【北师大版】高中英语一轮复习讲练精品:Part I Unit 12 Culture Shock学案-查字典英语网
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【北师大版】高中英语一轮复习讲练精品:Part I Unit 12 Culture Shock学案

发布时间:2017-02-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 12 Culture Shock重点单词 1.________ adj. 短暂的;简短的→ ________ adv. 简短地2.________ n. 期待的事物;预期→ ________ v. 期待;料想

  3.________ vi. 闲逛;漫游

  4.________ adj. 合理的;正当的→________ n. 理由5.________ vt. 指示;表明→________ n. 指示;说明6.________ adv. 好奇地→________ adj. 好奇的→ ________ n. 好奇7.________ n. 活动;移动→________ v. 搬家;使……感动

  8.________ n. 礼貌;规矩;风俗

  重点单词 9.________ adj. 非正式的→ ________ adj. (反义词)正式的

  10.________ n. 请求 v. 请求

  11.________ n. 到达;抵达→ ________ v. 到达

  12.________ vt. 进行;实施 n. 行为;举止

  13.________ vi. 爆发→ ________ n. 爆发

  14.________ vt. 系;固定

  15.________ vt. 出口;输出→ ________ vt. (反义词)入口;输入

  16.________ n. 文学

  重点短语 1.________ ________ ________ ________向……道歉 

  2.________ ________

  ________ 冒险做某事

  3.________ ________ ________ ________ 给……搭便车

  4.________ ________ ________和……相反

  5.________ ________ ________ ________ 坚持做某事

  6.________ ________盯着看

  7.________ ________ ________ ________结束

  重点短语 8.________ ________ ________给某人送行

  9.________ ________ ________期望;盼望

  10.________ ________ ________注意;小心

  11.________ ________ ________ ________有胃口的;食欲好

  12.________ ________ ________就……而言;谈及

  重点句式 1.I was_enjoying my dessert and talking to my American friend Janice at the table

  when I noticed people staring at us.


  would_rather stay cosy and read my novel.

  3.I had a similar experience the_last_time

  I visited China.

  4. There_is

  so much here that is different from home.

  5.When I first arrived in San Francisco, I had_a_difficult_time understanding certain aspects of the American way of doing things .

  核心语法 不定式、动名词与现在分词的用法比较


  1.brief; briefly 2.expectation; expect 3.wander 4.reasonable; reason 5.indicate; indication 6.curiously; curious; curiosity 7.movement; move 8.manners 9.informal; formal 10.request 11.arrival; arrive 12.conduct 13.erupt; eruption

  14.attach 15.export; import 16.literature


  1.owe sb an apology 2.risk doing sth 3.give sb a lift 4.be contrary to 5.insist on doing sth 6.stare at 7.bring / put an end to 8.see sb off 9.look forward to 10.look out for 11.have a good appetite 12.in terms of1.owe vt.欠(债);把……归功于;把……归因于;多亏了

  owe sb + money = owe + money to sb 欠某人……钱

  owe one's success / one's life / everything to...把成功/某人的生命/每件事归功于……

  owe it to + that从句


  owing to = because of / on account of / due to 因为;由于

  1)How much do I ________you for the box? 我买这只箱子应付你多少钱?

  2)I ________my success ________my parents and teachers. 我的成功应归功于我的父母和老师。

  3)She ________everything ________hard work.


  4)I ________ ________ ________ ________ him. 我应该向他道歉。

  5)I think I ________ ________ ________ ________. 我认为我得向你作出解释。

  6)________ ________ a lack of funds, the project will not continue. 由于缺少资金,该项目将终止。

  7)I ________ ________ ________ ________ that I passed the exam.


  【答案】 1)owe 2)owe; to 3)owes; to 4)owe an apology to 5)owe you an explanation 6)Owing to 7)owe it to you


  1)I ________ you an apology ________ what I said this morning. Anyway, I meant no offence.2)When asked about the secret of his success, Steven said that he ________ much of his success and happiness to his wife and children.

  3)________ whom do we ________ the discovery of the wild land?

