2017届广东北师大版高考总复习(第1轮)英语:Module4 Unit10《Money》(1)-查字典英语网
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2017届广东北师大版高考总复习(第1轮)英语:Module4 Unit10《Money》(1)

发布时间:2017-02-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  ②(be) ashamed可接动词不定式作补足语,意思是


  I’m ashamed to say that I lied to her.


  I cried at the end and I’m not ashamed to admit it.

  最后我哭了,我并不耻于承认哭过。 ③(be) ashamed后也跟that从句。

  Bill felt ashamed that he had not told the truth.

  比尔为自己没有说实话而感到羞愧。 The student _________________(感到羞愧)

  his cheating in the English examination. I _____________________(十分不好意思)

  have to trouble you. was ashamed of am quite ashamed to 7. contain与include ①contain 强调“盛有,容纳”,指在某一范围或


  This book contains all the information you need.


  The jar contains sugar.


  Beer contains alcohol.

  啤酒含有酒精。 ②include 包括,包含;侧重被包含者只是整体


  There are six people in the hall, including

  me(=me included).


  用contain, include的适当形式填空 I’ve got three days’holiday, __________ New

  Year’s Day. The box is used to __________ the child’s toys. Our teacher said, “Sea water __________ salt.” including contain contains 用contain, include的适当形式填空 All of us, myself ____________, have been to

  the Summer Palace several times. His university courses _________ art and

  literature. included include 8. advance ①vt. 前进,发展,提前; vi. 向前推进,有进展

  Our troops have advanced about two miles.


  The date of the exam was advanced from the

  10th to the 5th.


  The work during this week is not advancing.

  这周的工作没有进展。 ②n. 进展,前进

  This could be an advance on the present situation.


  Nothing could stop the advance of the soldiers.

  没有什么可以阻止士兵们的前进。 ③adj. 预先的,事先的

  They don’t normally give any advance notice

  about which building they’re going to inspect.


  通知。 in advance

  事先,预先 advanced adj.

  高级的,先进的 advancement n.

  提升,促进,进步 9. focus

  ①n. 中心,焦点

  Because of his strange clothes, he immediately

  became the focus of attention when he entered

  the office.


  大家关注的焦点。 ②vt. (使)特别注意;集中(注意力)于……;(使)调


  You must try to focus your mind on work and study.


  This photograph looks funny; I think you forget to

  focus the camera.


  距了。 in focus

  焦点对准,清晰 out of focus

  焦点没有对准,模糊 When a photograph isn’t in focus, it isn’t clear;

  it’s out of focus. 当焦点没有对准时,照片不清晰,即模糊。 大家的目光都集中在老师身上。

  ______________________________________ 照片上他的脸模糊不清。

  ______________________________________ All eyes focused on the teacher. His face is out of focus in the photograph. 10. value n. 价值,重要性; vt. 估价;尊重,重视 be of great value 很有价值 People seldom realize the value of health till

  they have lost it. 人们直到失去健康才懂得健康的重要性。 What is the value of this picture by Rubens? 这幅鲁本斯创作的画价值多少? The machine is valued at 1,000 yuan. 这台机器估价1,000元。 I shall always value your friendship. 我会始终重视你的友谊。 valuable adj. 贵重的,很有价值的

  value, price, cost与worth What is its price?=What does it cost?

  均指所标价目。 某一工作(商品)所需要花费的钱是cost,某商品 出售的价格是price,某物的实际价值是value和 worth。 He sold the house at a price below its real value. 他低价卖掉了这幢房子。 priceless无价的;valueless或worthless 意为 “没有价值的”。 These paintings are priceless. 这些画是无价的。 学生向来尊重他们的老师。 ______________________________________ ______________________________________ The students have always valued their teachers. 11. choose v. 选择,挑选;愿意,宁愿(多跟不定


  Which one did you choose?


  She chose to accept his offer.


  He chose to say nothing about this to anyone.

