2017届高考英语二轮专题总复习 阅读能力培养精品系列(三十七)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语二轮专题总复习 阅读能力培养精品系列(三十七)

发布时间:2017-02-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  The British isles is made up of two large islands: One is called Ireland and the other __1__. Britain, or Great Britain, is the larger of these two islands, and it is __2__ into three parts: Scotland, Wales and England.

  The United Kingdom is that __3__ of the British isles ruled over by the Queen. It is made up of Scotland, Wales and England, that is, the __4__ of Britain, and also about one sixth of Ireland, the Northern part. The __5__ of Ireland is self governing(治理). The __6__ name of the United Kingdom is __7__ “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”.

  __8__ is larger and richer than Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and has the most __9__ of the United Kingdom, so people often use the __10__ “England” and “English” when they __11__ “Britain” and “British”. This sometimes makes the Scots and the Welsh a little __12__. The Scots in particular are very __13__ of their separate nationality(民族). The Welsh too do not regard __14__ as English, and have a culture and even a __15__ of their own.

  Ireland became part of the United Kingdom in 1801, but for forty years the “Irish __16__ ” was the greatest headache of the United Kingdom. __17__, Ireland is divided into two: Northern Ireland still __18__ to the United Kingdom, and in 1922 the rest of Ireland __19__ to found an Irish Free State, later called Eire and now the Republic of Ireland.

  The Republic of Ireland does not regard itself as part of Britain, and is not now even a supporter of the Commonwealth of Nations(英联邦). Unlike the major Commonwealth countries it did not lift a finger to __20__ British in the Second World War and now wants the whole of Ireland to be a republic.

  1. A. WalesB. BritainC. EnglandD. Scotland

  2. A. divided

  B. cut

  C. broken

  D. separated

  3. A. piece

  B. island

  C. country

  D. part

  4. A. south

  B. north

  C. part

  D. whole

  5. A. smaller

  B. larger

  C. rest

  D. island

  6. A. correct

  B. true

  C. full

  D. complete

  7. A. also

  B. therefore

  C. likely

  D. perhaps

  8. A. The UK

  B. The British isles

  C. Great Britain

  D. England

  9. A. colleges

  B. officials

  C. cities

  D. population

  10. A. words

  B. names

  C. spellings

  D. pronunciations

  11. A. call

  B. forget

  C. speak

  D. write

  12. A. angry

  B. difficult

  C. tired

  D. lonely

  13. A. proud

  B. fond

  C. full

  D. kind

  14. A. it

  B. Wales

  C. them

  D. themselves

  15. A. capital

  B. language

  C. history

  D. programmes

  16. A. Country

  B. Question

  C. Disease

  D. Republic

  17. A. At last

  B. So

  C. Meanwhile

  D. Also

  18. A. returns

  B. belongs

  C. gets

  D. speaks

  19. A. hoped

  B. refused

  C. broke away

  D. used

  20. A. feel

  B. touch

  C. fight

  D. help



  A Tour City—Pompeii

  Every year thousands of tourists visit Pompeii, Italy. They see the sights that Pompeii is famous for its stadium(运动场) and theatres, its shops and restaurants. The tourists do not, however, see Pompeii's people. They do not see them because Pompeii has no people. No one has lived in Pompeii for almost 2,000 years.

  Once, Pompeii was a busy city of 22,000 people. It lay at the foot of Mount Vesuvius, a grass-covered volcano(火山). Mount Vesuvius had not erupted(喷发)for centuries, so the people of Pompeii felt safe. But they were not.

  In August of AD 79, Mount Vesuvius erupted. The entire top of the mountain exploded,_and a huge black cloud rose into the air. Soon stones and hot ash began to fall on Pompeii. When the eruption ended two days later, Pompeii was buried under 20 feet of stones and ashes. Almost all of its people were dead.

  For centuries, Pompeii lay buried under stone and ash. Then, in the year 1861, an Italian scientist named Ginseppe began to uncover Pompeii. Slowly, carefully, Ginseppe and his men dug. The city looked almost the same as it had looked in AD 79. There were streets and fountains, houses and shops. There was a stadium with 20,000 seats. Perhaps the most important of all, there were everyday objects, which tell us a great deal about the people who lived in Pompeii. Many glasses and jars had some dark blue colour in the bottom, so we know that the people of Pompeii liked wine. They liked bread too. Metal bread pans were in every bakery. In one bakery there were 81 round, flat loaves of bread—a type of bread that is still sold in Italy today. Tiny boxes filled with a dark, shiny power tell us that women liked to wear eye-makeup.

