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发布时间:2017-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  Part I

  Listening Comprehension (30 marks)

  Section A (22.5 marks)

  Directions: In this section, you' hear 6 conversations between 2 speakers.For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by 3 choices marked A, B and C.Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question.

  You will hear each conversation TWICE.

  Conversation 1

  1.What is not mentioned in today’s newspaper?

  A.The weather. B.A robbery. C.A car accident.

  2.What does Mrs. Green say about the newspaper stories?

  A.They tell much about the world.

  B.They are always the same day after day.

  C.They are a good way of passing the time.

  Conversation 2

  3.How long will the man stay in Guilin?

  A.16 days. B.7 days. C.9 days.

  4.What has the man planned to do during the vacation?

  A.Shopping. B.Dancing. C.Boating.

  Conversation 3

  5.What did Karl Marx do according to the talk?

  A.He led some political movements.

  B.He gave some advice to language learners.

  C.He taught English in a school.

  6.Which of the following is TRUE?

  A.The woman is interested in political leaders.

  B.The woman decided to read the book finally.

  C.The man believes in Marxism.

  Conversation 4

  7.How often does the No. 1 bus run?

  A.Every 5 minutes. B.Ever 10 minutes. C.Every 15 minutes.

  8.How does John’s sister come?

  A.By car. B.By air. C.By train.

  9.When does John’s sister arrive?

  A.At 4:30. B.At 4:20. C.At 4:10.

  Conversation 5

  10.Where might the dialogue take place?

  A.In a small restaurant. B.At a party. C.At a night club.

  11.How many kinds of vegetables did the man order?

  A.Two. B.Three. C.Four.

  12.What drink did the man order?

  A.Milk. B.Wine. C.Coffee.

  Conversation 6

  13.What is Bob going to do tomorrow afternoon?

  A.To go back home.

  B.To try some sea food.

  C.To go to the science museum.

  14.What does Joan think of the science museum?

  A.She likes it very much.

  B.She has no interest in it.

  C.She doesn’t think much of it.

  15.Why does Joan suggest that Bob take a bus tour?

  A.Because it’s very dear and pleasant.

  B.Because it’s the best way to get to know the city.

  C.Because it’s one of the ways to tour the city.

  Section B(7.5 marks)

  Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage.Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard.Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

  You will hear the short passage TWICE.


  ·stay in good shape and 16.


  and appear friendly

  The second step Be more considerate:

  穊e interested in other people and what they.’re saying

  穕earn to 18.

  積ncourage others to talk about things which theyd ’re interested in

  The third step Using 19.


  穖ake eye contact while speaking, using 20.

  to show important points, and smiling to the person youa’re involved in a conversation with

  Part Ⅱ

  Language Knowledge (45 marks)

  Section A (15 marks)

  Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are 4 choices marked A,B, C and D.Choose one answer that best completes the sentence.

  The subway operator, Shanghai Shentong Mctro Group, apologized for the accident, and described the day as a dark day in Shanghai’s subway history,

  we will never forget.

  A.it B.one C.that D.what

  22.In no city,

  Kunming, as has been said, will one experience very slight climate variation in the four seasons.

  A.other than B.more than C.better than D.rather than


  on the portrait, mother was deep in thought.

  A.Fixed her eyes

  B.Her eyes are fixed

  C.Her eyes fixing

  D.Her eyes fixed

  24.The assignment seems not so tough to me. One more hour,

  I can finish it.

  A.or B.so C.不填 D.and

  25.There have been frequent railway accidents in China recently, and that is

  people are concerned.

  A.what B.where C.how D.that

  26.I am more than hungry now. Is there a restaurant around

  I can have a rich lunch?

  A.that B.which C.what D.where

  27.—Could you please give me some ideas about the problem?

  —Sorry. With so much work

  my mind, I almost break down.

  A.filled B.filling C.to fill D.being filled


  different life today is

  what it was 50 years ago.

  A.How; from B.What a; from C.What; from D.What; with


  in Super Girls that Duan Linxi became known to almost all teenagers.

  A.So successful her performance was B.So successful was her performance

  C.So her performance was successful D.So was her successful performance

  30.The teacher

  them, otherwise they’d never have been able to solve the problem.

