2017全新教程高考英语总复习(大纲版)课件:SBⅡ Units 17 Disabilities-查字典英语网
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2017全新教程高考英语总复习(大纲版)课件:SBⅡ Units 17 Disabilities

发布时间:2017-02-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  5.All of them thought it necessary that he_______the meeting. A.attend

  B.Join C.participate in

  D.take part in 解析:选A。attend a meeting“参加(出席)会议”。 4.sympathy  n. 同情(心);同感;支持 【教材原句】(P52)They need recognition,more than sympathy and help. 他们需要得到别人的认可,而不仅仅是同情和帮助。 ①(牛津P2049)I have no sympathy for Jan,it’s all her own fault. 我不同情简,那都是她自己的错。 ②(牛津P2049)I wish he’d show me a little more sympathy. 我多希望他能再体谅我一点。 ③Out of sympathy,we will help the handicapped. 出于同情,我们会帮助那些残疾人。 ④Do you have any sympathy with his point of view? 你同意他的观点吗? 6.完成句子 我确定她一定赞成你的建议。 I’m sure she will ______________ your proposal. 答案:be in sympathy with 即境活用 5.accessible  adj. 可以使用(或得到)的;能进入的;易被理解的 【教材原句】(P56)Visit other public buildings and find out whether they are accessible or not. 参观其他一些公共建筑,看看它们能否进入。 be accessible to...可接近的;可靠近的;可使用的 ①(牛津P10)These documents are not accessible to the public. 公众无法看到这些文件。 ②The Internet is the biggest source of information in the world,and it’s accessible through a computer. 互联网是世界上最大的信息资源库,只要通过一台电脑就可以访问。 思维拓展 have/get/obtain/gain access to...拥有……的机会;可以 接近;进入 give access to接近;准许进入 ③Across the world,1.1 billion people have no access to clean drinking water. 全世界有11亿人无法获取干净的饮用水。 ④(牛津P10)You need a password to get access to the computer system. 使用这个计算机系统需要口令。 ⑤(牛津P10)Students must have access to good resources. 学生必须有机会使用好的资源。 7.(2009年高考江西卷)Frank put the medicine in a top drawer to make sure it would not be________to the kids. A.accessible

  B.relative C.acceptable

  D.sensitive 即境活用 解析:选A。句意:弗兰克把药放到最上面的抽屉里,确保它不被孩子们够到。accessible“易接近的”;relative“相对的,比较的”;acceptable“合意的,受欢迎的,可接受的”;sensitive“敏感的”。根据句意应该选A。 6.get used to 适应于……;习惯于…… 【教材原句】(P52)Maybe it is time for the rest of society to accept me as I am and get used to the fact that while I may not be able to walk,there are many other great things I can do. 或许是时候让社会其他成员接受像我这样的人了,并习惯这样一个事实:虽然我不能走路,但我能做许多其他了不起的事情。 ①(牛津P2225)Don’t worry—you’ll soon get used to his sense of humour. 别担心,你不久就会适应他的幽默。 ②(牛津P2225)I didn’t think I could ever get used to living in a big city after living in the country. 我认为我在农村住了之后就无法适应大城市的生活了。

  ③Driving on the left is strange at first but you will get used to it. 沿着路的左侧驾驶刚开始时有些别扭,可是你会习惯的。 get/be used to (doing)sth.,be used to do sth., used to do sth. (1)get/be used to (doing) sth.意思是“适应于(做)某事;习惯于(做)某事”。 (2)be used to do sth.意思是“被用来做某事”。 (3)used to do sth.意思是“过去常常做某事”。 比较网站 ④(牛津P2225) I used to smoke,but I gave up a couple of years ago. 我以前抽烟,但几年前就戒掉了。 ⑤This kind of material can be used to build houses. 这种材料可以用来建房子。 8.完成句子 (1)I found the job tiring at first but____________(很快就习惯了). 答案:I soon got used to it