  4)We ________ ________ ________ society to make our country a better place.

  【答案】 1)owe; for 2)owed 3)To; owe 4)owe it to


  (2009天津)—How much do I owe you for lunch?

  —________, it's nothing.A.You‘re welcome

  B.Forget it

  C.With pleasure

  D.That's right【答案与解析】 B forget it“算了吧”;you're welcome“不用谢”;with pleasure“乐意”;that's right“好吧;行”。题意:“中饭我欠你多少钱?”“算了吧,不足挂齿。”

  2.absorb vt. 吸收;理解;掌握;使……全神贯注;吞并

  be absorbed in / absorb oneself in


  be absorbed by... 被……所吸引;被……吞并

  absorb one's attention




  absorbing adj. 引人入胜的;十分吸引人的

  1)Black walls ________ a lot of heat during the day. 黑色墙壁在白天吸收大量的热。2)The boy was so ________ in his book that he didn‘t notice me. 这男孩如此专注地看书以至于他没注意到我。3)I haven‘t really had time to ________ everything that he said.

  事实上我还没有时间弄懂他说的一切。4)Most little schools ________ ________ ________ into big ones so far. 到目前为止,大部分小规模学校都已经被并入了大规模学校了。【答案】 1)absorb 2)absorbed 3)absorb 4)have been absorbed


  1)Water can ________ and give off a lot of heat without big changes in temperature, thus creating a stable environment.

  2)History is a subject that ________ him.

  3)He seemed to be more ________ in his pipe than in what you were saying.

  【答案】 1)absorb 2)absorbs 3)absorbed


  (2009海南模拟)The boy was so clever that he could ________ all the knowledge his teacher taught him.




  D.absorb【答案与解析】 D 题意:那个男孩是如此聪明,以至于他能吸收老师所教的全部知识。admire“羡慕;钦佩”;acknowledge“承认”;admit“认可;承认”;absorb“理解;掌握”。

  3.expectation n.预料;期待;期待的事物

  beyond expectations


  live up to / meet one's expectations


  expect to do sth 期待做某事

  expect sb to do sth


  expect there to be... 期待会有……

  I expect so.


  I don't expect so.


  1)We‘re confident in our ________ of a full recovery. 我们满怀信心期待着康复。2)We stood there, not knowing what ________ ________ of us.我们站在那儿,不知道会被要求做什么。3)Some parents ________too much of their children, with the result that they are disappointed.

  一些父母对孩子的期望值太高,结果使他们非常失望。4)The plan has succeeded beyond our ________.

  这计划成功了,完全超出了我们的料想。【答案】 1)expectations 2)was expected 3)expect



  1)We can never ________ a bluer sky unless we create a less polluted world.

  2)Schools across China ________ ________ ________ hire 50,000 college graduates this year as short-term teachers, almost three times the number hired last year, to help reduce unemployment pressure.

  3)The walk ________ ________ to last all day, so bring a packed lunch.

  4)I won't call you, unless something ________ happens.

  5)Does this meal cost $50? I ________ something far better than this.

  【答案】 1)expect 2)are expected to 3)is expected

  4)unexpected 5)expected


  (2010浙江余姚中学检测)—Did the film ________your expectations?

  —Yes, I have never seen such an interesting film like that before.A.take part inB.make ends meet

  C.live up to

  D.look forward to【答案与解析】 C 题意:“这部电影达到了你的期望吗?”“是的,这是我看过的最有趣的电影。” take part in “参加”;make ends meet“量入为出;收支平衡”;look forward to“期待”,均不能和expectation搭配。

  4.request vt. & n.


  request + n. /



  request sb to do sth


  request sth from / of sb


  request + that 从句


  request of sb that 从句


  at sb's request


  表示“命令;要求;劝告”的词,其后的从句一般要用虚拟语气,包括:主语从句,表语从句,同位语从句和宾语从句。主要有:insist“坚持要求”;order / command“命令”;advise, suggest, propose “建议”;request / require / demand / desire “请求或要求”。

  1)I request that you ________the meeting on time. 我请求你按时到会。2)What do you request ________me? 你对我有何要求?3)Tom arrived at the meeting ________my request.