  A.had helped

  B.helped C.have helped D.help

  31.A fantastic idea occurred to him that he could use a plastic bottle,

  cut off, as a container to grow young plants in.

  A.of which the top

  B.whose top

  C.the top of which

  D.with its top

  32.Now comes the announcement from Apple, one of the world’s best-known companies,

  Steve Jobs—who is considered a leading figure in both the computer and entertainment industries—passed away, shocking all of us.

  A.that B.which C.one D.what

  33.—Do we need to buy several more bottles of beer?

  —No, there are already ten, That

  be enough for us two.

  A.can B.may C.should D.might

  34.My brother used to sleep with the window

  and the light


  A.open; burning

  B.opened; burned

  C.opening; burning

  D.opening; burned

  35.—Did you have a good time meeting your old friends yesterday?

  —Yes, I did. I

  them since we graduated from college.

  A.didn’t see B.hadn’t seen C.haven’t seen D.wouldn’t see

  Section B (18 marks)

  Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are 4 words or phrases marked A, B, C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

  I asked that question and got a serious answer,


  that is with me still.

  First, I must tell you


  this happened, because the place has is power if its own. In Greece again. Near the village of Gonia on rocky bay of the island of Crete


  a Greek monastery(修道院). Alongside it, on land donated by the monastery, is institute


  human understanding and peace, and especially to rapprochement (友好关系的重建) between Germans and Cretans. An improbable task, given the bitter residue(后遗影响) of wartime.

  Against this heavy curtain of history, in this place where the stone of


  is hard and thick, the existence of an institute devoted to healing the wounds of war is a fragile paradox(自相矛盾的荒谬说法). How has it come to be here? The answer is a man. Alexander Papaderos.

  A doctor of philosophy, teacher, politician, resident of Athens


  a son of this soil. At war’s end he came to believe that the Germans and t he Cretans had much to give one another梞uch to


  one another and that they had an example to set.


  if they could forgive each other and construct a creative relationship, then any people could.

  dTo make a lovely story short. Papaderos succeeded. The institute became


  梐 econference ground on the site of horror梐nd dit was in fact a source of productive interactions


  the two countries. Books have been written on the dreams that were


  by what people gave to people for a summer session.


  had become a living legend.

  36.A.one B.the one C.as D.so

  37.A.why B.where C.when D.how

  38.A.has B.there was C.sits D.being

  39.A.dedicated to B.resulted from C.due to D.adapted to

  40.A.the building B.hatred C.the monastery D.happiness

  41.A.or B.either C.but D.therefore

  42.A.argue with B.compete with C.distinguish with D.learn from

  43.A.For B.However C.Even D.As

  44.A.a theory B.a reality C.a myth D.a puzzle


  B.by C.between D.for

  46.A.got B.lost C.dreamt D.realized

  47.A.The monastery B.The Germans C.The Cretans D.Alexander Papaderos

  Section C (12 marks)

  Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.

  After selling piggy banks for more than a year 48.

  suddenly dawned on me—why are they called piggy banks? What does a pig have to do 49.

  saving money? A pig would be the 50.

  animal you’d associate with saving! Why not bunny banks 51.

  doggy banks and for that matter, why an animal at 52.

  I Additionally, piggy bank sounds like it was intended as a child’s item as how many adults would use a piggy bank for collecting change?

  To satisfy 53.

  curiosity, I did some piggy bank research and have learned some interesting things and thought I would share them with you.


  you well know, many, particularly ceramic(陶器的), piggy banks do not have an opening to remove the money. Now why is that? The theory goes that this is to serve as a lesson in finances for children. The piggy banks enables a child to save his money, but forces him to justify his spending as in order to access the money he needs to break his piggy bank. This lesson seems to have been forgotten by many adults! Maybe we should keep a piggy bank in our front foyer and deposit(存储) our loose change


  we come home each day!

  Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (30 marks)

  Directions: Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.


  The River Thames was once described as “biologically(生物学地) dead”. A waterway polluted with so much industrial waste that no wildlife could survive in it.

  But today it has become a thriving (繁荣的) natural habitat and a team of conservationists restoring the famous river have been offered a top environment award for their work.

