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发布时间:2017-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  There is a holiday next week and I can't decide what to do. I have a lot of work to do __1__and this would be a good chance(机会) __2__. But I don't like __3__ the holiday in this way. I can work at home all the rest of the year. Last year I went__4__to the mountains. __5__ there was beautiful, but it is too cold this time of year. And it's really__6__ far to go for a short holiday. I decide __7__ this isn't a good time to__8__the mountains. But I__9__to go somewhere else.

  Perhaps this would be a good chance to go to the beach(海滨). I like to go for walks __10__ the seashore__11__ the warm sunshine and watch the water. It's only eight miles and I could get there__12__about two hours. After thinking it __13__, I am sure that this is a __14__ time for the seashore than __15__.

  1. A. at home

  B. at house

  C. in school

  D. in factory

  2. A. do it

  B. doing that

  C. to do it

  D. with that

  3. A. to pass

  B. to spend

  C. having

  D. asking

  4. A. the north

  B. or north

  C. north

  D. to north

  5. A. Nothing

  B. Everything C. Somebody

  D.A girl

  6. A. very

  B. enough

  C. rather

  D. too

  7. A. that

  B. what

  C. whether

  D. when

  8. A. go

  B. go to

  C. arrive

  D. leave

  9. A. do want

  B. shall want

  C. wanted

  D. am wanting

  10.A. on 

  B. by

  C. beside

  D. along

  11.A. on

  B. during

  C. in

  D. under

  12.A. in 

  B. for

  C. with

  D. after

  13.A. in

  B. out

  C. over

  D. on

  14.A. good

  B. fine

  C. better

  D. best

  15.A. home

  B. the mountains

  C. big cities

  D. country villages




  A。 根据下文的I can work at home all the rest of the time 可判断这里是at home。意思是“我家里有许多事要做”。

  C。 a good chance to do it 这里的to do it是不定式做后置定语

  B。 “度假”应用动词spend。

  C。 go south/north/west/east to somewhere意为朝着(东南西北)方向去某处。

  B。 everything there was beautiful 说明那儿的一切都很美。

  D。 too…to…为固定结构,意思是“太……而不……”。

  A。 因为decide后面的宾语从句不缺任何成分,故用 that 来引导陈述句宾语从句。


  A。 do want 表强调,意思是“我”真的很想去度假。整篇文章时态是以现在时为主,故wanted不可选,其它两个选项无此用法。

  D。along the seashore意思是“沿着海边”。

  C。 在阳光下应该用in ,而不是under。

  A。 in和一段时间连用表示将来,而after只有和点时间连用可表示将来。

  C。 think over意思是“仔细考虑”。

  C。 根据后面的than可知这里应用比较级better。

  B。 根据第一小节作者觉得这个时候去山里不合适,所以这里应选mountains。


  CONCORDE, the world’s fastest passenger plane, will soon be over 33 years old. It first  1__ on 2 March 1969 in France. Concorde was developed by __2__ France and Britain. From 1956 these two countries had a  3__ of a supersonic(超声波)passenger plane. In 1962 they started to __4__ together on the project. The plane  5  over 1.5 billion pounds to develop. It is the most tested plane in the history. It was given over 5,000 hours of testing. Concorde flies at twice the speed of  6 . This means that it  7  only 3 hours 25 minutes to fly between London and New York, compare with 7-8 hours in other passenger jets. Because __8__ the five-hour time difference between the USA and Britain, it is  __9  to travel west on Concorde and arrive in New York before you leave London! You can catch the 10:30am  10  from London, Heathrow and start work in New York an hour  11 ! Concorde is much used by business people and film stars. __12__ Concorde is built at a cost of 55 million pounds. Twenty have been built so __13__. Air France and British Airway __14__ the most. They each __15__ seven planes. 1. A. invented

  B. produced

  C. flew

  D. took off 

  2. A. both

  B. among

  C. between

  D. of

  3. A. talk

  B. dream

  C. meeting 

  D. fight 4. A. work 

  B. do 

  C. carry

  D. finish

  5. A. paid

  B. wanted

  C. needed

  D. cost

  6. A. voice 

  B. soundC. noise 

  D. shout  7. A. spends B. takesC. covers 

  D. travels

  8. A. for  

  B. at

  C. in

  D. of

  9. A. possibleB. impossibleC. real

  D. unreal

  10. A. plane B. passengerC. flight

  D. airline  11. A. later B. late 

  C. earlier

  D. early 

  A. everyone

  B. each

  C. either

  D. any

  13. A. far

  B. long

  C. easy

  D. fast

  14. A. buildB. make 

  C. sell 

  D. own

  15. A. had

  B. has

  C. have

  D. are having




  C。本句如选invented或 produced,得用被动语态,took off是“起飞”的意思,这里意指“它第一次飞行是在……”因此,用flew最为恰当。

  A。both…and …是固定短语,为“……两者都”的意思。


  A。work on sth.意为“致力于……”。


  B。voice意为“嗓音”;noise意为“噪音”;shout意为“大叫声”;speed of sound意为“声速”。

  B。固定短语it takes sb. some time to do sth.

  D。because 后面是一个名词性词组,所以用because of 意为“由于……的原因”。本句意为“由于英、美之间的五个小时的时间差”。

  A。根据上下文之间的联系,意为“你坐协和式飞机从London到New York,有可能已经到了New York,而还没离开London。(这是由于时差)。

  C。catch the flight 意为“赶上某次航班”。

  C。下文省略了“than in London”。


  A。so far “到目前为止”,本句意为“到目前为止,已造出二十架飞机”




  It was too late at night when an old man came to a small town. He found an inn(小旅馆) and wanted to stay there for the night. After he


  his room, the owner said to his wife, “Look at his bag. There


  much money in it. Let’s


  when he’s asleep,



  “No, no,” said the woman. “He must look


  his bag tomorrow morning. If he can’t find it, he’ll telephone the police.”