  他不愿意把这件事对任何人讲。 choose out

  选出 be well / ill chosen

  挑得好/不好 choose…as / for…

  把……选为…… can’t choose but do

  只好 choose between A and / or B

  从A和B中选择 There’s nothing to choose between…and…

  ……与……之间没有差别 我不得不这样做。

  _____________________________________ 他们选大卫做他们的领导。

  _____________________________________ I can not choose but to do so. They chose David as their leader. 12. choice n. 选择;入选者,可供选择的种类

  There were so many cakes that it was difficult

  to make a choice.


  Buying that book was my wise choice.


  This shop has a big choice of books.

  这间书店有很多书可供选择。 to make the best choice of

  精选 a careful choice

  细心的选择 the best choice

  最佳选择 without choice


  have no choice but to do sth.

  别无选择 我们作出了正确的选择。

  _____________________________________ 他别无选择,只好躺下睡觉。


  We have made the right choice. He has no choice but to lie down and sleep. Part 1 Of 2

  假设你在某旅行社做暑期工,负责为旅游项目“肇庆黄金沟(the Golden Valley)探险”写一份英文宣传资料。


  1. 活动名称:黄金沟探险;

  2. 特色:贴近自然,林中露营;锻炼身体,认识朋友;

  3. 服务优势:导游有经验;

  4. 注意事项:要走3、4小时的路,要求身体健康,穿舒适的鞋子。



  Welcome to our tour “Adventure in Zhaoqing Golden Valley”! You can get close to nature and go camping in the forest. Besides, it is a good opportunity to exercise your body and get to know more friends. All our guides have several years of experience in leading such adventures and they know the best routes and the best places to camp. As we have to walk three or four hours during the trip, you have to be fit and remember to wear comfortable shoes. 赚得 vt.

  _______________ 决定,确定 vt.

  _______________ 使人快乐的 adj.

  _______________ 二手的 adj.

  _______________ 勤奋的 adj.

  _______________ 关于,关系到 vt.

  _______________ 寝室,宿舍 n.

  _______________ 意识到的 adj.

  _______________ earn determine enjoyable second-hand hard-working concern dormitory aware 商人 n.

  _______________ (酒)醉的 adj.

  _______________ 记者 n.

  _______________ 贪婪的 adj.

  _______________ 交易,讨价还价 vt. & n. _______________ 现金 n.

  _______________ 产品 n.

  _______________ 热情的 adj.

  _______________ businessman drunk journalist greedy bargain cash product enthusiastic 惭愧的 adj.

  _______________ 有进取心的 adj.

  _______________ 打搅,使烦恼 vt.

  _______________ 女售货员 n.

  _______________ 皮革 n.

  _______________ 评论,评价 vt.

  _______________ 娱乐活动 n.

  _______________ 钻石 n.

  _______________ ashamed aggressive annoy salesgirl leather comment amusement diamond 吸引,引起兴趣 vi.

  _______________ 大约地 adv.

  _______________ 包含 vt.

  _______________ 平衡 n.

  _______________ 移开 vt.

  _______________ 重要(性) n.

  _______________ 经济 n.

  _______________ 使困惑 vt.

  _______________ appeal approximately contain balance remove importance economy puzzle 祖国,家乡 n.

  _______________ 举止,表现 vi.

  _______________ 取得进展,改进 vi.

  _______________ 实际的 adj.

  _______________ 无用的 adj.

  _______________ 信号n.

  _______________ 自由 n.

  _______________ 摄影 n.

  _______________ motherland / homeland behave advance practical useless signal freedom photography 自动的 adj.

  ________________ 焦点,中心 n.

  ________________ 喧闹的 adj.

  ________________ (电)冰箱 n.

  ________________ 翻译 n.

  ________________ 用电的 adj.

  ________________ 取代 vt.

  ________________ 高兴的,满意的 adj.

  ________________ 粗鲁的,无礼的 adj.

  ________________ 坚定的,稳固的 adj.

  ________________ automatic focus noisy refrigerator translation electric replace pleased rude firm 失业

  _______________________ 赠送给

  _______________________ 退学

  _______________________ 意识到

  _______________________ 决心做

  _______________________ 花时间在某事上

  _______________________ 不理睬,拒绝

  _______________________ out of work

  give away

  drop out

  be aware of

  be determined to do

  spend some time on sth.

