【记一记➡构建知识】 withdraw from society 脱离社会 withdraw sb. /sth. from sth.
使……撤回/离开/退出 withdraw money
提款 *They withdrew 100 dollars from a bank account after checking out of their hotel.
他们在旅馆结账后, 从银行账户中取了100美元。 *Unless Hitler withdrew his troops from Poland by 11 o’clock that morning, a state of war would exist between Great Britain and Germany.
如果希特勒那天上午11点前不从波兰撤兵, 英德两国便将处于战争状态。 3. assumption n. 假设, 假定
【填一填➡激活思维】 ①We can infer that he will not play in the next round ___
___ __________ ____ he has been injured.
假设他受伤了, 我们可以推断他不会参加下一轮比赛。 ②I _____ ___ __________ that the price would fall.
我推断价格会下降。 on the assumption that make an assumption 【记一记➡构建知识】 (1)make an assumption
作假设, 作猜测 on the assumption that. . .
假设…… My assumption is that. . .
我猜测…… (2)assume that clause 假设, 假定…… assume sb. /sth. to be
假定/认为某人/某事是…… *(2017·湖北高考)It was lucky for Mrs. Almond to have her assumption confirmed.
对于Almond夫人来说幸运的是她的假设得到了证实。 *It would be a mistake to assume we’ve heard the last of this issue.
别以为我们不再过问这事。 4. The more you know about Internet research, the faster you
will find what you are looking for, and the better informed
you will be.
你对网上调查了解越多, 你就能越快地找到要寻找的内容,
你得到的信息也就越好。 【填一填➡激活思维】仿写句子。 ①__________________, the less progress you are likely to make.
欲速则不达。 ②_________we get together, __________we’ll be.
越是多聚会, 我们就越快乐。 The more you hurry The more the happier 【记一记➡构建知识】 第一个“the+比较级”是表示比较的状语从句, 第二个“the+比较级……”是主句。这个句型表示从句和主句的两个变化是同时进行的, 指主句的情况随着从句变化的程度而变化。 (1)the+比较级, the+比较级
越……, 就越…… (2)The more. . . , the less. . . 越……, 越不…… (3)The less. . . , the more. . .
越不……, 越…… *(2017·天津高考) The more we can enjoy what we have, the happier we are.
我们越享受我们拥有的, 我们就越幸福。 *The more knowledge one acquires,
the better it is of course.
获取知识当然越多越好。 【悟一悟➡参透误区】 (1)abandon oneself to常用于正式文体中, 意思是“陷于某种情感或状态中”, 介词to之后一般接表示某种感情或欲望的词作宾语。 (2)abandoned可用作形容词, 意思是“被遗弃的”“纵情的, 恣意的”, 在句中常用作定语。 【拓展延伸】 abandon 强调“完全、永远地遗弃”, 尤其指遗弃以前负有责任的人或物。例如: She abandoned her child. 她抛弃了自己的孩子。 desert 强调“违背允诺、誓言或责任”, 尤其指“背叛、擅离职守”。例如: The soldier deserted his country and helped the enemy. 那个士兵叛国投敌。 quit 指停止或放弃信仰、行动、工作等。例如: quit smoking停止吸烟; quit the job辞职。 4. classify vt. 分类; 归类 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①Mails in the post office ___ _____ ________ _________ __
places they are to go.
邮局里的信件通常按寄送地点分类。 ②Biologists _______ animals and plants ____ different groups.
生物学家把动物和植物分成不同的类别。 are often classified according to classify into 【记一记➡构建知识】 classify sb. /sth. (as sth. )= group. . . into 将某人/某物归类 be classified into. . . 划分成; 分类成 be classified by 按照……分类 classified advertisements 分类广告 *People who work in libraries spend a lot of time classifying books.
在图书馆工作的人花大量的时间把书籍分类。 *It is required that the books in the library (should) be classified by subject.
