2017届高考英语一轮复习单元课件:选修8Unit 2《The universal language》 ( 牛津译林版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习单元课件:选修8Unit 2《The universal language》 ( 牛津译林版)

发布时间:2017-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  【要点拾遗】 1. dare vt. & vi. &aux. 敢于, 胆敢 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①He didn’t ____ __ _____ to her.

  他不敢和她说话。 ②I show him my new coat, but I _______ ___ him how much

  it cost.

  我让他看了我的新外套, 但是我不敢告诉他花了多少钱。 dare to speak daren’t tell 【记一记➡构建知识】 (1)dare用作情态动词时, 只用于疑问句、否定句和条件句中, 没有人称和数的变化, 后面跟动词原形, 其否定式为dare not。 (2)dare用作实义动词时, 有人称、数和时态的变化, 常用于搭配: dare to do sth. , 在否定句和疑问句中, to可以省略掉。 (3)I dare say为习惯说法, 意为: 我想, 很可能, 大概。 (4)Don’t you dare! (让人决不要做某事)你敢! /谅你不敢!

  *He didn’t dare (to) say what he thought.

  他不敢说出他的想法。 *I dare say you know about it already.

  你大概已经知道这件事了。 *—I’ll tell her about it.

  ——我要把这事告诉她。 —Don’t you dare!


  2. merciful adj. 仁慈的, 慈悲的, 宽大为怀的 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①Love is ________, overlooking their weaknesses and wrong

  doings, and focusing on their strengths.

  爱是仁慈的, 宽恕对方的缺点与错误, 并关注对方的长处。 ②He __ ________ __ the prisoners.

  他对犯人很仁慈。 merciful is merciful to 【记一记➡构建知识】 be merciful to 

  对……仁慈 at the mercy of sb. /sth.   任由某人/某物摆布或控制 have mercy on  对……有怜悯心 show mercy to sb.  

  同情某人; 怜悯某人 It’s a mercy that. . .  幸运的是…… without mercy

  毫不留情地 *The picnic was at the mercy of the weather.

  去不去野餐要由天气决定。 *It’s a mercy that the accident happened so close to the hospital.

  幸亏车祸发生在离医院很近的地方。 *(2017·湖南高考)Since the earliest civilizations, people have controlled rivers to meet society’s demands.

  自从最早的文明形成以来, 人类就控制了河流来满足社会的需要。 *As planes and cars were in great demand of oil, people went and found many big oil wells.

  由于飞机和汽车需要很多油料, 人们勘探到许多大油井。 *The UN has demanded that all troops (should) be withdrawn.

  联合国已要求撤出所有部队。 【悟一悟➡参透误区】 (1)demand后面不能直接跟sb. to do sth. 。 (2)demand后接 that从句时, 从句中要用虚拟语气, 谓语动词用“should +动词原形”, should 可以省略。能这样用的动词可以用以下口诀来记忆:

  一坚持(insist); 二命令(command, order); 三建议(advise, suggest, proposal); 四要求(request, require, demand, desire) 5. decline n. 衰落, 衰败; 减少; 下降

  vi. &vt. 衰落; 下降; 婉言谢绝 【填一填➡激活思维】观察句子, 写出黑体部分的含义。 ①The number of tourists to the resort declined by 15% last

  year. (

  ) ②In spite of many invitations, he would always decline to

  visit Oxford. (

  ) ③Her health was declining rapidly. (

  ) ④The motor industry is still in decline. (

  ) 减少 婉言拒绝 恶化 在衰退中 【记一记➡构建知识】 decline to do. . .

  拒绝做…… decline to  下降到 decline by 减少了 fall into (a) decline  开始衰退 in decline on the decline  走下坡路; 在衰退中 *Expectations of future life satisfaction decline with age.

  随着年龄的增长, (一个人)对未来生活满意期望值会下降。 *The town fell into (a) decline after the mine closed.