  汤姆应邀到会。4)All the students ________ ________not to be late for class. 要求所有学生上课不能迟到。【答案】 1)(should) attend 2)of / from 3)at 4)are requested


  1)The workers requested that their working conditions ________ ________ ________ (进一步完善).

  2)It's requested that no one ________ (触摸) the exhibits.

  3)I request him ________ ________ (留下).

  4)She made repeated requests that I ________ (帮助) her.

  【答案】 1)(should) be further improved 2)(should) feel / touch 3)to stay 4)(should) help


  (2010福州八校联考)John put in a special ________ for an extra day's holiday so that he could attend his daughter's wedding.

  A.demandB.request C.proposalD.enquiry

  【答案与解析】 B 题意:约翰提出增加休假一天的特别请求,以便参加女儿的婚礼。demand“要求”;proposal“建议”;enquiry“询问”,均不合题意。

  5.attach vt.&vi.


  attach sth to sth

  将某物系在 / 附在……上

  attach to


  attach oneself to


  attach importance to


  1)They have ________a number conditions to the agreement. 他们在协议上附加了一些条件。

  2)He ________labels to his luggage. 他把标签贴在行李上。

  3)Don't ________your cow to the tree, for it's too young. 别把母牛系在这树上,它太小了。

  4)No blame ________him for the accident.


  5)She ________herself to the university where she had worked for nearly 40 years.


  6)I‘m greatly ________to the children. 我非常喜爱这些孩子。【答案】 1)attached 2)attached 3)attach 4)attaches to 5)attached 6)attached

  (1)用attach 的相关短语填空

  1)How can you attach the blame ________this accident ________the taxi driver.2)The horse ________to the tree belongs to Lao Wang.

  3)The hospital ________ ________ ________ the university.

  4)They ________ great ________ ________ (重视) the project.【答案】 1)for;to 2)attached / fastened /tied 3)is attached to 4)attach; importance to


  (2010浙江余姚质检)The government is ________to everyone to save energy to carry out the construction of “two-oriented society”(两型社会)in Wuhan and other circle cities.A.attaching



  D.appealing【答案与解析】 D attach to“附属;归因于”;adapt“使适应”;adjust“调整”;appeal“呼吁”。根据题意“政府呼吁大家节约能源……”,应选D项。

  6.conduct vt. 指挥;带领;进行;实施 n.举止;行为

  conductor n. 指挥;售票员;列车长;导体

  conduct sb to some place 把某人领到某地

  conduct a survey / an interview / an experiment

  进行调查 / 面试 / 实验

  conduct sb around some place = show sb around


  1)We‘re ________ a survey of new employees to find out what influenced them to choose our company. 我们正在对新员工进行调查,为了弄清楚是什么使他们选择了我们的公司。2)On arrival, I was ________ into the boss‘s room. 一到那里,我就被带到老板的办公室。

  3)He is famous for his good ________.


  【答案】 1)conducting 2)conducted 3)conduct


  1)Who is to ________the concert this evening?2)The economic impact study was ________ by a group of specially selected MBA students at the University of Kansas.

  3)—How do you find the concert in the Beijing Ground Theatre last night?

  —I don't think much of it. But the ________ was perfect.

  4)The interview was ________ in English.

  【答案】 1)conduct 2)conducted 3)conductor



  (2010湖南岳阳一中月考)A survey ________ by scientists shows that more and more young men ________ work after senior school.A.conducted; go to

  B.conducting; goes to

  C.conducted; going to

  D.to conduct; go to【答案与解析】 A conducted 作后置定语。根据主句时态show可知从句也用一般时,故用go。

  7.consider vt.考虑;认为

  consider doing sth


  consider + it +补语+ to do sth








  adj. 值得考虑的;重大的

  considerate adj. 体贴的;考虑周到的

  1)Li Bai was ________ a great poet in history of China.

  李白被认为是中国历史上一名伟大的诗人。2)They are considering when ________ ________ the meeting.