按要求图书馆里的图书要根据科目分类。 5. bother vi. & vt. 花费时间、精力(做某事)
打扰, 给某人造成麻烦 n. [U]麻烦, 不便 [C]引起麻烦或不便的人或事情 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①Since I moved here, my noisy neighbor ___ _____ _________
自从搬到这儿, 吵闹的邻居一直困扰着我。 ②Could I ______ ____ __ ____ the package to Mr. Miller?
③We ____ __ ___ __ ______ _______ our way to his house.
我们费了很大劲才找到他的家。 has been bothering me bother you to give had a lot of bother finding 【记一记➡构建知识】 bother sb. about/with sth. 麻烦某人某事 can’t be bothered (to do sth. ) (口语)懒得去做, 嫌麻烦而不做 bother to do sth. 麻烦去做……(常用于否定句) have no/much/little bother (in) doing. . .
做……不费力/很费力/几乎不费力 *(2017·江西高考)Once you have fixed the topic, you no longer need to bother about stamps other than the theme you selected.
一旦主题确定了, 除了你选择的主题, 你无需再为挑选邮票而烦恼。 *(2011·重庆高考)I don’t know why he still bothers with you.
我不明白他为什么还要为你而费心。 【拓展延伸】 bother 打搅、麻烦, 指某事使他人操心, 给他人造成不便, 常与介词with或about搭配。例如: Don’t
bother him with such a problem at the moment.
interrupt 突然中断、打断他人的言语或行为。例如: It is not polite to interrupt when he is thinking about something important.
disturb 为较正式用词, 多用于被动语态, 指扰乱, 使人不能平静或妨碍别人的工作、思维或正常秩序, 是程度较深的烦扰。例如: He felt disturbed to hear of his mother’s illness.
6. acknowledge vt. 承认, 认可; 感谢 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①He _____________ ___ ________ with a small bow.
他微微地鞠了一躬表示对掌声的感谢。 ②With no solid evidence, he refused to ____________
_______ the lady’s purse.
没有确凿的证据, 他拒绝承认偷了那位女士的钱包。 acknowledged the applause acknowledge stealing 【记一记➡构建知识】 acknowledge doing sth. 承认做了某事 acknowledge that. . . 承认…… acknowledge sb. /sth. as/to be. . . 承认某人/物为…… acknowledge sb. with. . .
用……对某人表示感谢 It’s (universally) acknowledged that ……是大家所公认的 *(2017·安徽高考)An important step is acknowledging our shortcomings.
一个重要的步骤就是承认我们的不足。 *It’s universally acknowledged that never can we expect a bluer sky unless we create a less polluted world.
除非我们创造一个污染更少的世界, 否则我们不可能看到更蓝的天空, 这一点是大家公认的。 【猜一猜➡熟词生义】观察句子, 写出黑体部分的含义。 ①The army sent me a postcard acknowledging my request.
) ②He saw her but refused to even acknowledge her. (
) 告知 打招呼 【核心短语】 7. turn to somebody/something
向……求助; 转向; 翻到 【填一填➡激活思维】
①When we have questions we ____ __ each other ___ answers.
当我们有疑问时, 我们会相互求助以得到答案。 ②The spotlight will ____ __ the finals of the men’s 110m
hurdles tonight.
今晚公众的焦点将转向男子110米栏决赛。 turn to for turn to 【记一记➡构建知识】 (1)turn against
背叛; 对……不利 turn down
拒绝; 关小, 调低 turn in 上交 turn out
结果是; 证明是; 生产; 制造 turn over 翻身; 移交; 转动 turn round
转身; 翻转; (使)翻身 turn up 出现, 露面; 开大(音量); 向上翻 (2)turn a blind eye to
对……视而不见 turn a deaf ear to 对……充耳不闻 turn one’s mind to
把注意力转移到……上 *(2017·天津高考)We wanted to make this an unforgettable family outing, but it turned out to be a huge disappointment.
我们原想让这次(旅行)成为一次难忘的家庭之旅, 但是结果却如此令人失望。 *Something will turn up, but not all things at once.
