2017届高考英语二轮专题总复习 语法知识精品系列(二)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语二轮专题总复习 语法知识精品系列(二)

发布时间:2017-02-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1. After a long walk, they______ pass over the mountain.     A.  could be able to  B.can  C. would       D.were able to  2. In this factory, suggestions often have to wait for months before they are fully _____. A.admitted     B..acknowledged       C.absorbed        D.considered 3. I found her sitting in the corner, reading _____ newspaper, with _____ in her eyes. A. a, tear     B. a piece of, tears   C. a, tears     D. a piece of, tear 4.In fact, _______ one cause that leads to the problem. A. cattle is    B. cattle are         C. cattles are   D. the cattles are 5.The boy slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool without his parents' _____. A. command          B. conviction         C. consent         D. compromise 6.  He often dreams of going_____.  A. aboard          B. abroad        C. board          D.abandon 7. Our research has focused on a drug which is so _____ as to be able to change brain chemistry. A. powerful     B. influential      C. monstrous      D. vigorous 8.Now that he has publicly_____ he was wrong, he is sharing the child-raising and household tasks with Pat. A.announced         B. admitted     C. declared       D.allowed 9.. The lost car of the Lees was found _____ in the woods off the highway. A. vanished      B. abandoned       C. scattered        D. rejected 10.  We already have ______ pencils, but we need two ______ pens. A. dozen of, doze   B. dozens of, dozens C. dozens of, dozen D. dozens of, dozen of 11. Henry's news report covering the conference was so _____ that nothing had been omitted. A.understanding        B.comprehensible    C.comprehensive        D.understandable 12. She was afraid that unless the train speeded up she would lose her _____ to Scotland. A. ticket        B. place        C. seat       D. connection  13. The ship was _____ in a storm off Jamaica.   A. drowned          B. sunk        C. wrecked       D. submitted 14. No one has _____ been able to trace the author of the poem. A. still       B. yet      C. already       D. just 15. She’s asked me_______ to build the church.      A. how long it was taken             B. how long it had taken    C. how much time did it take          D. how much time it was taken 16. ---You are devoted herself_____ to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her field.     A. strongly         B.extremely    C. entirely       D. freely 17. More than one-third of the Chinese in the United States live in California, _____ in San Francisco. A. previously    B. predominantly    C practically     D. permanently 18. The new secretary has written a remarkably _____ report only in a few pages but with all the details. A. concise                   B. clear                   C. precise                   D. elaborate 19. He’d arrived20 minutesearly______I can have time for a cup of tea.     A. as soon as    B. as a result    C. in case           D. so that 20. The managing director took the _____ for the accident, althoughit was not really his fault. A. guilt        B. charge       C. blame       D. accusation 21.---- What has made Mary so_____? ----- Losing her new bicycle.    A. worrying  B. troublesome  C. upset    D. hurried 22. The____of Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics and People’s from across the globe.    A. theme     B. purpose      C. task     D. brand  23. The worker agreed to _____ the strike if the company would satisfy their demands. A. call for     B. call forth       C. call off       D. call up 24. I could just see a car in the distance, but I couldn't _____ what color it was. A. look out       B. make out         C. get across     D. take after     25. He has impressed his employers considerably and _____ he is soon to be promoted. A. eventually        B. yet       C. finally        D. accordingly 26. It was a great _____ for him to be pleasant to people he didn't like. A. attempt        B. trouble       C. power        D. effort 27. The firemen managed to _____ the fire in time. A. extinguish       B. prevent      C. suppress     D. ruin 28. What is most obvious in this book are all those details of daily living which make Mrs. Richard _____ common.  