  他们正在考虑什么时候开会。3)They‘ll have to consider ________ they can afford it or not. 他们将不得不考虑是否有条件这么做。4)I consider John ________ a good assistant.

  我认为约翰是一个好助手。【答案】 1) considered 2)to hold 3)whether 4)as (to be)


  1)All things ________, the composition is good.

  2)We ________that you are not to blame.

  3)It's ________colder this evening.

  4)It was ________of you not to play the piano.【答案】 1)considered 2)consider 3)considerably



  (2011石家庄质量检测)________everything into consideration, the result is better than ________

  A.Taking; expected

  B.Taken; expected

  C.To take; expecting

  D.Taking; expecting【答案与解析】 A 考查非谓语动词。taking...into consideration是插入语,than之后省略了it is。题意:如果全面考虑的话,结果比预料的好。1.be contrary to


  on the contrary 恰恰相反(充当插入语)

  to the contrary


  opposite adj.对面的;另一边的 prep.在……对面

  be opposite to 在……对面

  1)You think you are clever, ________ ________ ________, I'm sure you're very foolish.


  2)There is no evidence ________ ________ ________ at present.目前,没有相反的证据。

  3)—Have you finished?


  —________ ________ ________, I have not begun.


  4)________ ________ our expectations, he was defeated in the first round. 与我们的期望相反,他第一轮就被打败了。

  5)He cried to his friend on the ________ side of the street.


  6)Our house is ________ to theirs.


  【答案】 1)on the contrary 2)to the contrary 3)On the contrary 4)Contrary to 5)oppsite 6)opposite


  1)We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed ability teaching. ________ ________ ________(相反), both their knowledge and experience are enriched.2)Andy sped off in the ________ (相反的) direction.3)________ ________ (与……相反)what I had originally thought, collecting stamps turned out to be fun.4)I asked the man ________ (在……对面) if he would open the window.【答案】  1)On the contrary 2)opposite 3)Contrary to



  (2010潍坊模拟)Mike is handsome, kind and full of energy. ________, I can't speak too highly of him.A.As a result

  B.By the way

  C.In a word

  D.On the contrary【答案与解析】 C 题意:迈克英俊、友善又充满活力。总之,无论怎么赞美都不为过。as a result“结果”;by the way“顺便问一下”;on the contrary“恰恰相反”,均不合题意。

  2.see sb off 为某人送行;把某人赶走

  see through


  seeing that = since / because of


  see to


  see (to it) that


  as far as I can see


  you see (插入语)你瞧;你是知道的;你听我说

  see you


  see about


  see after = look after


  1)That day, he was ________ ________ his friend at the bus station. 那天,他到汽车站给朋友送行。

  2)Her dog ________the two thieves ________her house.


  3)His business was about to fail, but the bank ________ ________ ________. 他的生意几乎破产,但银行帮他渡过了难关。

  4)________ ________he was a hard worker, he achieved success. 由于他很勤奋,他获得了成功。

  5)They ________ (to it) that the same mistake didn‘t happen again. 他们保证类似错误不再发生。【答案】 1)seeing off 2)saw; off 3)saw him through 4)Seeing that 5)saw


  1)If you have to leave tomorrow, I'll ________ you ________ at the station.2)The old man's story ________ ________ ________ at once.

  3)I'll ________ ________ it that they'll be present at the meeting.

  4)________ ________ she always seems to be acting, you can't take her seriously.

  【答案】 1)see;off 2)was seen through 3)see to

  4)Seeing that


  (2010长沙一中月考)—Er, boss, I think you should increase my pay, ________ I have been working here for 15 years.

  —Yes, you're right. I'll ask the secretary to ________.A.you see; see to it

  B.in my opinion; do it

  C.on the other hand; handle it

  D.however; deal with it【答案与解析】 A 题意:“呃!老板,我认为你应该给我涨工资,你是知道的,我已经在这工作15年了。”“是的,你说得对,我会叫我秘书处理这事的。”

  3.bring / put an end to结束……

  at the end (of...)


  by the end of...


  in the end


  come to an end

  = come to a close 结束

  end up 结束;告终

  on end


  end up with... 以……形式结束

  end sth with...


