2017届高三英语一轮复习讲练精品:Part I Unit 11 The Media学案(北师大版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高三英语一轮复习讲练精品:Part I Unit 11 The Media学案(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-02-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 11 The Media重点单词 1.________ adj. 当前的;现在的;流通的→ _______ n. 货币;通用 → ________ adv. 目前;当前

  2.________ v. 爆炸→ ________ n. 爆炸

  3.________ n. 贫穷→ ________ adj.贫穷的;差的

  4.________ v. & n. 要求;请求

  5.________ v. 宣布;宣告→________n. 宣布;通知

  6.________ n. 区别;特点;特质→ ________ vt. 区别;把……分类7.________ n. 申请书;应用→ ________ v. 申请;应用8.________ n. 证据;痕迹→ ________ adj.明显的;显然的

  9.________ n. 解释;说明→________v. 解释

  10.________ vt. 雇用→________ n.雇用

  11.________ adj. 合法的→________adv. 合法地

  重点单词 12.________ vt. & n. 尝试;企图→________adj.未遂的


  14.________adj.天真无邪的;单纯的→________n. 天真

  15.________adv. 无论如何

  16.________adv. 真诚地;忠实地→ ________ adj.忠诚的

  17.________vt. 作出结论→________n. 结论

  18.________n. 勇敢→________adj. 勇敢的

  19.________ n.必须考虑的事;考虑→________ v.考虑→________adj. 体贴的;替他人着想的

  重点短语 1.________ ________ 突出;显眼

  2.________ ________ 由……组成3.________ ________ ________ 只要……就

  4.________ ________ 求助于

  5.________ ________ ________ 对……有害

  重点短语 6.________ ________ ________ 可归结为;结果是

  7.________ ________ 详细地

  8.________... ________ 阻止……做……

  9.________ ________ ________ 同意;支持;赞成

  10.________ ________ 属于……11.________ ________ 处理问题;论述;做买卖

  12.________ ________ (使)脱离困境;帮助做事;帮助克服困难

  13.________ ________ 代表

  14.________ ________ 发表意见;提出看法

  重点句式 1.However, not_all advertising is about selling products and services for a profit. 2.At the last minute, he jumped out of the truck, hurting his ankle... 3.We have always tried to keep bad language away from innocent ears and this is a very important consideration when deciding at what times of day certain programmes are shown.

  核心语法 被动语态及动名词的用法


  1.current; currency; currently 2.explode; explosion 3.poverty; poor 4.demand 5.announce; announcement 6.distinction; distinguish 7.application; apply 8.evidence; evident 9.explanation; explain 10.employ; employment 11.legal; legally 12.attempt; attempted 13.approach 14.innocent; innocence 15.anyhow 16.faithfully; faithful 17.conclude; conclusion 18.bravery; brave 19.consideration; consider; considerate


  1.stand out 2.consist of 3.as long as 4.turn to 5.be harmful to 6.come down to 7.in detail(s) 8.prevent; from 9.in favor of 10.belong to 11.deal with 12.help out 13.stand for 14.comment on1.demand vt.要求;需要;查问n.要求;需要

  demand great patience 需要很大耐心

  demand one's name and address 查问某人的姓名和住址

  demand that从句


  demand to do sth 要求做某事(demand sb to do sth是错误的搭配。)

  demand sth of sb / sth 向……要求某物

  in good / great demand被大量需要

  in little demand 需要量不大

  on demand 一经要求

  meet / satisfy one's demand 满足某人的需求

  1)She ________ to see the headmaster. 她要求见校长。

  2)I demanded that one of you ________ there at once. 我要求你们中的一个人马上去那里。

  3)She ________ to take action at once. 她要求马上采取行动。

  4)The police demanded why he ________ ________ it.


  5)He demanded payment ________ the buyer. 他要求买方马上付款。

  6)The secretary makes the demand that he ________ by deeds that his words agree with his actions. 秘书提出要求,要他用实际行动证明他的言行是一致的。【答案】 1)demanded 2)(should) go 3)demanded

  4)had done 5)of 6)(should) prove

  require, request 和demand




  They are demanding higher wages.他们要求提高工资。

  Do you require anything else? 你还要求(需要)别的吗?