  Ncarly 40 miles of the river have been improved in the last five years through almost 400 Environment Agency restoration projects. As a result, the river is now home to some 125 species of fish, while many others are returning. The river mouth supports shellfisheries and is a nursery ground(育苗场) for bass (鲈鱼) stocks, and the water quality of the Thames has improved.

  Alastair Driver, the Environment Agency’s national conservation manager, said that in the last 150 years, the Thames had been polluted seriously and that it had taken thousands of people decades to restore it to its current condition. “Strict regulations for polluting industries and our work with farmers, businesses and water companies to reduce pollution and improve water quality have helped to make the Thames a living river once again.” But he warned that the river’s recovery was still “fragile”, since it was under the pressure from a growing population and climate change. He said advanced projects and cooperation with various people and organizations aim at dealing with the problems the Thames faces and ensuring(确保) it still a famous river for

  many centuries to come.

  Actor, David Suchet, a skillful boater and chairman of the River Thames Alliance, said, “I am fortunate in my life to have traveled widely and enjoyed many other rivers worldwide. But the River Thames is priceless and it is one of the most glittering jewels in the crown of our English heritage.”

  Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, said, “The Thames is one of our most precious resources, so I am excited to see that efforts to improve and preserve its good health are being praised on the world stage.”

  The £ 220,000 prize, awarded at the International Rive Symposium in Australia, will go to the Thames Rivers Restoration Trust.

  56.Which one of the following statements is NOT true?

  A.The River Thames h as become a nursery ground now.

  B.The River Thames has been a well-known river in England.

  C.Many agencies took part in the restoration projects on the River Thames.

  D.The River Thames was once polluted by industrial waste.

  57.What can we learn about David Suchet?

  A.He said some factories have been regulated to reduce pollutants.

  B.He is an actor who is good at boating.

  C.He has traveled to al rivers in the world.

  D.He is a manager of the Environment Agency.

  58.What does the underlined word “fragile” in the fourth paragraph mean?

  A.Closely protected.

  B.Most visited.

  C.Easily damaged.

  D.Strongly praised.

  59.What was Boris Johnson’s attitude towards the honor?

  A.Excited. B.Moved. C.Concerned. D.Disappointed.

  60.According to the passage, all of the following statements are true EXCEPT


  A.people are trying to bring more life to the Thames nowadays

  B.the Mayor of London thinks the restoring work is worthwhile

  C.David Suchet thinks highly of the Thames

  D.Australia was also awarded in the competition


  Thoreau and other naturalists have praised the benefits of nature to your state of mind in their works, but there are some researches showing how nature makes you smarter. A study has found that exposure to the great outdoors improves cognitive(认知的) function. Experts have called this attention restoration therapy(注意力修复治疗).

  In the study, researchers from the University of Michigan asked a group of volunteers to complete a take designed to challenge memory and attention. The volunteers then took a walk in either a park or in downtown Ann Arbor. After the walk, volunteers returned to the lab and were retested on the task. The performance on the memory and attention task greatly improved in people following the walk in the park, but did not improve in those who walked downtown.

  Why nature makes you smarter? According to the experts, one reason has to do with how nature affects your attention. You have two types of attention. One is involuntary, where your attention is attracted by some stimuli(刺激物). And the other one is directed attention, where you control your attention. Directed attention is important for memory, resolving conflict and reducing absent mind.

  Being in nature exposes you to soothing stimuli that engages your involuntary attention. It gives your directed attention a rest and a chance to become renewed. When you are in a city, you are constantly vigilant(警觉的), your directed attention is turned on and cannot get a rest.

  Richard Luov created the term “nature deficit(缺乏) disorder disorder” to describe a condition of being so out of touch with nature that we lose humility, our spirituality, our humanity and we also are at higher risk of obesity(肥胖), depression and other disease. His first book, Last Child in the Woods, was about the negative effects of a nature deficit on children, but his new book. The Nature Principle, describes how adults are equally at risk if they seldom spend time with nature.

  If you can’t be in nature today, get a screen saver of nature. In another part of the study, people who were simply shown photos of nature did better on cognitive function than those shown urban images. But I think it will be better for you to go out and experience the real things.