  这个镇在矿井关闭后开始衰落。 【拓展延伸】 refuse 语气较重, 指态度坚决, 肯定无疑地拒绝 decline 指婉言谢绝他人的帮助或邀请等 reject 多指由于某物、某事、某行为不能让人满意而被当面直截了当地拒绝 6. seek (sought, sought) vt. &vi. 试图, 设法; 寻找; 探索; 寻求 【填一填➡激活思维】

  ①You should

  ____ ______ _____ your lawyer on this matter.

  你应该征求你的律师对这件事的意见。 ②I ______ __ persuade him, but in vain.

  我试图说服他, 但无效。 seek advice from sought to 【记一记➡构建知识】 seek one’s fortune/fame追求财富/名誉; 碰运气 seek after=seek for寻找; 追求 seek sth. from sb. 向某人寻求某物 seek to do sth. (=try/attempt to do sth. ) 试图/企图做某事 *(2017·湖北高考)One way children seek more attention from parents is by making themselves different from their siblings.

  孩子寻求父母更多的关注的一种方法是使自己不同于他们的兄弟姐妹。 *We shouldn’t seek after comfort, personal fame, or gain.

  我们不应该贪图安逸, 追名逐利。 【拓展延伸】 表示“寻找”的短语还有: look for, search for, hunt for, cast about for等。 【核心短语】 7. break up 破裂, 解散; 拆开; 破碎; 分开; 学期结束 【填一填➡激活思维】观察句子, 写出黑体部分的含义。 ①The glasses fell onto the floor and broke up. (

  ) ②The party breaks up and the neighbors hurry home. (

  ) ③The workers will break up the old cars for their parts.


   ) ④It was money trouble that broke up their marriage.

  ( ) 破碎 结束 拆开 破裂, 解散 【记一记➡构建知识】 break out (突然)发生; 爆发 break through 冲破; 突破 break off  中止; 中断; 打断; 折断 break in 

  打断(说话); 插嘴说; 闯入 break away (from) 脱离; 挣脱(束缚); 改掉(旧习惯);

   破除(旧做法) *He was only 29 when the war broke out.

  战争爆发时他才29岁。 *The football star broke away from his club and planned to join another.

  这位足球明星脱离了他的俱乐部并计划加入另外一个俱乐部。 8. at first sight初次见面; 一见面; 乍一看 【填一填➡激活思维】

  ①The young couple fell in love __ ____ _____.

  这对年轻人一见钟情。 ②___ ____ _____ the house appeared to be empty.

  乍看起来这所房子似乎是空的。 at first sight At first sight 【记一记➡构建知识】 at the sight of 一看到……就; 一看到 catch sight of 看见; 瞥见 lose sight of 

  看不见…… lose one’s sight 失明 keep sight of 使能看得到; 保持看得到的距离 in/within sight 可以看见; 在视线内 out of sight 

  看不见; 在视线外 *The little child danced around her at the sight of his mother.

  这个小孩子一见到母亲就蹦蹦跳跳围着她转。 *Standing at the top of the hill we can catch sight of the whole city.

  站在山顶, 我们能够看见全城的景色。 *Under no circumstances should we lose sight of our main objective.

  在任何情况下, 我们都不能忘记自己的宗旨。 *We waved until the car was out of sight.

  我们一直挥手道别, 直到汽车看不见为止。 【经典句式】 9. Just imagine performing such an opera in the Forbidden City —there could not be a more awesome setting!


  【填一填➡激活思维】仿写句子。 ①_____________________ 没有比这些更好的了。 ②I _______________________.

  我再同意你不过了。(或: 我完全同意你的意见。)

  ③The weather ________________.

  天气再糟糕不过了。 Nothing could be better. can’t agree with you more couldn’t be worse 【记一记➡构建知识】 (1)此句用了“no/never/not/. . . +a/an+比较级+单数名词”的结构, 可以看成是省略了than that in the Forbidden City。 (2)“否定词+比较级”是否定形式与比较级连用, 表示最高级意义, 通常译为“没有比……更……, 没有像……一样……”。常用的否定词有no, not, never, nothing, nobody, hardly等。 *This could give her no greater pleasure.