  Ginseppe has died, but his work continues. One-fourth has not been uncovered yet. Scientists are still digging, still making discoveries that draw the tourists to Pompeii.

  1. Why do large numbers of people come to Pompeii each year?

  A. To visit the volcano.

  B. To shop and eat there.

  C. To watch sports and plays.

  D. To see how Pompeiians lived.

  2. Why had so many people remained by volcanic Mount Vesuvius?

  A. The city nearly offered all kinds of fun.

  B. The area produced the finest wine in Italy.

  C. Few people expected the volcano to erupt again.

  D. The mountain was beautiful and covered with grass.

  3. Why did the city uncovered look almost the same as it had looked in AD 79?

  A. Because Ginseppe and his men dug it slowly and carefully.

  B. Because the city was buried alive and remained untouched.

  C. Because scientists successfully rebuilt the city with everyday objects.

  D. Because nobody had lived in the city ever since the volcano erupted.

  4. What's the meaning of the underlined word “exploded” in the third paragraph?

  A. 爆发

  B. 震动

  C. 倒塌

  D. 爆裂

  5. What do we know about the Pompeiians who lived 2,000 years ago?

  A. They lived more or less the same as Italians now do.

  B. They liked women wearing all kinds of makeup.

  C. They enjoyed a lazy life with drinking and eating.

  D. They went back to Pompeii after the eruption in AD 79.


  ISLANDS in the world are famous for different things. But Hawaii is special for its variety of features. Beautiful sandy beaches, active volcanoes, a great canyon and special history and culture add up to create its famously romantic atmosphere.

  Formed by volcanoes at the bottom of the sea, the Hawaii islands are like a necklace(项链) in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, 6,000 kilometres off the west coast of Mexico. There are eight main islands in the group Hawaii (or Big Island), Maui, Kahoolawe, Lanai, Molokai, Oahu, Kauai, and Niihau.

  The youngest and biggest island, also called Hawaii was formed 430,000 years ago and is still growing. Kauai, the oldest was formed 5.1 million years ago. For tourists, the sight of the lava that still flows from some of the volcanoes down to the sea, is a major attraction.

  Hawaii is the newest and smallest state in the US. In 1900 the islands joined the US. In modern history it will always be remembered for the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese air force 1941.

  About 1,000 years ago the islands were settled by Polynesians Captain James Cook led the first group of Westerners there in 1778.

  Native Hawaiians have a special culture and languages. Although nowadays English is the official language of Hawaii, folk music and dancing are still widely practiced. The traditional dance of the islands is the hula, a Hawaiian word that means dance.

  Hawaii's reputation for romance was spread when Hollywood started to use its typical music in movies in the 1960s.

  Today, Hawaii is famous for its mix of cultures. Chinese, Japanese and Filipinos all live there. Chinese arrived in the islands as early as the late 18th century. Dr Sun Yat-sen, the famous Chinese revolutionary, grew up there.

  Everyone in Hawaii is a member of an ethnic minority and generally they exist in a pleasant harmony of races and cultures.

  6. Which of the following directly led to the formation of the Hawaii islands?

  A. The sea.

  B. The volcanoes.

  C. The violent meeting of the earth's different plates.

  D. The nonstop turning of the earth.

  7. Which of the following shows the correct order of the listed events?

  a. Japan attacked Hawaii.

  b. The Hawaii islands became part of the US.

  c. Hawaii began to be known for romance.

  d. First group of Chinese settled there.

