2017届广东北师大版高考总复习(第1轮)英语:Module3 Unit9《Wheels》(2)-查字典英语网
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2017届广东北师大版高考总复习(第1轮)英语:Module3 Unit9《Wheels》(2)

发布时间:2017-02-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  mean作第一个意思解时,后面的非谓语动词用动名词,作第二个意思解时,后面的动词用不定式。 ③mean sth. to sb. 对某人重要,对某人有价值

  Your friendship means a great deal to me.

  你的友谊对我极为珍贵。 ④adj. 粗陋的,破烂不堪的;吝惜的,自私的

  a mean house in a mean street


  Her husband is rather mean over money matters.

  她的丈夫对钱财相当吝惜。 mean to do sth. 打算做某事 be meant to do sth. 应该干某事 Do you mean to say…?

  你的意思是说……吗? What do you mean by…? 你……是什么意思? You don’t mean to say so. 你不是这个意思吧。 1. — Why didn’t you tell Anna the truth?

  — I _________________(我本来打算).

  But I was lacking in the courage. 2. You _________________(应该) attend your

  sister’s wedding. Why didn’t you come? meant to have were meant to 16. agree agree to (do) sth. 同意/答应做某事 agree with 与……意见一致;与……符合;

  适宜于……的健康或体质 agree on 就……取得一致意见 I asked him to help me and he agreed. 我请他帮忙,他答应了。 They agreed to our study plan at once. 他们立即同意了我们的学习计划。 I do not agree with what you have said. 我不同意你所说的。 Your story agreed with what I had already heard. 你所说的故事和我所听到的相符。 The climate doesn’t agree with me. 这气候对我不适宜。 They all agree on the matter. 他们在这个问题上意见一致。 The two sides have agreed on the date of

  negotiations. 双方商定了谈判的日期。 1. 玛丽的父亲已同意她嫁给约翰。

  Mary’s father has _________ her marrying John. 2. 这账单与你原来的估计不符合。

  This bill does not ___________ your original

  estimate. 3. 他们商定了合同的条件。

  They _______________ the terms of the contract. agreed to agree with agreed on / upon 17. go up 上升;攀登

  I believe prices might go up next week.


  The river / temperature is going up.


  They went up the mountain/trees.

  他们爬上了山/爬上了树。 go up to 上升到

  go up by 上升了 18. carry out, carry on与carry through ①carry out 进行,实行

  We must carry out the plan to the full.


  There is some difficulty in carrying out the


  进行这个实验有些困难。 ②carry on 继续进行,坚持下去

  They carried on in spite of the difficult conditions.


  We’ll carry on our talk tomorrow.

  我们明天继续谈。 ③carry through 完成,进行到底

  Having made a promise, you must carry it through.

  既已许下承诺,你必须履行它。 1. 继续做你的针线活儿,我来给你读一个故事。

  _______________your sewing while I read

  you a story. 2. 他们坚决地执行了交给他们的任务。

  They resolutely ____________ the tasks

  assigned to them. 3. 他的勇气会帮助他克服一切困难。

  His courage will ____ him _______ all difficulties. Carry on with carried out carry

  through 19. get stuck in 被困于

  I was late because I got/was stuck in the

  traffic jam.


  The car got stuck in the mud.

  车陷入泥泞里了。 “get+过去分词”的常见短语: get married结婚

  get hurt受伤 get scolded受责备

  get excited激动 get cheated受骗

  get started开始 get bored厌烦

  get paid被付 get confused被弄糊涂 get dismissed被开除 get beaten挨打

  get killed被杀 get caught in为……所困 When I asked Jenny Trowe of Greenpeace for

  advice about how to give up, she told me six things. 当我问珍妮·托尔关于绿色和平怎样放弃时, 她告诉我6件事情。 本句中,疑问词how+动词不定式to give up作介 词about的宾语。此外,“疑问词+动词不定式” 还可作及物动词的宾语、句子的主语和表语等。 I don’t know what to do next.(宾) 我不知道下一步该做什么。 When to start hasn’t been decided.(主) 什么时候出发还没有决定。 My problem is where to stay tonight.(表) 我的问题是今晚在哪里过夜。 Please give me some advice on how to learn

  English.(宾) 请给我一些关于如何学英语的建议。 你能教我怎样用电脑吗?

  ______________________________________ 我不知道是否该给他回信。


  _____________________________________ Can you teach me how to use the computer? I don’t know whether to answer his letter (or not). 如何使用高级词汇及如何使句式多样化


  1.注意使用词组、习语来代替一些单词以增加文采。如:用catch sight of代替see,用care nothing for代替dislike等。


  Thank you for sharing the time with us. (用share而不用spend)

  The noise nearly drove me mad. (用drive而不用 make)

  Tom had his leg broken last week. (用have his leg broken而不用break his leg)

  3.避免重复使用同一单词或短语。如:用We have built a new classroom building besides the old one and we have also set up a library where the old one used to be. 比用We have built a new classroom building besides the old one and we have also built a library where the old one used to be. 好。


  可是,在实际写作中,初学写作的学生往往一 篇文章都是千篇一律的简单句,文章单调乏味,毫无生气。笔者认为,恰当地使用某些方法或手段有助于实际表达形式的多样化,增强表达效果。下面将常用方法简单介绍如下:

  1.改变句子的开头方式。不要一味地都是主语开头, 可以把状语置于句首等。如:

  (原) He was still absorbed in his work deep into the night.

  (改) Deep into the night, he was absorbed in his work.


  省略句: If necessary, we shall send a telegram home.

  倒装句: Not only did he refuse the gift, he also severely criticized the sender.

  强调句: It was at that moment that he changed his mind.


