【人教课标版】高考英语一轮复习 精品语法(课件):专题13 正反解读特殊句式-查字典英语网
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【人教课标版】高考英语一轮复习 精品语法(课件):专题13 正反解读特殊句式

发布时间:2017-02-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  6.I don't suppose anyone will be willing to do the hard job, ________?

  A.do I

  B.don't I

  C.will they

  D.won't they

  【解析】 C I think/suppose/believe引导的宾语从句的反意疑问句,存在否定转移的习惯,且反意疑问句的主语应与从句主语一致,选C。 专题十三 │ 实战演练 7. [2010·重庆卷] At the meeting place

  of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River ________,one of the ten largest cities in China.

  A.lies Chongqing

  B.Chongqing lies

  C.does lie Chongqing

  D.does Chongqing lie

  【解析】 A 考查倒装句。为了表示强调,把作状语的介词短语提到句首,此时句子采用完全倒装的语序。 专题十三 │ 实战演练 8. Go straight into the cave and find out what's in it, ________?

  A.can't you

  B.don't you

  C.are you

  D.will you

  【解析】 D 考查反意疑问句。这是一个祈使句,对祈使句构成反意疑问句用will you? 9. [2010·四川卷] We laugh at jokes,but seldom ________ about how they work.

  A.we think

  B.think we

  C.we do think

  D.do we think

  【解析】 D 考查倒装用法。seldom,hardly,never,no等具有否定意义的词位于句首句子用部分倒装语序。 专题十三 │ 实战演练 10.—I've read three books this week.

  —Well, maybe ________ is not how much you read but what you read that counts.





  【解析】 D 考查强调句型的用法。把“________ is”和句中的that省略后,该句话依旧成立,由此可知该题是强调句型的结构,所以答案只能用it。 11.In Switzerland, six miles west of Geneva,________a collection of laboratory buildings.


  B.are lying C.lies


  【答案】 C 专题十三 │ 实战演练 12.________in the root of his family that he decided to make a trip to Africa for further research.

  A.So interested Kunta was

  B.So interested was Kunta

  C.How interested Kunta was

  D.Kunta was such interested

  【解析】 B 考查倒装句。so…that这个固定句式中的so及其修饰成分提到句首时,句子倒装,因此B项正确。 专题十三 │ 实战演练 13.[2010·四川卷] If you have a job,________ yourself to it and

  finally you'll succeed.

  A.do devote

  B.don't devote


  D.not devoting

  【解析】 A 考查祈使句用法。If引导从句,所以此处应该填入可以构成主句的词,这里是祈使句,do表示强调。 专题十三 │ 实战演练 14.________for the worst in advance and you won't be disappointed.


  B.When preparing

  C.Having prepared

  D.If you prepare

  【解析】 A 祈使句和and连用相当于条件状语从句的用法。原句=If you prepare for the worst in advance,you won't be disappointed. 专题十三 │ 实战演练 15.—He has to finish the experiment today. He must be in the lab,________?

  —That's quite possible.

  A.mustn't he

  B.won't he

  C.doesn't he

  D.isn't he

  【解析】 D 该题考查反意疑问句。must be结构中的中心词应为be,且He must be in the lab相当于I think he is in the lab,故应用isn't he。 专题十三 │ 实战演练 专题一 正反解读冠词 专题二 正反解读名词 专题三 正反解读代词 专题四 正反解读形容词、副词 专题五 正反解读介词 专题六 正反解读动词和动词短语 专题七 正反解读非谓语动词 专题八 正反解读情态动词和虚拟语气 专题九 正反解读动词的时态、语态 专题十 正反解读定语从句 专题十一 正反解读名词性从句 专题十二 正反解读状语从句 专题十三 正反解读特殊句式 专题十四 正反解读主谓一致与数词 【人教课标版】高考英语一轮复习精品课件 — 语法专题 语法专题 专题十三