  1)You‘ll ________ ________ getting burnt if you don’t keep away from the fire. 如果你不避开火,到头来你会被烧伤的。2)Let‘s put ________ ________ to the argument and discuss the problem peacefully. 咱们结束争吵,平和地讨论问题吧!3)The meeting didn‘t come to ________ ________ until 12 o’clock. 会议一直持续到12点才结束。4)Others were planning to go ________ the end of the term.

  其他人计划学期结束就走。【答案】 1)end up 2)an end 3)an end 4)at


  1)Their quarrel ended ________ agreeing that they would cooperate with each other.

  2)This book ends ________ a brief summary.

  3) ________ the end of 2008, about half a million people had flooded into the city, making up around 10 percent of its total population.

  【答案】 1)on 2)with 3)By


  (2010天津十二区县中学联考)Tom was so wild about computer games that he would stay online for ten hours ________every day.

  A.in the end

  B.in particular

  C.on end

  D.on purpose

  【答案与解析】 C 题意:汤姆对电脑游戏是如此的着迷,以至于每天连续十小时在网上。in the end“终于”;in particular“尤其;特别”;on purpose“有目的地”;on end“连续不断。”1.I was enjoying my dessert and talking to my American friend Janice at the table

  when I noticed people staring at us. 我正在享受我的甜点并和我的美国朋友詹尼斯聊天,这时我注意到人们在盯着我看。

  was / were doing...when...


  was / were about to...when...


  had just done...when...


  was / were on the point of doing...when...


  had hardly done...when...





  【答案】 I was walking along the street when suddenly I met a former classmate of mine.

  1)I ________ ________ ________ start when it began to rain. 我正要出发,这时天开始下雨。

  2)We ________ ________ ________ half the distance when our car broke down. 我们刚走到半路上,突然车坏了。

  3)I ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ going out when the telephone rang. 我正要外出,这时电话铃响了。

  4)I ________ ________ ________ the door when I hit him. 我刚刚打开门就撞到他了。

  【答案】 1)was about to 2)had just covered 3)was on the point of 4)had hardly opened


  1)We hadn't run a mile ________ we felt tired.

  2)He had measured me ________ I could cut in a word.

  3)The train had gone ________ they reached the station.

  4)Hardly had he arrived home ________ he fell ill.

  5)The play had already been on for quite some time ________ we arrived at the Now Theatre.

  【答案】 1)before 2)before 3)before 4)when

  5)when / before


  (2010浙江平湖中学月考)I had just stepped out of the bathroom ________ I heard the steps.A.while




  【答案与解析】 B 题意:我刚刚走出洗澡间,这时,我听到了脚步声。while“在……时候”;since“自从”;after“在……之后”。

  2.I had a similar experience the last time I visited China. 上一次来中国时,我有类似的经历。

  the last time为名词词组,相当于连词,引导时间状语从句,类似的还有:

  the / moment / minute / instant / second 一……就……

  every time / each time


  next time 下一次

  the first time


  for the first time

  充当状语;the first time





  【答案】 I loved the book the first time I read it.

  1)I bought a lot of presents for my relatives ________ ________________ I went to Beijing. 第一次到北京时,我给我的亲戚买了许多礼物。2)I recognized her ________ ________ I saw her.

  我一见到她就认出了她。3)He nods to me ________ ________ he sees me. 他每次见到我都向我点头。【答案】 1)the first time 2)the moment / minute

  3)each time


  1)I come here ________ ________ ________ ________ (第一次), so would you mind being my guide?

  2)They promised to visit you ________ ________ (下次).

  3)I left ________ ________ (一……就) the clock struck twelve.

  【答案】 1)for the first time 2)next time 3)the moment


  (2010江苏如东中学试题)This is the first time we ________a film in the cinema together as a family.