  (原)Yesterday my father went to Tianhe Mall. He bought us a lot of gifts.

  (改)Yesterday my father went to Tianhe Mall where

  he bought us a lot of gifts.

  (原)There was nothing else to do. We went home.

  (改)There being nothing else to do, we went home.

  英语的句式是多种多样的,只要从要表达的内容出发合理选用,文章的句式就会富于变化。在学习写作的过程中,学生应不断练习构造各种各样的句式,以提高语言表达能力。 按要求改写下列句子  1. The singer came out of the airport. A lot of fans followed him. He had a bunch of flowers in his hand.

  简单句:__________________________________ _____________________________________________ (2)并列句:__________________________________ _____________________________________________ ____________________

  Followed by a lot of fans, the singer came out of the airport, with a bunch of flowers in his hand.

  The singer came out of the airport, with a bunch of flowers in his hand, and a lot of fans followed him.

  (3)复合句:_______________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________  

  The singer who was followed by a lot of fans came out of the airport, with a bunch of flowers in his hand.

  2.My uncle lives in a small town. In the town there is a big factory. He has worked there for sixteen years.

  (1)用it改写上组句子: _________________________________________________________________________________

  (2)用复合句和并列句改写: _________________________________________________________________________________

  My uncle lives in a small town. In it there is a big factory. He has worked there for sixteen years.

  In the small town where my uncle lives, there is a big factory, and he has worked there for sixteen years. (3)用复合句和简单句改写: ____________________________________________________________________________________ (4)用复合句改写: ____________________________________________________________________________________

  My uncle lives in a small town, where there is a big factory. He has worked there for sixteen years.

  My uncle has worked for sixteen years in a big factory in the small town where he lives. Part 2 Of 2 11. cause, reason与excuse ①三个词都可以作名词,cause是自然造成某种结





  make up an excuse 编造一个借口 Too much work is no excuse for not studying. 工作太多并不是不学习的借口。 Heart trouble is one of the most serious causes

  of death among old people. 心脏病是导致老年人死亡的最重要的原因之一。 (不用reason) The cause of the fire is not known yet. 大火的原因还不清楚。(不用reason) The reason (why) I was absent yesterday is that I

  was sick. 我昨天缺席的原因是我生病了。(不用cause) We have no reason to disbelieve him. 我们没有理由不相信他。(不用cause) ① 名词cause可接介词或of短语,cause for后接表

  示忧虑、埋怨、惊恐等感情的词,如cause for

  anger / regret / anxiety / complaint(生气/后悔/忧

  虑/埋怨的原因),cause of后接感觉以外的名词。

  如:cause of the delay / the noise / the fighting/

  the disaster(耽搁/噪音/打架/灾难的原因)。 ② 在The reason (why) I was absent is that I was

  sick. 这一句中,引导定语从句的why可以换成

  for which, that引导表语从句,不能换成because。 ②cause可用作动词,cause trouble to/for people

  =cause people trouble表示“给人带来麻烦”,

  cause the patient much pain(使病人感到疼痛),

  也可用 cause sb. to do这一结构。

  The drought caused the vegetable prices to go up.


  The shaking of his hands caused the old teacher

  to give up teaching.

  手的颤抖病使得那位老教师放弃了教学工作。 ③reason可以作动词,意为“推理,推论,评理,劝说”。

  reason from general laws


  reason with sb. for / against sth.

  为了赞成/反对某事而与某人评理 1. 起火的原因是不谨慎。

  The _________ of the fire was carelessness. 2. 那些植物死于何种原因?

  What ________ the plants ____ die? cause caused

  to 12. compare



  Compare this with that, and you will see which

  is better.


  较好了。 compare作“比作……”解时,与介词to搭配,是 非同类事物的抽象比较。 Shakespeare compared the world to a stage. 莎士比亚把人生比作舞台。 People often compare girls to flowers. 人们常把姑娘比作花朵。 表示比较,可以用compare with或compare to,但 表示比喻,只能用compare to。 过去分词短语compared to或compared with表示 “与……比起来”,常在句中作状语,可位于句首 或句尾,介词to和with可通用。 It was a small place when compared to/with what

  it is now. 和现在比起来,那时它还是一个小地方。 13. 有关pull的短语 pull up

  (使)停住 pull out

  从车站开出,离站 pull in

  到站,进站 pull through

  恢复健康 pull down

  拆毁 The car pulled up at the traffic lights. 汽车在交通灯处停了下来。 We were still on the platform when the train

  pulled out. 当火车离站时,我们仍在站台上。 The train pulled in and my mother got out of the

  first carriage. 火车进站了,妈妈从第一个车厢中走了出来。 He was badly injured when falling off a horse but

  he will pull through. 从马上掉下来后,他严重受伤,但会恢复的。 That building on the corner was very old. They

  pulled it down and put up a modern bank. 角落的那栋楼太旧了,他们把它拆毁,建成一栋 现代化银行。 1. 从罗马来的快车准时进站了。

  The express from Rome ___________ on time. 2. 司机遇到交通灯时将车停下来。

  The driver __________ when he came to the

  traffic lights. pulled in pulled up 14. be fed up with / of / about…


  She will be a bit fed up if you don’t telephone her.


  I’m fed up of waiting for him, I must go now!


  I’m rather fed up with/about your complaint.

  我听够了你的牢骚。 15. mean ①vt. say sth. in different words 意思是,意味着

  What do you mean by saying so?


  What does this word mean?

  =What is meant by this word?


  What he said meant hiring more workers.

  他的意思是再雇一些工人。 ②vt. want or plan to do sth. 意欲,企图

  I didn’t mean to hurt you.


  He means to make progress.



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