  专题十三 │ 考点荟萃 考点荟萃

  特殊句式在近几年高考题中所占分量居中,各套试题中至少有一道小题考查特殊句式。主要考查倒装句、省略替代、强调句以及感叹句和反意疑问句。 一、倒装


  副词开头要倒装,人称代词则如常。only修饰副介状,位于句首半倒装。否定意义副连词,“既不……也不”需倒装。表语前置主语长,衔接自然常倒装。such代词作表语,引起主谓要倒装。not only开头句,前一分句需倒装。had,were,should虚拟句,省略if半倒装。 专题十三 │ 正面解读 正面解读

  倒装分两类:全部倒装和部分倒装。全部倒装是将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。实义动词、情态动词或be 动词放在主语之前。部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态动词倒装至主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。

  专题十三 │ 正面解读 1.全部倒装的情况 专题十三 │ 正面解读 使用场合




  ①There is a book in the bag. ②There came shouts for help from the river. 常见动词有be, come, lie, happen, appear, seem, stand, exist, live, remain等。

  (2)在here, there, away, in, out, down, up, off, now, then开头的句子里

  ①Here comes the bus.②There goes the train. ③In rushed the children. ④Now comes your turn.

  ①谓语常是表示方位或位移的不及物动词lie, live, sit, stand, be, come, go, run, rise等。②主语是人称代词时,不倒装。如:Here we are. There he comes.


  ①Between the buildings stands a tall tree. ②South of the city lies a steel factory. ③From the village came a frightening sound.

  专题十三 │ 正面解读 使用场合




  ①Such were the facts. ②Such was Albert Einstein.

  主谓一致 (5)平衡句子结构或使上下文衔接紧密 They reached a farmhouse, in front of which sat a small boy.


  2. 部分倒装的情况 专题十三 │ 正面解读 使用场合



  (1)so, neither, nor开头的句子,表示“也一样、也不” ①I like sports, and so does my brother. ②If you go, so will I. ③He hasn't come, nor have his sisters. ④If you don't go, neither shall I.

  ①使用正确的助动词。②当so表示对前句内容的肯定和附和时,用自然语序。如:—Tom works hard. —So he does and so do you. (他的确很用功,你也是。) (2)含有否定意义的副词(词组),如:never, seldom, hardly, little, nowhere, by no means,

  at no time等置于句首时 ①Hardly can I believe that. ②Seldom does he write to me. ③By no means shall we give up. ④Little did I know who he was.

  little作形容词,修饰主语时,仍用正常语序。如:Little Franz often played the piano. 专题十三 │ 正面解读 使用场合



  (3)only修饰状语(从句),并置于句首时,主句中要部分倒装 Only when the rain stopped did the match start again.

  only修饰主语时不倒装。如:Only he can do it.

  (4)not only…but (also)…连接两个分句,not only置于句首

  Not only should we study science, but also we should pay attention to politics.

  not only引导的部分要部分倒装,但but (also)部分不倒装。若not only…but (also)…连接两个主语,句子不倒装。

  专题十三 │ 正面解读 使用场合



  (5)Not until …Hardly…when…No sooner…than…So…that…Such…that… ①Not until yesterday did I realize what trouble he was in. ②Hardly had I entered the room when the telephone rang. ③So angry was he that he couldn't speak. ④Such great progress did he make that he was praised. 主倒从不倒,即主句部分用倒装语序,从句部分用陈述语序。

  (6)省略if的虚拟条件句,将were,had, should 移至主语前

  ①Were he (=If he were ) here now, I could ask him. ②Should he (=If he should) come, tell him to ring me up.

  若条件句中不含were, had, should则不宜倒装。

  专题十三 │ 正面解读 使用场合




  May you succeed!


  ①Young as he is, he knows a lot. ②Much as I like it, I will not buy it. ③Try as he might,he could not find a job.

  ①though引导让步状语从句也可不倒装。②表语前的冠词要省略。如:Hero as he is, he has some shortcomings.


  在英语中,有时为了避免结构上或内容上的重复,并使上下文紧密连接;有时因为语法的客观要求,句子中的一个或几个成分不需要表达出来,这种现象称为省略。英语中的省略要求不破坏语法结构,要保持句子意义的准确无误。省略有词法上的省略,也有句法上的省略,还有一种替代省略。省略部分的成分和含义可从上下文或具体语言环境中找到而且是有章可循的,英语的省略大致有以下几种情况: 专题十三 │ 正面解读 1. 介词的省略


  spend some time (in) doing sth.;be busy (in) doing sth.;have difficulty (in) doing sth.;stop/prevent sb. (from) doing sth. 2. 连词that 的省略

  I believe (that) he will come here.