  turn one’s back on 放弃

  ___________________ 厌倦

  ___________________ 使喜欢,吸引

  ___________________ 赞同,同意

  ___________________ 而且,更重要的是

  ___________________ 和……发生联系

  ___________________ 代替

  ___________________ give up

  be tired of

  appeal to

  agree with

  what is more

  be associated with

  instead of 编造,创造

  ___________________ 务必去做某事

  ___________________ 收拾起来,储存

  ___________________ 变弱,逐渐消失

  ___________________ 确定地说

  ___________________ 再三考虑

  ___________________ make up

  be sure to do sth.

  put away

  die away

  to be exact

  think twice about 1. 什么也不能让我再回到富人行列中了,决不能!

  I wouldn’t go back to being rich for anything

  —— no way. 2. 节目对年幼的儿童尤其有吸引力。

  The programme especially appeals to young

  children. 3. 会上,约翰编了一个笑话,使在场的人开怀大笑。

  At the party, John made up a joke, at which

  people burst out laughing. 4. 而且,这个项目的成功已经大大改善了当地居


  What is more, the success of the programme has

  greatly improved the lives of the local people. 5. 没有人知道我做了这件事,千万别把我出卖了。

  Nobody knows I’ve done this, so please don’t

  give me away. 1. replace vt. 取代,代替,替换

  常用结构:replace sb. / sth. with / by sb. / sth.

  George has replaced Edward as our captain.


  Can anything replace a mother’s love?


  I replaced the worn-out tires with / by new ones.

  我用新轮胎替换了那些磨损不堪的旧轮胎。 课堂上电脑永远不会取代老师。


  _______________________________________ 他们已经用新窗户更换了破窗户。


  _______________________________________ Teachers will never be replaced by computers in class. They have replaced a broken window with a new one. 2. determine vt.&vi. 决定,决心(做某事)

  He determined to travel no further that night.


  He has determined that nothing shall prevent him

  from going to work in the countryside.


  They determined on an early start.


  be determined to do sth.

  make up one’s mind to do sth.


  She is determined to do the job regardless of

  all consequences.

  她不顾一切后果,决心做这份工作。 3. concern vt. 关系到,担忧,关心; n. 关心,关心的事

  The safety of food concerns millions of families.


  She is always concerning about other people’s


  她总是关心别人的事情。 The boy’s poor health concerned his parents. 这男孩身体不好,他父母很担心。 Generally speaking, the main concern of parents

  is their children’s future. 一般说来,父母主要关心的是他们孩子的未来。 be / feel concerned about

  关心;忧虑 so / as far as…be concerned 关于;就……而言 房价是人们目前关心的事情之一。


  _______________________________________ 2. 你不应该不打招呼就离开,我很担心你。


  _______________________________________ The house price is one of people’s concerns at present. You should not have left without a word; I am concerned about you. 4. aware adj. 意识到的,觉察到的(用作表语)

  I don’t think people are really aware of just how

  much it costs.


  You must be aware that what you are doing is

  quite illegal.

  你必须意识到你正在做的事情完全是违法的。 I was too sleepy to be aware how cold it was. 我很困以至于没觉察到有多冷。 awareness n. 意识,知道 他好像没有意识到这些问题。

  _______________________________________ 你意识到困难了吗?

  _______________________________________ He doesn’t seem to be aware of the problems. Are you aware that there is a difficulty? 5. bargain

  ①n. 交易,便宜货

  I picked up a few good bargains in the sales.


  He and his partner had made a bargain to tell

  each other everything.

  他和他的合伙人约定,要互通信息,毫无保留。 ②v. 讨价还价

  常构成bargain with sb. about / over / for sth.

  We bargained with the farmer for a supply of

  milk and butter.

  我们为牛奶和黄油的供给跟那农夫讨价还价。 用适当的介词填空 The woman spent hours in the market, bargaining

  __________________the goods. He made a bargain ________ his wife, “You

  cook and I’ll wash up.” for / about / over with 6. ashamed adj. 羞耻的,惭愧的(多作表语) ①构成短语be ashamed of,意思是“为……而


  He is terribly ashamed of what he did.



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