  They thought for


  minutes. Then the woman had an idea. “We have forgetful grass. Why


  some forgetful grass into his food? If he


  the food, he will forget


  his bag away.

  The old man had the food


  the forgetful grass and went to bed. The next morning when the owner got up, he found the door


  and the old man had left with the bag. He woke his wife up and said to her


  , “What a fool(傻瓜)! You forgetful grass isn’t


  at all.”

  “No, I don’t think so. He must forget


  ,” his wife said.

  “Oh! I remember now!” cried out the man suddenly. “He forgot to


  for the night.”

  1. A. went B. has gone to

  C. had been to

  D. had gone to

  2. A. must have

  B .must be

  C. may have

  D. can be

  3. A. take it away

  B. to take it away

  C. take away it

  D. to take away it

  4. A. don’t you

  B. won’t you

  C. will you

  D. shall we

  5. A. at

  B. like

  C. for

  D. after

  6. A. few

  B. a few

  C. little

  D. a little

  7. A. not put B. not to put

  C. not putting

  D. don’t put

  8. A. has

  B. will have

  C. is having

  D. is going to have

  9. A. taking B. to take

  C. bringing

  D. to bring

  10. A. in

  B. of

  C. with

  D. from

  11. A. open B. opens

  C. opening

  D. to open

  12. A. quickly B. happily

  C. angrily

  D. politely

  13. A. strong B. important

  C. delicious

  D. useful

  14. A. nothing B. something

  C. anything

  D. everything

  15. A. cost B. stay

  C. pay

  D. spend




  1. D。本句考查的是时态,该动作发生在下文 said的前面,表“过去的过去”,因此用D,而C表示的是状态。

  2. B。此为情态动词表示猜测在there be句型中的运用。

  3. A。let’s 后跟动词原行,代词要放在动词和副词构成的词组中间。

  4. D。let’s引导的祈使句,其反意疑问句为shall we。

  5. C。包没了,当然会寻找(look for)。

  6. B。下文minutes为可数名词复数,此句为肯定句,故选 a few。A项表示否定含义,C、D都修饰不可数名词,前者表否定,后者表肯定。

  7. A。why not do sth.为why don’t you do sth.的省略形式,表示建议。

  8. A。条件状语从句中,主句是将来时,从句则用一般现在时。

  9. B。forget doing sth. 表示忘记做过某事了,forget to do sth表示忘记了要去做某事;take与下文的away构成固定短语,表示拿走。

  10. C。那个客人吃的是拌有健忘草的饭。with表示具有、伴随。

  11. A。find the door open, 发现门是开着的,这里open是形容词作宾语补足语。

  12. C。妻子的建议没有达到预想的效果,所以店主很生气。

  13. D。店主抱怨说健忘草根本没用。

  14. B。妻子坚持认为吃了健忘草的客人一定忘了某事。

  15. C。原来客人吃饭、住宿后忘记付钱了。


  My family spent a few weeks in London last year. We went there in the autumn. We think it is the


  season to visit England. The weather is usually quite good


  there are not too many


  in October.

  We stayed in a small


  in the West End. We


  most of our sightseeing on foot. We went to look at the places which all travelers would like to


  . We went shopping and spent too much money


  a lot of things. What we liked most was going to the


  . We didn’t have the chance to see such


  plays at home. A lot of people say English


  is very bad. We didn’t think so. It is


  that most of the restaurants are French, Italian, or Chinese, but Britain had some very



  In fact, we


  our holiday so much that we have already decided to


  there again this year. But we are going to take our umbrellas. I’m sure we’ll need them



  1. A. busiest

  B. working

  C. best

  D. hottest

  2. A. and

  B. or

  C. as

  D. so

  3. A. players

  B. travelers

  C. places

  D. things

  4. A. station

  B. hotel

  C. office

  D. cinema

  5. A. missed

  B. showed

  C. used

  D. did

  6. A. look

  B. watch

  C. see

  D. notice

  7. A. buying

  B. buy

  C. bought

  D. to buy

  8. A. shops

  B. cinemas

  C. restaurants D. theatres

  9. A. well

  B. wonderful

  C. terrible

  D. sad

  10. A. language B. film

  C. clothes

  D. food

  11. A. impossible B. true

  C. important D. necessary

  12. A. delicious B. poor

  C. fresh

  D. expensive

  13. A. spent

  B. enjoyed

  C. paid

  D. finished

  14. A. live

  B. eat

  C. go

  D. spend

  15. A. sometime B. sometimes

  C. some time D. some times




  1. C。他们选在秋天去旅游,当然认为它是最好的旅游季节。

  2. A。这两个单句之间是并列的递进的关系,故用A。

  3. B。此空与上文的第1和第2空都说明了他们选在秋天去旅游的好处,因此这里用B,表示游客不多。

  4. B。到国外旅游,当然要住旅馆。

  5. D。do some/most sightseeing为习惯搭配。

  6. C。see与上文的places构成动宾关系。

  7. A。上文说到went shopping,-当然是花钱买东西。

  8. D。下文有see plays, 所以是去影剧院。

  9. B。观看精彩的戏剧。

  10. D。根据下文的“restaurants”和“meals”证明作者开始讲的是食物。

  11. B。事实如此。

  12. A。文章最后一节告诉我们,他在英国的旅游非常愉快,各方面都很好,包括饮食。

  13. B。那次假期如此愉快,作者全家决定今年还到英国去度假。

  14. C。见上一题。

  15. B。 表示有时候;A表示某时,C表示一段时间;D表示几次。


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