  *Nothing is more valuable than time, but nothing is less valued.

  没有比时间更贵重的东西, 但也没有比它更不受重视的东西。 【拓展延伸】 下列结构均表示最高级意义:


  (2)比较级+than+ any other +单数名词 all (the) other+复数名词 anyone else any of the other +复数名词 the rest of+复数名词或不可数名词 (3)have/has+never+过去分词+

  (4)can’t. . . +

  *I have never seen such a glorious sunrise.

  我从未见过这样壮观的日出。 *You can never be too careful.

  你再怎么小心也不过分。(你越小心越好。) so+adj. /adv.

  so+adj. +a/an+n.

  such+a/an+adj. +n.

  adj. /adv. enough

  too+adj. /adv. *He is cleverer than any other student in his class.

  =He is cleverer than all the other students in his class.

  =He is cleverer than any of the other students in his class.

  =He is cleverer than the rest of students in his class.

  =No other student is cleverer than he in his class.

  =There is not/never a cleverer student than he in his class.

  他比他班上的其他学生都聪明。 10. Unfortunately, Puccini died of a heart attack before he completed this final scene, and it had to be completed by one of his former students, Franco Alfano.

  不幸的是, 普契尼还没写完最后一幕就死于心脏病, 这一幕不得不由他以前的学生佛朗哥·阿尔法诺来完成。 【填一填➡激活思维】观察句子, 写出黑体部分的含义。 ①Mary had finished her homework before her mother

  returned. (

  ) ②The man almost knocked me down before he saw me.


  ) ③I had hardly sat down before the bell rang. (

  ) ④Before I could get in a word, he had measured me.


  ) 在……之前 过了多久后才 刚一……就 还没来得及……就 【记一记➡构建知识】 before引导时间状语从句, 意义根据具体语境可译为:

  (1)在……之前 (2)……(之后)才…… (3)(不多久)就…… (4)以免…… (5)还没来得及……就…… 【拓展延伸】注意与下列句型的比较:

  (1)It will be/would be/was+时间段+before从句 (2)It is+一段时间+since从句 (3)It was+时间点 + when从句 (4)It is/was+介词+时间点+that 强调句型

  *It is a long time since I met you last.

  很久没有见到你了。 *It was 11 p. m. when he came back last night.

  昨晚他回来时已是晚上十一点钟了。 *It was at 11 p. m. that he came back last night.

  他昨天晚上是十一点钟回来的。(强调时间状语at 11 p. m. ) *It was some time before I realized the truth.

  过了一段时间我才悟出真相。 11. Wherever the Beatles went, there was a phenomenon called‘Beatlemania’—thousands of fans would surround them, screaming and going crazy trying to see them.

  无论甲壳虫乐队到哪儿, 总有一种被称为“披头士狂”的现象——成千上万的粉丝总在他们周围尖叫着, 疯狂地试图看见他们。 【填一填➡激活思维】仿写句子。 ①________________, he always brings a notebook with him.

  他无论去哪里, 都随身带着一个笔记本。 ②(2017·上海高考)_______________________, remember

  that bookings are not required.

  无论你决定去哪里, 都要记住不需要提前订票。 Wherever he goes Wherever you decide to go 【记一记➡构建知识】 wherever 意为“无论去哪里, 无论在什么地方”, 引导让步状语从句, 相当于no matter where。 【悟一悟➡参透误区】 疑问词+ever可以引导让步状语从句, 相当于no matter+疑问词。 *Wherever he may be, he will be happy.

  =No matter where he may be, he will be happy.

