every day.

  V.书面表达 (满分 30分)

  【重庆市南开中学2017届高三7月月考】 假如你是某校学生李华,你和父母寒假去澳大利亚旅游,报名参加了当地旅行社Sky Travel Agency的一日团。一日团结束后,导游Mike请你写下对当日旅游服务的意见。要点如下:




  注意:(1) 词数l00左右;

  (2) 在答题卡上作答;

  (3) 开头和结尾均已给出 (不计入总词数)。

  To whom it may concern,

  I have been thoroughly impressed with the service I have received.____________________


  Yours, Li Hua


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