2017届高三英语一轮复习讲练精品:Part I Unit 8 Adventure学案(北师大版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高三英语一轮复习讲练精品:Part I Unit 8 Adventure学案(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-02-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 8 Adventure重点单词 1.________adj. 较重要的 v. 主修;钻研→________n. 大部分2.________adj. 可选择的;非强制的→________n. 选择;选择物3.________adj. 极端的;极度的 n.极端→________adv. 极;非常4.________n. 相似性;类似性→________adj. 类似的→________adv. 类似地

  5.________adv. 恰好;确切地→________adj. 确切的

  6.________vt. 冒……的危险

  7.________vt. 使惊愕→________adj. 令人惊异的→________adj. 感到惊愕的8.________vt. 使困惑→________adj. 被弄糊涂的→________adj. 令人困惑的9.________n. 志向;抱负→________adj. 有雄心的;有野心的

  重点单词 10.________v. 运转;起作用 n. 功能职责;作用

  11.________n. 运输;运送 v. 运输;运送

  12.________adj. 各种各样的→________n. 多样化;变化性→________v. 使多样化

  13.________adj. 远处的→________n. 远处

  14.________adj. 没希望的→________adj. 有希望的

  重点短语 1.________ ________ ________在途中2.________ ________损坏;不能运转3.________ ________ ________用完;耗尽

  4.________ ________继续做某事5.________ ________轮流

  6.________ ________(坏事)突然发生;爆发7.________ ________ ________关进监狱

  8.________ ________坚持某种说法9.________ ________倒置地

  10.________ ________起飞

  11.________ ________决定不履行(允诺的事)

  重点短语 12.________ ________出现;到场

  13.________ ________从事;开始于;占据

  14.________ ________ 使理解

  重点句式 1.As_well_as the group guide, all teams have cooks and porters. While on a hiking trip, our cooks prepare delicious meals. 2.Marco was surprised to_see Chinese people using paper money in the markets.3.The next to go was Captain Oates, who was_having_great_difficulty_walking.4....many of them thought that Marco's stories about China were too fantastic to be true.

  核心语法 1.限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句



  1.major; majority 2.optional; option 3.extreme; extremely 4.similarity; similar; similarly 5.exactly; exact 6.risk

  7.amaze; amazing; amazed 8.confuse; confused; confusing 9.ambition; ambitious 10.function 11.transport 12.various; variety; vary 13.distant; distance 14.hopeless; hopeful


  1.on one's way 2.break down 3.run out of 4.carry on 5.in turn 6.break out 7.put into prison 8.stand by 9.upside down 10.take off 11.back out 12.turn up 13.take up 14.get across

  exactly 常与数目,测量结果,或与what, where, who等引导的从句使用,表示完全正确;或对一种表达方式加强语气,相当于just, really或quite;或用在简略答语中,相当于quite right 或 I agree (正是)。1.exactly adv.确切地;精确地

  1)That is ________ what I expected. 那正是我所期待的。

  2)Where ________ were you born?


  3)The train arrived at ________ 8 o'clock, neither earlier nor later.


  4)The doctor told him to give up smoking, but he did ________ the opposite.


  5)—That is to say, you'd like to have a drink.


  —________.Let's have one.


  6)That day, we were ________ ________driving fast. 那天,我们的车的确跑得不快。

  【答案】 1)exactly 2)exactly 3)exactly 4)exactly 5)Exactly 6)not exactly / not really


  1)Those two boxes are not ________ the same size.

  2)The bills add up to ________ $500.

  3)I gave the shopkeeper the ________ change.

  4)Tell me his ________ words.

  【答案】 1)exactly 2)exactly 3)exact 4)exact


  (2010安庆统考)—I think John needs to find himself a new flat.

  —________.This is what we've been talking about.

  A.Cheer up



  D.Please do

  【答案与解析】 B 本题考查交际用语。前者提出了一个观点,后者表示同意。really 表示加强语气;cheer up “振作起来”;exactly “的确”; please do “请吧”。

  risk doing sth 冒险做某事

  risk it 冒险试试

  risk sth 以某物为赌注

  at the risk of...


  at risk = in danger 在危险之中

  at all risks


  run / take risks / a risk 冒险

  2.risk vt. 冒……风险 n. [C] [U] 危险;风险

  1)He ________ his life to save the girl from the fallen house. 他冒着生命危险把这个女孩从倒塌的房子里救了出来。

  2)________ ________ ________ ________ being killed, he climbed over the wall.