  (2)He ___________(过去常常喝许多酒)but has quit now. 答案:used to do a lot of drinking (3)In the past,ice used to ________ (被用来冷却)the air in a room. 答案:be used to cool 1.【教材原句】 (P51)I know people are trying to help,but I wish they wouldn’t treat me as if I were a child. 我知道人们在努力帮助我,但是我希望他们不要把我当做孩子看待。 【句法分析】 本句中as if引导方式状语从句。 as if=as though“仿佛;好像”可用来引导表语从句和方式状语从句。 句型巧析 如果所引导的从句表示的情况是真实的或是极有可能发生的情况时,句子要用陈述语气;当说话人所陈述的是不真实的或极少可能发生或存在的情况时,从句用虚拟语气。 ①He kept working as if nothing had happened. 他继续工作,仿佛什么都没有发生似的。 ②When a pencil is partly put into a glass of water,it looks as if it were broken. 当把铅笔的一部分放进水里时,它看上去好像断了。 ③It looks as if it is going to rain. 看起来似乎要下雨。 【温馨提示】 如果as if引导的从句中的主语和主句的主语相同,且含有be动词,可省略主语和be动词,这样as if后就只剩下名词、不定式、形容词(短语)、介词短语或分词。 ④She walked here and there on the playground as if(she was)looking for something. 她在操场上来回走,好像在找什么东西。 ⑤The old man was lying on the ground as if(he was)hurt badly.老人躺在地上,好像伤得很厉害。 ⑥He opened his mouth as if to say something. 他张开嘴好像要说什么。 9.Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it________yesterday. A.was happening

  B.happens C.has happened

  D.happened 解析:选D。考查虚拟语气。由as if引导的从句通常用虚拟语气,再结合前面的remembers可知与现在事实相反,因此用一般过去时。故选D项。 即境活用 2.【教材原句】 (P55)Fortunately,we have now realised that there is much that can be done to help. 幸运的是,我们现在已认识到我们可以做很多有用的事情。 【句法分析】 (1)there is much that can be done中的that can be done是定语从句,修饰much。 ①There is much that can be done to stop the pollution. 可以做很多事情来阻止污染。 (2)help此处用作不及物动词,意为“起作用,有效,有用,有帮助”。 ②Complaining won’t help.抱怨没有用。 ③I advised him to take a rest,but it didn’t help. 我建议他休息,但是没有用。 10.If you are feeling so tired,perhaps a little sleep would________. A.act  B.help C.serve

  D.last 解析:选B。本题考查动词的词义辨析。题意是 “如果你感到很疲劳,睡一小会儿或许能起作 用。”help可用作不及物动词,意为“起作用,有效,有用,有帮助”,其他三个词均无此意 义。 即境活用 知 能 强 化 训 练 本部分内容讲解结束 点此进入课件目录 按ESC键退出全屏播放 谢谢使用 返回 Unit 17 Disabilities 残疾

  重 点 难 点 研 析 知 能 强 化 训 练 Unit 17  基 础 知 识 自 采 核心词汇 1.The child’s reading____________(能力)was satisfactory for his age level. 2.He had now and then to ask his friend for ____________(指导). 3.He is really an extraordinary ____________(有天赋的)biochemist. 4.Out of ____________(同情)for the homeless children, he gave them shelter for the night. 基 础 知 识 自 采 5.She has the ____________(潜力)to become a champion. 6.The remote desert area is __________(可以得到的)only by helicopter. 7.We want to encourage all the teachers to ____________(参与)in the children’s games. 8.The real____________(尊严)of a man lies in what he is,not in what he has. 9.People in the city held a great party to celebrate their____________(胜利). 10.用adjust的适当形式填空: (1)Just as I tried to make the necessary ____________to this new situation,Wang Ping appeared. (2)It took him quite a while to ____________ to the new environment. 1.ability 2.guidance 3.gifted 4.sympathy 5.potential 6.accessible 7.participate 8.dignity 9.victory 10.(1)adjustment (2)adjust 高频短语 1.________________(=get about)四处走动;活动 2.________________