  他无论在什么地方都快乐。 【拓展延伸】 疑问词+ever是高中学习必须掌握的内容, 高考也常以它作为考点。whatever, whoever, whichever, whomever等除了引导让步状语从句外, 还可以引导名词性从句, 但是whenever, wherever, however只可引导让步状语从句。 He won’t believe whatever I say. (宾语从句) 我说什么他都不信。 Whatever/No matter what I say, he won’t believe me. (让步状语从句) 无论我说什么, 他都不相信我。 Unit 2 The universal language  【话题词汇】 1. concert

  n. 音乐会 2. musician  

  n. 音乐家 3. inspiration  

  n. 灵感 4. actor  

  n. 男演员; 参与者 5. performance  n. 表演; 履行 6. well-known  

  adj. 著名的 7. traditional adj. 传统的 8. humorous  adj. 幽默的; 诙谐的 9. attractive   adj. 吸引人的 10. classical   adj. 经典的 11. appreciate    vt. 欣赏 12. ask sb. for advice on sth.

   关于某事向某人寻求建议 13. source of joys and inspiration  乐趣和灵感的源泉 【经典语篇】 (2017·钦州模拟)假设你是高中三年级的一名学生。今天在英语课上, 老师让同学们欣赏了一首歌曲I Believe I Can Fly。这是一首催人奋进的歌曲。请你根据要点以 I Believe I Can Fly 为题, 用英语写一篇短文, 参加某英语杂志的写作比赛。 内容要点: 1. 这首歌告诉我们自信的重要性; 2. 自信给人勇气, 使人进步; 3. 梦想和自信使人勇于面对困难; 4. 没有梦想和自信, 不会成功; 5. 你的感悟。 I Believe I Can Fly [歌曲描述]I Believe I Can Fly is a nice song. ①This song tells us that confidence is the most important to everyone. When a person has confidence and he believes in himself, he can make greater progress and will succeed some day. And this gives him the courage to try new things. ②Dreams and confidence are the things that keep us going on in the face of difficulties. No one can achieve success without them.

  [个人感悟]I am a senior 3 student. My classmates and I come across difficulties every day. Sometimes we lose heart. Our teachers and our parents often encourage us. So I think I will never give up whenever I meet with any difficulties. If you believe you can fly, then you can really fly. Please do remember that confidence is the promise for achieving the goal.

  【厚积薄发】 Ⅰ. 完成句子 (1)Music is __________________________________(在生活中 是乐趣和灵感的源泉).

  (2)I’m writing this letter ________________________________ ___________(向你就如何组建一支乐队寻求建议).

  the source of joys and inspiration in life to ask you for some advice on how to form a band Ⅱ. 句型转换 (1)用“否定词+比较级”改写句①。 ___________________________________________________ ____________________ (2)用名词性从句改写句②。 ____________________________________________________ ____________ This song tells us that there is nothing more important than confidence to everyone. Dreams and confidence are what keep us going on in the face of difficulties. Ⅰ. 单词➡分类记忆 【核心单词】不可不记 1. ________ (adj. ) 

  共同的, 普遍的, 全体的, 全世界的 2. ___________ (n. ) 机遇, 时机 3. ____ (vt. & vi. & aux. ) 敢于, 胆敢 4. ____ (vt. )

  逮捕, 捉拿; 抓住, 捉住; 夺取, 攻占 5. _______ (vt. ) 强烈要求; 需要

  (n. ) 要求; 需求 6. _____ (vt. )训斥, 责骂 universal opportunity dare seize demand scold 7. _______ (n. ) 衰落, 衰败; 减少; 下降

  (vi. & vt. ) 衰落; 下降; 婉言谢绝 8. ____(vt. & vi. )试图, 设法; 寻找, 寻求→______ (过去式) → ______(过去分词) 9. _________ (adj. )令人不安的; 引起恐慌的→_______ (v. )打扰 →_________(adj. )心乱的; 心理不正常的 10._________ (adj. )不情愿, 不愿意; 勉强的, 无奈的 →______(adj. )自愿的→ __________ (n. )乐意 11. _______ (adj. )逐渐的, 逐步的; 平缓的, 不陡的 → _________ (adv. )逐步地 decline seek sought sought disturbing disturb disturbed

  unwilling willing willingness gradual gradually 【高频单词】不可不知 12. ____ (vt. & vi. ) 选派角色; 投射(光、影);