  Many people have requested this next song. 许多人要求听下面这首歌。


  require和request都可以接宾语+ to do sth,而demand没有此种用法;require +动名词时,主动形式的动名词具有被动意义,而demand和request无此种用法。

  They required me to keep silent. 他们要求我保持沉默。

  The letter requested us to leave the house within six weeks. 这封信要求我们在六周内搬出这所房子。

  Most house plants require regular watering. 大多数室内盆栽植物需要定期浇水。


  1)The shoes ________ repairing.2)Volunteers fill a real ________ for teachers in the Somali Republic.

  3)Oil is in great ________ these days.

  4)By ________ of readers, we‘ll give up more pages to “Letter From Readers”.5)Do you think Wang Tao fills all ________ for graduation?

  【答案】 1)demand / require 2)demand 3)demand

  4)request 5)requirements


  (2010哈尔滨模拟)—Why did you eat your words, Bill?

  —Sorry, dear. But I really forgot when I was ________to meet you.A.demanded 



  D.Guessed【答案与解析】 C 题意:“你为什么食言,比尔?”“抱歉,但是我是真的忘记了我什么时候说要去见你。”be supposed to do sth“应该做某事”。

  2.apply v.申请;请求;适用;适合;运用

  apply to sb 向……申请

  apply for...申请……

  apply to...for...


  apply to...适用;适合



  apply oneself to...= devote oneself to...致力于……

  1)To whom should I ________ ________ a license? 我该向谁申请护照呢?2)This rule doesn‘t ________ ________learning English. 这条规则不适用于学外语。3)I don‘t think what he says ________ ________me much. 我认为他的话对我并不适用。【答案】 1)apply for 2)apply to 3)applies to


  1)The boy has ________ ________ membership of the Party.

  2)She ________ ________ ________ her new duties with great enthusiasm.

  【答案】 1)applied for 2)applied herself to


  (2010山东新泰高三测试)I can't ________ my studies with all that noise going on.

  A.devote to

  B.concentrate on

  C.knock down

  D.apply to【答案与解析】 B 题意:因为噪音不断,我不能集中思想学习。devote to和apply to均应该用devote sb to 或 apply oneself to doing结构。knock down “拆散;撞倒;减价”。

  3.mean v.意思是;意味着;打算

  mean to do sth 打算做某事

  mean doing sth 意味着做某事

  I mean it!我是认真的!

  mean well / ill 本意是好的 / 本意不好



  by no means


  by means of 通过;借助于;用

  by all means 当然可以;务必;一定

  1)Missing the train, he means ________ ________ ________ another hour. 因为错过了这班火车,他打算再等一个小时。2)Missing the train means ________ ________ another hour. 错过了这班火车意味着再等一个小时。3)The boy was dismissed, which ________ that the boy would be out of work for some time.男孩被解雇了,意味着有一段时间他会没工作。4)—You‘re joking.


  —No, I ________ ________. 不,我是认真的。【答案】 1)to wait for 2)waiting for 3)meant

  4)mean it


  1)I don't understand what the word ________.

  2)Environment ________ a lot to a child.

  3)Everybody knows he ________ well in acting the way he did.4)The water was carried here ________ ________ ________ a pipe.

  5)________ ________ ________ is this the first time you have been late.

  【答案】 1)means 2)means 3)meant 4)by means of

  5)By no means


  (2010温州月考)We express our thoughts ________ words and body language.A.in terms of

  B.in spite of

  C.in case of

  D.by means of【答案与解析】 D 题意:我们用口头语言和肢体语言表达我们的想法。in terms of “从……方面来说;从……角度考虑”; in spite of“尽管”;in case of “如果发生”。

  4.conclude vt. 断定;推断;结束(讲话等);决定 vi. 结束;断定;达成协议


  conclude + that 从句


  conclusion n.结论;结束

  come to / arrive at / draw / reach a conclusion


  bring...to a conclusion


  in conclusion


  1)The press conference ________at 4 o‘clock. 资讯发布会四点钟结束了。2)What do you conclude ________the facts?

