2017届高考英语一轮复习语法精练:专题5 时态与语态(含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习语法精练:专题5 时态与语态(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  高三英语一轮复习 专题5 时态与语态


  1.—Why does the lake smell terrible?

  —Because large quantities of water ________ been polluted.

  答案:have 句意为:——为什么这个湖闻起来这么臭?——因为大量的水被污染了。large quantities of...作主语,谓语用复数形式;pollute和water之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用被动语态。

  2.—It is said that you missed the class meeting yesterday afternoon?

  —Not exactly. When I got to the classroom, the head teacher ________(finish) it.

  答案:was finishing 句意为:——据说你错过昨天下午的班会了?——不完全准确,当我到教室时,班主任正要结束会议。由题干可知,事情发生在过去;finish可以用进行时表示将来含义,was finishing强调会议将要完结。

  3.—Isn't it the first time you've been in Chongqing? It surprises me a lot that you seems to know the city very well.

  —No. Though I live in Shanghai now, I ________(work) here for almost three years.

  答案:worked 句意为:——这难道不是你第一次来重庆吗?令我惊讶的是你好像很了解重庆。——是。尽管我现在住在上海,我曾在这儿工作了三年。在重庆工作是发生在过去的动作,且对现在没有影响,应用一般过去时。

  4.—Haven't I told you that you should be home earlier?

  —Yes, but I ________(come) home earlier than I usually do.

  答案:came 句意为:——难道我没有告诉你要早点回家吗?——你说了。但我确实比以前回来得早。由句意可知,说话者已经回家了,所以回家这个动作发生在过去。

  5.How many English songs ________ you ________(learn) by the end of last term?

  答案:had;learned 句意为:到上学期结束时你学了多少首英文歌?时间状语by the end of last term常用于过去完成时中。

  6.—You look excited!

  —I ________(find) the expensive dictionary that I left in the library yesterday.

  答案:have found 句意为:——你看起来很兴奋!——我找到了昨天我丢在图书馆的那本昂贵的字典。由题干可知,丢字典是昨天的事,而找到字典是现在已经完成的动作,故用现在完成时。

  7.Excuse me, Marcia, a reporter from Vanity Fair ________(phone) all day. Could you speak to her now?

  答案:has been phoning 句意为:打扰了,玛西亚,一名来自《名利场》的记者整天都在打电话给你,现在你能和她通话吗?由all day可以看出,打电话这个动作一直在持续进行,而且还在继续,故用现在完成进行时表示一直持续的动作。

  8This brand of knife is quite popular with customers, for it ________(cut) well.

  答案:cuts 句意为:这个品牌的刀很受消费者欢迎。因为它很好切(东西)。在动词表示物体本身的属性时,用主动形式表被动含义。在本句中,cut表示刀的属性。

  9.—How long would you like me to heat the oil?

  —Heat it till it ________(start) to smoke.

  答案:starts 句意为:——你想让我将油加热多长时间?——加热到它开始冒烟。till引导的时间状语从句中用一般现在时表将来。

  10.—Mary, do remember to bring your e­dictionary tomorrow.

  —Sure. I wouldn't if you ________ not ________(remind) me.

  答案:had;reminded 句意为:——玛丽,记得明天一定要把你的电子词典带过来。——当然,如果你没有提醒,我也许忘了。if引导虚拟语气条件句,提醒这个动作是过去发生的,故从句谓语动词用had+done表示与过去事实相反的假设。

  11.Because the shop ________(close) down, all the T­shirts are sold at half price.

  答案:is closing 句意为:因为这家店将要关张了,所有的T恤都半价出售。现在进行时可以表示将来的动作,本句中用现在进行时表示这家店将要关张。

  12.—Tom almost ran into a pole yesterday while driving on the highway.

  —I suppose he ________(drive) too fast.

  答案:was driving 句意为:——汤姆昨天在高速公路上开车时,他差点撞到柱子上。——我猜他一定开得很快。drive这个动作发生在过去,用过去进行时强调他当时开得很快。

  13.Tony is a lawyer now, but he ________(serve) in a delivery company for six years.

  答案:served 句意为:托尼现在是位律师,但他曾经在快递公司工作了六年。serve这个动作发生在过去,且对现在没有影响,用一般过去时。

  14.What a pity! I ________(expect) to speak, but time didn't permit.

  答案:had expected 句意为:多么遗憾!我本打算说话的,但时间不允许。expect这个动作发生在permit之前,故用过去完成时表示“过去的过去”。

  15.—Have you watched the movie Gravity?

  —Yes, I ________(watch) it with my sister.

  答案:watched 句意为:——你已经看了《万有引力》这部电影了吗?——是的,我和我的姐姐一起看的。watch这个动作发生在过去,故用一般过去时。


  1.However excellent the finished products are, if they are not properly priced they won't be sold well.

  2.When the sun rises higher, some of the water will burn away.

  3.Applicants for the job must be between 25 and 35 years old and a good command of English requires.

  4.The experiment is worth doing. At least it will have given us some valuable experience.

  5.I had telephoned him twice in the morning but couldn't get through to him.

  6.He was so rude! I should have walked away then, but I don't want to ruin the party.

  7.No sooner did he shut the door than his wife called him back inside.

  8.I was looking for my documents for hours before I found them.

  9.When I was a child, I couldn't watch TV until I finished my homework.

  10.My teacher usually arrived at school at 7 in the morning, but today she hasn't showed up till now.

  答案:1.be sold→sell 2.burn→be burned/burnt

  3.requires→is required 4.will have given→will give

  5.had telephoned→telephoned 6.don't→didn't 7.did→had 8.was looking for→had been looking for

  9.finished→had finished 10.arrived→arrives


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