  A. d, b, c, a

  B. b, d, a, c

  C. d, b, a, c

  D. b, a, d, c

  8. What's the official language of Hawaii nowadays?

  A. English.

  B. Japanese.

  C. Polynesian.

  D. Chinese.

  9. Native Hawaiians come from ________.

  A. Asia

  B. the West

  C. South America

  D. Polynesia

  10. The main idea of the story is about Hawaii's ________.

  A. history

  B. geography

  C. culture

  D. features


  1. 解析:选B。由空后的“Britain, or Great Britain, is the larger of these two islands”可推断出答案。

  2. 解析:选A。考查短语辨析。be divided into被分成……;cut into打断,侵犯;break into破门而入;separate from分离,分开。根据语境,选A。

  3. 解析:选D。由该句可知,the United Kingdom就是the British isles中被女王统治的那一部分。

  4. 解析:选D。由第一段最后一句可知,Britain是由Scotland,Wales和England三部分组成,所以说以上三部分就是“整个”Britain。

  5. 解析:选C。由文意及常识可知,爱尔兰分为两部分,北部为英国统治,其他部分自治。

  6. 解析:选C。此处指英国的全称。full name全名。

  7. 解析:选B。由上文可知,the United Kingdom 包括Scotland,Wales,England以及Northern Ireland。Scotland,Wales和England就是指整个Britain,因此the United Kingdom又被称为“The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”。

  8. 解析:选D。the United Kingdom共由四部分组成,其他三部分都提到了,就剩下England,因此可推断出答案为D。

  9. 解析:选D。只有人口最多,再加上面积最大和最富有,才能使人们提起Britain或British就用England或English来代替。

  10. 解析:选A。“England”和“English”是两个单词。

  11. 解析:选A。当人们称呼Britain或British时,常常用England或English。

  12. 解析:选A。因为Wales和Scotland都属于Britain,所以称呼Britain为England自然让威尔士人和苏格兰人有点生气。

  13. 解析:选A。be proud of意为“为……自豪或骄傲”,符合句意。

  14. 解析:选D。the Welsh的反身代词应为themselves。

  15. 解析:选B。由文意可知,作为英国的一个相对独立的组成部分,Welsh有自己的语言。

  16. 解析:选B。由下文的the greatest headache可推出答案为B。

  17. 解析:选A。at last意为“最终”。表示Ireland最终分为两部分。

  18. 解析:选B。belong to意为“属于”。由文意可知,Northern Ireland 仍旧属于the United Kingdom。

  19. 解析:选C。break away表示“脱离”,符合句意。

  20. 解析:选D。由文意及历史知识可知,爱尔兰共和国在二战中一点都没有“帮助”英国人。

  1. 解析:选D。推理判断题。文章没有直接说出参观者到Pompeii的目的。通读全文可知,Pompeii是一座被火山吞没的城市。由于火山突然喷发,人们来不及逃避,而保留了当时人们生活的遗迹。所以参观者来的目的是看一看Pompeiians当时是如何生活的。

  2. 解析:选C。细节理解题。由第二段后两句“Mount Vesuvius had not erupted for centuries, so the people of Pompeii felt safe. But they were not”可知,几乎没有人想到火山会重新喷发。

  3. 解析:选B。细节理解题。从第二、三段可知,Pompeii位于Mount Vesuvis脚下,Mount Vesuvis 是一座火山,但有多个世纪没有喷发了。人们以为它不会再喷发,但是,在公元79年8月火山突然喷发,整个城市被埋葬在石头和灰尘下。由于火山突然喷发,人们在毫无思想准备的情况下被埋葬了,所以保留了当时全部的情景。

  4. 解析:选D。词义猜测题。从下文“a huge black cloud rose into the air”可推知整个山顶“开裂”了。

  5. 解析:选A。推理判断题。从倒数第二段所述参观者所看到2,000年前Pomeiians生活的情景可以得出结论,他们当时的生活状况或多或少和现在的意大利人生活的状况相同。

  6. 解析:选B。细节理解题。由第二段第一句“Formed by volcanoes at the bottom of the sea”可知,选B。

  7. 解析:选C。推理判断题。从文中“Chinese arrived in the islands as early as the late 18th century”可知,d排在第一位,因此排除B,D两项。从第四段可知,日本空军在1941年袭击珍珠港,从文章倒数第四段可知,夏威夷开始因为浪漫而出名是在二十世纪六十年代。故可推断出选C。

  8. 解析:选A。细节理解题。由第六段第二句“Although nowadays English is the official language of Hawaii...”可知,选A。

  9. 解析:选D。细节理解题。由文中第五段“About 1,000 years ago the islands were settled by Polynesians...”可知,选D。


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