2017全新教程高考英语总复习(大纲版)课件:SBⅡ Units 10 Frightening nature-查字典英语网
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2017全新教程高考英语总复习(大纲版)课件:SBⅡ Units 10 Frightening nature

发布时间:2017-02-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  ②I don’t know the exact spot where it happened. 我不知道事情发生的确切地点。 ③(朗文P1987)They offered me a job on the spot. 他们当即给我提供了一份工作。 5.完成句子 我刚刚坐下来工作就发现有东西在树林里挪动。 I had just sat down to work when I____________________in the trees. 答案:spotted something moving 即境活用 5.sight n. 视觉;视力;视野;情景;风景;名胜 【教材原句】(P76)The sight of it awoke the scientist in my uncle to go and see it from closer at hand. 这样的景象唤起了我叔叔心中的探索欲望,促使他走近火山去看个究竟。 ①I caught sight of an empty seat at the back of the bus. 我看到公共汽车的后面有一个空座位。 ②(朗文P1906)We stood at the window until their car came into sight.我们站在窗前,直到看见他们的车子。 ③Suddenly they got separated,and then lost sight of each other. 突然,他们分开了,看不见彼此。 ④At first sight their demands seemed reasonable. 乍看起来,他们的要求似乎满合理的。 ⑤The rainbow over the sea is a beautiful sight. 挂在大海上空的彩虹是一幅壮丽的景色. 6.At the railway station,the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train was________. A.out of sight B.out of reach C.out of order

  D.out of place 即境活用 解析:选A。句意:在车站,母亲向女儿挥手告别直到火车从她的视野中消失。out of sight“看不见,在视野之外”,符合句意。而out of reach“够不到,力所不能及的”;out of order“混乱的”;out of place“不适合的,不恰当的”,均不合句意。

  7.The practice of hanging clothes across the street is a common________in many parts of the city. A.look

  B.sign C.sight

  D.appearance 解析:选C。look面貌;sign记号;sight景象;appearance外表,出现。根据上下文应选C项。 6.on board 在船(飞机、火车)上;在美国也指“上火车” ①(朗文P199)A light plane with four people on board crashed last night. 一架载有4人的轻型飞机昨晚坠毁。 ②The plane is taking off,please go on board. 飞机就要起飞了,请上飞机。 ③There were 500 passengers on board the plane. 有500名旅客搭乘那架飞机。 思维拓展 8.—There are ships within________reach of the island. —But I can see nobody on________board. A.the;/

  B./;/ C.the;the

  D./;the 解析:选B。within reach of和on board都是固定短语,都不用冠词。 即境活用 1.【教材原句】 (P76)Ash and bits of rock that were burnt black were falling onto the ship now,darker and more,the closer they went.

  灰烬和片片烧黑的岩石开始往船上掉,他们走得越近,(灰烬和岩石)就越黑也越多。 【句法分析】 以上句式为“the+比较级,the+比较级”句型的变式,表示“越……越……”。 句型巧析 ①The more we can do for you,the happier we will be. 我们为你做得越多,我们越高兴。 ②We like the painting better,the more we look at it. 越看这幅画,我们越喜欢。 ③The sooner,the better. 越快越好。 9.As far as I am concerned,education is about learning and the more you learn,______. A.the more for life are you equipped B.the more equipped for life you are C.the more life you are equipped for D.you are equipped the more for life 即境活用 解析:选B。此题考查“the more...,the more...”句式。题意:就我个人而言,教育是关于学习的。学得越多,对走向人生越有充分的准备。在 the more...,the more...结构中,第二个句子用陈述句语序,即 the more +形容词/名词+主语+谓语,再结合be equipped for 的用法。应说 the more equipped for life you are。 2.【教材原句】 (P76)He looked more asleep than dead. 他看上去像是睡着了,而不像是死了。 【句法分析】 more...than...此处作连词使用,可以连接两个形容词,意为“是……,而不是……;与其说是……,不如说是……”,用以比较两种说法的正确程度,表示前一种说法比后一种说法更正确一些。 ①I was more angry than worried when they didn’t come home. 他们没有回家,与其说我担心倒不如说我生气。 ②She was more sad than angry when her son lied. 当她的儿子撒谎时,与其说她生气倒不如说她伤心。 【温馨提示】 more than修饰数词时表示“多于”;修饰名词、形容词、动词时,表示“不仅仅,不只是”。 ③He must be more than 90 years old. 他肯定有90多岁了。 ④She is more than a teacher to the children.She loves them as if they were her own children. 对孩子们来说,她不只是老师。她爱他们如同己出。 10.—Jim has his wife do all the housework!Isn’t he wise? —Not really.He is________. A.more wise than lazy B.wiser than lazy C.more lazy than wise