  3)Few people have ever ________ ________ deep into the forest, for it is extremely dangerous.几乎没有人冒险进入这片森林,因为那是极其危险的。

  【答案】 1)risked 2)At the risk of 3)risked going

  (1)用risk 的适当形式填空

  1)Leaving the boy smoking means putting him ________ ________.

  2)If we don't start early we take the ________of missing the train.

  3)If you go into the cave without waiting for the guide, you do it at your own ________.

  4)I dare not ________ ________, it's too dangerous.

  【答案】 1)at risk 2)risk 3)risk 4)risk it


  (2010江苏淮安中学月考)Without a sure supply of water, farming in that area remains at the ________ of the weather.





  【答案与解析】 D 题意:没有水的供应,那个地方的农业仍然是靠天吃饭。at sb's disposal “由某人做主”;at the risk of “冒……的危险”; at the cost of “以……为代价”;at the mercy of




  with / by a majority 占多数

  major in... 以……为专业;主修

  majority n. 多数;大半

  minority n. 少数

  3.major adj. 较重要的;较严重的;主要的 v. 主修 n. 重要的人或物;主修课程;专业课

  1)There are ________ and minor principles in everything. 一切事情都有大道理和小道理。

  2)The ________ part of Yu Shu Town was ruined in the 2010 earthquake. 玉树镇的大部分地区都在2010年的地震中变为废墟。

  3)Tom ________ ________ International Polities at Harvard University. 汤姆在哈佛大学主修国际政治。

  4)________ ________ of doctors believe smoking is harmful to health. 大多数医生相信抽烟有害健康。

  5)She won the election ________ ________ ________ of 900 votes.


  【答案】 1)major 2)major 3)majored in 4)The majority 5)with / by a majority


  1)He is a fresh man ________ ________ (主修) English.

  2)The car needs ________ ________ (大修).

  3)________(大部分) of the money has been spent surfing the Internet.

  4)________ ________(大多数人) was for the plan.

  【答案】 1)majoring in 2)major repairs 3)Most

  4)The majority


  (2010浙江宁波模拟)It's generally agreed that exercise plays a ________ role in preventing and fighting disease.





  【答案与解析】 B 题意:普遍赞同的是,锻炼身体在防治疾病上起着重要作用。

  confused adj. 感到困惑的

  confusing adj. 令人困惑的

  confusion n. 困惑;迷惑

  4.confuse vt. 使困惑

  1)We tried to ________the enemy by swimming along the river and hiding. 我们想用沿河游泳并躲藏起来的方式来迷惑敌人。

  2)Those long personal names have sometimes ________me. 那些长的人名有时把我给弄糊涂了。

  【答案】 1)confuse 2)confused


  1)So many people talking to me at once ________ me.

  2)The road signs ________ the driver, for it was the first time that he had come to the town.

  【答案】 1)confused 2)confused


  (2010海口调研)The chess player ________ the computer by making some unusual moves halfway through the game.





  【答案与解析】 B conduct “指挥”;conflict “抵触”;convince “使信服”;confuse “使迷惑”。题意:棋手下到一半时,走了几步不合常规的棋,使电脑无法应付。

  be similar to... 与……相似

  have similarity with sb / sth 和……人/物有相似之处

  have...in common with sb / sth 与……有相同之处

  similarly adv.同样地;差不多地

  similar adj. 相似的;类似的

  the same...as 和……一样

  comparable adj. 可以相媲美的

  5.similarity n.类似性;相似性

  1)The two boys are quite ________ in appearance.这两个男孩在外表上很相似。

  2)She likes bread, cake and other ________ foods.她喜欢面包,蛋糕以及诸如此类的其他食品。

  3)A cat is similar ________ a tiger in many aspects.猫和虎在很多方面相似。

  4)________ ________ mistake occurs three times in the paragraph.同样错误在这一段出现了三次。

  5)He was late and I ________was delayed.他迟到了,我也晚了。

  6)The music of Berlin is scarcely ________ to that of Beethoven.柏林的音乐与贝多芬的作品不可同日而语。

  【答案】 1)similar / alike 2)similar 3)to 4)The same

  5)similarly 6)comparable


  1)Your mother loves you very much. ________, her mother loves her very much.

  2)You should pay more attention to the ________ between the two methods.

  3)Generally speaking, friends have much ________ ________ with each other.

  4)They have no ________ with each other.