  B.had seen


  D.have seen

  【答案与解析】 D 句型“this is the first / second / third / last time + 从句”中,从句的时态应用现在完成时。如果是this was the first time + 从句,则从句中应用过去完成时。


  would rather stay cosy and read my novel.


  would (had) rather do...than do...


  would (had) rather (not) do...


  would (had) rather + clause


  rather than...

  (要)……而不……; 与其……倒不如……

  rather than do... / rather than doing...(用在句子开头)宁可;宁愿



  ________________________________________________________________________【答案】 I would rather die than give in.

  1)I would rather ________ football than ________basketball. 我宁愿踢足球也不愿打篮球。2)I would rather have rice ________ noodles.

  我宁愿吃米饭而不愿吃面。3)We had rather you ________ in today. 我们宁愿你今天待在家里。4)I‘d rather you ________ ________ ________ the secret yesterday. 我宁愿昨天你没有泄露秘密。5)We'll have the meeting in my room ________ ________ in the classroom.


  6)The dog tried its best to save its hostess ________ ________ ran away from danger.这狗努力营救它的主人而不是自己逃跑。7)Rather than ________ ________, the boy should be praised. 这男孩应该受到表扬,而不是惩罚。8)Rather than ________ ________ ________ ________, I‘d prefer to stay in.

  我宁愿待在家里而不愿外出旅游。【答案】 1)play;play 2)than 3)stayed 4)hadn't given away 5)rather than 6)rather than 7)being punished

  8)go out for travelling


  I think it is Tom, ________ ________ (而不是) you, are tired.

  【答案】 rather than(2)名校押题

  (2010山东聊城模拟)To enjoy the scenery, Irene would rather spend long hours on the train ________ travel by air.




  D.while【答案与解析】 C would rather do than do sth “宁愿……也不愿”。题意:为了沿途欣赏风景,Irene 宁愿花上许多个小时坐火车,也不愿乘飞机。

  4.When I first arrived in San Francisco, I had a difficult time understanding certain aspects of the American way of doing things. 当我第一次到旧金山时,我觉得很难理解美国人的某些做事方式。

  have a hard / difficult time (in ) sth / doing sth


  have difficulty / trouble / problem in doing sth


  have trouble / problems with sth


  take great trouble to do sth


  find some difficulty in doing sth


  find it difficult to do sth





  【答案】 At that time, I found I had a difficult time dealing with her.

  1)You can't imagine what difficulty we had ________ home in the snowstorm. 你无法想象我们在暴风雪中步行回家时有多么的困难。

  2)I had great difficulty ________ the suitable food on the menu in that restaurant. 在那家饭馆的菜谱上很难找到合适的菜。

  3)People from East Asia tend to have more difficulty than those from Europe in ________ facial expressions.


  4)No one can imagine the difficulty he had ________ his son to get rid of the habit of playing computer games. 没人能想象他在说服儿子放弃打电脑游戏方面有多么的困难。

  5)There doesn‘t seem to have been much difficulty in ________ the problem. 好像当时解决这问题没有太大困难。

  【答案】 1)walking 2)finding 3)distinguishing

  4)persuading 5)solving


  1)He finally solved the difficulty ________ transportation.2)We met the difficulty ________ choosing a holiday place.

  3)They had little difficulty ________ getting away from the house.

  4)The students have great difficulty ________ English.

  5)There is much difficulty ________ ________ (找到) the way.

  【答案】 1)of 2)of 3)in 4)with 5)in finding


  (2010吉林实验中学二模)I am amazed at someone so rich ________difficulty in paying what he owes you.A.as to have

  B.who has no

  C.that he has no

  D.having【答案与解析】 D 题意:我非常惊讶,那么富裕的一个人竟然在偿还他欠你的钱方面居然有困难。so rich as to have... “如此富裕以至于有困难”,逻辑上错误;so rich who has no...“如此富裕,他没有困难……”;so rich that he has no...“如此富裕以至于他没有困难……”,均不合题意。1.(2010合肥高三抽样)All books ________ to the library more than three days late will be subject to a fine.