  从这些事实中你得出了什么结论?3)The doctor ________that her disease was a bad cold. 医生诊断结论是她患了重感冒。4)________ ________, I‘d like to say how much I have enjoyed myself. 最后,我想说我是多么愉快啊。【答案】 1)concluded 2)from 3)concluded 4)To conclude / In conclusion


  1)The meeting was brought to ________ ________ after agreement had been reached.2)From all this, we may safely draw ________ ________ that there is still room for improvement.

  3)The jury ________,from the evidence, that the accused man was not guilty.4)________ ________ ________of the speech, the man raised his hands and shouted at the audience.

  【答案】 1)a conclusion 2)the conclusion 3)concluded

  4)At the conclusion(2)名校押题

  (2010万宁期中考试)She was over the age limit and ________, her application for the job was rejected.A.as a result

  B.in conclusion

  C.worse still

  D.what's more【答案与解析】 A 题意:她过了年龄限制,所以她申请这项工作被拒绝了。前后是因果关系,故用as a result“结果”。in conclusion“最后”;worse still“更加糟糕的是”;what's more“而且”。

  5.arise vi. (arose, arisen) = come into being


  difficulty, issue, matter, chance, problem, situation等可充当arise的主语。

  arise from 由……而产生;由……引起

  originate from (in)


  result from


  rise (rose, risen)

  vi. 升高;上升

  raise vt. 举起;升起;提出;抚养;饲养

  1)The question then ________: what are we going to do when we get the equipment? 然后这个问题出现了:当我们买到这些设备以后,该怎么办呢?

  2)Difficulties will ________as we do the work. 我们做这项工作的时候会出现一些困难。

  3)A strong wind ________and blew our boat onto the rocks. 一阵强风刮起来,把我们的船吹到了礁石上。

  4)The idea of writing this book ________ ________ a talk among some peasants.


  5)His illness ________ ________ bad food. 他的病是变质食品引起的。

  6)I'll one day ________to be a writer of the first rank. 我总有一天会成为一流的作家。

  【答案】 1)arises 2)arise 3)arose 4)originated in (from) 5)resulted from 6)rise


  1)That morning, we got up early and hurried to the Tian'anmen Square to watch the national flag ________ ________.

  2)Prices ________ ________ every day in some countries.

  3)In order to see the ________ sun, we decided to stay in the hotel at the top of Mount Tai.

  4)Smoke ________ from the factory chimneys.

  【答案】 1)being raised 2)are rising 3)rising 4)rose(2)名校押题

  (2010浙江温岭高三月考)A completely new situation will ________when the examination system comes into existence.




  D.raise【答案与解析】 B arise=come into being / appear / happen。题意:当考试系统出现以后,会出现一种全新的局面。arouse“唤起;激起;唤醒”;rise“上升;起床;起立”;raise“举起;养育”。

  6.approach n.方法;方式

  vt. 接近

  approachable adj. 可接近的;友善的

  approach to sth (待人接物或思考问题的)方式;方法

  approach sb about sth / doing sth 与某人就某事进行接洽

  1)The New Year ________ ________. 新年快到了。

  2)The professor is easy to ________, and all the young teachers like to ask for advice from him. 这位教授平易近人,所有年轻老师都喜欢向他请教。

  3)Few managers ________ my father in ability. 在能力方面很少有经理赶得上我父亲的。

  4)Our ________ drove away the wild animals. 我们一走动,野生动物全都跑了。

  5)All ________ to the town were blocked. 通往这城镇的所有路都被封锁了。

  6)His ________ to the problem are wrong. 他解决这个问题的所有方法都是错误的。【答案】 1)is approaching 2)approach 3)approach

  4)approach 5)approaches 6)approaches

  approach, way, method 和 access

  approach 指处理某事的具体“方法;步骤”,与介词to连用。

  way “方法”的普通用词,侧重简便“方法;途径”。构成the way to do sth; the way of doing sth。

  method 指有理论或系统的详细方法。构成a method of doing sth。

  access“接近;进入;入口”,常用于have access to短语中,表示“使用或接近的权利 / 机会 / 方法”。

  be accessible to...可以接近的;可以进入的;可参观的;可用的


  1)At the meeting they discussed three different ________ to the study of mathematics.2)She still didn't find a job yet because she had no ________ to anyone who could help her.

