人教版2017高考英语全套解析一轮复习课件:8-3 Inventors and inventions-查字典英语网
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人教版2017高考英语全套解析一轮复习课件:8-3 Inventors and inventions

发布时间:2017-02-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  ③Seen from the top of the hill,the park looks more beautiful.=When it is seen from the top of the hill,the park looks more beautiful. 从山顶往下看,这座公园看起来更加漂亮。 ④Encouraged by the progress he has made,he works harder. =As he is encouraged by the progress he has made,he works harder. 由于受到所取得进步的鼓舞,他工作更努力了。 ⑤He began to cry as if bitten by a snake. =He began to cry as if he was bitten by a snake. 他大叫起来,好像被蛇咬了。 【即境活用14】 ________twice,the boy was afraid to get close to the dog again. A.Being bitten

  B.Bitten C.Having bitten

  D.To be bitten [解析]句意:因为两次被咬,这个男孩不敢再靠近那条狗。过去分词作原因状语。主句主语the postman 与bite 构成被动关系,排除C项;D项为动词不定式作目的状语;A项表进行;B项表示之前两次被咬,故选B。 [答案]B 3.Follow it up,explore all around it,and before you know it,you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind. 跟踪下去,不断探索,不知不觉中,你就会发现某种值得思考的东西占据着你的头脑。 【考点归纳】 “祈使句+and/then/or/otherwise+陈述句”结构的用法。 ①Work harder and/then you will succeed in your studies. =If you work harder,you'll succeed in your studies. =Working harder,you will succeed in your studies. 如果你更加努力学习,在学习上你就会成功。

  ②Study hard,or/otherwise you'll fail in your exams. =If you don't study hard,you'll fail in your exams. =You will fail in your exams unless you study hard. 如果你不刻苦学习,你就会考不及格。 【即境活用15】 Stand over there________you'll be able to see the oil painting better. A.but



  D.or [解析]祈使句+and+陈述句。 [答案]C

  完形填空技巧—— 辨析词义,运用习惯搭配 完形填空的四个备选项,一般都属于相同的词类,如都是名词或都是形容词,并且往往都和空格前后的单词形成某种搭配。 ·首先要注意词义深层内涵的区别。如divide 和separate 在汉语中都有“分开”的意思,但前者指的是把整体分成若干份,而后者是把原来靠近在一起的人或物分开。要与上下文情景结合起来,从词汇意义入手,靠情节线索解决词义辨析的问题。 ·词的习惯搭配或固定搭配,出现的比例也相当大。动词的搭配出现得尤其多,往往涉及到动词与名词或介词的搭配,这都是由动词在句子中的重要性决定的。 [例]Soon I heard a________like that of a door burst in and then a climb of feet. A.sound



  D.shout [解析]选项中的四个词都表示“声音”,但cry,voice和shout这三个词都是指人从嗓子里发出来的声音,而sound 则表示人可听到的各种各样的声音,如这里的门被撞开的声音。 [答案]A 【即境活用5】 He wished to forget everything________with his former life and start a new life. A.joined

  B.associated C.buried

  D.carried [解析]associate with 与……有联系。 [答案]B 6.practical adj. 实际的,实用的,实践的 ①It's an interesting idea,but there are many practical difficulties. 这是一个很有意思的想法,但存在许多实际困难。 ②Your invention is ingenious,but not very practical. 你的发明新颖独特但不太实用。 ③You must try to be a little more practical. 你必须试着变得实际些。

  【即境活用6】 When we plan our budget,Mother often offers________suggestions. A.careful

  B.practical C.effective

  D.acceptable [解析]practical 切实可行的,符合句意。careful小心谨慎的;effective有效的;acceptable可接受的。 [答案]B

