人教版2017高考英语全套解析一轮复习课件:语法精要14 特殊句式强调、倒装、省略及其它-查字典英语网
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人教版2017高考英语全套解析一轮复习课件:语法精要14 特殊句式强调、倒装、省略及其它

发布时间:2017-02-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  4.英语中有一些固定的省略结构 (1)在以if,when,though,as if(好像)等连词引导的从句中。 If (it is) necessary,we shall send a telegram home. 如有必要,我们就往家里打电报。 Whenever (it is) possible,he will come to my help. 他一有可能就来帮助我。 While (you are) cycling,don't forget the traffic lights. 骑车时,不要忘记看红绿灯。 (2)由固定词组引导的疑问句: What about having a game of chess? 下盘棋怎么样? How come they left you alone here? 他们怎么会把你一人留在这里呢? What if it's raining? 如果天下雨怎么办? Why not try again? 为什么不再试试呢?

  (3)在口语中,为了避免重复,不定式可以省去和句子前部重复的动词原形而只留下不定式符号to。 He may leave if he wishes to. 他可以走,如果他愿意的话。 Don't go till I tell you to. 等我叫你走你再走。 省略的现象较多,有很强的习惯性,不是所有的省略都可以补全的,需要见识和吸收。 He is taller than I am.他比我高。 No parking!禁止停车! Not at all.不用谢。 No matter.不要紧。 Thanks.谢谢。 四、强调句 在需要用英语表达时,我们不能仅仅只考虑词汇和语音。我们对从一个句子中选出的单词或部分加以强调,会改变别人对我们所要表达的句子意思的理解。

  1.我们可以使用某些词来表示强调,如so,such,really和just。 Our classmates






  were listening to her speech. 当他们听她的演讲时是如此的激动。 I have never seen such a beautiful picture before. 我从来就没有见过这么美的画。 2.如果要强调句中谓语动词以外的其他部分,我们可以使用“It+be+被强调部分+that从句”的句型。 A)我们可以用这个句型强调句中的主语、宾语或状语。下列例句表明如何强调句子中的不同部分: I saw Mr.White in the park last Sunday. 上周日我在公园看见White先生了。 It was I who saw Mr.White in the park last Sunday.(强调主语) 上周日是我在公园看见White先生的。 It was Mr.White whom/that I saw in the park last Sunday.(强调宾语) 上周日我在公园看见的是White先生。 It was in the park that I saw Mr.White last Sunday.

  (强调地点状语) 上周日我是在公园看到White先生的。 It was last Sunday that I saw Mr.White in the park.

  (强调时间状语) 我是上周日在公园看到White先生的。 如果被强调的部分是一个人或一群人,我们使用who或that引导从句。 B)当被强调的主语是代词时,我们通常用其宾格形式。 It was me who went to Canada last summer. 就是我去年夏天去了加拿大。

  C)这种强调结构也可用于疑问句。 Was it yesterday that you met your teacher in the street? 你是昨天在大街上碰到你老师的吗? Who was it that told you such a thing? 究竟是谁告诉你这么件事的? Why was it that you didn't come to the meeting yesterday? 究竟是为什么你昨天没有来开会? D)我们还可使用“It was not until...that...”这个句型强调时间状语。 It was not until he took off his dark glasses that I recognized him. 直到他摘掉墨镜我才认出他来。 3.如果要强调时态为一般现在时或一般过去时的肯定句中的谓语动词,我们在该动词前加助动词do或did。 Many of the films are from the USA,but we do give awards to films from other countries. 许多电影是来自于美国,但我们的确也给其他国家的影片颁奖。

  1.掌握强调句型特点,判断句子种类。 强调句型“It is/was+被强调的成分+that/who+其他成分”用来强调主语、宾语和状语等成分。that只起连接作用,不作成分,但不能省略。当被强调部分为人作主语时可用who,也可用that,其他情况一律用that。判断是否是强调句,可采用“还原法”,即把“It is/was...that/who”去掉。如果还原为一般句式后,句子各种成分完整,则是强调句,否则不是。例如: —________that he managed to win the prize? —Oh,a friend of his helped him. A.Where was itB.What was it C.How was it

  D.Why was it [解析]

