2017届河北省衡水名校高考英语一轮复习撬题对点练:专题4 形容词和副词(3)(含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届河北省衡水名校高考英语一轮复习撬题对点练:专题4 形容词和副词(3)(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.Advertisements persuade us that________ (new) is better and that we will be happier with the latest products.

  答案 newer [根据句意,空处应为比较级。句意:广告让我们相信越新越好,而且我们对最新产品会更加满意。]

  2.Even though we can't live forever, we are living a________ (long) life than ever before.

  答案 longer [根据后面的than...可知空处应填比较级。句意:即使我们不能永远活着,但我们可以比以前活得时间长。]

  3.We had made our

  reservation six months ________

  (early), but the man at the front desk

  said there had been a mistake.

  答案 earlier [句意:我们六个月之前预定的,但是前台的人说出了错误。由had made可知,所填词表示“……以前”,故用earlier。]

  4.The ________

  (hard) you try to beat him, the more likely you will get hit.

  答案 harder [句意:你越用劲打他,你越有可能被打。根据后边的the more likely可知,此处是“the+比较级...,the+比较级...”结构。]

  5.Raymond's parents wanted him to have the ________ (good)

  possible education.

  答案 best [句意:雷蒙德的父母想让他接受最好的教育。the best possible意为“最好的”,是固定用法。]

  6.Of all living things, human beings are the ______ (clever).

  答案 cleverest [句意:在所有的生物中,人类是最聪明的。根据比较范围of all living things可知,此处有最高级意义,表示“最聪明的”。]

  7.It seems that she is ________ (thin) than before.

  答案 thinner [句意:她好像比以前瘦了。由than可知本空填比较级,thin的比较级形式为thinner。]

  8.The ________ (easy) of all ways is to spend less!

  答案 easiest [句意:最简单的方法就是少花钱。由句中的比较范围of all ways可知该句应用最高级形式,故此处填easiest。]

  9. Doctors use it to learn more about unfamiliar diseases and the ________ (late) medical development.

  答案 latest [句意:医生用它来了解更多不熟悉的疾病和最新的医疗发展。根据前面的more...判断,此处表示“最新的”医学发展,故填latest。]

  10.Little Tommy is really hard to deal with. You can't find a ________ (noise) boy in the class.

  答案 noisier [句意:小汤米真难对付。你在这个班上找不到比他更吵闹的男孩子了。not或never等表示否定意义的词与形容词比较级连用,表示最高级含义。]


  1.I think watch TV every evening is a waste of time-there are less meaningful things to do.


  答案 less→more [句意:我觉得每天晚上看电视是浪费时间——有更多有意义的事可做。本题考查形容词比较级。根据句意需把less改为more。]

  2.This is by far the more inspiring movie that I have ever seen.


  答案 more→most [句意:这是我看过的最激励人的电影。考查形容词的最高级。by far...意为“……得多,大大地”,与形容词、副词的比较级或最高级连用。故把more改为most。]

  3.It's said that the power plant is now so large as what it was.


  答案 so→as [句意:据说现在这个发电厂是过去的两倍大。本题考查形容词倍数的表达法。“倍数+as+原级+as”,故把so改为as。]

  4.He looked at me for a moment, and then wrote a sentence containing the better advice I've ever had.


  答案 better→best [根据定冠词the及I've ever had可知,应用最高级,故将better改为best。]

  5.It may not be a great suggestion. But before a good one is put forward, we'll make do with it.


  答案 good→better [句意:这个建议可能不是很好。但是在更好的建议被提出之前,我们会先采纳它。本题考查形容词的比较级。“a+比较级”表示“一个更……的”,题干中暗含着比较的含义。故把good改为better。]

  6.It was my favoritest way to spend the summer vacation.


  答案 favoritest→favorite [考查favorite的含义及用法。favorite没有最高级,意为“最喜欢的”。]

  7.Of all the subjects I'm learning at school, I like English better.


  答案 better→best [考查副词的最高级。由句意“在所有在校所学学科中,我最喜欢英语”可知,此处是指在超过三门的学科里,最喜欢英语,故副词well要用最高级形式best。故better应改为best。]

  8.Compared with other forms of transport, riding a bike cause little pollution.


  答案 little→less [根据Compared with other forms of transport可知,此处是将骑自行车与其他的交通形式作比较,应用比较级。]

  9.People are less likely to share their feelings with those who have had similar experiences.


  答案 less→more [根据句意可知此处指的是更有可能,故less改为more。]

  10.I was so encouraged that I can run faster and fast till I caught up with all the other runners.


  答案 fast→faster [考查固定结构。“more and more+原级”或“比较级+and+比较级”意为“越来越……”,故faster and faster意为“越来越快”。]


  [例] ________ (fortunate), I forgot all about the birds until the night before Vernon was going to return.

  [错解] Unfortune

  [错因分析] 部分考生由于不知道修饰一整句话需要用副词作状语,看到本题时会误填Unfortunate。

  [答案] Unfortunately



  [例] It might have made it a little ________ (hard) for everybody because it meant they had to turn around, but that didn't stop the kids in the class.

  [错解] hard

  [错因分析] 考生不能充分理解语境,不熟悉比较级的用法,就会误填其他词形。

  [答案] harder



  [例] After the long journey, the three of them went back home, ________ (tire).

  [错解] tiredly

  [错因分析] 考生可能会误认为只有副词才可以作状语,因而误填tiredly。

  [答案] tired



  [例] The ________ look on the boy's face suggested that he was __________ to see the ________


  [错解] frightening; frightened; frightened

  [错因分析] 有些考生由于分不清形容词化的过去分词和形容词化的现在分词的区别而填错。

  [答案] frightened; frightened; frightening



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