2017届高考英语二轮专题复习 阅读理解部分之限时训练(一)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语二轮专题复习 阅读理解部分之限时训练(一)

发布时间:2017-02-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2017届高考英语二轮专题复习精品之Google on Tuesday said it reached a settlement in a group action suit(诉讼)against the search giant over privacy breakings related to its Buzz socials networking program.

  In the settlement, Google agreed to pay $ 8.5 million into a fund (基金)for privacy education the company made clear that the agreement did not include cash payments to users.

  Buzz, started last February as an application within Gmail, in some cases exposed the lists of persons touched and other data of users to other Gmail users.

  How did the company warn users that they were included in the settlement? By Gmail of course.

  “Google rarely inform Gmail users via email, but this time we let you know that we’ve reached a settlement regarding Google Buzz,” the firm said in messages sent to its U. S. users. Some analysts think the company has 170 million Gmail users worldwide.

  “The settlement acknowledges that we quickly changed the service to address users’concerns,” Google wrote.

  Google said that everyone in the United States who uses Gmail was included in the settlement unless they decide to take no party before December 6, 2010. On January 31, 2011 the U. S. distriet Court for the Northem District of California in San Jose will hold a fairness hearing on the settlement.

  Google is under increasing pressure from federal regulators (监管者) for privacy problem involving Buzz and its Street View mapping service. Last week, the FTC closed its looking into Google’s collection of Wi – Fi data with Street View mapping cars, saying the company had made sufficient promises to get rid of data it collected and strengthen its privacy training among employees.

  58.“the search giant” in the first paragraph refers to


  A.Buzz B.Gmail C.Google D.Street View

  59.What will Google do to protect its users’ privacy?

  A.Further educate its staff. B.Pay cash to its users.

  C.Hold a fairness hearing. D.Stop collecting its users’ data.

  60.According to the passage,


  A.Google was accused of cheating its users.

  B.Google users are all affected by the settlement

  C.Google often sent a message to its users throughout the world

  D.Googles’ Street View mapping service is questioned by federal regulators

  完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

  Many of the tourists on board had begun bargaining with the tradesmen, but I decided not to buy anything. I had no sooner got off the


  than I was stopped by a man who wanted to


  me a diamond ring. I had no


  of buying one, but I could not deny the fact that I was


  by the size of the diamonds. Some of them were as


  as marbles (玻璃球). The man went to great lengths to


  that the diamonds were real. As


  walked past a shop, he held a diamond


  against the window and made a deep impression in the


  . It took me over half an hour to get rid of him.

  The next man to


  me was selling expensive pens and watches. I


  one of the pens closely. It certainly looked


  . At the base of the gold cap, the words “made in the USA” had been clearly


  . The man said that the pen was worth £50, but as a special



  he would let me have it for £30. I

  my head and held up five fingers indicating that I was willing to pay £5. Gesturing wildly, the man acted as if he found my


  shocking, but he eventually


  the price to £10. Shrugging my shoulders, I began to walk away. A moment later, he ran after me and


  the pen into my hands. Though he kept throwing up his arms in despair, he


  accepted the £5 I gave him. I felt especially pleased with my wonderful5

  --- until I got back to the ship. No matter how hard I tried, it was impossible to fill this beautiful pen with ink!6. A. ship

  B. train

  C. plane

  D. bus

  37. A. show

  B. sell

  C. buy

  D. give

  38. A. money

  B. hobby

  C. experience

  D. intention

  39. A. ashamed

  B. impressed

  C. moved

  D. cheated

  40. A. colorful

  B. big

  C. heavy

  D. small

  41. A. prove

  B. explain

  C. instruct

  D. perform

  42. A. they

  B. he

  C. we

  D. people

  43. A. sharply

  B. quickly

  C. slowly

  D. forcefully

  44. A. assistant

  B. shop

  C. glass

  D. door

  45. A. approach

  B. call

  C. find

  D. look

  46. A. checked

  B. examined

  C. noticed

  D. watched

  47. A. expensive

  B. ordinary

  C. natural

  D. real

  48. A. marked

  B. signed

  C. found

  D. recognized

  49. A. feeling

  B. favour

  C. reason

  D. present

  50. A. shook

  B. nodded

  C. held

  D. touched

  51. A. decision

  B. answer

  C. offer

  D. solution

  52. A. reduced

  B. gave

  C. suggested

  D. had

  53. A. threw

  B. snatched

  C. brought

  D. forced

  54. A. angrily

  B. disappointedly

  C. readily

  D. clearly

  55. A. experience

  B. bargain

  C. advice

  D. balance




  Have you ever been in a meeting while someone was making a speech and realized suddenly that your mind was a million miles away? You probably felt sorry and made up your mind to pay attention and ever have been told that daydreaming is a waste of time.

  “On the contrary,” says L. Giambra, an expert in psychology, “daydreaming is quite necessary. Without it, the mind couldn’t get done all the thinking it has to do during a normal day. You can’t possibly do all your thinking with a conscious mind. Instead, your unconscious mind is working out problems all the time. Daydreaming then may be one way that the conscious and unconscious states of mind have silent dialogues.”

  Early experts in psychology paid no attention to the importance of daydreams or even considered them harmful. At one time daydreaming was thought to be a cause of some mental illnesses. They did not have a better understanding of daydreams until the late 1980s. Eric Klinger, a professor of psychology, is the writer of the book Daydreaming. Klinger says, “We know now that daydreaming is one of the main ways that we organize our lives, learn from our experiences, and plan for our futures. Daydreams really are a window on the things we fear and the things we long for in life.” Daydreams are usually very simple and direct, quite unlike sleep dreams, which may be hard to understand. It’s easier to gain a deep understanding of your life by paying close attention to your daydreams than by trying to examine your sleep dreams carefully. Daydreams help you recognize the difficult situations in your life and find out a possible way of dealing with them. Daydreams cannot be predicted; they move off in unexpected direction which may be creative and full of ideas. For many famous artists and scientists, daydreams were and are a main source of creative energy.

  About daydreams

  Opinions 1. _________ Features 2. _________

  A. 3. _________: one way that the 4._________ and unconscious states of mind have 5. _________ dialogues organize our lives cannot be predicted A. daydreams:

  7. _________ and direct

  B. harmful: a 8. _______ of some mental illnesses learn from our 6. _________ move off in unexpected 9. ________ B. 10. ________ dreams: hard to understand



  58-60: CAD

  完形填空 36-40 ABDBB

  41-45 ACDCA 46-50 BDABA

  51-55 CADCB


  1. Advantages

  2. Differences

  3. necessary

  4. conscious

  5. silent

  6. experiences

  7. simple

  8. cause

  9. direction

  10. sleep


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