  D.lazier than wise 解析:选C。句意是“Jim让他的妻子做所有的家务!他是不是很明智啊?”,“不真正是。与其说他明智倒不如说他懒”。 即境活用 3.【教材原句】 (P79)Another one like this,and that’s the last of her...再有一个这样的大 浪,这船也就完了…… 【句法分析】 此句句式为:名词词组+and+简单句(多用将来时),名词词组相当于一个条件句。 ①One more week,and I’ll do the work better. 再给我一周,我会把工作做得更好。 ②One more word and I’ll knock you flat. 你若再说一句话,我就把你摆平在地。 【温馨提示】 “祈使句+and/and then/or/or else/otherwise+简单句”句式中祈使句也为条件句含义。 ③Come early,and you’ll catch the first bus. 早点来,你就能赶上第一班公共汽车。 ④Use your head,or(else)you won’t find a way. 动动脑筋,否则,你就找不到办法。 11.(2011年绵阳模拟)________,I think,and the problems could be settled. A.A bit more efforts B.Making greater efforts C.If you double your efforts D.So long as you make more efforts 解析:选A。句意:我认为,再做些努力,这些问题就能解决。此句考查“名词词组+and+简单句”句型。 即境活用 12.Stop making so much noise,________ my neighbour will start complaining. A.or

  B.but still C.and then

  D.so that 解析:选A。根据前后两句的逻辑关系可知此处应用or表示“否则”,其余三个连词均不合语境。 知 能 强 化 训 练 本部分内容讲解结束 点此进入课件目录 按ESC键退出全屏播放 谢谢使用 返回 Unit 10 Frightening nature 可怕的大自然

  重 点 难 点 研 析 知 能 强 化 训 练 Unit 10  基 础 知 识 自 采 核心词汇 1.More than thirty miners were ____________ (埋) alive when there was an accident at the mine. 2.Susan usually has a long hot ____________(浴)every evening and then goes to bed. 3.Are you willing to stand up in court and ____________(宣誓)that you don’t know him? 4. John lay back on the grass using his backpack as a ____________(枕头),lost in thought. 基 础 知 识 自 采 5.The state of Florida was hit by a ____________ (飓风)that did serious damage. 6.His getting there in such a short time is ____________(难以置信的). 7.He was sent to hospital ____________(立即地)after the accident. 8.On his ____________(到达),he got down to working. 9.I ____________ him to tell the truth,but he did not have the ____________ to tell his parents that he failed to pass the exam.(courage) 10.On seeing the ____________ scene,the little girl was so ____________ that she burst out crying.(frighten) 1.buried 2.bath 3.swear 4.pillow 5.hurricane,6.unbelievable 7.immediately 8.arrival 9.encouraged,courage 10.frightening frightened 高频短语 1.________________直立;竖着 2.________________