  适应于……;习惯于…… 3.________________

  适应  4.________________

  参加 5.________________

  不仅仅 6.________________

  为……而准备 7.________________

  为……做出贡献;有助于 8.________________

  为得到……而竞争 1.get around 2.get used to 3.adjust to 4.participate in 5.more than 6.prepare for 7.contribute to 8.compete for 1.I know people are trying to help,but I wish they wouldn’t treat me ____________________________________。 我知道人们在努力帮助我,但是我希望他们不要把我当做孩子看待。 2.In the year 2000,he was invited to study in London and became ________________visually impaired Chinese ________________. 重点句式 在2000年,他被邀请到伦敦学习,成了第一个在国外学习的视力有障碍的中国人。 3.I have learnt to live with my body __________________and adjusted my way of life. 我已经学会了接受我的身体现状并适应了自己的生活方式。 4.Maybe it is time for the rest of society to accept me as I am and get used to __________________while I may not be able to walk,there are many other great things I can do. 也许现在该是让社会其他人员接受我现在这个样子以及习惯这个事实的时候了,这个事实是:虽然我不能走路,但是还有许多其他我能做的伟大的事情。

  1.as if I were a child 2.the first;to study abroad 3.as it is 4.the fact that 重 点 难 点 研 析 词汇精研 1.assist  vt. 援助;帮助 【教材原句】(P52)They not only learn how to assist disabled people,but also learn the importance of cooperating to reach their goals in life. 他们不仅学会了如何帮助残疾人,而且认识到了共同合作以实现生活目标的重要性。 ②A good dictionary will assist you to understand English. 好词典会帮助你理解英文。 思维拓展 ③(牛津P103)She offered me practical assistance with my research. 她给我的研究提供了实实在在的援助。 1.完成句子 They asked us to ________________________________________________________________________ (帮助他们执行这项计划). 答案:assist them in carrying out the plan 即境活用 ①The room was

  dark inside so it took time for our eyes to adjust. 房间内很黑,因此眼睛要过好一阵才能适应过来。 ②(牛津P24)It took her a while to adjust to living alone. 她过了一段时间才适应独自生活。

  ③(牛津P24)You’ll quickly adjust yourself to

  student life.

  你将很快适应学生生活。 ④This kind of desk can be adjusted to the height you need. Besides,it’s not expensive at all. 这种课桌可以调整你需要的高度,况且一点也不贵。 思维拓展 2.To be honest,it took me more than a month to __________myself__________the new school life. A.adopt;to

  B.adjust;to C.adapt;into

  D.suit;for 即境活用 解析:选B。adjust...to意为“调整……使适合”。句意:老实说,我花了一个多月时间才适应新学校的生活。adapt与to搭配;adopt意为“采纳,收养”;当suit 表示“使适合”时,与to搭配。 3.(2011年杭州模拟)—Did he say something in the lecture that ________ you? —Not really.Actually I felt sleepy over his speech. A.adjusted to

  B.attached to C.referred to

  D.appealed to 解析:选D。考查动词短语辨析。根据下文可知 演讲并没有吸引我。故选appeal to对……有吸引力;adjust to 适应;attach to依附于……;refer to提及。 3.participate vi. 参与;参加 【教材原句】(P53)By preparing for and participating in the Special Olympics,mentally disabled children and adults can develop their ability to move,improve their health and gain greater self­confidence. 弱智儿童和成年人通过准备和参加特奥会,可以发展他们的活动能力,提高他们的健康水平,从而获得更大的自信心。 思维拓展 4.Students in our school are encouraged to________more activities after class in order to broaden their knowledge. A.attendB.join C.take part

  D.participate in 解析:选D。participate in=take part in表示“参加集体活动”的意思。 即境活用 返回 assist sb.帮助某人做某事

  ①(牛津P103)We will assist you in finding somewhere to live.


  2.adjust vi.& vt. 调整;使适应 


  (2)adjust to适应于……

  ①(牛津P1450)She didn’t participate in the discussion.


  ②(牛津P1450)We encourage students to participate fully in the running of the college.


  ③All the participants in the debate had an opportunity to speak.





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