  61.Which of the following probably belongs to the attention restoration therapy?

  A.Doing exercise in the gym.

  B.Reading Thoreau’s works at home.

  C.Jogging around in the shopping mall.

  D.Walking or running through a local park.

  62.From the second paragraph, we can learn all EXCEPT that


  A.the study was conducted by experts of University of Michigan

  B.the study is about people’s memory and attention

  C.the study indicates nature has a good effect on memory and attention

  D.the participants should walk in both the park and downtown

  63.According to the passage, when one is considered to engage your involuntary attention?

  A.Remembering things. B.Relaxing in nature.

  C.Solving problems.

  D.Being cautious.

  64.Which is the CORRECT information about Richard Luov?

  A.He found the reason for obesity.

  B.He wrote a book about children’s problems.

  C.He has published a new health book.

  D.He created a term to describe people who spend little time in nature.

  65.which of the following would the author highly advise readers to do?

  A.Get a picture of nature.

  B.Avoid watching urban images.

  C.Set your screen with an image of nature as the background.

  D.Go out and spend time in nature.


  Though much effort and many resources have been spent on protecting the endangered giant panda, research by an international team of scientists shows that much suitable panda habitat is outside the nature reserves and areas where the panda is reported to live.

  “This research can help the Chinese government and international nongovernmental organizations develop full strategic(战略上的) plans for more effective conservation of the panda,” said Jianguo “Jack” Liu, MSU University Distinguished Professor of fisheries and wildlife.

  “Overall, about 40 percent of the suitable habitat for pandas is inside the nature reserves,” said Andres Vina, a specialist. “But we have also identified potentially suitable habitat outside the reserves.”

  The giant panda is the rarest member of the bear family. Pandas once ranged throughout most of China, northern Vietnam and northern Myanmar. Today, fewer than 1,600 giant pandas live in the wild in three Chinese provinces; Gansu, Shanxi and Sichuan. Human actions—including logging(伐木), residential development and the expansion of farming—are considered the main reasons for the dramatic decrease of the giant panda’s habitat.

  The research team developed habitat models using geographical and environmental information gathered by satellites overlaid with information on panda occurrence. After analyzing six mountain regions in the three provinces where pandas are known to live, the scientists developed a habitat suitability index(索引) for the entire 48,328 square-mile area. The range-wide habitat analysis model gives the government and other agencies a new tool as they develop conservation strategies not only for pandas but also for many other endangered species.

  “The Chinese government plans to add about 69,500 square miles of land to the country’s nature reserve system between 2010 and 2020,” said Zhiyun Ouyang, director of the Lab of Urban and Regional Erology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing. “So opportunities exist to create new reserves, to expand existing reserves and to create pathways that increase the connectivity among the reserves. On the basis of our results, we suggest some new areas be included in China’s nature reserve system.”

  66.Which of the following is NOT true?

  A.China has made lots of efforts to protect the giant panda.

  B.Pandas live better only outside the nature reserves.

  C.More plans should be created to protect the giant pandas.

  D.Liu Jianguo is a professor who devotes himself to fisheries and wildlife.

  67.According to the passage, the giant pandas


  A.have the same living habit as bears

  B.are only suitable to live in Gansu, Shanxi and Sichuan

  C.will all be protected in the nature reserves

  D.are endangered mainly due to the damage to their habitat

  68.The purpose of developing habitat models is


  A.to know where pandas actually live in China

  B.to build a larger nature reserve for the pandas

  C.to develop conservation strategies for endangered species

  D.to give governments a warning

  69.The underlined word “overlaid” in the fifth paragraph probably means “


  A.covered B.connected C.coped D.varied

  70.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

  A.Zhiyun Ouyang hopes more areas will become nature reserves in China.

  B.China has about 69,500 square miles of nature reserves now.

  C.The existing reserves will remain the same.

  D.The existing reserves shouldn’t be expanded.