情况将会好转起来, 但决不是立刻全面好转。 *He turned down my suggestion and turned over the business to his daughter.
他拒绝了我的建议, 把生意移交给他的女儿。 8. drop out 退学, 辍学; 退出, 脱离 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①If you do not like the plan, _____ ___.
如果你不喜欢这个计划, 你可以退出。 ②The boy ________ ___ __ school because of the war.
由于战争, 这个男孩退学了。 drop out dropped out of 【记一记➡构建知识】 drop back/behind
后退; 落后; 落在……后面 drop off
打盹儿; 小睡; 减少; 下降
on sb.
at sp.
顺便到访某地 drop sb. a line/note寄, 送, 写(信) drop in *(2017·江苏高考)They dropped off blankets, candles, and tools, and began sticking around to chat.
他们放下毯子、蜡烛和工具开始在周围聊天。 *Do drop in if you happen to be passing!
*Drop me a line when you get there.
你到那儿后给我写信。 【经典句式】 9. Without the Internet, these people would have fewer avenues to meet people.
如果没有因特网, 这些人与别人交往的途径就会更少。 【填一填➡激活思维】同义句改写。 ①If you hadn’t helped me, I wouldn’t have made such
rapid progress.
=________________, I wouldn’t have made such rapid
②If it had not been raining, I would have arrived much
=_______________, I would have arrived much earlier.
=______________, I would have arrived much earlier.
Without your help Without the rain But for the rain 【记一记➡构建知识】 (1)without意为“若不是”“要不是”, 与but for用法相同。此句中without引导的介词短语是一个暗含的非真实条件, 所以主句用了虚拟语气。 (2)表示“若不是”的虚拟语气句型。 ①but for意为“要不是有……”“若不是因为……”, 习惯上与虚拟语气连用。 ②if it were not for主要用于谈论现在的情况, 意为 “要不是有……”“若不是因为……”, 相应的主句总是用虚拟语气。 ③if it had not been for主要用于谈论过去的情况, 意为“要不是有……”“若不是因为……”, 相应的主句总是用虚拟语气。 *But for the storm, I would have been home before eight.
要不是因为这场风暴, 我在8点钟以前就回到家里了。 *If it were not for your quick play, our team would not win.
若没有你敏捷的技巧, 我们队是不会赢的。 *If it hadn’t been for the doctor’s care, I wouldn’t have recovered so soon.
要不是医生的照顾, 我不会痊愈得这么快。 10. Follow these tips, and your time spent doing research on
the Internet will be much more worthwhile.
遵循以上这些建议, 你在互联网上做研究所花的时间将会更 值得。 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①_____ ___ _____ and you will know what has happened
recently in North Korea.
看这些资讯, 你就知道朝鲜最近发生了什么。 ②Compare these/the two toothbrushes ____ _____ ____ the
purple one is softer.
比较这两把牙刷, 你会发现紫色的这把更柔软。 Read the news and you’ll find 【记一记➡构建知识】 (1)“祈使句/名词短语 + and/or/then/otherwise. . . +陈述句”结构。 (2)“祈使句 + 破折号 + 陈述句”。 (3)“名词词组 + and + 陈述句”。 名词词组中通常含有more, another, further, earlier等词。 (4)“祈使句 + or + 陈述句”。 or表示“否则”“要不然的话”, or可用or else或otherwise替换, 从反面来预测结果。 *Turn down the radio—the baby’s asleep in the next room.
把收音机声音关小点, 孩子在隔壁睡着了。 *It is really very dangerous. One more step, and the baby will fall into the well.
真危险。再多迈一步, 这个小孩儿就掉进井里了。 *Take the chance, or you will regret it.
抓住机会吧, 否则你会遗憾的。 【悟一悟➡参透误区】 祈使句常表示条件, 陈述句表示结果。该结构中and, then 表示递进关系; or, otherwise表示转折关系。 【要点拾遗】 1. correspond vi. 通信; 相一致, 符合; 相当于 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①His words and actions don’t __________. 他的言行不一致。 ②She still ___________ ____ American friends she met in
Majorca nine years ago.