A. nothing but      B. anything but      C. above all   D.rather than 29. Was it in the factory_____ you worked five years ago___ you learned the technique?     A. that; where   B. where; when    C. where; where  D. where; that 30. ——— run fast should take part in the 400-meter race tomorrow.     A. Anyone who   B. Those who   C. No matter who  D. Whoever 31. Although the causes of cancer_____, we do not yet have any practical way to prevent it.     A. are being uncovered  B. have been uncovering C. are uncovering  D. have uncovered 32. The car was completely _____ and the driver seriously injured. A. broken off      B. taken off     C. written off      D. picked up   33. On this happy occasion, I'd like to say that we are _____ much obliged to you for your kind cooperation. A. even so        B. ever so       C. as yet      D. so far 34. His new appointment takes _____ from the beginning of next month. A. place        B. effect       C. post        D. office、 35. The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and _____ him of speeding. A. charged        B. accused        C. blamed       D. deprived 36. He was deep in thought with his eyes_____ on the ceiling.     A. fixed        B. fixing     C. fix        D. to be fixing 37. This is the _____ piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works. A. actual       B. genuine       C. real      D. original 38. My camera can be _____ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions. A. treated       B. adopted        C. adjusted        D. remedied 39. According to the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, wisdom comes from the _____ of maturity. A. fulfillment   B. achievement  C. establishment   D. accomplishment 40. The number of tickets _____ will be determined by the size of the stadium. A. adaptable      B. acceptable      C. advisable     D. available   41.. Too many hotels have been built and this has _____ prices, making holidays cheaper. A. cut short     B. cut out     C. cut off   D. cut down 42. He is a very honest official and never _____ any gifts from the people who sought his help. A. accepted      B. received      C. took up      D. excepted 43.---- Anne acts in an unfriendly way. ----- I think she is _____ than unfriendly. A. shyer         B. shy           C. more shy rather  D. more shy 44. The Department is also deeply _____ in various improvement schemes. A. connected     B. included      C. involved     D. implied 45 ----Greg should have left the party an hour ago.   ------ yes, I keep telling him to go, _____ he stays any way. A. because         B.but    C. instead     D. however 46. The boy had a _____ escape when he ran across the road in front of the bus. A. close       B. short       C. narrow       D. fine 47. ----That kind of computer is far too expensive.     ----- I’ll buy one, ______ . A. thought    B. so     C. either       D. took 48. The finance minister has not been so _____ since he raised taxes to such a high level. A. popular     B. well-known     C. favorable    D. preferable 49. It is wrong for someone in such a high _____ in the government to behave too badly in public. A. situation    B. position    C. employment     D. profession。 50.. He looked rather untidy as there were two buttons _____ from his coat. A. loosing      B. losing       C. off     D. missing