  向……投以(视线、笑容) 13. ________ (vt. ) 

  判刑, 宣判; 指责, 谴责 14. _________ (n. )  人事部门; 职员, 全体人员 15.______ (n. ) 趋势, 动向 16. ________(adj. )  固执的, 顽固的 17. _____ (n. )  指导教师; 家庭教师

  18. ____________(n. )


  幼儿园 cast condemn personnel

  trend stubborn tutor kindergarten 19. ________ (adj. )仁慈的, 慈悲的, 宽大为怀的 →______ (n. )仁慈, 怜悯, 宽容 20. _____________ (n. )失业→ ___________ (n. )雇用, 工作, 职 业→_______ (v. )雇用→ _________ (n. )雇主→_________ (n. ) 雇员 21. _________ (n. )作品集; 收藏品; 一批(人或物品); 取走 → ______ (vt. )收集 merciful mercy unemployment employment

  employ employer employee collection collect Ⅱ. 短语➡双语互译 1. 以……为背景  ________ 2. 被处以某种刑罚 ________________________ 3. (向女方)求婚 

  _________________________________ 4. 相爱, 坠入爱河   

  _________ 5. 呈现; 雇用; 承担; 从事   _______ 6. 不愿意做某事  ___________________ 7. 初次见面; 乍一看  

  ___________ be set in be condemned to something ask for somebody’s hand in

  marriage fall in love take on be unwilling to do sth. at first sight 8. 突然兴起, 迅速出现 _________ 9. 破裂, 解散; 破碎  

  ________ 10. 参加选拔

  _________ 11. depend on 

  __________ 12. put up 

  ___________________ 13. apply for  _____ 14. split up__________ spring up break up try out for 依赖, 依靠 举起, 张贴, 提供食宿 申请 分裂, 分解 语境取词——选用上面的单词或短语填空 Five years ago, when he

  ______________________ ________(向Mary求婚), he was ________ (拒绝)because of

  his discrimination against women. Due to his character, the

  villagers were _________(不愿意)to speak to him. Later, he

  _________(逐渐地) realized his shortcomings and began to

  ____ (寻求)others’ forgiveness. Before long, he met a _____

  (指导教师)at a ____________(幼儿园) and at last got married.

  asked for Mary’s hand in marriage declined unwilling gradually seek tutor kindergarten Ⅲ. 句型➡超级仿写 1. 比较级与否定词连用表示最高级 Just imagine performing such an opera in the Forbidden

  City —there ________________________________(不可能有 比这更好的场景)!

  【仿写】为Mr. Stevenson工作很顺利——我真的找不到更 好的老板了。 Mr. Stevenson is great to work for—I really ______________ ___________.

  could not be a more awesome setting couldn’t ask for a better boss 2. before引导的从句 Unfortunately, Puccini died of a heart attack ________ ______________________(他尚未写完最后一幕), and it had

  to be completed by one of his former students, Franco Alfano.

  【仿写】我还没来得及制止她就哭了。 She cried ____________________.

  before he completed this final scene before I could stop her 3. too. . . to. . . 太……不能…… While the blues was popular, as a musical format it lacked

  variety and was _________________(太伤感且节奏太慢而 不适合)dance to.

  【仿写】我弟弟太小了不能上学, 因此我必须在家照顾他。 My brother ___________________________so I had to attend

  to him at home.

  too sad and slow to was too young to attend school 4. wherever引导让步状语从句 _______________________(不管甲壳虫乐队到哪里), there

  was a phenomenon called ‘Beatlemania’ —thousands of fans

  would surround them, screaming and going crazy trying to

  see them.

  【仿写】她所到之处都有成群的人等着见她。 ________________, there are crowds of people waiting to see


  Wherever the Beatles went Wherever she goes 【重点单词】 1. cast vt. &vi. 选派角色; 投射(光、影); 向……投以(视线、笑容) 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①The play __ _____ ____ in both the US and Britain.

  目前正在英美两国挑选这部戏的演员。 ②Ever since I saw the diary excerpts I’ve been ____ _____.