  It's a pity (that) he will leave this city.

  3. 定语从句与名词性从句中的省略

  (1) 在限制性定语从句中,作宾语用的关系代词whom, which, that可省略。 专题十三 │ 正面解读


  The teacher (who/whom/that) I talked with was Mr. Meng.


  在与suggest, request, order, advise等词相关的名词性从句中,应用虚拟语气形式“should +动词原形”,should可以省略。如:

  She suggests that we (should) go at once.

  4. 动词不定式省略,只保留to的场合。

  不定式作某些动词的宾语时,常见的动词有expect, refuse, mean, like, love, hope,want等。如:

  He went home that day though he didn't want to. 专题十三 │ 正面解读 三、反意疑问句 1. 陈述部分含有must的反意疑问句


  You must go now, needn't you?


  You mustn't smoke here, must you?


  You must have watched that football match last night, didn't you?

  你昨晚一定是看足球比赛了, 是吧? 专题十三 │ 正面解读 2. 陈述部分含有used to的反意疑问句

  陈述部分含有used to时,其反意疑问部分用usedn't或didn't均可。如:

  You used to play football, usedn't/didn't you?

  你过去常常踢足球,是吗? 3. 陈述部分含有ought to的反意疑问句


  He ought to attend the meeting, oughtn't/shouldn't he?

  他应该参加会议,是不是? 专题十三 │ 正面解读 4. 否定词或半否定词的反意疑问句

  当陈述部分带有seldom, hardly, scarcely, never, few, little, nothing, nobody等否定词或半否定词时,疑问部分的动词用肯定形式。如:

  He could hardly get up, could he?

  他几乎起不来了,是不是? 5. 陈述部分含有表示“否定”意义的前缀构成的词,其反意疑问部分一般用否定式。如:

  Mary dislikes sports, doesn't she?

  玛丽不喜欢体育运动,不是吗? 专题十三 │ 正面解读 6. 含有宾语从句的反意疑问句

  当陈述部分带有宾语从句时,疑问部分的主语应和主句的主语保持一致。但当主句是:I think,I believe, I suppose, I expect, I imagine等结构时,疑问部分的主语和谓语动词均应和宾语从句的主语和谓语保持一致。如:

  He said that he would come here on time, didn't he?

  I don't think he will come here on time, will he? 7. 祈使句的反意疑问句

  祈使句后加附加问句,不表示反意,而表示一种语气。其结构为:否定祈使句,+will you?

  肯定祈使句,+ will/won't you?

  Let's…, + shall we?

  Let us…, + will you?如: 专题十三 │ 正面解读

  Open the door, will you?

  Let's go out for a walk, shall we?

  Let us go to school, will you?

  注意: (1) 反意疑问句的回答

  不要看汉语如何翻译,只看所提到的事情是否发生。如果发生了,用肯定回答,否则用否定回答。如:当对方问你“You aren't a teacher, are you?”或“You are a teacher, aren't you?”时,如果你是老师,回答“Yes, I am. ”否则,回答“No, I am not. ” (2) 反意疑问句的主语和陈述部分的主语在人称、数上需要注意的几种情况 专题十三 │ 正面解读 专题十三 │ 正面解读 陈述部分主语 反意疑问部分主语 疑问部分谓语的数 例句 this, that it 单数 This is a bike,isn't it? these, those they 复数 These are not your books, are they? everything, anything, something, nothing it 单数 Nothing has happened, has it? 专题十三 │ 正面解读 陈述部分主语 反意疑问部分主语 疑问部分谓语的数 例句 everyone, everybody, someone, somebody, no one, anybody, anyone, anybody, none, neither he或they(更常见) 单数或复数 Nobody likes to be laughed at, does he/do they? 不定式、动名词、主语从句、其他短语 it 单数 Learning English well takes a lot of time, doesn't it? there be句型 there 单数或复数 ①There is no doubt about it, is there? ②There will be rain tomorrow, won't there? 四、强调句

  一个句子中除谓语外的任何成分均可借助It be…that…予以强调,被强调部分置于be之后。无论被强调的是人﹑物﹑时间﹑地点还是方式一律用that, 只有强调人时也可用who。被强调的人称代词主格或宾格如I /me,其形式不可变动,即被强调的任何成分必须原封不动地放到be之后。一个句子,如果将其中的It is/was…that去掉,在不加减任何词语的情况下,语序稍作调整能构成一个完整正确的句子,便可以认定为强调句,否则就不是强调句。 专题十三 │ 正面解读 1. 【误】

  Did he begin to learn English only when he was 30 years old.