  5)Our house is not

  ________ with yours. Ours is just a small hut while yours is a palace.

  【答案】 1)Similarly 2)similarity 3)in common

  4)similarity 5)comparable


  (2010天津模拟)Our bodies are strengthened by working out. ________our minds are developed by learning.





  【答案与解析】 B 题意:我们的身体靠锻炼变得更加强壮。同样地我们的大脑靠学习得到发展。 likely “可能的”; probably“很可能地”;therefore “因此;所以”。前后分句应是比较关系,而不是因果关系。

  extra buses 增开的公交车

  extra charge 另外的收费

  extra work 加班

  additional adj. 增加的;额外的

  extraordinary adj. 另外安排的;临时的;奇怪的

  spare adj. 剩余的;暂时不用的;多余的;节省的

  6.extra adj. 额外的;外加的;附加的

  1)Two ________ men are waiting for dinner. Will the food be enough?又有俩人要来吃饭,饭够吗?2)Take ________ care on the roads this evening. 今晚在路上要格外小心。3)Dinner costs 100 yuan and wine is ________.正餐花100元钱,酒钱另算。4)An ________ charge is made for heavy bags.重的行李要额外增加收费。5)This problem is ________ to my difficult situation.这一问题加剧了我的困境。【答案】 1)extra 2)extra 3)extra 4)additional / extra 5)additional / extra


  1)This problem is ________ (增加) to our financial anxieties.2)It is ________ (奇怪) that I should meet him here.3)There will be an ________ (特别的) meeting next Friday to discuss the problem.4)I have no ________ (剩余的) money.【答案】 1)additional 2)extraordinary 3)extraordinary



  (2010浙江温州中学高三月考)John has got a fever these days,and he says he doesn't want to see a doctor but I am afraid he has no ________.





  【答案与解析】 A 题意:这几天约翰发烧,而他说他不想看医生,但是我恐怕他没有可供选择的余地。alternative “可供选择的机会或余地”; extra “额外的事物;另外收费”;treatment “治疗”;possibility “可能性”。

  be anxious about 为……担心;忧虑

  be eager about 对……热心

  eager 着重指“对成功的期望;进取的热情”。

  anxious 着重“担心;焦急”。

  be anxious for

  a change / a bike / the prize 渴望改变/得到一部自行车/奖励

  be eager for 渴望得到

  7.anxious adj.忧虑的;担心的;渴望的

  1)His poor health has been an ________ business. 他的身体不好一直是一件令人担心的事情。2)It is time to

  be going home; your

  mother will be ________. 该回家了,你母亲会担心的。3)Since I wrote to the company for a job, I have been ________ waiting for a reply at home. 自从我给那家公司写信找工作以来,我一直在家焦急地等待回音。 4)My mother always gets a bit ________ if we do not arrive when we say we will. 如果我们说了要回来而没回来,母亲总会有些担心的。 【答案】 1)anxious 2)anxious 3)eagerly 4)anxious

  (1)用anxious或eager 的适当形式填空

  1)She is ________ about her studies,so she is always doing well.2)After the earthquake,I wrote a letter to my relative in Sichuan, ________ to know the final result.3)I became ________ at her absence that day.

  4)Her parents were ________ about her poor health.

  【答案】 1)eager 2)anxious 3)anxious 4)anxious


  (2010浙江平阳三中月考)Many college students take part-time jobs in their spare time, hoping to be ________ of their parents.




  D.anxious 【答案与解析】 B 题意:很多大学生参加兼职工作,希望不依赖父母而自立。equal“平等的”; serious“认真的;严肃的”; anxious“忧虑的;渴望的”,均不合题意。

  seat oneself 就位;就座

  be seated 坐着;坐下

  take a seat = sit down 请座

  take sb's seat 就座

  8.seat n. 座位 vt. 使……就座;容纳

  1)They put down their baskets and ________ themselves on the ground. 他们放下篮子坐在地上。2)I found him ________ in a chair, thinking about something. 我发现他坐在椅子上,思考着什么。3)The great hall can ________1,500 people. 这大厅能容纳1500个人。4)Will you ________ this seat, please? 你坐这个座位好吗?5)She was ________ by the fire, reading a novel. 她坐在火炉旁边看小说。【答案】 1)seated 2)seated / sitting 3)seat 4)take 5)sitting / seated

  (1)seat 或sit的适当形式填空

  1)The film is about to start. Ladies and gentlemen,please take your ________.