  吸引某人的注意 3.________________

  近在手边;在附近 4.________________

  要求;需要;(去某地)接(某人) 5.________________

  另一个方向;相反 6.________________

  (使某人)镇静;(使某人)平静;(使某人)宁静 7.________________

  上船(或火车、公共汽车、飞机等) 8.________________

  漫游;〈口〉接连打击;(浪等)冲击(船等);碰撞 9.________________

  突然地;冷不防;意外地 10.________________

  度过;经受住 11.________________

  好像;仿佛 1.on end 2.draw one’s attention 3.at hand 4.call for 5.the other day 6.calm(sb.)down 7.on board 8.knock about 9.all of a sudden 10.live through 11.as though/if 1.Ash and bits of rock that were burnt black were falling onto the ship now,________________,________they went. 灰烬和烧黑的岩石开始往船上掉,他们走得越近,(灰烬和岩石)就越黑越多。 2.He looked ________ asleep ________ dead. 他看上去没有死,而是睡着了。 重点句式 3.You can pick out the important bits,for it is ____________ to write a letter,________ to write history,one thing to write to a friend,another to write for the public. 你可以从中挑选重要的片段,因为写信跟写历史是两码事,信是写给朋友的,而书则是为公众写的。 4.________________,and that’s the last of her... 再有一个这样的大浪,这船也就完了…… 5.The hurricane,________ its power ________ ships and to destroy strong walls,had found this little ship in its path. 飓风威力无比,它能沉掉船只、推倒硬墙,飓风一路风驰电掣来到小船前。 6.Helped by two slaves he stood up,and immediately fell down,________. 在两个奴隶的帮助下他站起来,但立刻倒下,死了。 1.darker and more;the closer 2.more;than 3.one thing;another 4.Another one like this 5.with;to sink 6.dead 重 点 难 点 研 析 词汇精研 1.bury vt. 埋葬,掩埋;隐藏;使沉浸,使专心;插入,刺入 【教材原句】(P75)About two thousand years ago a volcano in southern Italy erupted and buried two small towns under metres of hot ash and mud. 大约两千年前,意大利南部的一座火山爆发,把两个小镇埋在数米厚的滚烫的火山灰和泥浆下。 ④(牛津P262)Since she left,he’s buried himself in his work. 自从她走后,他全心扑在工作上。 1.完成句子 他埋头学习,不知道其他人都早已离开了。 ________________________,he didn’t know that all the others had left. 答案:Buried/Absorbed in his study 即境活用 2.urge 【教材原句】(P76)He paused for a moment wondering whether to turn back as the captain urged him. 他停下片刻想着是否如船长劝的那样往回走。 (1)v.催促;力劝;强烈要求 ①(朗文P2265)Katy’s family urged her to find another job. 凯蒂的家人催促她去找另一份工作。 ②He urged that we (should) take such steps. 他极力主张我们采取这些步骤。

  ③He urged on his pupils the importance of hard work. 他向学生们力言用功的重要。 (2)n.强烈的欲望,迫切要求 ④He no longer has the urge to write letters to anybody. 他再也没有给任何人写信的欲望了。 2.完成句子 (1)不论你多么有创造力和富于技巧,请你一定不要这样做。 Regardless of how creative and skillful you are,we ________________ this. 答案:urge you not to do (2)布朗极力劝说你应该重新考虑他的决定。 Brown urged that you _________________. 答案:should reconsider his decision 即境活用 3.rise 【教材原句】(P76)We watched it rising from a mountain—at such a distance we couldn’t tell which one,but we later learnt that it was Mount Vesuvius. 我们看着它从山上升腾起来——如此远的距离使我们看不出是哪座山,但后来我们得知是维苏威火山。

  (1)vi.上升;升起;起床;上涨 ①Everyone knows that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 每个人都知道太阳从东方升起西方落下。 ②Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy. 早睡早起使人健康。 (2)n.(数量、价格、需要等的)增加;增长 ③There has been a sharp rise in the number of people out of work. 失业人数急剧增长。 ④I’m going to ask for a rise. 我打算要求加薪。 rise,arise,raise (1)rise 不及物动词,说明主语自身移向较高的位置。 ⑤Prices have risen steadily during the past decade. 在过去十年里,价格保持稳定上涨。 (2)arise 发生,出现,呈现,引起。不及物动词,相当于appear,occur,主语通常为 difficulty,problem,argument 等。

  比较网站 ⑥Many new problems have arisen at the meeting. 会上出现了很多的新问题。 (3)raise 举起,抬起,提高,养育,栽培。及物动词,说明主语发出的动作是要作用于其他事物的。 ⑦(朗文P1682)Do you think they will raise the price of gas again? 你认为他们还会再次提高汽油的价格吗? 3.(2011年成都模拟)With water ________,we must be prepared for the much more serious situation of fighting against the flood. A.riseB.rose C.rising

  D.to rise 解析:选C。考查“with+复合宾语”结构。所填词语作宾语补足语,故首先排除A和B两项;另外,to rise表示将来含义,rising强调动作正在进行,结合语境,此处应用rising表示水面正在上升。 即境活用 4.________from the table,he made a suggestion that we________some money for those who suffered a great loss in the terrible earthquake. A.Upon rising;raised

  B.On raising;raised C.Upon rising;raise

  D.On rising;rise 解析:选C。rise from the table离开餐桌;raise money for为……集资。 返回 (1)vt.埋葬;葬;埋藏;遮盖;掩蔽

  The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.


  ②(牛津P262)Their ambitions were finally dead and buried.


  ③(牛津P262)He buried his face in his hands and wept.






  ①How did you get that spot on your face?



  The next morning I’d just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship.


  ⑤(牛津P1946)I finally spotted my friend in the crowd.


  ④(牛津P206)Passengers are waiting to board.



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