  He began to learn English only when he was 30 years old.


  当only和所修饰的状语位于句首时引起部分倒装,如果不在句首时,则不倒装,此外,当only用于修饰名词或代词时,也不倒装,如:Only the grown­ups are allowed to see the film.

  专题十三 │ 反面解读 反面解读 2.【误】 Not only can he repair bikes but can he repair televisions.

  【正】 Not only can he repair bikes but he can repair televisions.


  not only…but (also)…的部分倒装,其结构为:not only+倒装语序,but also+语序不变。此外,当not only…but also…位于句首连接两个并列的主语时,主谓也不倒装,如:Not only I but also she will get married next year.

  专题十三 │ 反面解读 3. 【误】 —I seldom watch TV, but listen to the radio a lot.

  —So do I.

  【正】 —I seldom watch TV, but listen to the radio a lot.

  —So it is with me.



  so it is/was with +主语或者是it is/was the same with +主语。 专题十三 │ 反面解读 4. 【误】 A child as/though he is, he is very brave.


  Child as/though he is, he is very brave.


  由as/though引导的表示“虽然,尽管”的让步状语从句用倒装语序,把从句的表语或状语等放在as/though的前面,但是如果从句中的表语是名词,其名词前不加任何冠词。 专题十三 │ 反面解读 5. 【误】

  — Are you a sailor?

  — No, but I used to.


  — Are you a sailor?

  — No, but I used to be.


  动词不定式的省略:在同一句或联系紧密的对话里,常把不定式符号to后内容相同的部分省略,只保留to,但如果省略的不定式内容有作助动词用的have或be的任何形式时,to后要保留原形have 或be。 专题十三 │ 反面解读 6. 【误】 —Are you and Jane getting married?—We hope.


  —Are you and Jane getting married?—We hope to.

  【解析】 动词不定式在like, love, care, want, hope, expect, prefer, refuse, decide, mean, intend, try, promise等动词后作宾语时,为了避免重复,常承前省略不定式后的内容,但要保留不定式符号to。 7. 【误】 I came not to scold but praise you.


  I came not to scold but to praise you.

  【解析】 在并列结构中为了避免重复,后一个to常省略,但两个不定式有对照或对比的意义时,则后一个to不能省略。 专题十三 │ 反面解读 1. [2009·辽宁卷] ________ is the power of TV that it can make a person suddenly famous.





  【答案】 A 2. Hearing the dog barking fiercely, away________.

  A.fleeing the boy

  B.was fleeing the boy

  C.the boy was fleeing

  D.fled the boy

  【答案】 D 专题十三 │ 实战演练 实战演练 3. He is rather difficult to make friends with,but the friendship of his,________,is truer than any other.

  A.once gained

  B.when to gain

  C.after gained

  D.while gaining

  【解析】 A 这是once it is gained的省略,句意为:……但是一旦获得了和他的友谊,要比其他人的要真诚得多。 专题十三 │ 实战演练 4. Not until quite recently ________ that language is closely related to culture.

  A.he realized

  B.did he realize

  C.had he realized

  D.he did realize

  【解析】 B not until引导的短语置于句首,后面要用部分倒装结构,所以要排除A和D;此外,句子中没有明显的“过去的过去”标志词,所以不能用过去完成时,故C项也得排除。 5. Casey, ________ to the classroom and see who it is there.


  B.go C.to go


  【解析】 B 该题带有吩咐口吻,且Casey为呼语,因此题干应为祈使句,即以动词原形开头。 专题十三 │ 实战演练


  • 大家都在看
  • 小编推荐
  • 猜你喜欢