  自从看到日记摘录, 我就一直非常沮丧。 ③She ____ __ _____ in his direction.

  她向他微笑以示欢迎。 is being cast cast down cast a smile 【记一记➡构建知识】 cast actors

  选派演员 cast a shadow 

  投下影子 cast sb. as/in

  为(戏剧、角色)选派演员 cast down

  使沮丧, 使气馁 cast light on/upon 

  弄清楚 cast doubt on/upon 使人怀疑 *Andy Lau was cast as the leading actor in the movie Firestorm.

  刘德华在电影《风暴》中被选派为主演。 *Recent research has cast new light on the causes of the disease.

  最新研究使人们进一步了解了这种疾病的起因。 *The latest scientific discoveries cast doubt on earlier theories.

  最新的科学发现使我们对以前的理论产生怀疑。 【猜一猜➡熟词生义】观察句子, 写出黑体部分的含义。 About ninety-five percent of those who cast their votes

  approve the new law. (

  ) 投票 2. condemn vt. 判刑, 宣判; 指责, 谴责 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①He

  ____ __________ __ murder and sent to prison.

  他被判谋杀罪并入狱。 ②We strongly

  ________ ___ ______ of killing children cruelly. 我们强烈谴责残忍杀害孩子的犯罪行为。 was condemned to condemn the crimes 【记一记➡构建知识】 be condemned to. . . 被宣告……, 被判…… condemn sth. /sb. as. . .  指责……为…… condemn sb. /sth. for(doing) sth.

  因(做)某事而谴责…… condemn sb. to death 

  宣判某人死刑 condemn sb. to do sth.  

  使某人注定做某事 condemn sb. to sth.

  使某人陷入(困境) *She knew that society will condemn her for abandoning her children.


  *In ancient China, anyone who cheated the emperor would be condemned to death.

  在古代中国, 任何欺骗皇帝的人都会被处以死刑。 3. seize vt. 逮捕, 捉拿; 夺取, 攻占; 抓住, 捉住 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①She ______ ___ ___ the wrist.

  她抓住了我的手腕。 ②Police were reported

  __ _____ ______ all copies of this

  morning’s edition of the newspaper.

  据说警方已经将该报纸今天的早间版全部没收。 ③So if you have the capability to know yourself, ____ ___


  因此如果你有能力去了解你自己, 抓住这个机会。 seized me by to have seized seize the chance 【记一记➡构建知识】 seize sb. by. . .

  抓住某人的…… be seized with/be infected by. . .  受到……侵袭 seize the opportunity/chance

  抓住机遇, 抓住机会 *We should seize every opportunity to develop the economy.

  我们要把握一切机遇发展经济。 *Here came the disturbing news that he was suddenly seized with an illness while he was writing his essay.

  有人传来了令人不安的消息, 他在写作时突然病倒了。 【拓展延伸】 seize 指“突然用力抓住使其逃脱不了”, 还可表示“抓住机会、想法”等, 当用作引申意义时, 也可加on或upon, 表示“利用” grasp 指“牢牢抓住; 抓紧”, 还可引申为“理解; 领会” catch 有“设法抓住、捉住; 偶然撞见”的意思; 还可表示“赶上(车); 染上(病); 吸引”等意思 take 为一般用语, 常指“拿、握、取” 4. demand vt. 强烈要求; 需要

   n. 要求; 需求 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①I _______ __ ___ the manager.

  我坚决要求见经理。 ②The matter cannot rest there. I _______ an apology _____

  your company.

  事情不能就此作罢。我要求你们公司向我道歉。 ③Good secretaries are always __ _______.

  优秀的秘书总是很抢手。 demand to see demand from in demand 【记一记➡构建知识】 (1)demand sth. 要求某物 demand sth. of/from sb. 向某人要求某物 demand to do 

    要求做…… demand that. . .   要求……[从句用(should+)  

   动词原形] (2)be in (great) demand

   (迫切)需求 meet/satisfy one’s demands 满足某人的需求


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