  本题考查特殊疑问句的强调句式。从下文的a friend of his helped him可知,这里是对方式或途径进行强调,故选C项。句意:——他究竟是怎样赢得奖品的?——噢,他的一个朋友帮了他。 [答案]C 2.积累标志词汇,判断是否倒装。 高考对倒装句的考查主要有以下三个方面:(1)表示否定意义的副词,如not,seldom,hardly,rarely,never,nor,neither等置于句首时句子用部分倒装语序。(2)only修饰状语,并且位于句首时句子要用部分倒装语序。(3)so修饰形容词或副词置于句首时句子用部分倒装语序。例如: Never________Lisa could win the scholarship. A.did we think

  B.have we thought C.we thought

  D.we have thought [解析]当否定词never,not,hardly,seldom等放在句首的时候,句子要部分倒装,根据语意可知,应用一般过去时,因此选A项。 [答案]A 3.分析主语特点,判断是否省略。 高考对省略情况的考查主要有以下几个方面: (1)并列句中一般把后一个分句中相同的成分省略。 (2)复合句中由which,when,where,how和why引导的宾语从句中,若有与前面主句重复的内容,则可将重复内容省去,只保留引导从句的疑问词。在时间、地点、条件、让步或比较状语从句中,如果谓语含有动词be,主语又和主句的主语一致,或主语是it,主语和谓语动词be就常常省略。(3)在what if,if only,what about,how about,why not+动词原形等惯用句型中的省略。例如: -Why didn't you buy the gold ring?-I________,but I didn't have the money. A.would have

  B.bought C.would like to

  D.had bought [解析]

  省略的句子补充完整为:I would have bought it if I had had the money,是对过去事实的假设,用虚拟语气;I didn't have the money是事实,用陈述语气。 [答案]A

  语法精要十四  特殊句式(强调、倒装、省略及其它)

  一、反意疑问句 反意疑问句的一般应用规则为:前面陈述部分是肯定句形式,后面的附加疑问部分则用否定形式;前面陈述部分如果用否定形式,后面的附加疑问部分则用肯定形式。但是在实际运用中,只知道一般的应用规则还不够,以下几种特殊情况应特别注意:



  (1)That isn't your dictionary,is it?


  (2)These are interesting stories,aren't they? 这些故事很有意思,不是吗? 2.当陈述部分的主语是“I am…”结构时,疑问部分一般用“aren't I?”。如: (1)I'm late for class,aren't I? 我上课迟到了,对吗? (2)I'm doing well,aren't I? 我做得很好,是吗?


  nobody,none等合成代词时,疑问部分的主语多用they。如: (1)Everyone came here,didn't they? 每个人都来这了吗? (2)Nobody phoned while I was out,did they? 我出去的时候没人打电话吧? 4.当陈述部分的主语是everything,anything,nothing

  等不定代词时,疑问部分的主语用it。如: (1)Nothing is too difficult for him,is it? 对他来说没什么事是困难的,是吗? (2)Everything is ready,isn't it? 所有事都准备好了,对吗? 5.当陈述部分是不定代词one作主语,疑问部分的主语在正式场合用one,在非正式场合用you。如: One can't be too careful,can one(you)? 人再怎么认真也不过分,对吧? 6.当陈述部分是“there be+主语+其他”结构时,疑问部分用“be(not)+there”结构。如: (1)There is a book on the desk,isn't there? 桌上有本书,是吗? (2)There are not any pens in the box,are there? 盒子里没笔了,是吧?

  7.当陈述部分的主语是“I don't think/suppose/believe/guess+that从句”结构时,疑问部分的主语和谓语须和从句中的主语和谓语在人称和数上一致,并且还要用肯定形式。如: (1)I don't think he can finish the work,can he? 我认为他不能完成任务,是不是? (2)I don't believe she knows it,does she? 我相信她不知道这件事,对不对?