  3)All the ________ to the Palace were guarded by soldiers.

  4)How could the thief gained ________ to the flat?

  5)The only ________ to the garden is walking through the kitchen.

  【答案】 1)approaches 2)access 3)approaches

  4)access 5)approach / access


  1)(2010杭州中学月考)At the class meeting, some top students introduced several ________ to the study of English.




  D.ways【答案与解析】 A 题意:在班会上,几个尖子学生介绍了几种英语学习方法。其他的均是接of + v-ing sth。

  2)(2010 福建石狮高二模拟)Before the Hope Project was carried out in this poor area, children here had no ________to education.




  D.attraction【答案与解析】 B 题意:在这个贫困地区实施希望工程之前,这里的儿童没有机会接受教育。access to sth / doing sth “做……的机会”,符合题意。approach “路;方法”;attitude“态度”;attraction“吸引”。1.consist of 由……组成

  consist in 主要在于……

  lie in 在于……

  be made up of 由……组成

  be composed of ……是由什么成分构成的

  be consistent with...


  1)Our class ________ ________ 70 students. 我们班由70人组成。2)Water ________ ________ ________ oxygen and hydrogen. 水是由氧气和氢气组成的。3)The real wealth doesn‘t ________ ________ what we have, but what we are. 真正的财富不在于我们拥有什么,而在于我们的人品。4)His action is always ________ ________his words. 他总是言行一致。【答案】 1)consists of 2)is composed of 3)lie in / consist in 4)consistent with


  1)North America ________ ________ the USA, Canada and Mexico.2)A chair ________

  ________ a seat with a back.

  3)Man ________ ________ meat and soul.

  4)As my secretary, your duty ________ ________ answering the calls.

  【答案】  1)consists of  2)consists of 3)consists of 4)consists of


  (2010安庆期末)Thomas Edison considered genius to be ________one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.

  A.consisted of

  B.composed of

  C.compromised in

  D.made of【答案与解析】 B consist of不用于被动语态;be compromised in“在……达成妥协”;be made of“由……制成”; be composed of“由……成分构成”。题意:托马斯·爱迪生认为天才是百分之一的天赋和百分之九十九的汗水组成的。

  2.in favor of支持;赞同

  be in favor of = be for


  be against... 反对……

  do sb a favor 帮某人一个忙

  in sb's favor


  do sb the favor to do sth


  May I ask a favor of you? = Will you do me a favor?


  favourite adj. 特别喜欢的 n.最喜欢的人或事

  favorable adj. 有利的;让人喜欢的

  1)I‘m all ________ ________ ________ equal pay for equal work. 我完全同意同工同酬。2)The present situation is ________ ________ ________. 目前的形势对我们有利。3)Would you ________ ________ ________ ________ to lift the log? 帮我把木头抬起来好吗?4)The boy won ________ ________ ________ through his work. 这男孩通过努力赢得了女孩的芳心。5)We found that the majority are ________ to the idea. 我们发现大多数人同意这个主意。【答案】 1)in favor of 2)in our favor 3)do me the favor 4)the girl's favor



  1)Of course I'll help you move house; I owe you ________ ________ anyhow.

  2)The picture made a ________ impression on me.

  3)Of all the songs, this one is my ________.

  【答案】 1)a favor 2)favorable 3)favorite


  (2010福建石狮模拟)________both the ideas and contents of national day, the great ceremony was very successful.

