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发布时间:2017-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  4.现在完成时和一般过去时的区别   ①两者都可表示过去发生过的动作,但前者表示的是过去的动作对现在的影响,而后者则只是表示过去有这一动作的事实。   He locked the door.  他锁过门。(但现在门是开是锁不清楚。)   He has locked the door.  他把门锁上了。(现在门是锁着的。)   Who turned on the light?  谁开的灯?(着眼开灯的动作,不管现在灯是开是关。)   Who has turned on the light?  谁把灯打开了?(着眼开灯的结果,即现在灯还亮着。)   ②两者都可表示过去开始并延续了一段时间的动作,现在完成时表示该动作仍在继续,而一般过去时则说明该动作现已终止。   He has lived in Beijing for four years.  他在北京住了四年了。(现在仍住那儿)   He lived in Beijing for four years.  他曾在北京住了四年。(现在不住那儿了)

  B.过去完成时   过去完成时的动作须在过去某一时间之前发生,即发生在“过去的过去”。

  1.过去完成时的构成  过去完成时是由“had+过去分词”构成的。   Soon I realized I had made a serious mistake.   我很快就意识到我犯了一个严重的错误。   The man sitting beside me on the plane was very nervous. He had not flown before.   飞机上坐在我旁边的人很紧张,他以前从没乘过飞机。   Had he gone home when you arrived? 你到的时候他已经回家了吗?

  2.过去完成时的用法   ①“已完成”用法  表示某一动作或状态在过去某一时间之前或过去某一动作之前已经完成。句中常用by引导的时间状语或以 before, until, when, than等词引导的内含一般过去时的时间状语从句。    By 5:00 yesterday morning we had done that work.    到昨天早上5点钟时,我们已经做完了那件工作。   He had just finished sweeping the classroom when the teacher returned from the office.   老师从办公室回来时,他刚把教室打扫完。   They came earlier than we had expected.  他们到得比我们预料的要早。   I had learnt 5000 words before I entered the university.   我在进大学之前就已学了5000个单词。   It rained yesterday after it had been dry for many months.   旱了好几个月之后,昨天下雨了。   注意:  在包含before和after的复合句中,因为从句动作和主句动作发生的先后顺序已经非常明确,可以用一般过去时代替过去完成时。   The train (had) started before I reached the station.  在我到达车站之前,列车已经开了。   After he (had) arrived in England, Marx worked hard to improve his English.   马克思到达英格兰之后,努力提高他的英语水平。   ②“未完成”用法   表示一个动作或状态在过去某一时刻之前就已开始,一直持续到这一过去时间,还可能再持续下去。   Up to that time all had gone well.  直到那时一切都很顺利。   John and Jane had known each other for a long time before their marriage.   约翰和简在结婚前就认识很长时间了。   She said she had made much progress since she came here.   她说自从她到这儿后已取得了很大的进步。   ③“想象性”用法   过去完成时有时表示一种未实现的愿望或想法,主要用在if引导的和过去事实相反的条件句以及wish, as if引导的从句中。   If she had worked hard, she would have succeeded.   要是她努力的话,她就会成功了。(事实上她没努力,也没成功。)   I wish I had gone with you to the concert.  我要是和你一起去音乐会就好了。   The two strangers talked as if they had been good friends for many years.   那两个陌生人交谈起来就像是多年的老朋友。    ④表示“刚刚……就……”  过去完成时常用在hardly/scarcely/barely ... when..., no sooner ... than ... 等结构中,表示“刚刚……就……”。   Hardly had he begun to speak when the audience interrupted him.   他刚开始演讲,听众就打断了他。   No sooner had he arrived than he went away again.  他刚到就又走了。 提示:  intend, mean, hope, want, plan, suppose, expect, think等动词的过去完成时可以用来表示一个本来打算做而未做的事。   I had meant to come, but something happened.  我原本打算来的,但有事发生了。   I had intended to call on you, but was prevented from doing so.   我本打算去看你的,但没能去成。   They had wanted to help but couldn't get here in time.  他们原想帮忙的,但没能及时赶到这里。

  3.过去完成时与一般过去时的比较   一般过去时表示过去时间的动作或状态。过去完成时表示的动作或状态发生在一般过去时表示的动作或状态之前,因此它表示的是“比过去更过去”。   I returned the book that I had borrowed.  我已归还了我借的书。   He didn't know a thing about the verb, for he had not studied his lessons.   他对动词一无所知,因为他没有好好学习功课。   I had been at the bus stop for 20 minutes when a bus finally came.   我在车站等了20分钟车才来。   C.将来完成时   1.将来完成时的构成   将来完成时的构成是由“shall/ will + have +过去分词”构成的。   Before long he will have forgotten all about the matter.   不久他就会全然忘记这件事的。   He is somebody now. He will not have remembered his old classmates.   他现在是一个有身份的人了,他可能不会记得老同学了。   Will you have known Kevin for 10 years next month? 到下个月你认识凯文该有10年了吧?   2. 将来完成时的用法   ①表示在将来某一时间之前已完成的动作,并往往对将来某一时间产生影响。   We shall have learned 12 units by the end of this term.   到这个学期末,我们将学完12个单元。   By the time you get home I will have cleaned the house from top to bottom.