  C.to return

  D.returned【答案与解析】 D 考查非谓语动词作后置定语。题意:如有推迟三天以上才到图书馆还书的话将受到罚款处理。book与return构成动宾关系,应用过去分词returned.2.(2010合肥高三抽样)With age,the mineral content of human bones decreases,________ them more fragile.


  B.to make


  D.Making【答案与解析】 D 考查现在分词。making them more fragile = which makes them more fragile; to make一般充当目的状语或结果状语;充当结果状语时,一般指未预料到的,不愉快的结果。

  3.(2010江西)Smell the flowers before you go to sleep, and you may just ________ sweet dreams.

  A.keep up with

  B.put up with

  C.end up with

  D.catch up with

  【答案与解析】 C 题意:假如你在睡觉前闻闻鲜花,那么结果有可能是做个美梦。 end up with “以……结束”;put up with “忍受”;keep up with “跟上”;catch up with “赶上”。4.(2010利辛中学高三月考)— I know this is the latest type but it's secondhand. $20—that's my last offer.

  —OK. It's a(n) ________.




  D.deal【答案与解析】 D 考查购物交际用语。第1个人最后出价20美元,第2个人表示同意。It's a deal!“好吧,成交!”business“生意;贸易”;trade“贸易”;agreement“协议”,均不合题意。

  5.(2010合肥168中学月考)You can go to the newspaper library and ________ any information you need for your new story.

  A.look for

  B.look up

  C.look at

  D.look into【答案与解析】 B 题意:你可以去报纸收藏馆查找你需要有关你新故事的信息。look up习惯与words, information等搭配。look for“寻找某物”;look into“调查”。6.(2010合肥168中学月考)The speaker ________ his voice so that he could make himself heard in the noisy street.




  D.brought【答案与解析】 A 题意:这个说话的人提高了嗓音,以便在嘈杂的街上的人们能听到他在说话。raise “提高;抬高”;rise“上升;起床”;lift“举起重物”;bring“带来”。

  7.(2010合肥一中高三月考)Mr Pipal is so well known across the world in engineering, he is modest and polite, ________.





  【答案与解析】 D 题意:皮帕先生在工程学方面世界闻名,不过他仍然谦虚有礼貌。though“然而;可是”;but 一般用于句首;although“虽然;但是”;therefore“因此;所以”,与题意不符。8.(2010芜湖七中高三调研) ________ fashions differ from country to country may reflect the culture difference from one aspect.




  D.Which【答案与解析】 B 考查名词性从句作主语。that引导名词性从句,不充当句子成分,无词汇意义。which“哪一个”;what“什么样的”;this指示代词,均不合题意。

  9.(2010厦门理工附中高三月考)Never before ________ a more splendid opening ceremony than that of the Beijing Olympics.

  A.there were

  B.has there been

  C.there has been

  D.were there

  【答案与解析】 B 考查there be 句型在倒装句中的运用。never before用于句子开头引起句子倒装,before是现在完成时的标志。10.(2010重庆)Many buildings in the city need repairing, but the one ________first is the library.


  B.being repaired


  D.to be repaired

  【答案与解析】 D 考查非谓语动词充当定语的用法。题意:这个城市许多楼房都需要修理,但首先需要修理的是图书馆。to be repaired“将要被修理的”;repaired“已修理好的”;being repaired“正在被修理的”;repairing表主动概念;这些均不合题意。1.(2010重庆,23)He had lost his temper and his health in the war and never found ________ of them again.

  A.neither B.eitherC.each


  【答案与解析】 B 题意:战争中他失去了他的脾气和健康,二者他永远也找不回来了。neither“二者都不”(与题意矛盾);each“二者之中的每一个”,一般不用于否定句;all“三者以上所有的”。2.(2010重庆,30)The news shocked the public, ________to great concern about students' safety at school.

  A.having led



  D.to lead【答案与解析】 C 考查非谓语动词。leading to是现在分词作结果状语,表示自然而然的结果;having led强调的动作先于主句动词;led表被动;to lead引导结果状语,表未被预料的、不愉快的结果。根据题意应选C项。

  3.(2010山东,23)I have a lot of readings ________ before the end of this term.


  B.to complete


  D.being complete


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