  Part Ⅳ Writing(45 marks)

  Section A (10 marks)

  Directions: Read the following passage.Fill in the numbered blanks by using the Information from the passage.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Prior to the explosive expansion of Home-based business opportunities, the usual work form home position normally involved an actual individual offering a service to the nearby community or neighborhood. This type of enterprise still needed a number of the logistical(逻辑的;运筹的) functions of standard small businesses, such as stocking inventory, sending orders, making sales calls, and so on. And for many, such as landscape design or shipping company, this also required having vehicles, equipment and also managing employees.

  Although these opportunities continue to exist currently, the growing unitization of the Internet has also opened yet another business opportunity, the Online based work form home business, in which the person hardly ever really will have to leave his or her home. Most of the regular duties stated earlier are no longer necessary. Products such as e-books and programs are generally transported to the client with the click of a mouse. Even “hard” goods such as bikes, video games, DVDs and flowers are often shipped by means of drop shippers and / or wholesalers therefore reducing the requirement for stocking and transporting. Business is able to be carried out over the phone as well as via email messages and therefore the possibilities appear to increase every day.

  Anyone having some type of computer, or simply, only access to one, can certainly have an Online-based home business.

  Alright, so what types of folks are searching for Internet based home business opportunities nowadays?

  In the past, Internet businesses have been generally created by an unsatisfied employee thinking they were not really getting compensated what they were truly worth and also, for just one of many good reasons, wanted to spend more of their time in their home. Many people wished for more suitable working hours or resented his or her manager. Although nowadays, increasingly more Online business owners want to supplement their regular income. For a few, the online enterprise may ultimately become their full time method of earning a living, as this work at home revenue gets more dependable. One other group of folks obtaining success on the Internet are actually individuals that don’t have a college degree or with no particular business schooling. As a result of turnkey not to mention automated characteristics of countless Internet businesses, positions which previously demanded official schooling or, at the very least, a basic knowledge of business, are becoming obsolete(过时的,淘汰的).

  These days, countless stay at home parents are discovering organizations that allow them to spend their time working as an affiliate marketer for a large business in an MULTI LEVEL MARKETING or network marketing opportunity. They are scheduling their own “convenient” working hours, but still carning enough money to pay the bills—and then some. To be able to remain in your own home to spend time with the family and other loved ones but still being productive seems to have made working an online home business a perfect opportunity for quite a few. For others, on the other hand, working a home business has allowed them to systematically fill that desire for self-employment that runs throughout the veins(脉) of more and more individuals, due to the enormous financial success currently being attained by numerous Online entrepreneurs!

  The Rising Attractiveness Of An 71.

  Previous work from home position 72.

  an actual individual offering a service

  needing 73.

  of standard small businesses

  requiring vehicles, equipment and also managing employees

  Online-based work persons 74.

  leaving home


  generally transported or shipped to the client

  online businesses able to be carried out very conveniently not only 76.

  but also over the phone


  Searching for Internet based home business opportunities unsatisfied employees not really getting compensated and


  to spend more of their time in their home

  owners wanting to supplement 79.

  As a result due to the enormous financial success currently being attained by numerous Online entrepreneurs, 80.

  Online businesses being done nowadays

  Section B (10 marks)

  Directions: Read the following passage.Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage.

  Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in lie. Because almost everything—all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure—these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

  About a year ago. I was diagnosed with cancer. The doctors told me this was almost certainly a type of cancer that is incurable, and that I should expect to live no longer than three to six months. My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order, which is doctor’s code for preparing to die. It means to try to tell your kids everything you thought you’d have the next 10 years to tell them in just a few months. It means to make sure everything is buttoned up so that it will be as easy as possible for your family. It means to say your goodbyes.

  I lived with that diagnosis all day. Later that evening I had the surgery and the doctors started crying because it turned out to be a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that is curable with surgery. And I’m fine now.

  This was the closes I’ve been to facing death, and I hope it’s the closest I get for a few more decades. Having lived through it, I can now say this to you with a bit more certainty than when death was a useful but purely intellectual concept:

  No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.

  81. What is the word for “unable to be cured” in the passage? (No more than 1 word) (2 marks)

  82. What happened to the author about one year ago? (No more than 5 words) (2 marks)

  83. What does the first paragraph tell us? (No more than 16 words) (3 marks)

  84. What does the author think of death? (No more than 11 words) (3 marks)

  Section C(25 marks)

  Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese.







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