2017届高考英语一轮复习语法精练:专题4 动词与动词短语(含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习语法精练:专题4 动词与动词短语(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  高三英语一轮复习 专题4 动词与动词短语


  1.All the drivers have been warned that driving after drinking shall bring ________ serious accidents.

  答案:about 句意为:所有的司机都被警告过酒后开车可能会引发严重的交通事故。bring about引起,造成。

  2.While cleaning Paul's room, Mary came ________ his diary and started to read it.

  答案:across 句意为:当玛丽清理保罗的房间时,偶然看见他的日记并开始读起来。come across意为“(偶然)碰见”。

  3.Tomorrow is April Fool's Day. Be careful not to be taken________.

  答案:in 句意为:明天是愚人节,小心不要被骗。take in意为“欺骗”。

  4.As electric lines were destroyed by the storm, the people here were forced to go ________ light for several days.

  答案:without 句意为:由于电线被暴风雨损坏了,人们不得不在没有灯光的环境中生活好几天。go without“将就”。

  5.A new study finds that sitting can shorten a person's life almost as much as smoking can, which ________(highlight) just how damaging inactivity can be.

  答案:highlights 句意为:一个新研究表明,坐着不动可能会像吸烟一样缩短人们的寿命,这突出强调了不活动是多么有害。

  6.He tried to join the army but ________(reject) because of poor health, which made him depressed.

  答案:was rejected 句意为:他试图加入军队,但因为身体状况不佳被拒绝了,这使他很沮丧。

  7.When hearing that the teacher would take ________ the fairy tale where it was left off, all the children burst into cheers in class.

  答案:up 句意为:当听到老师会从上次没讲完的部分开始讲这个童话故事时,教室里爆发出孩子们的欢呼声。take up意为“开始从事;继续”。

  8If there is anything that makes ________ success in life, it is the ability to benefit through defeat.

  答案:for 句意为:如果生活中有任何东西可以有助于成功,那就是从失败中获得益处的能力。make for意为“导致;有助于”。

  9.We should add ________ the achievements and correct the mistakes.

  答案:to 句意为:我们应当提高成绩、改正错误。add to意为“促进;增加”。

  10.The human mind can carry ________ many tasks that other animals cannot, like using language and judging what other people are thinking.

  答案:out 句意为:人脑可以进行多项其他动物不能的活动,比如使用语言以及判断其他人的想法。carry out意为“实施;执行”。

  11.I've promised my daughter to go to Beijing with her, but I have to put it________ because of the meeting.

  答案:off 句意为:我已经答应我的女儿陪她去北京,但因为这个会议,我不得不推迟这件事。put off意为“推迟”。

  12.The policy will set ________ a chain reaction of automatic spending cuts that can lead to thousands of job losses.

  答案:off 句意为:这项政策将会引起自动减少花费的连锁反应,这会导致成千上万的人失去工作。set off意为“引起”。

  13.—Jack is always late for meeting.

  —Yes, that may account ________ why he has been fired by the boss.

  答案:for 句意为:——杰克开会总迟到。——是的,这也许就能解释为什么他被老师解雇了。

  14.If better use ________(make) of this technology, we will greatly improve our production.

  答案:is made 句意为:如果能更好地利用这项技术,我们的产量将会大幅度地提高。make better use of为固定搭配,意为“更好地利用”,此处为该搭配的被动用法。

  15.Many parents prefer kindergartens to spend more time teaching math and Chinese to help their kids build ________ an early lead in primary school performance.

  答案:up 句意为:许多父母希望幼儿园花更多的时间教孩子们数学和语文,来帮助他们的孩子赢在小学的起跑线上。build up a lead意为“领先”。


  1.We should make road safety seriously.

  2.He waited the bus at a bus stop.

  3.Can I lend your car on Sunday?

  4.I tried to get to the top of the mountain and enjoyed a wonderful view.

  5.She persuaded her father not to smoke but he wouldn't listen.

  答案:1.make改为take 2.waited后加for

  3.lend改为borrow 4.tried改为managed



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