  2)She asked me to ________ ________.

  3)Those________ at the back, please come to the front.

  4)Now everybody


  their ________.The show will start

  in a minute.

  【答案】 1)seats 2)be seated / seat myself 3)seated / sitting 4)place / seats


  (2010湖南模拟)When I came in, I found Lucy ________ by the window ________ to music.

  A.seated; listening

  B.seated; listened

  C.seating; listened

  D.seating; listening

  【答案与解析】 A 题意:我进来时发现露丝坐在窗户旁边听音乐。seated 充当Lucy 的宾语补足语,表状态; listening to music 充当伴随状语。

  get across 横过;(使)被理解;被接受

  get across sth 横过

  get across sb 使某人生气;冒犯某人1.get across (使)通过;越过(河流、路等等);讲清楚使人了解

  1)The bridge was destroyed so we couldn't ________ ________ the river.


  2)The frontier is so well guarded that no one can ________ ________.


  3)You can't ________ ________ because you speak with such a local dialect.


  4)It's quite necessary that we ________ this message ________ to voters.


  5)The meaning of the sentence certainly ________ ________. 这句话的意思肯定能表达清楚。

  【答案】 1)get across 2)get across 3)get across

  4)get; across 5)gets across


  1)I find it difficult to ________ the American joke ________ to my students.

  2)He succeeded in ________ the five boys ________ the high wall.

  3)The actor had to learn to ________ ________ his fear of the public.

  4)The boy seemed not to ________ ________ his disappointment.

  5)I just can't ________ ________to Tom. The line is always engaged.

  【答案】 1)get; across 2)getting; over 3)get over

  4)get over 5)get through


  (2010湖北四校联考)Due to cultural differences, most artists find it hard to ________ Chinese opera ________ to westerners.

  A.get; across

  B.get; over

  C.come; across

  D.come; over【答案与解析】 A get sth across to sb “使人了解做了某事”; get over “克服;摆脱;翻越”; come across “偶然遇见”; come over “发生于;降临于”。根据题意,应选A项。

  break out (火灾、战争、疾病等)突然爆发;流行

  break in


  break into 闯入(接宾语)

  break up 关系破裂;会议结束;学校放假;拆散(机器);物质分解

  break through 冲破(障碍);突破

  2.break down (车、机器)出故障;(计划、谈判等)失败;(身体、精神)崩溃;拆散(机器等)

  1)We had just covered half its distance when our car ________ ________and we had to stop for help. 我们刚走完一半路,突然车子坏了,我们不得不停下来求助。

  2)If you continue to work in such a way, you'll ________ ________sooner or later. 如果你继续这样工作下去,迟早你会垮掉的。

  3)His plan ________ ________ when it was put into practice because he had not given enough attention to details. 他的计划在实践中失败,因为他对细节没有给予足够注意。

  4)The boy ________ ________ the washing machine to see how it was made up of. 这男孩拆开了洗衣机,看它是如何构成的。

  【答案】 1)broke down 2)break down 3)broke down

  4)broke down


  1)To understand the complex sentence, you have to ________ it ________into several parts.2)What will happen to their children if Tom and Marry ________ ________?3)That night, Johnsons found his house ________ ________ and a lot of things stolen.

  4)In 2010, the river ________ ________ its bank and flooded the country for many miles around.

  【答案】 1)break; down 2)break up 3)broken into 4)broke through


  (2010成都七中考试)—Sorry, Linda! I have to ________ now. Mum is calling me for supper.—OK, I'll call back later. Enjoy your supper.

  A.hang up

  B.break up

  C.give up

  D.hold up 【答案与解析】 A 考查交际的用语。hang up “挂断电话”;break up “会议结束;学校放假”; give up “放弃”;hold up “支撑;拦住”。

  un out of sth 用完了某物

  run out “(某物)用完了”,该词组为不及物动词短语。

  in the long run


  use up “耗尽/用完某物”,该词组为及物动词短语。

  give out “用完耗尽;筋疲力尽”,该词组为不及物动词短语。

  run across 偶然遇见(某人);偶然发现(某物)

  run after 追求(真理等);追赶

  3.run out of 用完;耗尽

  1)Though they are ________ ________ ________ / ________ ________ food and drink, the men are cheerful and confident that they‘ll get through soon. 尽管这些男人吃的喝的快完了,他们还是很乐观地相信很快就会走出来困境的。2)Supplies soon ________ ________. 供应品很快就用完了。3)Jack ________ ________his last dollar to see the film.