  A.In terms of

  B.In favor of

  C.In charge of

  D.In memory of【答案与解析】 A 题意:从国庆六十周年纪念的理念和内容方面看,这次盛大的典礼是非常成功的。in favor of “赞成”;in charge of “负责”;in memory of “为纪念”,均不符合题意。

  3.come down to 结果是;可归结为……

  come down on sb 斥责 / 训斥 / 惩罚某人

  come down 下降;下跌;(从历史上)流传下来

  when it comes to...


  come to oneself


  come to realize


  1)The whole matter ________ ________ ________ a power struggle between the headmaster and the secretary.整个事件归结为校长与书记之间的权力之争。

  2)It ________ ________ ________two choices for you: you either give in or go away. 归结为两种选择:你要么让步,要么离开。

  3)It ________ ________ ________this that I shall never trust her in the future. 事情到了这种地步,我将永远不会信任她。

  4)She ________ ________realize that she was mistaken. 她终于意识到她错了。

  5)When the girl ________ ________ ________, she found herself in hospital.当这个女孩恢复意识时,发现自己躺在医院里。

  【答案】 1)came down to 2)comes down to 3)comes down to 4)came to 5)came to herself


  1)Our hotel bill ________ ________ 3,000 dollars.2)I was already on the way when it suddenly ________ ________ me that I hadn't hung out my washing.

  3)The boy's body temperature ________ ________ in the morning.

  4)The box has ________ ________ from my grandmother.

  【答案】 1)came to 2)came to 3)came down 4)come down


  (2010江苏如东中学高一月考)In my opinion, Jackson is not much of a basketball player, but when it ________to table tennis, he is among the best in the country.A.goes



  D.talks【答案与解析】 C it comes to + n.“谈到;涉及”,属于习惯搭配。refer to“谈到”,一般用人作主语。题意:在我看来,Jackson不是个很棒的篮球手,但是谈到乒乓球,他算是这个国家数一数二的。

  4.stand for代表;支持;为……候选人;容忍;忍受


  vt. & vi. 代表(受委托代表某人、组织、机构或国家等办事)


  adj.有代表性的;典型的 n.代表;代理人

  stand by


  vi. 袖手旁观

  stand out 突出;显著;坚持

  stand up 站起来;经久耐用

  stand up to...抵抗;经得起(磨损等)

  stand up for...维护;支持

  1)We ________ ________ equality among all nations, big or small.

  我们主张国家无论大小,一律平等。2)What does NBA ________ ________ ?

  NBA代表什么?3)That was more than I could ________ ________. 那超出了我能容忍的限度。4)Three women ________ ________ ________ this seat.

  三位妇女竞选这个位置。【答案】 1)stand for 2)stand for 3)stand for 4)are standing for


  1)I hated the organization and all that it ________ ________.2)The carpet is designed to ________ ________ ________ a lot of wear and tear.

  3)Her bright red hair made her ________ ________ from the others.

  4)He ordered the soldier to ________ ________.

  5)The teacher blamed the boy, but his classmates all ________ ________ ________ him.

  【答案】 1)stood for 2)stand up to 3)stand out

  4)stand out 5)stood up for


  (2010山东滕州高三段考)—Cinderella has been learning Chinese in Beijing University for the past four years.

  —No wonder she ________above her colleagues in Chinese.A.stands out

  B.sticks out

  C.comes out

  D.sorts out【答案与解析】 A stand out“突出;显著”;stick out“坚持”;come out“结果是;出版”;sort out“分类”。题意:“Cindenlla 过去四年一直在北京大学学习汉语。”“怪不得她在汉语方面比她的同事突出多了。”

  5.protect...from 保护……不受……

  protect sb from harm 保护某人使其免受伤害

  protect sb against attack


  under the protection of


  defend sb


  defence / defense


  guard n. 保卫;守卫;警卫;防范

  on guard


  guarded adj. 有戒备的;谨慎的(言语等)

  keep / prevent sb / sth from...