  1.call up 给……打电话;使想起(往事) call at 拜访(某个地点) call in 顺路(到某处);找来,请来;收回 call off 取消,停止 call on/upon 拜访(某人);号召 call for 需求;需要;去接(某人) call out 大声喊叫;召集 ①I tried to call you up last night,but no one answered the phone. 我昨晚曾打电话给你,但没有人接。 ②The music calls up memories of my childhood. 音乐引起我对童年的回忆。 ③When the war broke out they were at once called up. 战争一爆发,他们立即就被征召入伍了。 ④The situation calls for immediate action. 目前的形势需要立即采取行动。 ⑤The game was called off due to heavy rain. 比赛因大雨而被取消。 ⑥Could you call on Grandma on your way home? 你回家时能顺便探望一下奶奶吗? 【即境活用7】 You letter________the days________we worked together on farms. A.calls up;which

  B.calls in;when C.calls up;when

  D.calls in;that [解析]call up 使回想起;第二空when 引出定语从句,作从句的状语。 [答案]C 2.set out 开始,着手(后接不定式);出发,动身 ①They set out to work as soon as they arrived. 他们一到就开始工作了。 ②She is going to set out for France at five o'clock in the morning. 她准备早上五点钟出发去法国。 【易混辨析】 set out,set off,set about,set up (2)set out 表示“开始做某事”,多跟不定式。 He set out to wash his car. 他开始洗车。

  (2)set off 表示“启程,开始”,多指开始踏上征程,常常和on,for 等搭配。 If you want to catch that train,we'd better set off for the station immediately. 你要是想赶上那班火车,我们最好马上动身去火车站。 (3)set about 表示“开始/着手做某事”,多跟doing 结构。 You must set about your work at once. 你必须立即开始工作。 The girl has set about cleaning the room. 小女孩已开始打扫房间。 (4)set up 表示“搭建,建立,使恢复”等意义。 A fund will be set up for the dead men's families. 抚恤死难工人家属的基金会即将建立起来。 【即境活用8】 The moment she came back from work,she________to clean the kitchen thoroughly. A.set out

  B.set about C.set off

  D.set up [解析]set out to do 开始做某事。set about开始,后跟v.­ing;set off引起;set up成立。 [答案]A 3.get through 完成;通过;接通电话;度过(时间) go through 经历;完成;检查 look through 浏览;快速查看 live through 活过一段时间;经历 put through 完成;给……接通(电话) ①She's got through a lot of work. 她完成了许多工作。 ②How long does it take you to get through a letter? 你完成一封信要花多长时间? ③We tried to phone him about it,but couldn't get through (to him.) 我们想打电话通知他,但打不通。

  ④I can't think how they will get through the time. 我想象不出这段时间他们将怎样度过。 【即境活用9】 —Have you________? —No.I had the wrong number. A.got in

  B.got away C.got off

  D.got through [解析]get through 打通电话。get in插话;get away躲开;get off下车。 [答案]D 4.now and then 偶尔;有时 He is busy with his job every day and goes to the cinema now and then. 他每天忙于工作偶尔去看看电影。 from time to time 时而;不时;偶尔 now and again 时而;不时;偶尔 at times 时而;不时;偶尔 once in a while 时而;不时;偶尔 【思维拓展】 up and down 上下;来回 here and there 到处;处处 to and from 来来回回;往返 day and night 夜以继日地 【即境活用10】 Every________,John would remember the strange dream he had had years before,but not quite often. A.more or less

  B.step by step C.by and by

  D.now and then [解析]every now and then 时而,有时。 [答案]D 5.hang on 不挂断;稍等;紧紧握住 ①I'm afraid the line is busy.Would you like to hang on? 恐怕电话占线,你能再等一会儿吗? ②Hang on—I'll just see if he's here. 等一下,我这就看看他在不在。 ③We all hung on as the bus swung around a sharp turn. 公共汽车急转弯时,我们都紧紧抓住扶手。 【即境活用11】 —The line is busy.Would you like to________? —OK. A.take on

  B.hang on

  C.turn on

  D.get on [解析]hang on 稍等,不挂断,符合句意。take on呈现;turn on打开;get on上车。 [答案]B 6.out of order 次序颠倒;发生故障 ①I checked the files and some of the papers were out of order. 我检查过案卷,其中有些未按顺序编排。 ②Our washing machine is out of order again.We'd better buy a new one instead of repairing it. 咱们的洗衣机又坏了。我们别修它了,买一个新的吧。 【即境活用12】 The phone might have been________,for I couldn't get through to him. A.out of order