  8.当陈述部分的谓语动词是have时,有两种情况: (1)have作“有”解时,可有两种形式。如: He has a new book,hasn't/doesn't he? 他有本新书,是不是? (2)have表示其他意思时,只用do的相应形式。如: She had a good time in the park,didn't she? 她在公园玩得很开心,是不是? 二、倒装句 英语句子的自然语序是主语在前,谓语动词在后。把谓语动词放在主语之前,就叫倒装结构。如果全部谓语放在主语之前,叫全部倒装;如果只把助动词或情态动词放在主语之前,就叫部分倒装。

  1.完全倒装 (1)There be+主语+...,此结构中的be有时用stand/exist/lie/live/flow/seem等不及物动词代替 There seems to be something wrong with the machine. 好像机器出了点问题。 (2)Here/There/Now/Then/Thus+不及物动词+名词 There goes the bell.Let's go into the lecture hall. 铃响了,我们进入演讲大厅吧。 Be quick!Here comes the bus. 快点,公共汽车来了。 (3)Out/In/Up/Down/Away/Off/Back/Over+不及物动词+名词 Out rushed the children. 孩子们冲出了教室。 Away flew the birds.鸟儿飞走了。 (4)介词短语(表地点)+不及物动词+主语 On the wall hang two large portraits. 墙上挂着两张巨幅画像。 (5)表语+连系动词+主语(表语可以是:形容词、介词短语、现在分词、过去分词)

  Present at the meeting were Professor White,Professor Smith and many other guests. 出席会议的有怀特教授,史密斯教授还有许多其他客人。 (6)Such+be+主语 Such are the facts;no one can deny them. 这些就是事实,没有人可以否认。

  2.部分倒装(Partial Inversion) (1)So/Neither/Nor+助动词/情态动词+主语(表示前一句中的内容也适合另一人或另一事物) Lily can't play table tennis.Neither can I. Lily不会打乒乓球,我也不会。 比较:So+主语+助动词/情态动词.(后面一个句子只是肯定或重复前句的内容)

  -It was cold yesterday.昨天很冷。 -So it was.的确如此。



  not,never,hardly,seldom,scarcely,barely,little,no,nowhere,not only,not until,at no time,by no means,in no way,no sooner...than,hardly...when等词或短语位于句首时:

  Not a single song did she sing at yesterday's party. 在昨天的晚会上她一首歌也没有唱。

  At no time will China be the first to use the nuclear weapon.



  In such a hurry did he leave the office that he forgot to lock the door.



  Only after my friend came was the computer repaired. 只有在我朋友来了之后,电脑才修好。


  Child as he was,he made a living by himself. 尽管他是个孩子,他却得自己谋生。


  Had you reviewed your lessons,you might have passed the examination.


  Should it not rain,we would go for a picnic tomorrow. 要是明天不下雨,我们就可以去野餐了。

  三、省略句 1.省略句的定义



  He spent four hours (in) going over his lessons. 他花了四个小时复习功课。 I've studied English (for) five years. 我已学英语五年了。 I believe (that) you will succeed. 我相信你们会成功的。 It's a pity (that) he's leaving. 他要走,真遗憾。 I'm sure (that) she will help you. 我肯定她会帮你的。 I'll give you all (that) I have. 我要把我所有的一切都给你。 He read the book (which) I got yesterday. 他看过我昨天买的书了。

  3.句子的主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、甚至谓语在某些条件下有可能省略 (1)省略主语 Beg your pardon.请你原谅。(省略了主语I) Take care!当心!(省略了主语you) Looks as if it will rain.看起来像要下雨。(省略主语it) (2)省略谓语 Who next?该谁了?(省略谓语comes) The river was deep and the ice thin.(ice后面省略了was) We'll do the best we can. 我们将尽力而为。(can后面省略了动词do) (3)省略表语 Are you ready?Yes,I am. 你准备好了吗?我准备好了。(am后面省略了ready) He was a lover of sports as he had been in his youth. 他还是像年轻时那样,是一位运动爱好者。(had been后面省略了a lover of sports) (4)省略宾语

  Let's do the dishes.I'll wash and you'll dry. 让我们洗碗吧,我来洗,你来揩干。(wash和dry后面省略了宾语the dishes) (5)省略定语 He spent part of the money,and the rest he saved. 那钱他花了部分,其余的他都存了起来。(the rest后面省略了定语of the money) (6)省略状语

  He was not hurt.Strange! 他没有受伤,真奇怪!(Strange是How strange it is的省略)

  (7)同时省掉句子几个成分 What exciting news!(=What exciting news it is!) 多么令人激动的消息啊! Pity he's failed.(=It is a pity that he's failed.) 很遗憾,他失败了。 I like him more than her.(=I like him more than I

  like her.) 我喜欢他更甚于喜欢她。


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