  注意:1)protect...from 指危害较小的事情;protect...against 指危害较大的事情。2)defend 指对迫在眉睫的危险或侵袭而采取武力或其他手段防御。

  1)This medicine will ________ you against a return of the illness. 这种药会防止你的疾病复发。

  2)She protected her eyes ________ the sun with her hands.


  3)Little children live ________ ________ ________ of their parents. 小孩在父母的保护下生活。

  4)These quilts don't give you much ________ from the cold. 那些被子不能使你御寒。

  5)They tried to ________ themselves against the enemy with all their might. 他们竭尽全力抵御敌人。

  6)The player was ________ closely by her opponent. 那名运动员被她的对手死死防守住。

  7)Three men ________ him whenever he went out. 每次外出都有三个人保护他。【答案】 1)protect 2)from 3)under the protection

  4)protection 5)defend 6)guarded 7)guarded


  1)To this question, the spokesman gave a ________ (谨慎的) answer.

  2)You must wash your hands when preparing food, ________ ________ ________ (为了阻止) spreading infection.

  3)Shoes are ________ ________ (一种保护) for the feet.

  【答案】 1)guarded 2)to guard against 

  3)a protection


  (2010湖北十所重点中学联考)Parents should take seriously their children's request for sunglasses ________ eye protection is necessary in sunny weather.





  【答案与解析】 A 题意:当在任何有必要保护自己眼睛的晴天,父母应该重视孩子要太阳镜的要求。1.However,

  not all advertising is about selling products and services for a profit. 然而,不是所有的广告都是为了利益而推销他们的产品和服务的。

  当否定句子中有如下词语,则该句属于部分否定:all, both, everything, everybody, everywhere, always, altogether, entirely, wholly, quite, completely, all the time等。相对应的全部否定词是:none, neither, nothing, nobody, no one, nowhere, never, not...at all等等。




  【答案】 Not all the students are willing to do it.

  1)Not ________ is covered with snow.

  并非每一个地方都被雪覆盖了。2)We can‘t find the animal ________. 这种动物并非到处可见。3)John is ________ ________ the first to be here. 约翰并非总是第一个来到这里。4)Your idea isn‘t ________ practical. 你的想法并非完全现实。5)The cinema was ________ ________ full.

  电影院尚未坐满。【答案】 1)everywhere 2)everywhere 3)not always 4)wholly 5)not quite


  1)—How dare you treat me like that?

  —I'm sorry to tell you that ________ don't consider you as a princess.

  2)I like ________ in the winter when everywhere is covered with white snow.

  3)It is not necessary to look up ________ new word when you come across it in reading because you're likely to guess the meaning from the context.

  【答案】 1)all 2)it 3)every


  (2010合肥高三抽样)—Which T-shirt do you prefer, blue or green?

  —________will be OK, I don't care.





  【答案与解析】 A 答语题意:两件任何一件都行,我不介意。


  2.At the last minute, he jumped out of the truck,

  hurting his ankle...最后一分钟,他从卡车上跳下,伤了脚踝……





  ________________________________________________________________________【答案】 Three years later, he returned to his hometown, turning teacher of Chinese.

  1)The boy slipped and fell, ________ his head against the bench. 这男孩滑倒了,头撞到了板凳上。

  2)The big tree was blown down last night, ________ the road.


  3)The young woman died, ________ her three-year-old son an orphan. 这年轻的女人死了,丢下她三岁的儿子成了孤儿。

  4)Would you be so kind as ________ ________ me your bike?


  5)The little boy is not old enough ________ ________ to school. 这小男孩太小了,不能上学。

  6)She is too careless ________ ________ the math problem. 她太粗心了没有解答出这道数学题。

  7)The man hurried home ________ ________ his father had died.


  【答案】 1)hitting 2)blocking 3)leaving 4)to lend 5)to go 6)to solve 7)to find


  1)Having got up late this morning, Mike ran as fast as he could ________ (希望) to catch the bus.2)The hostess kept talking with her mouth full of food, ________ (使) all her guests embarrassed.3)A fire broke out in the building at about 7:30 on Tuesday morning, ________ (导致) in the death of a young girl.4)The situation in Haiti after the earthquake was all in a mess, ________ (引起了) the increasing number of robbery cases.

