2017届高考英语二轮专题总复习 阅读能力培养精品系列(三十)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语二轮专题总复习 阅读能力培养精品系列(三十)

发布时间:2017-02-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  (Reuters)—A Michigan man credited his dog with saving his life by chewing off his diseased big toe as he lay passed out in a drunken stupor(昏迷).

  Jerry Douthett,48,woke up on a Saturday night in late July in his Rockford,Michigan home to find his Jack Russell Terrier,Kiko,had gnawed_off his right big toe.

  “The dog always lay with me on the bed,”said Douthett.“That night,I woke up and looked down at my foot,and it was wet. When I looked it was blood, and there was the dog looking at me with a blood mustache. ”

  Douthett's wife,Rosee,rushed him to a hospital where doctors found he was suffering from Type 2 diabetes. His toe was badly infected and surgeons amputated(截)the remainder of the toe.

  Douthett's wife,a registered nurse,had been urging him for weeks to have his infected toe examined by a doctor.

  On the night Kiko ate his toe,Douthett said he had been out with his wife and drank about six or seven beers and a pair of giant margaritas—big enough to put goldfish in.

  “I was selfmedicating at this point,”he said.“The moral of the story is that the dog saved my life,because otherwise I would never have gone to see a doctor.”

  The couple said they were amazed that Kiko appeared to know Douthett had an infection that needed treatment.

  “He kind of chewed off the infected part and stopped at the good bone,”said Rosee.“We joked that we shouldn't have had to pay the copay because he did half the job by chewing off half of the toe.”

  1. What does the underlined phrase “gnawed off” probably mean?

  A. Bit away.B. Cared for.

  C. Sucked on.

  D. Smelt out.

  2. How do you find the dog's behaviour?

  A. It's rather interesting.

  B. It's difficult to deal with.

  C. It is quite natural.

  D. It's not easily explained.

  3. It can be learned from the text that ________.

  A. Douthett's wife was a doctor

  B. Douthett never got that drunk

  C. Douthett's wife felt something about his disease

  D. Douthett had seen a doctor for his disease before

  4. From the text we know that Kiko________.

  A. is in top physical condition

  B. was trained at an early age

  C. nearly cost Douthett his life

  D. saved his master's life

  5. Which column of a newspaper does the text come from?

  A. Entertainment.

  B. Science.

  C. Healthcare.

  D. Economy.


  Thirty-two people watched Kitty Genovese being killed right below their windows. She was their neighbor. Yet none of the 32 helped her. Not one even called the police. Was this in gunman cruelty? Was it lack of feeling about one's fellowman?

  “Not so,”say scientists John Barley and Bib Fatane. These men went beyond the headlines to research into the reasons why people didn't act. They found that a person has to go through two steps before he can help. First he has to notice that is an emergency(紧急情况). Suppose you see a middle-ged man fall to the side-walk. Is he having a heart attack? Is he in a coma(昏迷) from a headache? Or is he about to sleep off a drunk? Is the smoke coming into the room from a leak(漏洞)in the air conditioning? Is it “steam pipes”?Or is it really smoke from a fire? It's not always easy to tell if you are faced with a real emergency. Second, and more important, the person faced with an emergency must feel personally responsible(负责任的). He must feel that he must help, or the person won't get the help he needs.

  The researchers found that a lot depends on how many people are around. They had college students in to be “tested.” Some came alone. Some came with one or two others. And some came in large groups. The researchers started them off on the “tests.” Then they went into the next room. A curtain divided the “testing room” and the room into which they went. Soon the students heard a scream, the noise of bookshelves falling and a cry for help. All of this had been prerecorded on a tape recorder.

  Eight out of ten of the students taking the test alone acted to help. Of the students in pairs, only two out of ten helped. Of the students in groups, none helped.

  In other words, in a group, Americans often fail to act. They feel that others will act. They, themselves, needn't. They do not feel any direct responsibility.

  Are people bothered by situations where people are in trouble? Yes, scientists found that the people were shocked, they sweated, and they had trembling hands. They felt the other person's trouble. But they did not act. They were in a group. Their actions were shaped by the actions of those they were with.

  6. The purpose of this passage is ________.

  A. to explain why people fail to act in emergencies

  B. to explain when people will act in emergencies

  C. to explain what people will do in emergencies

  D. to explain how people feel in emergencies

  7. Which of the following is NOT true?

  A. When a person tries to help others, he must be clear that there is a real emergency.

  B. When a person tries to help others, he should know whether they are worth his help.

  C. A person must take the full responsibility for the safety of those in emergencies if he wants to help.

  D. A person with a heart attack needs the most.

  8. The main reason why people fail to act when they stay together is that ________.

  A. they are afraid of emergencies

  B. they are not willing to get themselves involved

  C. others will act if they themselves hesitate

  D. they do not have any direct responsibility for those who need help

  9. The author suggests that ________.

  A. we shouldn't blame a person if he fails to act in emergencies

  B. a person must feel guilty if he fails to help

  C. people should be responsible for themselves in emergencies

  D. when you are in trouble, people will help you anyway


  1. 解析:选A。词义猜测题。由第一段中“...by chewing off his diseased big toe”以及第六段“On the night Kiko ate his toe”可知,答案为A。

  2. 解析:选D。推理判断题。从最后两段内容可知,狗挽救了主人的生命,但狗是怎样知道主人右脚大脚趾感染,需要治疗的,这很难解释。

  3. 解析:选C。细节理解题。从文中第五段信息可知,Douthett的妻子感觉丈夫的脚趾有问题,建议他去看医生。其他选项均与文章内容不符。

  4. 解析:选D。细节理解题。从文中第七段Douthett说的话可知,Kiko挽救了它主人Douthett的生命。A、B两项文中没有涉及;C项与文章内容不符。

  5. 解析:选A。推理判断题。文中的故事新奇有趣,故应选自娱乐专栏。

  6. 解析:选A。主旨大意题。文章主要是讲述科学家通过实验揭示在紧急情况下,人们为什么不实施救助。

  7. 解析:选C。细节理解题。从文章内容可以看出,只有C项内容没有涉及,A、B、D三项内容在文章第二段都能找到例证。

  8. 解析:选D。细节理解题。根据“They do not feel any direct responsibility”一句判断答案为D。

  9 . 解析:选A。推理判断题。文章最后一段,作者从科学的角度阐明了自己的观点。


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