她仍与9年前在马略卡岛结识的美国朋友们通信。 correspond corresponds with 【记一记➡构建知识】 correspond to/with sth. 相一致, 符合 correspond to sth. 类似于, 相当于 correspond with sb. 和某人通信 *(2017·陕西高考)According to the text, we know that power and class do not always correspond with each other.
根据文章我们知道, 权力和阶级并不总是彼此一致的。 *The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament.
美国的国会相当于英国的议会。 【悟一悟➡参透误区】 correspond作“符合, 一致”讲时, 常与介词with连用; 作“相当, 相似”讲时, 常与介词to连用。 2. withdraw (withdrew, withdrawn) vi. &vt. 脱离(社会),
不与人交往; 撤回; 取(款) 【填一填➡激活思维】 观察句子, 写出黑体部分的含义。 ①He reached into his pocket and withdrew a sheet of
notepaper. (
) ②He stated that all foreign forces would withdraw as soon
as the crisis ended. (
) 掏出, 拿出 撤离, 撤退 ③Open a savings account that does not charge ridiculous
fees to withdraw money. [
] ④The African National Congress threatened to withdraw
from the talks. (
) (从银行) 取 (钱) 退出 Unit 3 The world online 【话题词汇】 1. electronic adj. 电子的 2.technological adj. 科技的 3. intelligent adj. 智能的 4.artificial adj. 人造的 5.network n. 网络 6.advantage
n. 优点 7.virus
n. 病毒 8. convenience n. 方便, 便利 9.application
n. 应用 10. with the help of 在……的帮助下 11. shop online网上购物 12.click on sth. 用鼠标点击 13.surf the Internet 网上冲浪 14.download information from the Internet 从网络上下载信息 【经典语篇】 (2017·桂林模拟)研究结果表明: 互联网给人们的生活带来方便的同时, 也给大家带来了一些问题。在人际交往方面, 网络既拉近了我们的距离, 也疏远了我们的感情。请你简单论述网络给人们的人际交往所带来的影响。 [提出问题]The Internet has made it possible for us to keep in touch with our friends conveniently. We can rapidly access information about others through their microblog, QQ, facebook or email, even without calling them or talking face to face.
[分析问题]However, the Internet threatens to change our interpersonal communication and relationships. The idea that it is no longer necessary to communicate face to face has reduced the effectiveness and efficiency of communication. ①Misunderstandings among people and the absence of feelings are increasingly common.
[解决问题]Therefore, we should take care not to depend too much on the Internet and ignore the importance of face-to-face communication. ②We can
make full use of the Internet while avoiding its negative effects in this way.
Let’s develop a healthy lifestyle.
【厚积薄发】 Ⅰ. 完成句子 (1) __________________________(在电脑的帮助下), it will be possible for humans to work at home.
(2) __________________________________(就我个人而言, 我 不喜欢网上购物) because we may be cheated online.
With the help of the computer Personally, I don’t like shopping online Ⅱ. 句型转换 (1)用形容词的比较级改写句①。 Misunderstandings among people and the absence of feelings
(2)用倒装句改写句②。 ___________________________________the Internet while
avoiding its negative effects.