  杰克花完了最后一美元来看电影。4)There isn‘t any more coal; it ________ ________ ________. 没有任何煤,全用完了。【答案】 1)running out of / using up 2)ran out / gave out 3)ran out / used up 4)has run out


  1)Instead of devoting himself to his studies, he wastes his time ________ ________ (追求) girls.

  2)I was wandering through the streets when suddenly I ________ ________ (遇到) a tailor's shop.

  【答案】 1)running after 2)ran across


  (2010海口市调研)Many Chinese are ________ bringing down the price of housing, thinking it too high.

  A.in favor of

  B.in honor of

  C.in search of

  D.in charge of

  【答案与解析】 A 题意:许多中国人都赞成降低房价,因为目前的房价实在太高。in honor of “为纪念;为庆祝;向……表示敬意”; in favor of “赞成”; in search of “为搜寻”; in charge of “负责”。

  take sb up 提拔;培养某人;继续于(在被打断后);跟着别人说、唱、跳、笑起来

  take up arms against... 拿起武器同……作斗争

  4.take up 拿起;举起;抱起;掀掉;占用(时间、空间);开始感兴趣;从事事业

  1)He ________ ________ the telephone receiver and began to dial. 他拿起电话话筒开始拨号码。2)To learn English well demands so much effort that it ________ ________ all my attention. 要学好英语太费劲,我得全力以赴。3)When did you first ________ ________ music? 你什么时候开始对音乐感兴趣的?4)George was ________ ________ by Tom before he became a famous writer. 乔治在成为有名作家前得到了汤姆的提拔。【答案】 1)took up 2)takes up 3)take up 4)taken up


  1)When did you ________ ________ (开始打) basketball?2)The piano ________ ________ (占有) too much room and I'll sell it.3)The monitor ________ ________ (继续讲) the story when his desk mate forgot the second part.4)His face ________ ________ (呈现) a cheerful look when he won the first prize in the math competition.5)I'll ________ ________(接管) your work during your absence.

  【答案】 1)take up 2)took up 3)took up 4)took on 5)take over


  (2008全国 Ⅰ)After studying in a medical college for five years, Jane ________ her job as a doctor in the countryside.

  A.set out

  B.took over

  C.took up

  D.set up 【答案与解析】 C 题意:在医科大学学习五年后,简从事了乡村医生工作。

  too...to... “太……而不能……”,表示否定意义的结构。

  某些形容词,如:glad, happy, delighted, willing 等表情感意义,用于too...to... 句型中不表否定意义。too 意为“非常”。

  never, only, not 用于“too...to...”句型,表示肯定意义。




  【答案】 The boy is too young to go to school.1....many of them thought that Marco's stories about China were too fantastic to be true. 他们中的很多人都认为马可波罗关于中国的故事太离奇而不足以为信。

  1)The shelf is ________ weak ________ hold all these books. 这书架不结实,承受不了所有这些书。2)Our head teacher is all ________ satisfied ________ be praised by the head master. 我们的班主任老师收到校长表扬非常满意。3)I shall be only ________ pleased ________ get home. 回到家里,我将非常高兴。

  【答案】 1)too;to 2)too;to 3)too;to







  ________________________________________________________________________【答案】 1)The shoes are too large for me.

  2)It's never too late to learn.

  3)I'm only too glad to have someone to speak to.


  (2010合肥一中月考)I am only too glad to see that your spoken English is ________ more fluent than mine.A.fairly



  D.rather【答案与解析】 D 考查修饰比较级的副词。习惯上,fairly, quite, too均不用来修饰比较级。而副词:much, rather, even, still, far等常用来修饰比较级,表示“……得多”。

  as well as的含义相当于not only...but also等,表式“不但……而且……;既……又……”。它可以接名词、代词、形容词、介词短语、非谓语动词及从句。

  as well as也可用作介词,其含义相当于besides, in addition to。

  as well as引导的部分并不被看做是主语的部分。谓语动词在单复数方面与as well as前面的名词或代词保持一致。类似的词组还有:together with, with, along with。

  (be) just as well 还是……得好;不妨;无任何损失;无需后悔

  may / as well 还不如;不妨



  ______________________________________________【答案】 He as well as his parents is kind to me.

  2.As well as the group guide, all teams have cooks and porters. 所有的登山队都配有自己的厨师,搬运工和向导。

  1)The boy can sing ________ ________ ________, if not better than, John. 如果这男孩唱的不比约翰更好的话,起码是唱得一样好。

  2)He was kind ________ ________ ________ sensible. 他既友善又通情达理。

  3)You have to pay for food ________ ________ ________ accommodation. 除了住宿费外,你得付饭钱。

  4)________ ________ ________breaking his leg, he hurt his arm.