  1.【解析】 D. 关键是走了很长的路,表示一段过程不容易 2.【解析】D.  considered 考虑; admit 承认; absorb 吸收。acknowledge承认, 供认; 3.【解析】C。newspaper和 tear均为可数名词,它们不仅可以连用不定冠词、可以用复数,而且还可以连用数词。  4.【解析】B  cattle(牲畜,牛)为集合名词,尽管它不带复数词尾-s,却永远表示复数意义,若用作主语,谓语要用复数 5.【解析】C.  consent 同意, 赞成, 答应。conviction 深信, 确信。compromise 妥协, 折中。  command 命令, 指令; 掌握, 运用能力。 6.【解析】B 出国之意。  7.【解析】A. powerfu强有力的。在这里四个形容词中, 只有powerful (有效力的) 可与表示药物的名词搭配。influential 有影响的, 有势力的, monstrous 异常大的, vigorous 精力旺盛的,   8.【解析】B  依据前半句意思应该是既然他已经当众承认他错了,所以选 B 9.【解析】B. abandoned 放弃, 抛弃;暗指某人对其所抛弃的人或物将会发生什么事情不感兴趣, 如把撞坏的汽车抛弃在路旁。vanishvi.消失, 绝迹在地球上绝迹。scatter驱使, 使分散;撒, 到处放; reject (=refuse to accept) 拒绝接受; 10.【解析】C。当它与具体数字连用时,既不加复数词尾-s,也不后接介词of 11.【解析】C.  comprehensive 完全的无所不包的; comprehensible 能懂的, 可以理解的; understandable 可以理解的, 主要用来指人的行为。understanding 用来指人时, 表示"善于理解别人或别人问题的 (人) 12【解析】D. lose one's connection to 误了到......地方去的 (汽车、火车、轮船的) 联运; The train was late and I missed my connection.   13.【解析】C. wrecked[注释] wreck vt. 撞坏, 毁坏; sink vt. 下沉, 沉没, 该动词也可作及物动词用, 意为“使下沉”, 但按本题句意看, 用被动语态不妥。 drown 溺死, 淹死: submit 1) (=put oneself under the control of another) 提交, 呈送 (to) : 2) (=put forward for option, discussion, decision ect.) 提出 (供评论、讨论决定等)  3) (=surrender (to) , give in) 屈服,投降: 14.【解析】B. yet 常用于现在完成时的否定句中, 意为“尚, 还”。 15.【解析】B 考查宾语从句及take的用法。宾语从句中需用陈述语序,故排除C;花时间做---为“it takes some time to do sth.”,故排除A.D选B. 16.【解析】C 考查副词词义辨析。strongly 强烈的,猛烈地;extremely    极端地,极其地;entirely完全地; freely自由地,自如地。 17.【解析】B.  predominantly (=mostly; mainly) 主要地。 previously (=coming earlier in time or order) 先前, 早先; practically (=really; in a practical way) 实际上。permanently (=going on for a long time) 永久地。本题译文:在美国, 华人中有三分之一居住在加利福尼亚洲, 其中主要是在旧金山。  18.【解析】A. concise (=brief; giving much information in few words) 简明扼要的: clear 清楚的。precise (=exact; correctly stated; free form error) 精确的, 明白无误的; elaborate (=worked out with much care; carefully prepared) 精心制作的, 丰盛的: 孤立地看, 似乎4个形容词均能修饰report, 但从句子的逻辑关系看, 后半句中有only in a few pages but with all the details, 故concise 是最贴切的选择了。 19.【解析】D 考查状语从句连接词的用法。 20.【解析】C. take the blame for 对......承担责任。take charge of 负责管理 (照顾) 。[注意]charge 前无冠词the. 21.【解析】C  考查 形容词做宾补得用法。Make sb. upset 22.【解析】A 考查名词词义辨析。theme 主题,符合句意。purpose 目的;task 任务;brand 商标,品牌,均不合句意。  23.【解析】C.  考查短语的辨析。call off  走开,取消,撤销符合句意。call for需要,要求,呼吁;call forth唤起激起;call up打电话,征召---入伍, 24.【解析】B. make out 分辨,弄明白;look out  当心,小心;get across将----传达给---人;take after相像 25【解析】D. accordingly (=for that reason, therefore) 因此, 所以。 26【解析】D. effort (作可数名词用) (=vigorous attempt) 努力的尝试: 27.【解析】A. extinguish (=put out) vt. 扑灭 (火焰等) 。Stop the fire虽然也可以搭配, 但按本句题意用extinguish为最佳。 28.【解析】B. anything but.(=far from being) 根本不; nothing but 只不过; above all最重要的。rather than 而不是 29.【解析】D.从整个句子来分析,本题的主干是Was it in the factory_____ you worked ___ you learned the technique?这一强调结构,you worked five years ago 是定语从句,限定the factory。 30【解析】B  A、D 主谓一致上受限制。C 项不能用于名词性从句。 31【解析】A. 因为句子的主语the causes of cancer与谓语uncover 是被动关系,因此我们使用被动结构,只有A 符合这一条件。  32.【解析】C.  write off报废; break off停止、折断; take off起飞、除去、减去; pick up 拾起、获得、恢复健康、中途搭车等,句意为毁坏、报废。 33.【解析】B. ever so (=very) 非常; even so (=although that is true, nevertheless; still) 即使如此: 34.【解析】B. effect.  [注释]take effect 生效。 35.【解析】B. accuse sb. of... 控告某人犯有......, warn sb. of警告、告戒某人有......deprive sb. of sth.剥夺某人某事。charge sb. with murder (指控某人犯有杀人罪) 。 36.【解析】A 考查with+n.+doing 复合结构。 Fix one’s eyes on结构中名词和动词之间为被动关系, 凝视-----, 为固定短语,故用fixed。 37.【解析】A. actual  (=existing in fact, not imaginary) 实际使用过的。actual, read, genuine是同义词, 有时可以互换, 如:an actual (or real) event in history, (历史上的真实事件) , real (or genuine) banknotes (真钞票), 其反义词是false (假的) ; original (原来的) , 其反义词是duplicate (复制的) 。从不同的角度看, 似乎任何一个选择都说得过去, 但按照题意选A. actual 最佳, 因为题中强调的不是钢琴的真假, 而是指作曲家“实际使用过的”。本题译文:这是作曲家创作他的一些杰出作品时实际使用过的那台钢琴。  38.【解析】C. adjusted.强调, 调节, 使适应; My eyes have not been adjusted to dark yet. (我的眼睛还没有适应黑暗。) 本句中adjust是不及物动词。I must adjust my watch. It's slow. (我必须调一下我的表。它走得慢了。) 39. 【解析】 B. achievement取得, 达到, 成就。fulfilment (=the act of fulfilling or condition of being fulfilled) 履行, 实行。establishment 建立,建设。Accomplishment (顺利) 完成 40.【解析】D. available.可用的, 有效的, 可得到的。acceptable 可以接受的;adaptable 41.【解析】D. 考查 短语意思的辨析。cut short 截短;cut out 剪掉    cut down. 砍到、降低;cut off砍断、删去;句意应为降低。   42【解析】A. 考查词义区分。receive 收到, 接到, 指“收, 接”这一动作; 而accept 是经过考虑“接受”下来, 表示当事人的态度。 43.【解析】D考查more-----than----句型,其中more 与 than 后接并列成分,意为“与其----不如---”,其中“more+adj.”不可换为比较级形式,故排除A。 44.【解析】C.  be involved in 参与。be included in 包括在......中 45.【解析】B 考查连词辨析。  46.【解析】 C. 考查词义辨析narrow.  [注释]have a narrow escape 幸免遇难。 47.【解析】A 考查副词辨析。 Though作副词意为“可是、然而”,常置于句末,符合语境。 48.【解析】A. 考查词形和词义。 popular. 受爱戴的, 有名声或声望的”。符合 49.【解析】B. 考查名词的辨析。 position. 此句中指“地位” (不可数, 有时加不定冠词), 符合句意  50.【解析】D. 考查词汇意思,句意为丢失。missing.缺少的符合


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