are becoming more and more common Only in this way can we make full use of Ⅰ. 单词➡分类记忆 【核心单词】不可不记 1. _________ (adj. ) 大量的, 充裕的 2. _________ (n. ) 命令; 控制; 掌握
(vt. ) 命令; 指挥; 控制 3. _____ (n. ) 纽带, 联系; 债券; 枷锁 (vt. & vi. ) (使)牢固结合 4. __________ (vi. )
通信; 相一致, 符合; 相当于 abundant command bond correspond 5. _______
(vt. )
探讨, 解决, 处理; 向……说话; 称呼(某人) 6. ________ (vt. ) 评价; 评估 7. ______ (vt. ) 使担心, 使害怕, 使警觉 (n. )
警报(器); 惊慌; 闹钟 8. ________ (vt. )
放弃; 抛弃, 舍弃 9. _______ (vt. )分类, 归类 10. _______(vi. & vt. )
花费时间、精力(做某事); 打扰,
给某人造成麻烦 address evaluate alarm abandon classify bother 11. _______(adj. ) 多种多样的, 形形色色的 12. ________ (n. ) 参考, 查阅; 提到, 谈及; 介绍信, 介绍人 →_____ (vi. )提及, 参考, 查阅 13. ________ (n. ) 缺点, 不足; 弱点; 虚弱, 衰弱 →_____ (adj. )
虚弱的 14. _________ (n. )改正, 纠正, 修正→_______ (vt. )改正, 纠正 (adj. )正确的 diverse reference refer weakness weak correction correct 【高频单词】不可不知 15. _____ (n. ) (鼠标)点击; 咔嗒声 (vi. & vt. )点击; (使)发出咔嗒声 16. __________(n. )假定, 假设 17. ________ (n. )(pl. ) 统计数字, 统计数据, 统计资料 18. ___________(n. )
能力, 胜任; 技能, 本领 19. _______(adj. )
具体的, 明确的; 特定的; 独特的 20. ________ (adj. )
紧密相关的, 切题的; 有价值的;
有意义的 click assumption statistics competence specific relevant 21. _____ (vt. ) 宣称, 断言; 索取, 认领 (n. ) 声明, 断言; 索款, 索赔 22. _________ (vi. & vt. )脱离(社会), 不与人交往; 撤回; 取(款) 23. ____________ (vt. )承认, 认可; 感谢 24. ___________ (n. )资格, 资历→_______ (v. )使合格,
取得……资格→________ (adj. )有资格的 25. ___________ (n. )约会, 预约; 任命, 委任→_______(vt. )任命,
委任 claim withdraw acknowledge qualification qualify qualified appointment appoint Ⅱ. 短语➡双语互译 1. 更有甚者, 更为重要的是
____________ 2. 退学, 辍学; 退出, 脱离
________ 3. 一束, 一串; 大量, 大批
__________ 4. 支持, 赞成
___________ 5. 向……求助 _________________________ 6. 受某人支配 ____________________ 7. 与……交流 ________________ 8. up to date_____________________ 9. tend to _______ 10. comb (through) something (for)
_________ what is more drop out a bunch of in favour of turn to somebody/something at someone’s command communicate with 最新的; 现代的; 时髦的 倾向于 仔细搜寻 语境取词——选用上面的单词或短语填空 Mr. Black is an inventor, and he invented _______(多种多样的) things, which are _______ (有特殊意义的)to us humans.
____________(此外), he has done a ________(相关的) research
on how the Internet influences the life of teenagers. And the
________ (分类的)________(数据)that have been _________ (评估)are at his _________(掌握), so the inventor is the only
person who has the ___________ (能力)and ___________(资格)
for the ___________(任命).
diverse specific What’s more classified statistics evaluated command competence qualification appointment relevant Ⅲ. 句型➡超级仿写 1. without 引导的含蓄虚拟条件句 __________________(没有因特网的话), these people would
have fewer avenues to meet people.
【仿写】没有你的帮助, 我们不可能提前完成这项工作。 ________________, we couldn’t have finished the work
ahead of time.
Without the Internet Without your help 2. 祈使句+and+陈述句 _______________________________(只要输入你想知道的 东西)and the program will help you find what you want.
【仿写】尝尝这种果汁, 也许你会喜欢的。 ___________________and perhaps you’ll like it.
Just type in what you want to know Try some of this juice 3. there be句型 ___________________________________________(有几件 事要考虑到)when you are searching.
【仿写】今天没有什么重要的事要做。 __________________________________ There are several things to take into consideration There is nothing important to do today. 4. 部分否定 Usually, people try to put correct information on the Internet,
but _______________(并不是每一个人) bothers to read over
their own writing and make corrections.