  B.in order C.out of date

  D.out of control [解析]out of order 发生故障,符合句意。out of date过时;out of control失控;in order有秩序。 [答案]A 1.The next morning I got up early before the sun was hot. 第二天早上,天还不是很热,我就早早地起来了。 【考点归纳】 before 作连词表示时间时,根据其在句中的实际情况,译法有多种,具体可译为: (1)在……之前。例如: We lived in Paris before moving to London. 我们搬到伦敦之前住在巴黎。 (2)……(之后)才……例如: It was a long time before I got to sleep again. 很长一段时间之后我才重新入睡。

  (3)(不多久)就……例如: It wasn't long before she came back. 不久她就回来了。 (4)以免……例如: Lock your bike before it gets stolen. 锁好你的自行车,以免被偷。 (5)还没来得及……就……例如: Before John stopped her,she ran out. 约翰还没来得及阻止她,她就跑了出去。 另外,有时before 相当于rather than,可理解为“(宁愿……)也不愿……”。例如: I'd shoot myself before I apologized to her. 我宁死也不向她道歉。 【即境活用13】 A man escaped from the prison last night.It was a long time________the guards discovered what had happened. A.before



  D.when [解析]before 在……之前。 [答案]A 2.Prepared_with_some_research_findings,I decided on three possible approaches. 有一些研究发现作准备,我决定了三种可能的方法。 【考点归纳】 Prepared with some research findings 为过去分词短语作状语,相当于谓语动词为被动的状语从句,该动作和主句的主语之间存在着逻辑上的动宾关系。

  ①Although built thirty years ago,the house still looks very beautiful. 尽管这座房子是30年前建造的,但它看起来依然很漂亮。 ②Given more time,he can do it better. 如果给予他更多的时间,他会把它做得更好。


  Unit 3 Inventors and inventions

  1.Only after you have had that recognition can you say that you are truly an inventor. 只有在你获得了那种认证后,你才能说是一个真正的发明家。 2.The criteria are so strict that it is difficult to get new ideas accepted unless they are truly novel. (评定)专利标准是很严格的,除非新的想法真是新颖的,否则很难被接受。

  [考题回放·2008山东卷] 假设你是新华中学的学生张华,班里从外地转来一名同学李明,他一时无法融入新的班集体中,感到很苦恼。请根据下列要点用英语给他写封信:

  ·帮他分析原因 ·给他提出建议 ·陈述你帮助他的具体打算 注意:词数120~150

  Dear Li Ming,

  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Best regards,

  Zhang Hua

  [优秀范文] Dear Li Ming, I'm very glad to become your classmate.I know you are worried about your study and don't know how to adapt yourself to the new environment.There are some suggestions and I hope they can help you. You know we always become puzzled going to a new environment because we don't know anything about the people around us there and even don't know what to do. First,I think,you should make friends with the students in our class.Then if you have any problem,you can ask us or our teacher for help.We'll try our best to help you.

  After class,I will show you around our school,and introduce you everything you are interested in.I'll give you my advice not only on study but also on your life here. All in all,I hope you can adapt yourself to the new environment quickly and we can become good friends. Best regards, Zhang Hua

  1.________adj.突然的;意外的 2.________adj.便利的;方便的;就近的 3.________n.小心;谨慎 4.________n.预料;期待;期望 5.________vt.抓住;捉住;夺 6.________n.认出;认可;承认 7.________n.(pl criteria) (评判的)标准;尺度 8.________n.文件;档案;文件夹 9.________adj.熟的;成熟的 10.________adj.冰冻的;严寒的 11.________(bore,borne)vt.忍受;忍耐;负担 12.________n.堵塞;阻塞;果酱 13.________vt.轻打;轻拍;轻敲 14.________n.(水或气)流;电流 adj.现在的;当前的 15.________adj.稳固的;稳定的;安定的 16.________adj.实际的;实践的;实用的 17.________n.院子;天井 18.________adj.清白的;无罪的 19.________adj.有效的;确凿的 20.________n.版本;译本 [答案]1.abrupt 2.convenient 3.caution 4.expectation 5.seize 6.recognition 7.criterion 8.file 9.ripe 10.freezing 11.bear 12.jam 13.tap 14.current 15.stable 16.practical 17.courtyard 18.innocent 19.valid 20.version