    你到家之前我将把房子彻底打扫一遍。   Will you soon have finished laying the table?  你会很快摆放好餐桌吗?   注意:  在时间状语从句中,不用将来完成时,要用现在完成时来代替。    When I have finished that, I shall have done all I am supposed to do.   等我做完这件事时,我就做完我该做的所有的事了。   Please don't get off the bus until it has stopped.  请待车停稳了再下车。   ②表示推测   You will have heard of this, I guess.  我想你已经听说过这件事了。   I am sure he will have got the information.  我相信他一定得到了这个信息。四、完成进行时   完成进行时是完成时和进行时的结合,包括现在完成进行时和过去完成进行时。     A. 现在完成进行时

  1.现在完成进行时的构成     现在完成进行时是由“have/has been + 现在分词”构成的。   He is ill. He's been lying in bed for three weeks.   他病了,已经卧床3个星期了。   Your eyes are red. Have you been crying?  你眼睛红了。你刚刚哭过了吗?   What have you been doing all this time?  这半天你干什么来着?

  2.现在完成进行时的用法         ①表示动作从过去某时开始,一直延续到现在   现在完成进行时常和all this time, this week, this month, all night, all the morning, recently等状语以及since和for引导的状语连用。   I have been reading Hemingway's Farewell to Arms recently.   我最近一直在读海明威的《永别了,武器》。   She has been reciting the words all the morning.  她整个上午都在背单词。   This is what I have been expecting since my childhood.   这是我从小以来就一直期待着的事情。   ②表示动作刚刚结束   My clothes are all wet. I've been working in the rain.  我的衣服全湿了,我刚才一直在雨中干活。   He is dead drunk. He's been drinking with his friends.  他烂醉如泥,他刚才一直在和朋友们喝酒。   ③表示一个近期内时断时续、重复发生的动作   You've been saying that for five years.  这话你已经说了五年了。   He has been writing articles to the newspapers and magazines since he became a teacher.   自从任教以来,他一直在为报刊杂志撰稿。   ④表达较重的感情色彩   What have you been doing to my dictionary?  看你把我的字典弄成什么样子了!   Time has been flying so quickly!  时间过得可真快啊!   Too much has been happening today.  今天可真是个多事的日子。

  3.  现在完成进行时和现在完成时的比较   ①现在完成进行时可以表示动作的重复,而现在完成时一般不表示重复性。   Have you been meeting him recently?  你最近常和他见面吗?   Have you met him recently?  你最近见到过他吗?   ②现在完成进行时有时含有感情色彩,而现在完成时一般是平铺直叙。   I have been waiting for you for two hours.  我一直等了你两个小时。(可能表示不满)   I have waited for you for two hours.  我等了你两个小时。(说明一个事实)   ③现在完成进行时强调动作,而现在完成时强调结果。   Who has been eating the oranges?  谁一直在吃这些桔子呀?(还剩余一些)   Who has eaten the oranges?   谁把桔子吃光了?(强调吃得一个不剩)  B. 过去完成进行时

  1. 过去完成进行时的构成   过去完成进行时是由“had been + 现在分词”构成。   She had been suffering from a bad cold when she took the exam.   她在考试之前一直患重感冒。   Had they been expecting the news for some time?  他们期待这个消息有一段时间了吧?   Rafael was scolded even though he hadn't been doing anything wrong.   尽管拉斐尔没做什么错事,但他还是挨骂了。

  2. 过去完成进行时的用法 ①表示过去某一时间之前一直进行的动作 过去完成进行时表示动作在过去某一时间之前开始,一直延续到这一过去时间。和过去完成时一样,过去完成进行时也必须以一过去时间为前提。    I had been looking for it for days before I found it.   这东西我找了好多天才找着的。    They had only been waiting for the bus a few moments when it came.    他们只等了一会儿车就来了。   ②表示反复的动作   He had been mentioning your name to me.  他过去多次向我提到过你的名字。   You had been giving me everything.  你对我真是有求必应。   ③过去完成进行时还常用于间接引语中   The doctor asked what he had been eating.  医生问他吃了什么。   I asked where they had been staying all those days.   我问他们那些天是待在哪儿的。   ④过去完成进行时之后也可接具有“突然”之意的when 分句   I had only been reading a few minutes when he came in.  我刚看了几分钟他就进来了。   She'd only been reviewing her lessons for a short while when her little sister interrupted her.   她温习功课才一会儿,她妹妹就打断她了。

  3.过去完成进行时和过去完成时的比较   She had cleaned the office, so it was very tidy.   她已经打扫过办公室了,所以很整洁。(强调结果)   She had been cleaning the office, so we had to wait outside.   她一直在打扫办公室,所以我们不得不在外面等着。(强调动作一直在进行)


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