  5)She can speak English, and Japanese ________ ________. 她既能说英语,又能讲日语。

  【答案】 1)as well as 2)as well as 3)as well as 4)As well as 5) as well

  (1)用as well,just as well或as well as填空

  1)—We're too late to see the film.

  —________ ________ ________. I hear it isn't very good.2)You may ________ ________ ask for the moon as for a bicycle, because you're not going to get, either.

  3)It is ________ ________ ________ that I didn't lend him the money.

  4)We shall travel by night ________ ________ ________ by day.

  【答案】 1)Just as well 2)as well 3)just as well

  4)as well as


  (2010东莞月考)He sold the vegetables at half price ________ let them go bad.A.as well as

  B.rather than

  C.instead of

  D.as good as 【答案与解析】 B rather than “而不”,其后可接doing sth或不带to的不定式。instead of的宾语应是doing sth;as well as, as good as与题意不符。

  while “在……期间;当……时候;与……同时”。当while从句中的主语和主句的主语一致的时候,往往可以省略。






  【答案】 While in the prison, he wrote his first novel.

  3.While on a hiking trip, our cooks prepare delicious meals. 在长途跋涉中,我们的厨师会准备好美味食物。

  1)We thought there were 35 students in the dining hall, ________, in fact, there were 40. 我们原以为大厅有35名学生,而实际上有40人。2)________it is true that a student‘s most important goal is to do well in his or her studies, it doesn’t need to be the only goal.

  尽管一名学生最重要的目标是搞好学习,但也没必要把学习当做唯一目标。3)________ living in the countryside, she often came to see me.

  在乡下生活期间,她经常来看我。【答案】 1)while / but 2)While / Though / Although 3)While / When


  1)________(随着) children grow older, they need more understanding and support from their parents.

  2)Tired ________ (虽然) he was, he continued his work.

  3)________ (尽管) respected, the teacher was not liked.

  4)Someone broke in ________ (在……时候) we went out.

  【答案】 1)As 2)as 3)While / Though / Although 4)when


  (2010哈尔滨统考)—Mum, I failed the test again.

  —Oh, I knew it. How can you learn anything ________ you spend all your free time watching television?




  D.Unless【答案与解析】 C when与现在时连用表示“如果”。题意:如果你全部时间都花来看电视,你怎么可能学得好呢?1.(2010北京东城区期末检测)You may take ________ half of the cake; they're exactly the same.




  D.Each【答案与解析】 B either “两个中的任何一个”; each “两个或两个以上的每一个”;both “两个都”,后接复数名词;any 指“三者以上中的每一个” 。2.(2010江苏淮安中学月考)Fitness is important in sports, but of at least ________ importance are skills.




  D.equal【答案与解析】 D 题意:在体育运动中,健康是重要的,但技能至少也是同等重要。 fair “公平的 ”;reasonable “有理由的”; proper“合适的;正确的”,均不合题意。

  3.(2010淮安中学高三月考)On the bank of the river, we found him ________ on a beach, with his eyes ________ on a kite in the sky.

  A.seated; fixing

  B.sitting; fixing

  C.seated; being fixed

  D.sitting; fixed【答案与解析】 D find sb seated...= find sb sitting...“发现某人坐在…… ”;fix one‘s eyes on...“ 把眼睛盯着……”,独立主格结构 with his eyes 之后应接fixed。4.(2010合肥地区高校附中高三联考)He thought his e-

  pal was a beautiful young girl, ________ she was an old lady when he saw her.





  【答案与解析】 B 题意:他原以为他的网友是一个美丽的姑娘,而当他看到她时却发现她是位老太太。前后两分句之间应是对比关系。although “虽然……但是”;because “因为……”; as“由于;随着;当……时候”,均不合题意。5.(2010合肥168中学月考)Though it was noisy here, he ________ reading.

  A.got on

  B.carried out

  C.went to

  D.carried on【答案与解析】 D 题意:虽然这里噪音很大,他还在继续读书。 get on “骑上(马等);登上(车等);有进展”; carry out “实施;执行”; go to “去……” 。


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