  1.call________ 给……打电话 2.now________then 偶尔;有时 3.set________ 开始;着手 4.dive________ 迅速把手伸入;一心投入 5.set________(to do) 开始(做) 6.________on 不挂断;稍等;紧紧握住 7.get________ 设法联系上;(设法)做完;通过 8.ring________ 回复电话 9.ring________ 挂断电话 10.________the phone number 拨电话号码 [答案]1.up 2.and 3.about 4.into 5.out 6.hang 7.through 8.back 9.off 10.dial

  1.distinguish vi. & vt. 显示……的差别;使……有所不同;辨别 distinguish between A and B 区别/辨别A与B distinguish A from B

  把A和B区分开 distinguish oneself by

  通过……使自己出众 tell A from B

  把……和……区分开 ①The twins are so alike.It's difficult to distinguish one from the other. 这对双胞胎长得太像了,很难区别谁是谁。 ②The man distinguished himself by his wisdom. 这个人因智慧而扬名。 【即境活用1】 (2010·青岛市模拟)At what age are children able to distinguish________right and wrong? A.among

  B.during C.with

  D.between [解析]distinguish between A and B区别A与B。 [答案]D 2.product n. 产品 the products of manufacturing industry 制造业的产品 the finished product

  制成品 waste products

  废品 high­quality products

  优良产品 ①He works in marketing and product development. 他从事市场及产品开发。 ②We need new products to sell. 我们需要销售新产品。 【即境活用2】 (2010·湖南长沙模拟)The workers spent as much time as they could________more________to meet the growing market. A.produce;production B.to produce;production C.producing;products D.produced;products [解析]produce 生产,product 产品。 [答案]C 3.bear vt. 忍受;忍耐;负担 bear doing sth. =bear to do sth.容忍做某事 bear sb. to do sth.

  忍受某人做某事 bear up vi.

  忍耐;坚强起来 bear with vt.

  对某人的行为容忍 put up with sth.

  忍受某事 can't stand(doing) sth.

  无法容忍做某事 ①The ice is too thin to bear your weight. 冰太薄,承受不住你的重量。 ②Do the bride's parents have to bear the cost of wedding? 要由新娘的父母来负担婚礼所需的费用吗? ③He can't bear to be laughed at/being laughed at. 他受不了拿他取笑。

  ④He can't stand/bear/put up with hot weather. 他不能忍受炎热的天气。 ⑤She can't stand being kept waiting. 她无法忍受久等。 ⑥If you will bear with me a few minutes,you'll understand the situation. 你若能花几分钟耐心听我说,你便能了解这情况。 【即境活用3】 (2010·武汉市四月调研)These hills and fields are most beautiful,with many small and clear rivers,and rich fields________fruit and grain. A.feeding

  B.growing C.raising

  D.bearing [解析]bear 结果实,符合句意。feed喂养;grow种植;raise抚养,饲养,抬高。 [答案]D

  4.discovery n. 发现;发觉 在表示“发现;发觉”的意思时,为不可数名词。 在表示“被发现的事物或人”时,为可数名词。

  ①Dr.Fleming's discovery of penicillin occurred in 1928. 弗莱明医生发现青霉素是在一九二八年。 ②Scientists have made many important discoveries. 科学家作出了许多重大发现。 ③Like many discoveries,atomic power can be used for good or evil. 正如人类发现的许多事物一样,原子能既可用来为善,也可用以作恶。 【即境活用4】 (2010·河南郑州质检)He buried the treasure to prevent its________. A.invention



  D.practice [解析]discovery 发现,符合句意。invention发明;review复习;practice锻炼。 [答案]B ①I've never associated you with this place. 我从未把你和这个地方联系在一起。 ②I wouldn't want to be associated with Mckey's project. 我不想和麦基的计划有任何瓜葛。 ③I don't like these young men you're associating with. 我不喜欢你结交的这些游手好闲的人。 5.associate vt. 联想,联系 n. 同伴,伙伴


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