  5)Ted and his friends established a website offering useful information about thunderstorms ________ ________ (阻止) similar accidents happening.

  【答案】 1)hoping 2)making 3)resulting 4)causing 5)to prevent


  (2009杭州五校联考)The massive earthquake and tsunamis has killed 350 people in a coastal town in Chile so far, ________ the total death number reported last Sunday.


  B.to double


  D.having doubled【答案与解析】 C 从结构上看,应考查非谓语动词充当结果状语,不定式作结果状语表示未料想的,不愉快结果,而现在分词表自然而然的结果。having doubled表示在kill之前发生,不合题意。

  3.We have tried to keep bad language away from innocent ears and this is a very important consideration when deciding at what times of day certain programs are shown.


  “when +非谓语动词”属于省略句。一般省略和主句相同的主语与be动词,经常能这样用的连接副词的还有:if, unless, though, as if, even if。





  【答案】 When living in Shanghai, she often came to see me.

  1)When ________ along the street, he ran across a tailor‘s shop. 在沿着街道往前走时,他看到一家裁缝店。2)When ________ the news, he burst into tears. 当被告知这个消息之后,他放声痛哭起来。3)The sticks in the water look as if ________.

  水里的筷子看上去仿佛是断的一样。4)The result is better than ________. 结果比预料的好。

  5)If ________ a stick and a standing point, I would turn over the earth. 如果给我一根杠杆和一个支点,我能撬动整个地球。【答案】 1)walking 2)told 3)broken 4)expected



  1)If ________ (被埋) in wet sand, vegetables can remain fresh for a long time.

  2)Though ________ (劳累), climbing does much good to students' health and character.

  3)Only after ________ ________ (告诉) the news did the boy believe that I was not telling a lie.

  4)Every evening after dinner, if not ________ (劳累) from work, I'll spend some time walking my dog.

  【答案】 1)buried 2)tiring 3)being told 4)tired


  (2010北京八十中月考)When first ________ in China, Prison Break made Chinese viewers crazy about it.


  B.to screen



  【答案与解析】 D 题意:当《越狱》首次在中国放映时,它让中国观众为之疯狂。它属于省略的时间状语从句,省略了it was。1.(2010四川)You've failed to do what you ________ to and I'm afraid the teacher will blame you.

  A.will expect

  B.will be expected


  D.were expected【答案与解析】 D expect sb to do sth的被动形式为sb be expected to do sth。题意:你没把大家期望你做的事做好,我恐怕老师会责备你。2.(2010湖南)Tim is in good shape physically ________ he doesn't get much exercise.


  B.even though


  D.as long as 【答案与解析】 B 题意:Tim即使锻炼不多,他的体型也很标准。if“如果”;unless“如果……不;除非”;as long as“只要”,均不合题意。

  3.(2010辽宁)Thousands of people ________ to watch yesterday's match against Ireland.

  A.turned on

  B.turned in

  C.turned around

  D.turned out【答案与解析】 D 题意:成千上万的人到场观看了昨天对阵爱尔兰的那场球赛。turn out“出席;到场;结果是;证明是”;turn on“打开;使……感兴趣”;turn in“上交”;turn around“转过身去;好转;改变主意”。4.(2010福建)We've just moved into a bigger house and there's a lot to do. Let's ________ it.

  A.keep up with

  B.do away with

  C.get down to

  D.look forward to

  【答案与解析】 C 题意:我们刚搬到一个比较大的房子里,有很多事要做。咱们着手干吧!get down to sth“着手干某事”;keep up with“跟上”;do away with“废除;去掉”;look forward to“盼望”。5.(2010四川)The school was moved out of downtown as the number of students had grown too ________.A.small




  【答案与解析】 C 题意:由于学生数目太大,学校从城区搬出来了。the number作主语时,一般用small或large修饰,又根据题意可知选large。


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