【仿写】各种文化背景下的人互致问候的方式并不相同。 ________________________________________ not every person Not all cultures greet each other the same way. 5. the+adj. /adv. 的比较级, the+adj. /adv. 的比较级 _________(越多)you know about Internet research, _________ (越快)you will find what you are looking for, and _________ (越好)informed you will be.
【仿写】你认识的人越多, 见他们的时间就越少。 ______________________________________________________ The more the faster the better The more people you know, the less time you have to see them. 【重点单词】 1. command n.命令, 控制, 掌握
vt. 命令, 指挥; 控制 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①Only when you _____ __ _____ _________ __ vocabulary,
will reading no longer be your obstacle.
只有掌握充足的词汇, 阅读才不会成为你的拦路虎。 ②The boss ___________ ____ __ _____
some important work,
but Henry forgot his command.
老板吩咐亨利完成一些重要的工作, 但他忘了老板的命令。 have a good command of commanded him to finish 【记一记➡构建知识】 (1)at sb. ’s command
听某人的支配 in command of
指挥; 控制 under one’s command
由……指挥 take command of. . .
控制; 担任……的指挥 have a good command of很好地掌握, 精通 (2)command sb. to do sth.
命令某人做某事 command that. . . (should) do. . .
命令……做…… *At her command all work stopped.
遵照她的命令, 所有工作都停了。 *He commanded that roads (should) be built to link castles across the land.
他下令修建连接各地城堡的道路。 *If you do not serve others, you cannot take command of them.
不能服务他人者, 无法指挥他人。 【悟一悟➡参透误区】 command后接 that从句时, 从句中要用虚拟语气, 谓语动词用“should +动词原形”, should 可以省略。能这样用的动词可以用以下口诀来记忆:
一坚持(insist); 二命令(command, order); 三建议(advise, suggest, proposal); 四要求(request, require, demand, desire) 2. alarm
vt. 使担心, 使害怕, 使警觉 n. 警报(器), 惊慌, 闹钟
【填一填➡激活思维】 ①On hearing the scream, he jumped up __ ______.
一听到尖叫声, 他惊慌地跳了起来。 ②I don’t want to ______ ____, but there’s a strange man in
your garden.
我并不想吓着你, 不过你的花园里有个陌生人。 in alarm alarm you 【记一记➡构建知识】 (1)in alarm惊恐地 give the alarm to. . . 给……发警报 ring/sound the alarm敲警钟; 吹警报号 (2)alarmed adj. 惊恐的, 忧虑的 alarming
adj. (令某人)惊慌的, (令某人)忧虑的 be alarmed at/by. . . 对……大为惊慌 *(2017·湖北高考)The alarm clock announces the start of another busy weekday in the morning.
清晨的闹钟宣告了另一个忙碌的工作日的开始。 *We were alarmed at the alarming alarm as the alarm did alarm us.
我们被那令人惊恐的警报声吓了一跳, 因为那警报的确使我们感到惊恐。 *Alarmed by the noise, the birds flew away.
那声音把鸟吓飞了。 3. abandon vt.
舍弃; 抛弃; 放弃 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①The officers and crew prepared to ________ ___ ____ in
an orderly fashion.
全体船员秩序井然地准备弃船。 ②She __________ ______ to grief.
她陷入痛苦的深渊。 abandon the ship abandoned herself 【记一记➡构建知识】 abandon oneself to(=be addicted to) 沉湎于 abandon doing sth.
放弃做某事 with abandon放任地; 放纵地; 纵情地 *(2017·江苏高考) It was abandoned, full of broken glass and rubbish.
它是一座被人遗弃的(房子), 里面到处都是碎玻璃和垃圾。 *The child was abandoned by his parents. Eventually the abandoned boy was found wandering in the street, abandoning himself to despair.
那个孩子被他的父母遗弃了。最后有人发现那个被抛弃的男孩在大街上游荡, 他已陷入了绝望。
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